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Although shock is clinically the most important consequence of trauma, it is only part of a complex response involving alterations in many aspects of metabolism. Moreover, it presents features which cannot be understood merely in terms of malfunction of the circulatory system, and defects in cellular metabolism may also be involved. Changes in the composition of blood and the distribution of water and electrolytes are important since they are highly relevant to questions of therapy. Alterations in acid-base physiology are particularly significant and are closely related to the cellular defects. During shock and for some time following recovery there are drastic changes in energy metabolisms and the utilization of protein. As with most aspects of the response to trauma, it is easier to describe these changes than to decide which are harmful and which are beneficial. Résumé. Bien que le choc soit au point de vue clinique, la conséquence la plus importante du trauma, c'est une partie seulement d'une réaction complexe comprenant des changements dans nombreux aspects de métabolisme. Cela présente d'ailleurs des caractéristiques que l'on ne peut simplement comprendre en termes de malfonctions du système de la circulation et il peut également être question de défauts dans le métabolisme cellulaire. Des changements dans la composition du sang et la balance électrolytique sont importants puisqu'ils se rapportent entièrement aux questions de thérapeutique. Des modifications dans la physiologie acido-basique sont particulièrement significatives et se rattachent étroitement aux défauts cellulaires. Pendant le choc et quelque temps aprts la période de récuperation, il y a des changements drastiques dans le métabolisme basal et l'utilisation de protéine. Comme avec la plupart des aspects de réaction ou trauma, il est plus facile de décrire ces changements que de déterminer lesquels sont néfastes et lesquels sont avantageux. Zusammenfassung. Obwohl Schock klinisch gesehen, die wichtigste Folge von Trauma ist, ist er bloss Teil einer Komplexreaktion die Änderungen des Stoffwechsels in vielen Aspekten einbegreift. Er zeigt jedoch Merkmale die nicht allein in Beziehung zu schlechten Funktionen des Kreislauf-Systems verstanden werden kann, ebenfalls könnten Defekte in zellulärem Stoffwechsel einbegriffen sein. Veränderungen in der Komposition des Blutes und in dem Elektrolyt- und Wasserhaushalt sind wichtig, da sie höchst aufschlussreich für Fragen der Therapie sind. Veränderungen in der Säure-Basen-Physiologie sind besonders bedeutsam und eng mit den zellulären Defekten verbunden. Während des Schocks und für einige zeitlang nach der Genesung gibt es drastische Veränderungen im Grundumsatz und der Eiweissverdauung. Wie mit meisten Aspekten von dem Verhalten zu Trauma, ist es leichter diese Veränderungen zu beschreiben als zu entscheiden, welche schädlich und welche nützlich sind.  相似文献   


This survey was instigated in an endeavour to determine the overall incidence of metabolic disorders in dairying herds in the area covered by the Huntly District Veterinary Club. Response to treatment and mortality figures are also included.  相似文献   

Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is a widely recognized collection of risk factors for endocrinopathic laminitis. The most important of these risk factors is insulin dysregulation (ID). Clinicians and horse owners must recognize the presence of these risk factors so that they can be targeted and controlled to reduce the risk of laminitis attacks. Diagnosis of EMS is based partly on the horse's history and clinical examination findings, and partly on laboratory testing. Several choices of test exist which examine different facets of ID and other related metabolic disturbances. EMS is controlled mainly by dietary strategies and exercise programs that aim to improve insulin regulation and decrease obesity where present. In some cases, pharmacologic aids might be useful. Management of an EMS case is a long‐term strategy requiring diligence and discipline by the horse's carer and support and guidance from their veterinarians.  相似文献   

Phytic acid (PA) is present in considerable amounts in the seeds of many plant species consumed by animals. Little is known about its influence on metabolic processes. In the performed experiment the effect of rats feeding a standard laboratory diet (Murigran) with increasing supplements of PA on some hormones and biochemical parameters was tested. Male Wistar rats were divided into five groups of eight animals each. In the first group (control) rats were fed a diet without any supplement whereas the groups II-V received food with added PA: 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 1%. After 20 days animals were decapitated, blood serum, liver and tight muscles were sampled. In rats fed a diet enriched in PA the concentration of thyroid hormones was diminished. Simultaneously, T(3)/T(4) ratio was slightly reduced. These changes were accompanied by a rise in blood glucose level and an augmentation in liver and muscle glycogen stores and were found in spite of unchanged blood insulin. Consumption of food with increased amounts of PA resulted in a substantial reduction of liver triglyceride content, but serum triglycerides were not affected. In rats from groups II and III serum free-fatty acids concentration was reduced. However, in animals receiving highest PA supplement this effect was not observed. Serum calcium and magnesium were not affected by PA. Serum iron was significantly reduced, but only in rats on the highest supplement of the tested compound. Results obtained in this experiment clearly indicate that the PA is able to induce hormonal and metabolic changes in animals. These changes seem to result not only from reduced bioavailability of minerals but also from interactions of PA with nutrients and enzymes in the liver.  相似文献   

Complex clinical and clinico-biochemical examination of the blood, urine and rumen liquor in a herd of dairy cows revealed chronical metabolic acidosis accompanied by rumen dysfunction and by a reduced butterfat content of milk. During the first examination of the acid-base state of the blood was almost at a standard level. An increased level of urea in blood plasma and a higher GOT transaminase activity testified to an excessive load on the liver. Urine pH was considerably deviated towards the acidic side and inorganic phosphorus was present in urine in a greater concentration. The pH of rumen liquor was slightly shifted towards alkalinity owing to the release of NH3 from urea in the food ration. The diagnosis--suspect chronical metabolic acidosis--was determined on the basis of the first examination. Chronical metabolic acidosis was definitely proved by the second examination when urea had been excluded from the feed ration. Repeated examinations revealed chronical metabolic acidosis which had originally been accompanied by a higher rumen liquor pH. On the basis of case histories and mechanisms of chronical acidosis, measures were proposed, resulting in an increase of the butterfat content of milk. Chronical metabolic disorders often follow a long-lasting latent pattern, manifesting themselves as a reduced milk yield and lower resistance; the clinical form of disease appears only at a later stage. The system of preventive diagnostics provides information on the changes in the composition of internal medium and of the faeces before a drop occurs in milk and fat production. These measures prevent metabolic disorders and high losses of produce which otherwise remain hidden for a long time.  相似文献   

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