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硅胶管气样原位采集技术研究土壤N_2O浓度及通量变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
箱法被广泛用于监测土壤N_2O排放通量,但在原位采集高浓度土壤N_2O、全天候监测N_2O通量变化、动态研究土壤剖面N_2O的行为等方面存在弊端.本研究通过室内模拟硅胶管对N_2O的通透性,探索硅胶管用于原位采集土壤气样的理论可行性.田间试验设施用铵态氮肥(NH_4~+)、施用硝态氮肥(NO_3~-)及施用硝态氮肥加葡萄糖(NO_3~-+C)等3个处理,同时安置硅胶管和采样箱,验证硅胶管法在原位采集高浓度土壤N_2O气样、监测土壤N_2O浓度以及排放通量的实际效果,并与箱法进行比较.结果表明,硅胶管内外的N_2O气体经2.9 h达到95%的平衡,完伞能满足大田采样要求;用硅胶管法原位采集高浓度土壤N_2O气样的效果显著优于箱法采样.其浓度变化表现出明显的时间规律,浓度梯度法计算的N_2O排放通量与箱法测定结果呈显著正相关,但数值偏低;偏低的程度取决于采样位置和土壤中N_2O产生位置的匹配程度.建议采用埋于土壤表层的硅胶管计算地面N_2O排放通量,或在不同土层埋人硅胶管研究土壤剖面N_2O行为的时空变异.  相似文献   

原位条件下不同土壤中N2O的通量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了原位条件下3种土壤中氧化亚氮的通量。结果表明,湖积物发育的潜育性水稻土施用硝酸铵时,水稻苗期土壤释放氧化亚氮的通量为5.71微克N/平方米·秒;第四纪红色粘土发育的红壤性水稻土(潴育性)和黄泛沉积物发育的淹育性水稻土(石灰性)施用硝酸钾时,水稻苗期土壤释放氧化亚氮的通量分别为9.57和1.53微克N/平方米·秒。湿润条件下,石灰性水稻土硝化过程释放氧化亚氮的通量为1.75微克N/平方米·秒。  相似文献   

温度对旱田土壤N2O排放的影响研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
以南方亚热带代表性旱田土壤-贵州玉米-油菜轮作田、大豆-冬小麦轮作田和休耕地为研究对象,同步观测了整轮作期土壤N2O排放通量和温度的季节变化。同时,采用DNDC模型定量探讨了未来气温变化对土壤N2O排放的潜在影响。结果表明,温度是土壤N2O排放通量规律性日变化的最主要控制因素;除大豆地外,其他作物生长季节和休耕地的N2O排放通量季节变化与温度之间均存在一定程度的正相关性,其中冬季休耕地的N2O排放通量与温度间存在弱指数函数关系。模型检验结果表明,除大豆地外,其余试验地的N2O排放通量均随年均气温升高而升高,在冬春季,土壤N2O排放通量对气温变化的敏感性强于夏秋季,尤其以冬春季休耕地受体气温变化的影响最为显著。  相似文献   

农田土壤N2O生成与排放影响因素及N2O总量估算的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了国内外农田土壤N2 O生成与排放及其影响因素、N2 O排放测定技术及总量估算等方面的研究进展 ,指出硝化与反硝化过程均可产生N2 O ,而影响硝化、反硝化过程的土壤水分含量、温度、pH、有机碳含量和土壤质地等是影响农田土壤N2 O生成与排放的重要因素。根据我国各地农田土壤N2 O排放通量测定结果及相应模型分析 ,初步估算全国农田土壤N2 O年排放总量为N 398Gg ,约占全球农田土壤排放总量的 1 0 % ,其中旱田N2 O年排放总量为N 31 0Gg ,水田为N 88Gg。  相似文献   

玉米地土壤反硝化速率与N2O排放通量的动态变化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
应用乙炔抑制原状土柱培育法测定了4种施肥处理的玉米地N素反硝化损失速率和氧化亚氮(N2O)排放通量,并分析了它们与土壤湿度、土壤温度以及硝态氮(NO3^--N)含量之间的关系,计算了因反硝化和N2O排放造成的N肥损失率。结果表明,玉米生育期内土壤N素的反硝化损失量为0.67-3.85kg/hm^2,N肥的反硝化损失率为0.5%-1.5%;土壤N2O排放总量为0.55-1.42kg/hm^2,N肥的N2O排放系数为0.2%-0.5%。  相似文献   

原位土壤中N2O释放量的测定方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

全球环境变化一直是人们广泛关注的热点问题,由人类活动和化石燃料燃烧引起的温度持续升高、温室气体排放增加、极端天气频繁发生等现象对土壤理化性质及微生物活动产生深刻影响。N2O作为一种具有强增温潜势的温室气体,对生态环境造成极大威胁。因此,全面深入地探究全球变化下不同环境因子对土壤N2O排放的影响有重要意义。论文综述了模拟全球变暖、CO2浓度倍增、降水格局改变以及氮沉降对土壤N2O排放的影响及微生物作用机制,阐述不同变化因子对N2O排放的交互效应。温度升高、CO2浓度增加和氮沉降均能促进N2O排放,但不同变化因子交互作用对N2O排放的影响存在差异。未来应加强对多个变化因子交互作用的研究,不仅有助于进一步了解N2O产生的影响因素,而且能为将来土壤生态系统对全球环境变化的响应研究和预测模型的建立提供理论基础。  相似文献   

通过室内培养试验研究4种肥料增效剂对尿素在海南土壤中氮素转化和N2O排放的影响,以期筛选出适合海南土壤的氮肥增效剂类型。培养试验设单施尿素(CK)、尿素 + 长效复混肥添加剂(加入尿素量的8‰,NAM)、尿素 + 双氰胺(加入尿素量的3.5%,DCD)、尿素 + 3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(加入尿素量的1%,DMPP)、尿素 + 2-氯-6-三氯甲基吡啶(加入尿素量的8‰,NMAX)5个处理。在培养过程中定期测定土壤理化性质、铵态氮和硝态氮含量以及N2O排放量的变化,以分析不同增效剂对土壤氮素形态及N2O排放的影响。结果表明:添加增效剂处理土壤的pH、有机质、全氮和速效钾等均与CK无显著差异,但土壤速效磷含量显著降低。培养过程中,除DCD外,DMPP、NAM和NMAX处理铵态氮浓度一直处于较低水平,而土壤硝态氮含量缓慢增长,显示出明显的硝化抑制效果。与CK处理相比,添加抑制剂处理土壤N2O浓度峰值延后,累计排放量显著降低,但不同抑制剂间差异不显著。综合比较硝化抑制作用及N2O减排效果,可以认为添加长效复混肥添加剂(NAM)、3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(DMPP)和2-氯-6-三氯甲基吡啶(NMAX)等抑制剂的肥料适宜应用于海南水稻土。  相似文献   

徐锦  曹亚澄  温腾  张珮仪  张金波  蔡祖聪 《土壤》2022,54(3):425-436
土壤是N2O的重要排放来源之一。土壤中N2O产生途径众多、受多种因素调控,深入分析土壤N2O产生途径才能采取针对性的减排策略。稳定同位素技术已广泛用于研究土壤N2O排放,N2O同位素异位体法是近年来新兴的研究方法。该研究方法通过测定土壤N2O的同位素组成(δ15NSPN2O、δ18ON2O和δ15NbulkN2O)分析N2O排放贡献,因无需添加标记物、对土壤系统干扰小、成本低,适合在野外田间研究N2O排放,是15N标记方法的有力补充。本文详细介绍了N2O同位素异位体法的原理、质谱测定方法、定量分析方法、影响该方法的因素及其应用前景。  相似文献   

【目的】控制N2O排放是提高氮肥利用和环境效益的一个重要任务。在滴灌条件下,研究以控释氮肥替代尿素基施减少设施土壤N2O排放的机制,并探讨减少氮肥投入的可能性。【方法】在大棚内布设小区试验,供试番茄品种为‘盛世辉煌’,氮肥40%基施,60%分3次随水滴灌追施。试验以不施氮肥为对照 (CK),设:常规化肥用量 (基施尿素,总N量440 kg/hm2,U);常规化肥用量减氮20% (基施尿素,总N量376 kg/hm2,–20%U);控释氮肥常规用量 (基施控释氮肥,总N量440 kg/hm2,CRU);控释氮肥常规用量减氮20% (基施控释氮肥,总N量376 kg/hm2,–20%CRU) 4个处理。施底肥后15天内每天取气体样1次;追肥后每2天取气体样1次,连续取样3次;其余时间间隔5~7天取气体样1次。静态箱–色谱法测定土壤N2O排放通量;在定植后40、80和120天取土样测定土壤理化性质;用实时荧光定量PCR检测相关功能基因数量变化;收获后测产。【结果】控释氮肥与水溶肥配施导致基肥N2O排放峰值出现时间从第8~13天延迟到第28~32天,并且显著降低了其N2O排放峰值,所有处理追水溶肥后均在3~5天出现N2O排放峰值,而控释氮肥与水溶肥配施降低了此阶段N2O排放峰值。相同氮肥施用量条件下,控释氮肥与水溶肥配施显著降低了基肥期土壤N2O排放通量和累积排放量,降低了追肥期土壤N2O排放通量和累积排放量,显著降低了番茄生长季土壤NH4+-N和NO3?-N含量与微生物功能基因AOA amoA、AOB amoA和nirK数量,降低了nirS数量。与U处理相比,CRU处理增加番茄产量和经济效益,生长季土壤N2O累积排放量减少了24.8%,差异显著,同时显著降低了N2O排放强度;与–20%U处理相比,–20%CRU处理增加番茄产量和经济效益,N2O累积排放量减少了22.1%,亦显著降低了N2O排放强度 (P < 0.05)。【结论】在常规用氮量和减氮20%用量下,以缓释氮肥代替尿素基施,不仅可显著增加番茄的产量和效益,还显著推迟了番茄生长初期N2O释放高峰的出现,减少了整个生育期N2O的排放强度和累积排放量。其主要原因在于缓释氮肥有效控制了土壤中NH4+-N和NO3?-N含量的变化,进而减少了与硝化和反硝化相关的微生物数量。在使用缓释肥做基肥时,适当减少氮肥投入不会降低番茄的产量。  相似文献   

优化施氮下稻-麦轮作体系土壤N2O排放研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用了静态箱法研究优化施氮下湖北稻-麦轮作体系农田N2O排放特征。结果表明,农田N2O排放量随施氮量增加而增加。N2O排放通量峰值大约发生在施氮后的第3~7 d。小麦季土壤N2O排放量范围为N2O 2.43~4.84 kg/hm2,肥料氮通过N2O排放的损失率为0.54%~0.74%。水稻季土壤N2O排放量为N2O 0.89~2.45 kg/hm2,肥料氮通过N2O排放的损失率为0.39%~0.47%。小麦季和水稻季施氮后0~15 d N2O排放量占当季总排放量的百分比分别为62.79%~66.72%和87.97%~93.14%。与习惯施氮相比,基于作物阶段氮素吸收增加追肥比例和施氮次数的优化施氮能有效减少土壤N2O排放。  相似文献   

三江平原寒地稻田CH4、N2O排放特征及排放量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用静态暗箱-气相色谱法,于2003-2006年对三江平原寒地稻田CH4、N2O通量进行了为期4年的田间原位观测研究。结果表明:三江平原寒地稻田CH4和N2O排放具有明显的季节变化,水稻生长季淹水期是CH4排放的强源,稻田排水后CH4排放显著下降,休闲期CH4排放微弱或呈弱吸收汇,整个生长季CH4排放呈现单峰型态,并随水稻植株生长和叶面积指数而变化;水稻生长季和休闲期N2O排放通量都很小,冬季休闲期有时还出现微弱的吸收现象。生长季一般在施肥和表土落干时都会出现不同强度的排放峰,除了几次比较显著的排放峰值外,其它淹水状态下N2O排放很弱;温度和土壤水分状况是影响稻田CH4和N2O排放的重要因子,稻田积水深度和气体排放无明显的相关性;水稻植株对稻田土壤CH4排放起促进作用而对稻田土壤N2O排放起抑制作用;稻田氮肥用量增加可以降低土壤CH4排放,但却增加了N2O的排放。根据试验数据对三江平原地区寒地稻田CH4和N2O排放总量估算值分别为0.1035 Tg/a和 0.0021 Tg/a。  相似文献   

A simple method for characterizing soil microbial community composition relevant to N2O production and consumption was proposed. Ten-fold series soil dilution was prepared. Nitrate or N2O was provided as the sole electron acceptor. Nitrous oxide concentration in the headspace gas across the serially diluted soil suspensions was measured against controls. Results showed that the patterns of N2O production and consumption across the soil suspensions provided useful information on the microbial community composition relevant to N2O production and consumption in these soils. An independent method, to that proposed here, was also employed to characterize denitrifier community compositions of the same soils. Data indicated that information on the soil microbial community composition characterized by both methods were compatible or mutually supporting and apparently related to in situ N2O emissions. Soil samples from manure (applied with animal manure plus chemical fertilizer) plots had higher denitrification rates than the samples from normal fertilizer (applied with chemical fertilizer only) plots. It was concluded that functional characteristics of soil microbial communities relevant to N2O production and consumption could be characterized at ecological levels and may potentially affect N2O emissions.  相似文献   

To study effect of C2H2 and change of headspace gas on N2O emission,denitrification,as well as CO2 emission,slurries of an agricultural soil were anaerobically incubated for 7 days at 25℃.Both N2O reduction and CO2 emissions were inhibited by the addition of 100 mL L^-1 of C2H2.However,the inhibition to CO2 emission was alleviated by the replacement of headspace gas,and the N2O emission was enhanced by the replacement.Acetylene disappeared evidently from the soil slurries during the incubation.Consequently results obtained from the traditional C2H2 blocking technique for determination of denitrifcation rate,especially in a long-time incubation,should be explained with care because of its side effect exsting in the incubation environments without change of headspace gas.To reduce the possible side effect on the processes other than denitrification ,it is suggested that headspace gas should be replaced several times during a long-time incubation.  相似文献   

Global change scenarios predict an increasing frequency and duration of summer drought periods in Central Europe especially for higher elevation areas. Our current knowledge about the effects of soil drought on nitrogen trace gas fluxes from temperate forest soils is scarce. In this study, the effects of experimentally induced drought on soil N2O and NO emissions were investigated in a mature Norway spruce forest in the Fichtelgebirge (northeastern Bavaria, Germany) in two consecutive years. Drought was induced by roof constructions over a period of 46 days. The experiment was run in three replicates and three non-manipulated plots served as controls. Additionally to the N2O and NO flux measurements in weekly to monthly intervals, soil gas samples from six different soil depths were analysed in time series for N2O concentration as well as isotope abundances to investigate N2O dynamics within the soil. N2O fluxes from soil to the atmosphere at the experimental plots decreased gradually during the drought period from 0.2 to −0.0 μmol m−2 h−1, respectively, and mean cumulative N2O emissions from the manipulated plots were reduced by 43% during experimental drought compared to the controls in 2007. N2O concentration as well as isotope abundance analysis along the soil profiles revealed that a major part of the soil acted as a net sink for N2O, even during drought. This N2O sink, together with diminished N2O production in the organic layers, resulted in successively decreased N2O fluxes during drought, and may even turn this forest soil into a net sink of atmospheric N2O as observed in the first year of the experiment. Enhanced N2O fluxes observed after rewetting up to 0.1 μmol m−2 h−1 were not able to compensate for the preceding drought effect. During the experiment in 2006, with soil matric potentials in 20 cm depth down to −630 hPa, cumulative NO emissions from the throughfall exclusion plots were reduced by 69% compared to the controls, whereas cumulative NO emissions from the experimental plots in 2007, with minimum soil matric potentials of −210 hPa, were 180% of those of the controls. Following wetting, the soil of the throughfall exclusion plots showed significantly larger NO fluxes compared to the controls (up to 9 μmol m−2 h−1 versus 2 μmol m−2 h−1). These fluxes were responsible for 44% of the total emission of NO throughout the whole course of the experiment. NO emissions from this forest soil usually exceeded N2O emissions by one order of magnitude or more except during wintertime.  相似文献   

耕作措施对华北农田CO2排放影响及水热关系分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为探讨不同耕作措施对农田土壤呼吸排放的影响及其与土壤温度、水分之间的关系,该研究利用长期定位试验研究翻耕、旋耕、免耕3种耕作措施下冬小麦、夏玉米生育期农田CO2的排放通量及其季节变化规律,并通过农田土壤温度、水分对CO2的排放通量进行回归统计分析。结果表明:不同耕作措施下农田CO2排放通量具有明显的季节排放规律,冬小麦、夏玉米生育期农田CO2排放通量:翻耕>旋耕>免耕,且处理间差异都达到显著或极显著水平。不同耕作措施对农田土壤温度及土壤含水率具有显著的影响,免耕条件下农田各层土壤温度最低,冬小麦季免耕农田土壤水分含量高于其他两处理。各处理条件下农田CO2排放通量与土壤温度具有显著的相关性,其中翻耕处理的CO2排放通量与10 cm土温相关性最高,旋耕和免耕则均与20 cm土温相关性最高。当土壤温度高于10℃时CO2排放通量与5 cm土壤含水率具有显著的相关性,此时土壤水分成为CO2排放的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

Relationship between soil CO2 concentrations and forest-floor CO2 effluxes   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
To better understand the biotic and abiotic factors that control soil CO2 efflux, we compared seasonal and diurnal variations in simultaneously measured forest-floor CO2 effluxes and soil CO2 concentration profiles in a 54-year-old Douglas fir forest on the east coast of Vancouver Island. We used small solid-state infrared CO2 sensors for long-term continuous real-time measurement of CO2 concentrations at different depths, and measured half-hourly soil CO2 effluxes with an automated non-steady-state chamber. We describe a simple steady-state method to measure CO2 diffusivity in undisturbed soil cores. The method accounts for the CO2 production in the soil and uses an analytical solution to the diffusion equation. The diffusivity was related to air-filled porosity by a power law function, which was independent of soil depth. CO2 concentration at all depths increased with increase in soil temperature, likely due to a rise in CO2 production, and with increase in soil water content due to decreased diffusivity or increased CO2 production or both. It also increased with soil depth reaching almost 10 mmol mol−1 at the 50-cm depth. Annually, soil CO2 efflux was best described by an exponential function of soil temperature at the 5-cm depth, with the reference efflux at 10 °C (F10) of 2.6 μmol m−2 s−1 and the Q10 of 3.7. No evidence of displacement of CO2-rich soil air with rain was observed.Effluxes calculated from soil CO2 concentration gradients near the surface closely agreed with the measured effluxes. Calculations indicated that more than 75% of the soil CO2 efflux originated in the top 20 cm soil. Calculated CO2 production varied with soil temperature, soil water content and season, and when scaled to 10 °C also showed some diurnal variation. Soil CO2 efflux and concentrations as well as soil temperature at the 5-cm depth varied in phase. Changes in CO2 storage in the 0–50 cm soil layer were an order of magnitude smaller than measured effluxes. Soil CO2 efflux was proportional to CO2 concentration at the 50-cm depth with the slope determined by soil water content, which was consistent with a simple steady-state analytical model of diffusive transport of CO2 in the soil. The latter proved successful in calculating effluxes during 2004.  相似文献   

Reduction of nitrous oxide (N2O) to dinitrogen (N2) by denitrification in soils is of outstanding ecological significance since it is the prevailing natural process converting reactive nitrogen back into inert molecular dinitrogen. Furthermore, the extent to which N2O is reduced to N2 via denitrification is a major regulating factor affecting the magnitude of N2O emission from soils. However, due to methodological problems in the past, extremely little information is available on N2 emission and the N2:N2O emission ratio for soils of terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, we simultaneously determined N2 and N2O emissions from intact soil cores taken from a mountainous beech forest ecosystem. The soil cores were taken from plots with distinct differences in microclimate (warm-dry versus cool-moist) and silvicultural treatment (untreated control versus heavy thinning). Due to different microclimates, the plots showed pronounced differences in pH values (range: 6.3–7.3). N2O emission from the soil cores was generally very low (2.0 ± 0.5–6.3 ± 3.8 μg N m−2 h−1 at the warm-dry site and 7.1 ± 3.1–57.4 ± 28.5 μg N m−2 h−1 at the cool-moist site), thus confirming results from field measurements. However, N2 emission exceeded N2O emission by a factor of 21 ± 6–220 ± 122 at the investigated plots. This illustrates that the dominant end product of denitrification at our plots and under the given environmental conditions is N2 rather than N2O. N2 emission showed a huge variability (range: 161 ± 64–1070 ± 499 μg N m−2 h−1), so that potential effects of microclimate or silvicultural treatment on N2 emission could not be identified with certainty. However, there was a significant effect of microclimate on the magnitude of N2O emission as well as on the mean N2:N2O emission ratio. N2:N2O emission ratios were higher and N2O emissions were lower for soil cores taken from the plots with warm-dry microclimate as compared to soil cores taken from the cool-moist microclimate plots. We hypothesize that the increase in the N2:N2O emission ratio at the warm-dry site was due to higher N2O reductase activity provoked by the higher soil pH value of this site. Overall, the results of this study show that the N2:N2O emission ratio is crucial for understanding the regulation of N2O fluxes of the investigated soil and that reliable estimates of N2 emissions are an indispensable prerequisite for accurately calculating total N gas budgets for the investigated ecosystem and very likely for many other terrestrial upland ecosystems as well.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of forest clearfelling on the fluxes of soil CO2, CH4, and N2O in a Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) plantation on an organic-rich peaty gley soil, in Northern England. Soil CO2, CH4, N2O as well as environmental factors such as soil temperature, soil water content, and depth to the water table were recorded in two mature stands for one growing season, at the end of which one of the two stands was felled and one was left as control. Monitoring of the same parameters continued thereafter for a second growing season. For the first 10 months after clearfelling, there was a significant decrease in soil CO2 efflux, with an average efflux rate of 4.0 g m−2 d−1 in the mature stand (40-year) and 2.7 g m−2 d−1 in clearfelled site (CF). Clearfelling turned the soil from a sink (−0.37 mg m−2 d−1) for CH4 to a net source (2.01 mg m−2 d−1). For the same period, soil N2O fluxes averaged 0.57 mg m−2 d−1 in the CF and 0.23 mg m−2 d−1 in the 40-year stand. Clearfelling affected environmental factors and lead to higher daily soil temperatures during the summer period, while it caused an increase in the soil water content and a rise in the water table depth. Despite clearfelling, CO2 remained the dominant greenhouse gas in terms of its greenhouse warming potential.  相似文献   

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