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<正>盱眙龙虾作为全国著名的小龙虾区域公用品牌。《海洋与渔业》记者近日对话了盱眙龙虾协会相关负责人姚建峰,了解这个品牌如何一步步被人熟知的?盱眙小龙虾凝聚品牌优势成当地百亿产业《海洋与渔业》:盱眙小龙虾在品牌打造上的独特优势是什么?姚建峰:(1)良好的生态环境。盱眙是全国著名的生态县,境内无化工企业,有着"中国生态龙虾第一县"的  相似文献   

<正>一、盱眙龙虾产业发展现状分析经过连续十六届龙虾节庆的成功打造,龙虾产业已成为盱眙县的特色、支柱产业。盱眙龙虾先后被授予中国名牌农产品等系列殊荣。2016年12月12日,国家质检总局联合央视发布2016年中国品牌价值评价信息榜,"盱眙龙虾"榜上有名,品牌价值达到169.91亿元。盱眙龙虾拥有养殖、  相似文献   

6月17日,盱眙国际龙虾节在上海七宝古镇举行。江苏盱眙龙虾协会有关负责人在现场称,目前每天有20吨左右的正宗盱眙龙虾从产地"爬"进上海,申城正在成为盱眙龙虾消费量最大的城市,但是根据他们的调查,上海市场上的"盱眙龙虾"有七成为假冒产品。  相似文献   

正江苏盱眙小龙虾作为全国小龙虾的代表,深受广大消费者的喜爱,发展至今取得了哪些成绩,经历了哪些阶段,以及他们成功的"秘诀"何在,让我们听一听盱眙县龙虾产业发展局局长李守刚怎么说。应时而生引导盱眙龙虾行业发展盱眙县龙虾产业发展局(以下简称发展局)成立于2015年8月,目前,这是全国第一,也是唯一一家主管龙虾产业发展的专业性行政管理机构。之所以成立这样一个机构,有其深刻的历史考量。  相似文献   

眼下已是“小龙虾”(克氏原螯虾)赴沪入市高峰期,盱眙小龙虾协会常务副会长成兆友在接受记者采访时说,“小龙虾”的生长特点是“丰水丰产”,眼下运抵沪市的盱眙“小龙虾”数量每天约20~30t,今年夏天的3个月可逾千吨,比去年同期增加4成。上海水产行业协会秘书长范守霖认为,不同产地的“小龙虾”口味并无明显差异,市民食用“小龙虾”不要买流动小贩兜售的熟龙虾,因为这些虾在烧煮前很有可能是变了质的死虾。  相似文献   

正又到了小龙虾热火朝天的上市时节,在这样一个热情似火的夏季,小龙虾的火辣和红艳似乎尤为应景。为了解小龙虾的养殖生产状况,本刊特别专访了位于中国龙虾之都——江苏盱眙专业养殖小龙虾企业,即盱眙万隆生态龙虾产业开发有限公司(以下简称盱眙万隆),看看他们是如何养出生态环保、健康安全的小龙虾的。  相似文献   

<正>中国渔业政务网协办http://www.cnfm.gov.cn江苏盱眙县举行龙虾开捕仪式日前,江苏盱眙举行第十五届中国·盱眙国际龙虾节开捕仪式。今年龙虾节的主题在延续以往"有滋有味好生活"的基础上,创新融汇"向上向善新风尚"的新元素,首次以"小盱"、"小眙"卡通形象作为龙虾节的吉祥物。"经过多年的创新实践、积累打磨,小小龙虾成就了富民强县的百亿产业,盱眙龙虾  相似文献   

龙虾肉鲜味美,深受消费者的喜爱,再加上近几年盱眙中国龙虾节的举办,龙虾市场走俏,价格上扬,供不应求。养殖龙虾具有很高的利润空间。金湖县位于江苏省中部偏西地区,地处两省三市之交,县域以西紧邻我国五大淡水湖之一的洪泽湖,境内自东北部到东南部分别是白马湖、宝应湖、高邮湖,全国知名的淮河人江水道横穿腹地。水域面积达4.2×10^4hm^2,发展龙虾养殖具有得天独厚的自然条件,2008年发展龙虾养殖面积4.0×10^3hm^2,年产优质龙虾8000t,创产值2亿元,是金湖县水产业的支柱产业之一。  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾因其肉味鲜美、风味独特、营养丰富,深受国内外消费者青睐;特别是盱眙中国龙虾节的连续成功举办,盱眙十三香龙虾更是风靡整个长三角。据统计2010年仅淮安市小龙虾养殖面积就达38.2万亩,但苗种仍依赖自繁,造成病害频发、规格小、养殖效益不高等问题,已成为制约小龙虾产业发展的瓶颈之一。  相似文献   

天气酷暑,小龙虾爬上武汉市大街小巷餐桌,成为当然“主角”。据武汉市餐饮协会统计,时下三镇不下500家餐饮酒店,排档推出小龙虾特色菜肴,一时间油焖大虾、盱眙龙虾、潜江五七龙虾层出不穷,江城餐饮淡季不“淡”。  相似文献   

Three cultivars of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (grain sorghum, forage sorghum, and a sorghum sudangrass hybrid) were evaluated as planted forages for crawfish (Procambarus spp.) in two simulated culture systems, double cropping and crawfish monoculture. Based upon ease of culture, biomass production, and biomass degradation characteristics, grain sorghum and sorghum sudangrass exhibited great potential for either system. With the added advantage of grain production, grain sorghum represents the more attractive option and may provide farmers with a viable alternative to rice for double cropping with crawfish. The sorghum sudangrass produced large amounts of vegetative biomass and also represents a worthwhile forage option for the crawfish fanner. Either of these plants is conveniently incorporated into existing farm operations and could provide options as producers strive to integrate crawfish aquaculture with conventional agriculture.  相似文献   

Anax junius (Odonata: Aeschnidae) predation on young crawfish, Procambarus clarkii , was measured in the laboratory. Predation rates (0.066–1.16 crawfish/day) were estimated at 25, 15, and 5 C and for two sizes of crawfish (11–20 and 21–30 mm total length). Naiad predation increased with increasing temperature and decreasing crawfish size. At 5 C, naiads had no significant effect on survival of large crawfish but did significantly reduce survival of small crawfish. At 15 and 25 C, predation rates were significantly affected by temperature and prey size. Relative naiad abundance in a 0.8 ha crawfish pond was estimated from September through May. Larger naiads (head width, >6.5 mm; total length, >30 mm) capable of preying on young crawfish were not present until after most crawfish had reached invulnerable sizes. Large naiads, as a result, may not affect crawfish production under normal management conditions.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to develop a vision system that could predict when crawfish will molt. Different sections of the crawfish shell were examined to determine how the color changed as the time of molting approached. A strip on the tail section of the crawfish showed the greatest, most consistent color change. The average red/green × red/blue ratio decreased for every crawfish as the molting time approached. Using this ratio as a predictor, it was possible to predict the molting of a crawfish within 3 d with an accuracy greater than 80%. The limitation on accuracy was primarily the result of the large variations in natural shell color among the crawfish.  相似文献   

The study identifies the linkage between imports and the domestic price of crawfish. The results show a simultaneous increase in imports and domestic prices of crawfish while showing a negative relationship between domestic landings and price. Each model shows that there is a seasonality effect on the domestic price of crawfish. The study also shows that increases in the domestic supplies of shrimp, tilapia, and clams generated increases in the domestic crawfish price, while increases in imported and domestic supplies of beef and imported supplies of pork decreased the domestic crawfish price.  相似文献   

The relationship between water quality, weather, lunar phase and daily changes in crawfish (Proearnbums clurkii) catch per unit effort (CPUE) was determined in five experimental crawfish ponds from March through May, 1984 and 1985. Air and water temperatures, solar radiation, dissolved oxygen, wind velocity, barometric pressure, precipitation and lunar phase were recorded daily during the harvesting phase of the study. Crawfish CPUE (g/trap/24 h) was significantly correlated with water temperature, dissolved oxygen, lunar phase, barometric pressure, wind velocity and the relative density of harvestable size crawfish. Most statistically significant environmental or climatological variables explained less than 20% total daily variation in crawfish CPUE. The nine environmental variables were reduced to four factors—temperature-harvestable crawfish, cold fronts, rain showers, and lunar phase—with principal-components analysis. Eighty-five percent of the variation in daily crawfish catch was attributed to water temperature and relative density of harvestable crawfish, and 7.1% was explained by lunar phase. Rain showers and cold fronts accounted for 4.8 and 2.5% of the daily variation in crawfish CPUE, respectively. Crawfish catch increased with an increase in water temperature and relative abundance of harvestable crawfish, and with short duration rain showers. Conversely, crawfish CPUE declined with the approach of full moon and with passage of cold fronts.  相似文献   

This study utilized enclosures (cylindrical, 5-mm wire mesh, O.5 m2 bottom surface area) placed over rice-forage substrates in experimental crawfish ponds to contain crawfish under typical pond culture conditions. Juvenile Procambarus clarkii were stocked at six densities (2, 4, 6, 10, 14, and 18 crawfish/m2) for 12-wk growth trials in October and again in February. Crawfish relied solely on the detrital food system for their nutritional needs. Supplemental feed was supplied to crawfish in additional enclosures at two of the test densities (2 and 10 crawfish/m2). The commercially formulated feed (25% crude protein) was fed (2.02 g dry feed/m2) 3 d/wk (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). All treatments were replicated with six enclosures. Crawfish growth was inversely correlated to culture density. Mean final weights for crawfish feeding from the detrital-system only were 15.3, 13.8, 11.2, 7.9, 7.2, and 5.8 g for crawfish densities of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, and 18/m2, respectively. Mean final weights for crawfish receiving supplemental feed were 20.7 and 12.4 g for densities of 2 and 10 crawfish/m2. When compared with density as a factor influencing growth, feed influenced growth less than density abatement. Supplemental feeding improved crawfish growth in detrital systems an average of 46%, while decreasing initial density improved growth an average of 80.5%.  相似文献   

Eyestalk ablation may reduce the cost of soft-shell crawfish production by reducing the molt interval. In this study, both immature and mature red swamp crawfish Procambarus clarkii and white river crawfish Procambarus zonangulus , formally Procambarus actus actus (Hobbs and Hobbs 1990), were ablated using a pair of modified pliers and placed in a recirculating system. Molting percentages, mortalities and mean molt intervals of the ablated crawfish were analyzed.
Eyestalk ablation resulted in dramatic reduction of molt intervals and mortalities comparable with the current commercial (non-ablation) soft-shell crawfish production systems. The mean molt intervals of the ablated red swamp crawfish ranged from 6.7 to 7.8 days for immature and 9.2 days for mature animals; whereas, the molt interval of ablated white river crawfish was 8.9 and 11.2 days for immature and mature animals, respectively. Mortalities obtained in this study ranged from 20 to 48% and 32 to 66% for immature and mature crawfish, respectively. During the experiments, molting percentages and mortalities were not consistent. Secondary treatments such as air clotting and cauterization did not alter mortality significantly.  相似文献   

Harvested crawfish were stocked into 0.15-ha earthen ponds in March and May at rates of 114, 227, and 455 kg/ha to evaluate the effects of trap density, 27 and 54 traps/ha, on their recapture over 14 d following 3 d of acclimation. Two-funnel, stand-up pillow traps and three-funnel pyramid traps were compared. About 39% and 55% of stocked crawfish were recovered in March and May, respectively. There was considerable growth of those crawfish. Overall catch with both trap densities was equivalent in March but the higher trap density caught 1.3 times more crawfish in May. Pyramid traps caught 1.5–1.9 times more crawfish than pillow traps.  相似文献   

In the fall of 1977, crawfish that had been trepped in a pond during the summer were brought to the laboratory to observe spawning. In ambient light 34 out of 49 females spawned. In 1978 crawfish were trapped from the same pond and brought to the laboratory. Beginning 20 March, 18 crawfish were exposed to reduction of light duration by about 5 min per day. During June and July 14 females spawned and four did not spawn. Of 15 crawfish exposed to ambient light none spawned.  相似文献   

The molting and mortality patterns at a crawfish density recommended for commercial-scale soft-shell crawfish culture systems showed that, over a 116 day period, 74% of the crawfish molted, 22% died, and 4% remained in the system at the end of the study. Approximately three weeks of adaption to the system were required before molting rates of the crawfish began to increase. By the sixth week, the number of malted crawfish per day exceeded the overall mean and remained at this level until 10 days before moltable crawfish were depleted. In a second study, three density levels (3.7,4.9, and 6.1 kg crawfish/m2) were tested for 60 days. The lowest density produced significantly fewer (P < 0.05) molted crawfish. Mortality was significantly greater (P < 0.05) at the highest density compared with the lowest density. The highest density (6.1 kg crawfish/m2) showed a higher molting rate than the lower densities, but it was not significantly different (P < 0.05) from the molting rate of 4.9 kg/m2.  相似文献   

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