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松突圆蚧寄生蜂室内大量繁殖和林间释放研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
松突圆蚧寄生蜂的繁殖和利用是防治该虫的重要手段之一。在室内用马铃薯、南瓜和柠檬等果实饲养茶钹盾蚧、夹竹桃蚧和红圆蚧虫作寄主,大量繁殖林间优势种长缨盾蚧丽蚜小蜂、爱友丽蚜小蜂和范氏黄小蜂,以及从日本引进的匀鞭蚜小蜂,均能在提供的寄主和条件下寄生、发育和繁殖。  相似文献   

松突圆蚧Hemiberlesin pitysopila的寄生蜂繁殖和利用是防治该虫的重要手段之一。本地林间的优势种为长缨盾蚧丽蚜小蜂Encarsia citrina,爱友丽蚜小蜂E.amicula和范氏黄蚜小蜂Aphytisvandenboschi。日本引进的蜂种为匀鞭蚜小蜂Encarsia sp.和范氏黄蚜小蜂等两种。几种供繁蜂用的中间寄主以茶钹盾蚧Abgrallaspiscyanvphylli、红圆蚧Aonidiella (aursmlii、褐圆蚧Chrysomphalua aonidum、夹竹桃蚧Aspidiotus nerii、桑白盾蚧Pseudau lacaspispentagona等几种较为理想,其中以茶钹盾蚧为好。几种繁蜂用寄主可以用南瓜、马铃薯和柠檬等易于找到的和耐保存的植物果实在室内大量繁殖。  相似文献   

我县是全国沙田柚生产基地县,目前已种植沙田柚12万亩。在为害沙田柚的各种害虫中,最主要的是蚧类,经近年的调查鉴定,主要种类有红圆蚧、褐圆蚧、矢尖蚧、糠片蚧、黑点蚧、吹绵蚧、堆粉蚧等,其中分布最广、发生为害最严重的是红圆蚧[Aonidiella aurantiiMaskell)]。它以幼蚧和雌成蚧终生固定在沙田柚的枝条、叶片和果实上吸食汁液,特别是为害内膛挂果枝条致枯死而严重影响挂果。红圆蚧一般在3年生树龄以上的柚树上发生为害,  相似文献   

本文研究寄生于红圆蚧的3种寄生蜂生长发育,产卵和寿命。结果表明,印巴黄蚜小蜂发育最快,岭南黄蚜小蜂次之,盾蚧长缨蚜小蜂最慢。前两者偏好寄生较大的3龄蚧虫;而盾蚧长缨蚜小蜂则偏好较小的2龄蚧虫,从不同龄期羽化的该虫生产卵量也不同。建立一个温度与发育速率的模型,模拟结果与试验结果基本相符。  相似文献   

引进的印巴黄蚜小蜂在柑桔和沙田柚果园中进行了小面积放蜂试验,红圆蚧的寄生率提高7—28%。经解剖红圆蚧证实,该蜂已在果园中定居。  相似文献   

在美国San Joaquin Valley,红圆蚧每年发生四代,发育零点为53F,完成一代的积温为1100日度。雌蚧能产生一种性外激素以吸引雄蚧。诱集雄蚧可以监测红圆蚧的整个种群,由此得出了一种方法用来确定害虫种群生活史中的生物学基点(biofix point)。生物学基点是害虫个体生活史内的某个基准时期,可用作预测后续的发育期。雄蚧羽化始期和高蜂期,是两个有用的生物学基点。采用生活史中的这些基准点,后续的羽化始期  相似文献   

近年来,湿地松粉蚧[Oracella acuta(Lobdell)]、美国白蛾(Hyphantria cunea Drury)、松突圆蚧(Herniberlesia pitysophila Takagi)、稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel)、美洲斑潜蝇(Liriomyza sativae Blanchard)、马铃薯叶甲(Leptinotarsa decernlineata Say)和红脂大小蠹(Dendroctonus valens LeConte)等重要植物害虫先后入侵我国,部分种类在新发现时并不在我国进境植物检疫有害生物名单内,也不为我国植保植检工作者所熟悉。  相似文献   

茶长本圆蚧 Abgrallaspis cyanophylli(Signoret)、红圆蚧 Aonidiella aurantiiMaskell 和褐圆蚧 Chrysomphalus sp.是危害多种农林植物,尤其是柑桔和茶等的重要害虫类群之一;在害虫生物防治中,它们又可作为室内繁殖多种寄生蜂的中间寄主。因此,研究它们的生物学和生态学,既可为其防治提供依据,又可为有效利用它们作为中间寄主繁殖寄生蜂提供参考资料。为此,我们在实验室条件下设置了不同的恒温条件,观察上述三种盾蚧的存活、发育和繁殖等。现将部分结果报告如下。  相似文献   

盾蚧长缨蚜小蜂和岭南蚜小蜂为广东柑桔园红圆蚧的主要寄生蜂。1988年我们从美国加州引入印巴黄蚜小蜂,经繁殖后在桔园分3次释放,每树共放蜂4000头。结果说明该蜂能成功地在广州越冬。在桔园原有的天敌基础上释放印巴黄蚜小蜂后,红圆蚧的总寄生率逐月变化较大,多数月份在20%左右,最高30%,最低9.5%。其中被盾蚧长缨蚜小蜂寄生的虫数,每月都高于岭南蚜小蜂和印巴黄蚜小蜂的总和,寄生率高出1.4~11.7%,说明盾蚧长缨蚜小蜂为本地的优势蜂种  相似文献   

红点唇瓢虫Chilocorus kuwanae Silvestri在上海普遍存在,其成虫和幼虫能捕食桑白盾蚧、夹竹桃圆蚧(常春籐圆蚧)、椰圆蚧、紫牡蛎蚧、拟褐圆蚧、日本长白蚧等多种盾蚧。还能捕食紫薇绒蚧、吹绵蚧和桔绵蚧。现将其一些生物学特性简报如下。生活史该虫在上海一年发生3~4代,从第二代起有世代重叠现象。以成虫在树皮裂缝等处越冬。第一代发生在4月下旬至7月中旬,第二代在6月中旬至8月上旬,第三代在7月上旬至9月,第四代在8月至10月。11月进入冬眠。据1979年8月中旬至  相似文献   

Aged plants are more difficult to infect than young plantlets. This modification of susceptibility is described as mature plant resistance (MPR). For potato virus Y (PVY), MPR is known to lead to low infection rates of plants inoculated at the postflowering stage and a decrease in the number of infected daughter tubers. However, the impact of inoculation date on the capacity of PVY to accumulate in daughter tubers has not been studied so far. Field and greenhouse experiments were carried out to better understand PVY epidemiology and to help potato growers to evaluate consequences of early/late infections on the quality of their crops. In field trials, potato plants (cv. Bintje) were covered by insectproof nets from planting to harvest except for a 14-day period to expose plants to natural PVY infections. Under controlled conditions, potato plants were mechanically inoculated with PVY at different dates from preflowering stages (early inoculations) to postflowering stage (late inoculations). At harvest, daughter tubers were individually collected and analysed to define proportions and viral load of infected tubers according to the time between virus inoculation and harvest. Our results showed that although the age of plants at the time of inoculation can modify their susceptibility to PVY infection, in return, early and late PVY inoculations lead to similar rates of infected tubers at the plant scale and equivalent viral accumulation in infected tubers. All together, these data revealed that both early/late infections are high risks for the sanitary quality of potato tubers.  相似文献   

Priming of defense reactions by an elicitor results in an enhanced ability of the plant to respond to subsequent pathogen challenges. We previously showed that application of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to potato cell suspensions causes apoplastic acidification, but does not stimulate lipoxygenase (LOX) activity. Here, we tested the ability of various elicitors to prime and elicit defense reactions in potato cell suspensions. Adding 20 microg ml(1) LPS, laminarin, harpin N, or a concentrated culture filtrate (CCF) of Phytophthora infestans to cell cultures 18 h before a second elicitation with LPS did not alter the intensity of apoplastic acidification compared with a single LPS application. Conversely, high concentrations (200 or 400 microg ml(1)) of LPS, laminarin, and harpin N activated LOX in cells pretreated with 1 microg ml(1) CCF, but not in cells pretreated with LPS, laminarin, or harpin N. LOX response was maximal in pretreated cells of potato cv. Bintje when the second elicitation occurred 18 to 24 h after CCF application. These results showed that LOX activation is primed in potato cells by CCF, but not by LPS, harpin N, or laminarin. Finally, bioassays showed a slightly greater reduction of rot weight in half tubers treated with CCF followed by LPS before inoculation with Pectobacterium atrosepticum than in half tubers treated with either preparation alone, indicating a priming effect of CCF on both LOX induction and disease suppression.  相似文献   

The white peach scale (WPS),Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni-Tozzetti) (Homoptera: Diaspididae), is a worldwide polyphagous scale insect. It is widely distributed in Turkey, where it is the main pest of peach trees. The development and fecundity ofP. pentagona were examined at different temperatures and on different hosts in the laboratory; from these data, life tables were constructed and intrinsic rates of increase were calculated. The longevity of WPS decreased with a rise in temperature. At 25°C the largest number of crawlers (76.1 crawlers/female) was observed. The development time of WPS was generally longer on peach than on squash or potato; fecundity was higher on potato than on the other hosts, potato tubers and peach trees.  相似文献   

为探明戊唑醇和吡唑醚菌酯在马铃薯中的残留特性和安全性,建立了测定马铃薯植株和块茎中戊唑醇和吡唑醚菌酯残留量的分析方法,研究了两种农药在马铃薯植株中的消解动态及在马铃薯块茎中的最终残留。样品前处理采用 QuEChERS 法,经乙腈提取,高效液相色谱-串联质谱检测,外标法定量。结果表明:0.005~0.5 mg/kg添加水平下,戊唑醇在马铃薯植株和块茎中的回收率分别为90%~99%、94%~102%,相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为3.8%~5.3%、5.3%~9.2%;吡唑醚菌酯在马铃薯植株和块茎中的回收率分别为98%~104%、89%~96%,相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为4.0%~8.7%、3.0%~8.0%;样品中戊唑醇和吡唑醚菌酯的定量限(LOQ)均为0.005 mg/kg。监测了戊唑醇和吡唑醚菌酯在山东烟台、天津武清、四川成都、重庆九龙坡、湖南长沙、安徽宿州、陕西榆林、贵州贵阳、宁夏银川和黑龙江绥化10个试验点的马铃薯中的残留行为。发现戊唑醇和吡唑醚菌酯在马铃薯植株中的消解速率较快,半衰期分别为6.4~6.5 d和5.0~7.2 d,属易消解型农药。采用32%戊唑醇·吡唑醚菌酯悬浮剂按推荐剂量(有效成分用量182.4 g/hm2)施药3次,距末次施药14 d,戊唑醇在马铃薯中的最大残留量不大于0.018 mg/kg,低于欧盟规定的最大残留限量标准(MRL)(0.02 mg/kg),吡唑醚菌酯在马铃薯块茎中的最大残留量<0.005 mg/kg,低于中国规定的MRL(0.02 mg/kg)。  相似文献   

A 3-year survey was undertaken to establish the relative frequency of different Fusarium spp. present as inoculum on potato tubers collected from four regions of Great Britain. A total of 219 samples (comprising 10 950 tubers) were collected from the 2000, 2001 and 2002 crops and processed to recover dry rot-producing isolates. In total, 228 isolates of Fusarium spp. were recovered. Most (94·7%) of these isolates were attributed to one of four Fusarium species: F. coeruleum, F. avenaceum, F. culmorum and F. sambucinum (formerly F. sulphureum) . The incidence of the combined Fusarium spp. increased the further south the crops had been grown. Fusarium coeruleum was the most commonly isolated species in each survey year, comprising 37 to 52% of the total Fusarium species. Selected isolates of each species were evaluated for their ability to produce rots in potato tubers. Fusarium sambucinum was a more aggressive pathogen than the other Fusarium species in eight out of 10 cultivars. Fusarium avenaceum and F. culmorum were relatively weaker pathogens. However, these species were aggressive on some cultivars, notably Hermes. The selected isolates were also assessed for their sensitivity to the fungicides thiabendazole and imazalil. Using in vitro tests, 65% of F. sambucinum isolates were resistant to thiabendazole and 7% of F. avenaceum isolates were resistant to imazalil. Tubers treated with imazalil yielded a higher proportion of isolates of F. avenaceum than those that were untreated. Similarly, a higher proportion of F. sambucinum isolates were recovered from tubers treated with thiabendazole than from those that were not treated.  相似文献   

Potato tuber necrosis in the form of spraing symptoms is caused by infection with Potato mop‐top virus (PMTV) or Tobacco rattle virus (TRV); spraing has become more important in the Swedish potato crop production. In this study, the presence in Sweden of three potato‐infecting viruses associated with necrotic symptoms in tubers was demonstrated: PMTV, TRV and Tobacco necrosis virus (TNV). This study shows that both PMTV and TRV are frequent in Swedish potato fields. PMTV was found in all Swedish counties, except the two most northern ones. TRV was present at several locations in southern and up to the central parts of Sweden. Both viruses were found further north than observed in earlier surveys. PMTV and TRV were analysed in tubers with spraing symptoms and it was not possible to decide visually if the symptoms were caused by either PMTV or TRV. Furthermore, a high occurrence of symptomless tuber infections was observed for several potato cultivars. A unique observation from this study was a mixed infection of both PMTV and TRV in tubers of cv. Berber, where no visual differences on symptom development were detectable for these tubers compared to single infections. During the survey, tubers of cv. Melody were found to display necrotic symptoms in the skin that are characteristic for the ABC disease. This suggested infection by TNV, which also could be confirmed.  相似文献   

Levin A  Baider A  Rubin E  Gisi U  Cohen Y 《Phytopathology》2001,91(6):579-585
ABSTRACT The ability of Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of potato and tomato late blight, to produce oospores in potato tuber tissue was studied in the field and under laboratory conditions. In 1998 and 2000 field experiments, the canopy of potato cvs. Alpha and Mondial, respectively, were coinoculated with A1 + A2 sporangia of the fungus, and the infected tubers collected at harvest were examined for the presence of oospores. In 1998, only 2 of 90 infected tubers had oospores, whereas none of the 90 tubers examined in 2000 had any oospores. In the latter experiment, infected tubers kept in storage up to 12 weeks after harvest had no oospores. Artificial co-inoculations of whole tubers with A1 + A2 sporangia resulted only rarely in the formation of oospores inside the tubers. Co-inoculations of potato tuber discs taken from dormant tubers 0 to 16 weeks after harvest failed to support any oospore production, whereas discs taken from sprouting tubers of >/=18 weeks after harvest allowed oospores to form. Tuber discs showed enhanced oospore formation when treated before inoculation with either sugars, amino acids, casein hydrolysate, beta-sitosterol, or chloroethylphosphonic acid. In contrast, reducing airflow into the petri dishes where potato tuber discs were incubated reduced the number of oospores produced. The number of oospores produced in tuber tissue was lower compared with that in leaf tissue regardless of the origin of isolates used. The data show that the ability of Phytophthora infestans to produce oospores in potato tuber tissue is very limited and increases with tuber aging.  相似文献   

Dickeya and Pectobacterium are responsible for causing blackleg of plants and soft rot of tubers in storage and in the field, giving rise to losses in seed potato production. In an attempt to improve potato health, biocontrol activity of known and putative antagonists was screened using in vitro and in planta assays, followed by analysis of their persistence at various storage temperatures. Most antagonists had low survival on potato tuber surfaces at 4 °C. The population dynamics of the best low-temperature tolerant strain and also the most efficient antagonist, Serratia plymuthica A30, along with Dickeya solani as target pathogen, was studied with TaqMan real-time PCR throughout the storage period. Tubers of three potato cultivars were treated in the autumn with the antagonist and then inoculated with D. solani. Although the cell densities of both strains decreased during the storage period in inoculated tubers, the pathogen population was always lower in the presence of the antagonist. The treated tubers were planted in the field the following growing season to evaluate the efficiency of the bacterial antagonist for controlling disease incidence. The potato endophyte S. plymuthica A30 protected potato plants by reducing blackleg development on average by 58.5% and transmission to tuber progeny as latent infection by 47–75%. These results suggest that treatment of potato tubers with biocontrol agents after harvest can reduce the severity of soft rot disease during storage and affect the transmission of soft rot bacteria from mother tubers to progeny tubers during field cultivation.  相似文献   

The distribution and persistence of chlormequat was determined chemically in chlormequat treated potato plants and in the progeny from their tubers. Chlormequat penetrated into the leaves, was translocated to the tubers and accumulated in the underground parts. Potato tubers harvested from chlormequattreated plants produced temporarily dwarfed plants. In the progeny of tubers, the compound was translocated to all parts of the plant, the highest amounts being found in the underground parts. A loss of only 18 ± 2% occurred between planting the seed tubers and harvesting the potato plants 2 months later.  相似文献   

腐烂茎线虫病是近年来我国马铃薯生产中的一种新病害, 了解腐烂茎线虫的侵染规律对该病害的预防和控制及对马铃薯产量和品质提高具有重要意义。本研究采用盆栽法, 在苗期接种腐烂茎线虫, 研究该线虫在马铃薯不同组织中的数量动态及危害程度。结果显示, 在发芽-幼苗期(播种0 ~ 75 d), 母薯先受到腐烂茎线虫侵染; 在发棵期(播种75 ~ 90 d), 母薯和匍匐茎均检测到腐烂茎线虫; 在结薯期到成熟期(播种90 ~ 105 d), 线虫开始危害新生块茎, 随着块茎膨大危害逐渐加重。在马铃薯成熟期, 症状表现最明显, 新生块茎中线虫数量最多, 可达767.67条/g。不同时期的接种试验表明, 在匍匐茎形成期(播种后70 d)接种, 马铃薯受害最为严重, 发病率达100%, 块茎中线虫密度最高, 达到99.32条/g, 且块茎鲜重最低, 为14.02 g/个。本研究结果可为马铃薯腐烂茎线虫的适时有效防治提供参考。  相似文献   

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