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REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: There are no detailed studies describing a relationship between hindlimb lameness and altered motion of the back. OBJECTIVES: To quantify the effect of induced subtle hindlimb lameness on thoracolumbar kinematics in the horse. METHODS: Kinematics of 6 riding horses were measured during walk and trot on a treadmill before and during application of pressure on the sole of the left hindlimb using a well-established sole pressure model. Reflective markers were located at anatomical landmarks on the limbs, back, head and neck for kinematic recordings. Ground reaction forces (GRF) in individual limbs were calculated from kinematics to detect changes in loading of the limbs. RESULTS: When pressure on the sole of the hindlimb was present, horses were judged as lame (grade 2 on the AAEP scale 1-5) by an experienced clinician. No significant unloading of this limb was found in the group of horses (unloading was observed in 4 animals, but was not detectable in the other 2), but statistically significant effects on back kinematics were detected. The overall flexion-extension (FE) range of motion (ROM) of the vertebral column was increased at walk, especially in the thoracic segments. Axial rotation (AR) ROM of the pelvis was also increased. At trot, the FE ROM was decreased only in the segment L3-L5-S3. During the stance phase of the lame limb, the segment T6-T10-T13 was more flexed and the neck was lowered at both gaits; the thoracolumbar segments were more extended at walk and trot. There were no significant changes in the stride length or protraction-retraction angles in any of the limbs. CONCLUSIONS: Subtle hindlimb lameness provoked slight but detectable changes in thoracolumbar kinematics. The subtle lameness induced in this study resulted in hyperextension and increased ROM of the thoracolumbar back, but also in decreased ROM of the lumbosacral segment and rotational motion changes of the pelvis. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Even subtle lameness can result in changes in back kinematics, which emphasises the intricate link between limb function and thoracolumbar motion. It may be surmised that, when chronically present, subtle lameness induces back dysfunction.  相似文献   

An 18‐year‐old Warmblood stallion was presented for an acute onset nonweightbearing right hindlimb lameness following a mild lameness of 2 weeks' duration. Severe swelling was present in the right femoral area. Despite extensive diagnostic procedures, no definitive diagnosis could be made. Packed red cell volume was persistently low. The horse improved with supportive treatment and was discharged at the owner's request. The horse presented 4 days later for bleeding from a previously made incision on the lateral femoral area. Due to deterioration of his condition, the stallion was subjected to euthanasia. Diagnosis of disseminated haemangiosarcoma, affecting primarily the hindlimb musculature and leading to pathological fracture of the femur was made at necropsy and subsequent histopathology.  相似文献   

为了确定应用手持式红外线测温仪筛选奶牛蹄部不同部位的温度用于奶牛跛行的诊断价值,本研究在奶牛修蹄前进行跛行评分,修蹄后用手持式红外线测温仪分别测量奶牛右后蹄系部、右后蹄外侧趾远轴侧蹄壁和右后蹄外侧趾蹄底三角区的温度,分析其与奶牛跛行程度的相关性,并绘制不同部位蹄部温度的ROC曲线,确定其诊断作用和最佳临界值.结果显示,...  相似文献   

In present study production performance of 96 lame cows was compared with 67 healthy cows. No significant effect of parity and year of calving on milk yield were observed but the effect of season of calving was significant (P < 0.01). Effect of lameness on milk yield at the second, third and fourth months and 305 days was highly significant (P < 0.01), and was also significant (P < 0.05) on lactation yield of the fifth and tenth months. The effect of lameness on monthly and 305‐day milk yield was significant (P < 0.01) only for those cows diagnosed lame before calving and during the first month of lactation. The differences in mean monthly yield were highly significant (P < 0.01) at the second, third and fourth months; and significant (P < 0.05) in the first and fifth months. The loss in the first lactation month of cows which were diagnosed as lame in the second month, was found to be significant (P < 0.05). Thus the yield of the month previous to the diagnosis (sub‐clinical stage) was also affected. A significant (P < 0.01) total loss of 498.95 kg of milk yield was observed during a period of 305 days.  相似文献   

There is limited information documenting hind foot conformation. The objectives of the study were to describe the shape of the hoof capsule of hindlimbs from the lateral aspect in horses of variable breeds, and, within horses, to compare the conformation of the hoof capsule of forelimbs and hindlimbs and determine the orientation of the distal phalanx within the hoof capsule in hindlimbs. Lateral photographs of the fore and hind feet (n = 225) and lateromedial radiographs of the hind feet (n = 29) were obtained. Differences among breed and shoeing status groups were assessed using multivariable mixed-effects linear regression models. Angular parameters and ratios of linear measurements were compared between fore and hind feet; angular radiological variables and photographic parameters of the hind feet were compared. The mean dorsal hoof wall angle for hind feet (50.9°±3.7°) was smaller than forefeet (51.8°±3.9°) (P = 0.04). The mean heel angles for hind feet (36.4°±9.6°) were smaller than forefeet (40.1°±9.3°; P < 0.001). Dorsal hoof wall (P < 0.001) and heel (P = 0.002) angles were larger in unshod than shod feet. In the hind feet, the dorsal hoof wall was parallel to the dorsal aspect of the distal phalanx. The median angle of the distal phalanx to the horizontal (angle S) was 0.6° (interquartile range: −1.4, 2.3°). There was a positive relationship between angle S and the hoof wall angle (W); each 1° increase in angle S was associated with 0.6° increase in angle W (P < 0.001). Angle S was also positively associated with photographic heel angle; each degree increase in the angle S was associated with 1.8° increase in the heel angle (P < 0.001). It was concluded that the angle of the distal phalanx to the horizontal in hindlimbs is smaller than published values for forelimbs. The orientation of the distal phalanx in hindlimbs is correlated with external characteristics of the hoof capsule.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Advances in gait analysis techniques have led to assessment tools that can aid in detecting and quantifying lameness; here, bilateral tuberà coxae and pelvic movement during over ground locomotion are compared in order to investigate a practical method to assess hindlimb lameness in the horse. Objectives: To evaluate which parameters from anatomical landmarks on trunk and proximal hindlimbs are the best indicators of degree and side of hindlimb lameness. Methods: Fifteen horses (age 11–23 years, 6 nonlame and 9 unilaterally hindlimb lame horses 1/10 to 2/10 lame) were fitted with 4 inertial sensors: tuber sacrale, left and right tubera coxae and withers; 889 strides were collected from 6 trot trials per horse. Horses were assessed for lameness by a qualified equine orthopaedic surgeon from videos. Vertical displacement data for each sensor were used to calculate symmetry indices as well as published Fourier analysis based parameters. Linear discriminant analysis was used to determine the most discriminative parameters for 2 scenarios: grading of severity of lameness and identification of the affected limb. Results: Pelvic energy ratio gave the best indication for the degree of lameness. Directional symmetry index of the tubera coxae sensors yielded the highest discriminative power for identification of the lame limb. Conclusions and potential relevance: A good indication of the degree of hindlimb lameness can be obtained from vertical displacement data of the pelvic midline, collected from inertial sensors during over ground locomotion. The trunk mounted inertial sensor system allows for a time efficient collection of a representative database from horses with differing grade and site of lameness in a clinical setting. This is crucial for future work on a robust definition of the best parameters for lameness classification under practical conditions.  相似文献   

Equine lymphosarcoma is rare but has been reported in mediastinal lymph nodes, cutaneous nodules, the gastrointestinal system and peripheral lymph nodes. This report describes the clinical presentation of lymphosarcoma characterised by weight shifting, reluctance to ambulate or peripheral oedema. This case is extremely atypical in clinical presentation and justifies the need for consideration of lymphosarcoma when formulating a differential diagnosis of lameness with atypical presentation.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Visual assessment of horses' movements is subjective, affected by bias and dependent on the level of experience of the assessor. However, to date there are no data available on the ability of the human visual system to recognise (a)symmetry in moving objects. Objectives: To investigate, using visual lameness assessment, the limits of human perception and the ability of experienced and nonexperienced individuals to detect asymmetry in 2 moving objects simulating hindlimb lameness in the horse. Methods: Twelve experienced individuals (equine and small animal clinicians), and 24 nonexperienced individuals (undergraduate veterinary students) were presented with computer simulations showing 2 ‘tuber coxae markers’ created using data from both lame and nonperceptibly lame horses, as well as artificial data based on a sine wave. Individuals were asked to classify as symmetrical or asymmetrical, and then rank based on the grade of perceived asymmetry. Repeatability and learning effect were evaluated by repeating the tests on a subset of subjects. Results: The threshold for detection of movement asymmetry was found to be approximately 25% difference in amplitude between the 2 moving objects for all individuals. There was no significant difference between experienced and nonexperienced individuals in the ability to detect asymmetry in the simulations based on artificial data. However, the percentage of correct answers was higher for experienced compared to nonexperienced individuals for simulations based on data from real lame horses. Conclusions: There was a significant difference between experienced and nonexperienced individuals in the ability to identify asymmetric movement based on the pattern seen in a lame horse, as opposed to an artificial pattern for which all individuals showed similar performance. Potential relevance: The study provides the basis for the development of computer simulations that could aid in training veterinarians in the diagnosis of lameness and, even, the objective assessment of expertise in this field.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: In the treatment of laminitis it is believed that reducing tension in the deep digital flexor tendon by raising the palmar angle of the hoof can reduce the load on the dorsal lamellae, allowing them to heal or prevent further damage. Objective: To determine the effect of alterations in hoof angle on the load in the dorsal laminar junction. Methods: Biomechanical finite element models of equine hooves were created with palmar angles of the distal phalanx varying from 0–15°. Tissue material relations accounting for anisotropy and the effect of moisture were used. Loading conditions simulating the stages in the stance where the vertical ground reaction force, midstance joint moment and breakover joint moment were maximal, were applied to the models. The loads were adjusted to account for the reduction in joint moment caused by increasing the palmar angle. Models were compared using the stored elastic energy, an indication of load, which was sampled in the dorsal laminar junction. Results: For all loading cases, increasing the palmar angle increased the stored elastic energy in the dorsal laminar junction. The stored elastic energy near the proximal laminar junction border for a palmar angle of 15° was between 1.3 and 3.8 times that for a palmar angle of 0°. Stored elastic energy at the distal laminar junction border was small in all cases. For the breakover case, stored elastic energy at the proximal border also increased with increasing palmar angle. Conclusions and potential relevance: The models in this study predict that raising the palmar angle increases the load on the dorsal laminar junction. Therefore, hoof care interventions that raise the palmar angle in order to reduce the dorsal lamellae load may not achieve this outcome. See also correspondence by Redden See also correspondence by Curtis  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Research has highlighted a high frequency of skeletal asymmetries in horses. In addition, research into hoof asymmetries has shown that within a bilateral pair, the hoof with the smaller angle is often subjected to greater loading. There has been limited attention paid to understanding compensatory mechanisms for skeletal asymmetries in the horse; the dynamic structure of the hoof could potentially be acting in a compensatory capacity. Objectives: To investigate the relationship between morphometry of forelimb segments and hoof spread and their incidence of asymmetry. Methods: Ten bilateral measurements of the hoof and forelimb were taken from 34 leisure horses. The relationship between hoof spread and forelimb segment measurements were analysed using a generalised linear model (GLM). Results: In relation to left hoof spread, the GLM identified significant negative relationships with left side measurements (third metacarpal length, elbow height), and significant positive relationships with right side measurements (fetlock height, third metacarpal length, elbow height). In relation to right hoof spread, the GLM identified significant negative relationship with left elbow height, and significant positive relationships with right side measurements (fetlock height, point of shoulder). The difference between the number of horses larger to the left or to the right was found to be significant for point of shoulder height (X2= 4.8, P<0.05), and highly significant for heel height (X2= 9.53, P<0.01) and the third metacarpal length (X2= 7.26, P<0.01). Conclusions and clinical relevance: The study demonstrated considerable asymmetry in left‐right morphometry of the equine limb. The fact that measurements of hoof spread were significantly associated with limb segment measurements could possibly indicate that an interaction exists. Any asymmetry in hoof spread measurements may suggest unequal loading of the limbs, which in turn may contribute to injuries and reduced performance.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Warmblood horse studbooks aim to breed horses with a conformation that will enable elite future performance, but reduce the risk of injuries and lameness. Negative conformational traits, such as asymmetrical or ‘uneven’ forefeet would possibly diminish performance. Objectives: To assess the prevalence and heritability of uneven feet and its genetic relationship to other conformation traits as well as to sporting performance later in life in Warmblood riding horses. Methods: The databases of the Royal Dutch Warmblood Studbook (KWPN, n = 44,840 horses) and Royal Dutch Equestrian Sports Federation (KNHS, n = 33,459 horses in dressage and n = 30,474 horses in showjumping) were linked through the unique number of each registered horse. Therefore, heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations could be estimated from the scores of the jury at studbook admission and the sports performance of that population in dressage and jumping over the period 1990–2002. Results: The prevalence of uneven feet was 5.3% on average, and increased from under 4.5% during the first 3 years of recording to over 8% in the years from 2000 onwards. Heritability estimates of foot conformation traits were moderate and ranged from 0.16 for heel height to 0.27 for hoof shape. The genetic correlation between the trait of uneven feet and performance in competition was negative but weak: ?0.09 with dressage and ?0.12 with showjumping. Conclusions: Predisposition to uneven feet can be reduced by selection. Because of weak genetic correlations, the increased prevalence is not directly associated with selection for better sports performance or higher conformation grade. If the trait ‘uneven feet’ arises from a disproportionate relationship between height at the withers and neck length, then selection on conformation grade might result in development of uneven feet. In general, limb conformation has a moderate genetic relationship to conformation grade and foot conformation traits have a genetic relationship to sporting performance. Reducing occurrence of uneven feet by selection is possible, without limiting progress in sport performance.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: There is little scientific evidence to support the premise that poor foot conformation predisposes to foot pain and lameness. Objectives: To determine relationships between external characteristics of the hoof capsule and angles of the distal phalanx; to determine variability in shape of the distal phalanx; and to investigate association between distal phalanx angles and the injury causing lameness. Materials and methods: Feet were documented photographically and radiographically. Linear and angle measurements were obtained for the hoof capsule and distal phalanx and compared statistically. Horses were categorised according to injury group, and angles and linear ratios were compared between groups. Results: There was modest correlation between hoof wall and heel angles and angles of the distal phalanx. There was variation in shape of the distal phalanx. There was no significant association between injury type and angles of the distal phalanx, although there was a trend for the angle of the dorsal aspect of the distal phalanx with the horizontal to be smaller in horses with injuries of the podotrochlear apparatus or deep digital flexor tendon compared with other groups. Conclusions: There are variations in shape of the distal phalanx largely due to differences in orientation of the concave solar border and the solar border to the horizontal. Variations in shape of the distal phalanx were not accurately correlated with external characteristics of the hoof capsule. There were weak associations between injury groups and angles of the distal phalanx. Clinical relevance: Further work is required to elucidate risk factors for foot‐related lameness.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Radial strain in normal hooves has been found to vary with strain gauge location, limb posture and sample limb but reported magnitudes were considered to be low. More accurate measurement of radial strain may enhance the understanding of hoof function. Objectives: To explore in vitro radial hoof strain in relation other kinetic and kinematic variables that may be related. Methods: Five normal forelimbs were removed at the proximal articular surface of the third metacarpal bone (McIII). The limbs were loaded using a modified Instron test machine. Six calibrated infrared cameras captured movement from markers on the hoof and bone fixed markers on the second and first phalanxes and McIII, whilst radial hoof strain was measured using a calibrated instrumented plug. Change in strain, joint angle and load were found at simulated walking postures and bivariate correlations were used to compare the relationships between them. Results: Radial strain was moderately correlated with proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ) rotation (r =?0.519). Large reductions in radial strain were found in loading and midstance with 10° of heel lift postures. Conclusions and potential relevance: PIPJ rotation has previously been linked to the magnitude of deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) loads and it is therefore suspected that these loads may have the greatest influence on radial strain magnitudes. Further investigation of radial strain is needed to describe the patterns fully during the stance phase in vivo.  相似文献   

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