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重庆市涪陵区于2016年1月引进了南高丛早熟品种蓝雨(Bluerain)、中熟品种来格西(Legacy)2个蓝莓品种进行试种,试验表明,两个蓝莓品种均表现出适应性强、长势较好、早结丰产的性状。本文介绍了这两个蓝莓品种在涪陵区试种的物候期、生长结果表现以及建园、土肥水管理、整形修剪、病虫害防治等栽培技术。  相似文献   

2014年由克莱姆森大学及美国农业部(USDA-ARS)公布了一些越桔属新品种,包括蓝莓新品种33个,具体包括北高丛蓝莓10个、南高丛蓝莓14个、兔眼蓝莓7个、还有2个未知类别的蓝莓新品种;除公布蓝莓新品种外,还公布了1个蔓越桔新品种。从公布的这些数据可以看出,近年来蓝莓的的育种趋势多集中于早熟品种和晚熟品种,另外,鲜食品种多于加工品种,以及一些具有其他功能的蓝莓新品种也日益受到重视;蔓越桔品种的育种方向依然是开发大果、高产和抗病性好等优异性状的品种。通过该统计结果可知,开发具有多种优异性状的南高丛品种是蓝莓育种的大趋势,其次是北高丛蓝莓和兔眼蓝莓,这也为开发出具有我国自主知识产权的蓝莓新品种指引一定的方向。本文将主要介绍蓝莓、蔓越桔新品种以及它们的特征。  相似文献   

2012年美国农业部(USDA-ARS)公布了一些越桔属新品种,其中包括蓝莓新品种34个,具体包括北高丛蓝莓新品种14个,南高丛蓝莓新品种11个,兔眼蓝莓新品种9个;除公布蓝莓新品种外,还公布了蔓越桔新品种2个。从公布的这些数据中可以看出,北高丛蓝莓育出新品种的数量最多,南高丛次之,兔眼最少,从这些数据中还可以发现,近年来的育种趋势是蓝莓育种研究者逐渐在提高南高丛蓝莓和兔眼蓝莓的育种数量,同时也有更多的育种研究者越来越重视蔓越桔新品种的开发。将主要介绍这些越桔属新品种以及特点。  相似文献   

以‘天赐五号’、‘天赐八号’、‘蓝金’和‘奥尼尔’等4个蓝莓品种作为授粉品种,对‘灿烂’兔眼蓝莓进行异花授粉,以‘灿烂’兔眼蓝莓自花授粉为对照,研究了不同授粉品种对着果率、果实品质和果实外观性状的影响,以期为‘灿烂’兔眼蓝莓生产栽培选择适宜授粉树提供科学依据。研究结果表明:4个授粉品种与‘灿烂’间都具良好的亲和性,对着果率、可溶性固形物含量、花色苷、总酸含量、单果重、纵径、横径、果形指数、萼洼、果蒂、萼片、果形和果梗分离等性状均有显著影响。虽然‘天赐八号’授粉后着果率显著低于‘天赐五号’、‘蓝金’,但其着果率仍可以达到70%以上,同时其可溶性固形物含量、花色苷、总酸含量、单果重、纵径、横径、果形指数等亦显著优于其他授粉品种,这表明‘天赐八号’为‘灿烂’最佳授粉搭配品种。  相似文献   

近年来,随着蓝莓高效营养价值的开发及其适宜发展观光采摘的特点,促使广东地区积极开展蓝莓引种试种工作。清远市是广东省内的“农业+旅游”大市,做好蓝莓引进和推广工作有利于为产业发展助力。蓝莓传统种植地在北方,南引种植成功的关键在于选择需冷量低、抗热性好的品种。本研究对4个南高丛蓝莓品种进行引种表现分析,并开展适应性评价,旨在为清远市蓝莓产业发展提供指导和示范。通过对蓝雨等4个蓝莓品种的引种试验结果表明,蓝雨的各项抗逆性均强于其余3个品种,并具有早熟、优质、自然适应性强等优势,是可以作为在清远市大面积推广的蓝莓品种之一。  相似文献   

以大连地区引种栽培的南高丛蓝莓6个品种为研究对象,使用LI-6400XT光合作用测量仪测量其净光合速率对25℃-36℃间各个温度的光合-温度响应曲线,以及净光合速率对1200、1000、800、 600、400、200、100、50、30、10、0(μmol/(m2?s))各光合有效辐射下的光合-光响应曲线。经过曲线分析表明,高温环境下光合生理活动表现较好的是蓝雨,其次是开普菲尔,奥尼尔、夏普兰、蓝脊3个品种适中,表现最差的是薄雾;利用光强能力最强的是蓝雨和开普菲尔,其次是蓝脊,再次是夏普兰和奥尼尔,利用光强能力最差的是薄雾;耗水量大的品种是开普菲尔和夏普蓝,蓝脊适中,耗水量小的品种是蓝雨、薄雾和奥尼尔。研究结论旨在为其他地区引进栽培南高丛蓝莓提供理论参考。  相似文献   

摘要:为了解贵州省麻江县蓝莓基地菌根侵染情况,采用酸性品红染色法对麻江县3个蓝莓基地的兔眼蓝莓和龙崩基地不同品种的蓝莓进行菌根侵染情况调查,并对其根际土壤进行分析,结果表明:蓝莓菌根比较简单,主要有四种类型:丛枝菌根、杜鹃花类菌根、具柱状囊泡类型的菌根和外生菌根。各样地蓝莓菌根侵染情况不高;不同基地蓝莓菌根侵染率差异不明显(P>0.05);不同品种蓝莓菌根侵染率存在显著差异(P<0.05);15a生蓝莓菌根侵染率显著高于3~5a生蓝莓(P<0.05)。蓝莓根系菌根侵染率与土壤P、SOC呈显著正相关(r>0.9,P<0.01)、与全K、pH值呈显著负相关(r<-0.89,P<0.01)。  相似文献   

本论文通过测定安徽省安庆市9种主栽蓝莓的感官品质、营养成分和加工品质,进而采取聚类分析法来评价蓝莓品种的综合品质。结果表明:不同品种蓝莓的品质存在明显差异,单果密度、还原糖、总酸差异较大。巴尔德温单果密度最大,达到9.0g/cm3;夏普蓝的总糖、总酸、蛋白质、电导率和出汁率都达到最高,分别为11.26%、10.4%、1.32%、1.69μS/cm和70.2%。9个品种经聚类分析可划分为4类,第1类夏普蓝,第2类顶峰,第3类奥尼尔、园蓝和独秀8号,第4类巴尔德温、杰兔、粉蓝和灿烂。  相似文献   

以‘粉蓝’、‘蒂夫蓝’、‘芭尔德温’和‘灿烂’4个品种作为授粉品种,对‘杰兔’进行异花授粉,以其自花授粉为对照,研究了不同授粉组合对着果率和品质的影响,以期为‘杰兔’生产栽培中选择适宜授粉品种提供科学依据。研究结果表明,4个授粉品种与‘杰兔’间都具有一定的亲和性,花粉直感对‘杰兔’蓝莓的外在品质和内在品质都有显著的影响,包括着果率、果实横径、果实纵径、单果重和可溶性固形物含量。以‘芭尔德温’为授粉树的着果率不仅最高,而且其果实的果实横径、果实纵径、单果重、可溶性固形物含量等亦显著优于其他授粉组合。这表明‘芭尔德温’是‘杰兔’蓝莓最佳的授粉搭配品种。  相似文献   

【目的】研究不同营养液施用量对两年生蓝莓结果树生理生化及果实品质的影响,筛选蓝莓结果期最佳营养液施用浓度,为蓝莓无土栽培中营养液的合理使用提供理论依据。【方法】以两年生蓝莓‘夏普蓝’(‘Sharpblue’)基质盆栽结果树为试验材料,设置50% Hoagland营养液、100% Hoagland营养液(对照)、150% Hoagland三个处理,测定植株生长量、叶片叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶活性、抗氧化物质含量及果实品质等指标,进行综合分析与评价。【结果】150% Hoagland营养液处理下蓝莓株高和冠幅增加最快,叶片叶绿素、可溶性蛋白含量较高,丙二醛(MDA)、H2O2含量以及O2˙ˉ产生速率较低,叶片光合性能和抗氧化能力较强;150% Hoagland处理下果实较大,单果重、产量和果实花色苷、多酚、可溶性蛋白、可溶性固形物、有机酸含量较高。【结论】150% Hoagland营养液有利于蓝莓果树生长、结果和果实品质形成。  相似文献   

对引进的14个蓝莓品种的植物学、生物学及园艺性状观测,通过综合评价,筛选出表现好的蓝莓品种8个。其中,北高丛蓝莓 蓝丰、公爵、伯克利果实较大,品质佳,成熟期在5月中下旬,可以作为早熟鲜食品种发展。兔眼蓝莓粉蓝、顶峰、梯芙蓝、芭尔德温、果个较大,味道甜,果实品质中上,产量较高,成熟期在6月中下旬,可以作为中熟鲜食品种发展。园蓝虽然果实较小,但可溶性固形物和花色素含量高,产量较高,可以发展为加工品种。  相似文献   

以首次引进江西南昌地区的美青、布里吉塔、莱茜、维尔、美蓝、园蓝、粉蓝、杰兔、芭尔徳温和灿烂共10个蓝莓品种为试材,对其果实营养品质及色素含量进行分析。结果表明,Vc含量最高的是美蓝(0.344 mg/g)和芭尔徳温(0.343 mg/g)蓝莓;美青蓝莓可溶性糖含量最高,达10.22%;莱茜和灿烂的可滴定酸含量最低,分别是0.98%和0.99%;糖酸比最高的是灿烂(10.285),其次是园蓝(9.32)。在果实色素含量方面,园蓝的花青苷和类胡萝卜素含量最高,分别为1.921 mg/g、0.039 mg/g,而粉蓝的类黄酮含量最高(1.163 mg/g)。总体而言,园蓝蓝莓的营养价值较高,含有较丰富的花青苷。  相似文献   

蓝莓杂交育种工作的目标主要集中在改善蓝莓的果实品质、提高产量、增强抗病性和耐贮性、提早或延迟果实成熟期等方面,北美在近10年开发出很多新的蓝莓品种,其中开发出北高丛蓝莓新品种31个,南高丛蓝莓新品种53个,兔眼蓝莓新品种24个,半高从蓝莓新品种3个,矮丛蓝莓新品种5个。从公布的这些数据可以看出,开发出的南高丛蓝莓新品种最多,北高丛次之,半高从最少,说明越来越多的蓝莓育种者越来越重视南高丛新品种的开发,这样可以将南高丛蓝莓的优良基因更好地开发出来,并将其逐步渗入到北高丛蓝莓品种中,以改善北高丛蓝莓的性状。随着现代生物技术的不断发展,将为蓝莓杂交育种工作开辟新的领域,也将加快蓝莓的育种进程。本文综述了近10年北美蓝莓新品种资源及其特征。  相似文献   

为获得植物工厂中不同蓝莓品种合理的修剪和疏花疏果方式,本文通过对不同蓝莓品种植物工厂中成花情况进行调查,并对其与枝条性状的相关性进行分析研究发现:(1)工厂化栽培蓝莓‘绿宝石’‘珠宝’品种的成花容易,平均每枝条花芽数分别可达3.9和4.4个,花芽量可达生产所需;‘优瑞卡’成花相对较难,平均每枝条花芽数仅为1.9个。(2)不同品种蓝莓花芽与枝条性状具一定相关性,各品种蓝莓的花芽数与枝条粗度呈显著相关。工厂化栽培不同品种蓝莓其成花情况不同,花芽数主要受枝条粗度影响,各品种蓝莓的花芽主要集中于粗度3-5cm的中长果枝,为工厂化栽培蓝莓提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of barley varieties in the diets of finishing steers on carcass composition, fat, and lean color and the fatty acid profile of subcutaneous fat. Crossbred steers (391 kg initial BW) were assigned randomly to one of five finishing diets composed primarily of corn (n = 9), Morex barley (n = 9), Steptoe barley, (n = 9), or two experimental barley varieties SM3 (n = 9) and SM5 (n = 9). Grains were cracked prior to feeding. Diets were formulated (DM basis) to be isonitrogenous (2.24% N) and isocaloric (2.01 Mcal/kg NEm and 1.35 Mcal/kg NEg). Steers were slaughtered according to industry-accepted procedures when it was visually estimated that 70% of carcasses would grade USDA Choice. After a 24-h chill at 4 degrees C, carcass quality and yield grade data were collected by trained, experienced university personnel. Objective color (L*, a*, and b*) of both the LM and subcutaneous fat were measured, and samples of subcutaneous fat were removed from the 10th- to 12th-rib region for fatty acid analysis. Diet did not affect hot carcass weight (P = 0.15), fat thickness (P = 0.58), LM area (P = 0.57), percentage of internal fat (P = 0.52), yield grade (P = 0.96), marbling (P = 0.73), or quality grade (P = 0.10). However, the LM from steers fed diets formulated with Morex and SM5 barley varieties tended to be lighter (higher L* values, P = 0.08) than the LM from steers fed the corn-based diet. Additionally, fat from steers fed corn tended to be more yellow (higher Hunter b* values, P = 0.09) than fat from steers fed barley-based diets. Although grain source had only minimal effects on the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous fat samples, pentadecanoic acid (15:0) was greater (P < 0.05) in fat from steers fed SM3 and Steptoe barley varieties than in fat from steers fed corn. Stearic acid (18:0) concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) in fat samples from steers fed corn than in those fed the experimental barley lines (SM3 and SM5). Conversely, fat samples from steers fed Steptoe and SM5 barley had greater (P < 0.05) gadoleic acid (20:1) concentrations than fat from steers fed corn or Morex variety. Although the variety/line of barley included in the finishing diet may affect LM and fat color, grain-source (barley vs. corn) had little effect on beef carcass quality and yield grades and did not greatly alter the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous fat.  相似文献   

Eighty-four crossbred gilts were used to evaluate the effects of dietary choice white grease (CWG) or poultry fat (PF) on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and quality characteristics of longissimus muscle (LM), belly, and bacon of growing-finishing pigs. Pigs (initially 60 kg) were fed a control diet with no added fat or diets containing 2, 4, or 6% CWG or PF. Diets were fed from 60 to 110 kg and contained 2.26 g lysine/Mcal ME. Data were analyzed as a 2 x 3 factorial plus a control with main effects of fat source (CWG and PF) and fat level (2, 4, and 6%). Pigs fed the control diet, 2% fat, and 4% fat had greater (P < 0.05) ADFI than pigs fed 6% fat. Pigs fed 6% fat had greater (P < 0.05) gain/feed (G/F) than pigs fed the control diet or other fat levels. Subcutaneous fat over the longissimus muscle from pigs fed CWG had more (P < 0.05) moisture than that from pigs fed PF. Feeding dietary fat (regardless of source or level) reduced (P < 0.05) the amount of saturated fats present in the LM. Similarly, 4 or 6% fat decreased (P < 0.05) the amount of saturated fats and increased unsaturated fats present in the bacon. No differences (P > 0.05) were observed for ADG, dressing percentage, leaf fat weight, LM pH, backfat depth, LM area, percentage lean, LM visual evaluation, LM waterholding capacity, Warner-Bratzler shear and sensory evaluation of the LM and bacon, fat color and firmness measurements, or bacon processing characteristics. Adding dietary fat improved G/F and altered the fatty acid profiles of the LM and bacon, but differences in growth rate, carcass characteristics, and quality and sensory characteristics of the LM and bacon were minimal. Dietary additions of up to 6% CWG or PF can be made with little effect on quality of pork LM, belly, or bacon.  相似文献   

在华南红壤中,施用有机肥和硫磺在提高有机质含量的同时也能维持土壤酸度,有利于蓝莓的植株生长。为了探索最佳硫磺施用量,本研究以‘蓝雨’品种的组培苗为试材,设置了0.11%~0.56%的5个梯度,研究不同施用量对组培苗生长、抗氧化酶活性的影响,以及对土壤有效养分含量的影响。结果表明,随着硫磺施用量逐渐提高,土壤pH显著降低,且氮、磷、钙、铁的有效含量不同程度增加;5个硫磺处理均促进蓝莓的生长,但是0.22%施用量的促进效应最好,而0.33%~0.56%施用量的促进效应有所降低;MDA含量和SOD、POD、CAT酶活测定表明0.33%~0.56%施用量的植株存在一定的胁迫,推测可能与SO42?的累积有关。本研究表明,在华南红壤区栽培蓝莓,大量施用硫磺可能导致SO42?的累积而削弱硫磺对蓝莓生长的促进效应,建议施用有机肥时选择pH较低的种类,以减少硫磺的用量。  相似文献   

Our objective was to estimate responses in growth and carcass traits in the NE Index line (I) that was selected for 19 generations for increased litter size. Differences between Line I and the randomly selected control line (C) were estimated in pure line litters and in F1 and three-way cross litters produced by mating I and C females with males of unrelated lines. Contrasts of means were used to estimate the genetic difference between I and C and interactions of line differences with mating type. In Exp 1, 694 gilts that were retained for breeding, including 538 I and C and 156 F1 gilts from I and C dams mated with Danbred NA Landrace (L) sires, were evaluated. Direct genetic effects of I and C did not differ for backfat (BF) at 88.2 kg or days to 88.2 kg; however, I pigs had 1.58 cm2 smaller LM area than did C pigs (P < 0.05). Averaged over crosses, F1 gilts had 0.34 cm less BF, 4.29 cm2 greater LM area, and 31 d less to 88.2 kg than did pure line gilts (P < 0.05). In Exp 2, barrows and gilts were individually penned for feed intake recording from 27 to 113 kg and slaughtered. A total of 43 I and C pigs, 77 F1 pigs produced from pure line females mated with either L or Danbred NA 3/4 Duroc, 1/4 Hampshire boars (T), and 76 three-way cross pigs produced from F1 females mated with T boars were used. Direct genetic effects of I and C did not differ for ADFI, ADG, G:F, days to 113 kg, BF, LM area, ultimate pH of the LM, LM Minolta L* score, or percentage of carcass lean. Interactions of line effects with crossing system were significant only for days to 113 kg. Pure line I pigs took 4.58+/-4.00 d more to reach 113 kg than did C pigs, whereas I cross F1 pigs reached 113 kg in 6.70+/-3.95 d less than C cross F1 pigs. Three-way cross and F1 pigs did not differ significantly for most traits, but the average crossbred pig consumed more feed (0.23+/-0.04 kg/d), gained more BW per unit of feed consumed (0.052+/-0.005 kg/kg), grew faster (0.20+/-0.016 kg/d), had less BF (-0.89+/-0.089 cm), greater LM area (5.74+/-0.926 cm2), more lean (6.21+/-0.90%), and higher L* score (5.27+/-1.377) than the average pure line pig did (P < 0.05). Nineteen generations of selection for increased litter size produced few correlated responses in growth and carcass traits, indicating these traits are largely genetically independent of litter size, ovulation rate, and embryonic survival.  相似文献   

Changes in muscle growth, calpastatin activity, and tenderness of three muscles were assessed in 20 callipyge and 20 normal wether lambs slaughtered at live weights (LW) of 7, 20, 36, 52, and 69 kg. At 24 h postmortem, the longissimus (LM), semimembranosus (SM), and supraspinatus (SS) muscles were removed and weighed and samples were obtained for calpastatin activity (CA; 24 h) and Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS; aged 6 d). For muscle weights and calpastatin activity, the weight group x muscle x phenotype interaction was significant (P < 0.05). Muscle weights were similar (P > 0.05) between phenotypes for all three muscles at 7 kg LW. At 20 kg LW, the LM and SM muscles from the callipyge lambs were heavier (P < 0.05) than those from normal lambs; however, the SS did not differ (P > 0.05) between phenotypes at 7, 20, or 52 kg. From 20 to 69 kg LW, the LM and SM weights were 42 and 49% heavier (P < 0.05) for callipyge than for normal lambs. Calpastatin activity of the callipyge LM was greater (P < 0.05) than that of normal LM at 36, 52, and 69 kg. In the callipyge LM, CA was similar (P > 0.05) at 20, 36, and 52 kg LW and did not differ (P > 0.05) from 7-kg or 69-kg values. Calpastatin activity declined (P < 0.05) across the growth curve for the SM and SS, but values were higher (P < 0.05) in the SM in callipyge than in normal lambs. Shear force values of the LM were lower (P < 0.05) for normal lambs at 36, 52, and 69 kg LW than for callipyge lambs. In the SM and SS, WBS values decreased (P < 0.05) across the growth curve, but values were higher (P < 0.05) for callipyge lambs in the SM only. These data indicate that the selective muscular hypertrophy of the callipyge phenotype develops during the postnatal growth period between 7 and 20 kg LW (19 and 100 d of age). Longissimus and semimembranosus muscles in the callipyge lambs were over 40% heavier from 20 to 69 kg LW; however, they also had higher levels of calpastatin activity and Warner-Bratzler shear force during this time period, indicating the need for postmortem tenderization treatments to improve palatability.  相似文献   

本研究在河南农业大学科教试验园区进行,采用裂区设计,以播量(15.0,22.5,30.0kg/hm2)为主区,8个不同秋眠级苜蓿品种为副区,研究其对植株数量动态、干物质产量、营养品质的影响,旨在为苜蓿生产确定最佳播量和适宜品种,发展精准苜蓿产业提供科学依据。结果表明,(1)3种播量的越冬率无显著性变化(P0.01);但不同苜蓿品种的越冬率有差异,在85.53%~98.24%之间,其中秋眠和半秋眠苜蓿品种的越冬率都显著高于非秋眠品种,从安全越冬考虑,在河南省宜栽培秋眠和半秋眠品种。(2)播种量对植株数量动态变化有极显著影响(P0.01),随着播种量的增加,植株数量不断增加,这种变化趋势在第一生长年非常明显,但随着生长年限的延长,3种播种量的植株数量均呈现出第一生长年急剧下降、第二生长年缓慢下降、第三生长年趋于平稳一致的变化态势;植株数量随生长时间的延长尤其是在年际间变化的规律不因品种而改变。(3)播种量对年干物质产量无显著影响(P0.01),但干物质产量有随播种量增加不断提高的趋势;播种量对营养品质有一定影响,随着播种量的增加,其粗蛋白质(crude protein,CP)和粗脂肪(ether extract,EE)含量、相对饲喂价值(relative feed value,RFV)有上升的趋势,中性洗涤纤维(neutral detergent fiber,NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(acid detergent fiber,ADF)含量有下降趋势。(4)不同品种对干物质产量和营养品质有一定的影响,从高产和品质综合考虑,以先行者最适合在郑州地区种植;播量在22.5~30.0kg/hm2情况下,有利于提高苜蓿的产量和品质。综上,在河南以种植半秋眠品种为宜,不同播量的苜蓿品种其植株数都有随生长期的延长而减少最后恒定的趋势,在适宜播量范围内,有利于提高苜蓿的产量和品质;在生产实践中,可根据生产目的和播种量选择适宜的品种。  相似文献   

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