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正裂果,对于石榴来说是一种促进物种繁衍、防止物种灭绝的有效手段,但对于果农来说,石榴裂果后,市场价格降低90%,给果农带来了巨大的经济损失。石榴开裂后,果实无法贮存,且籽粒外露,为鸟类、飞虫、蚂蚁等取食提供了方便,果实丧失食用价值。因此,有必要针对石榴裂果问题,从品种、建园、管理等方面更新石榴裂果的预防技术措施。1品种推广抗裂果石榴良种,是解决石榴裂果的根本途径。在生产上可选择抗裂果特性突出的石榴新品种‘秋艳’,该  相似文献   

为解决石榴生长过程中易出现的虫害、日灼、锈斑、裂果等问题,提高石榴生产效益,以临潼石榴为试验对象,比较了膜袋、纸袋对石榴质量的影响。结果表明:套膜袋的石榴单果重明显高于套纸袋石榴及对照组(未套袋)果实,裂果率明显低于套纸袋石榴及对照组果实,但果实糖度、酸度明显低于套纸袋及对照组果实;套纸袋果实单果重低于套膜袋果实,但高于对照组果实,糖度接近对照组,但明显高于套膜袋果实,酸度与套膜袋果实基本相同,但明显高于对照组;套纸袋石榴果实甜中带酸,色泽鲜艳,大小基本均一,石榴套纸袋技术可增加石榴生产效益。  相似文献   

石榴裂果机理及防治措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 石榴裂果的时期及表现特征。石榴裂果是石榴种植区普遍存在的突出问题,从石榴幼果期至成熟期均会发生,以果实采收前10~15d(天)最为严重。据调查,裂果轻的年份裂果率在3%-9%之间,裂果重的年份裂果率高达30%~75%。石榴多数品种以果实中部横向开裂为主,并伴以纵向开裂,严重的可横、纵、斜向混合开裂,少数品种纵向或斜向开裂。石榴裂果轻者果皮龟裂籽粒不外露,重者自萼筒下果皮开裂籽粒外露,更有甚者果皮炸裂成3-5瓣悬挂于枝头,人们称裂果为“开花石榴,四分五裂”。开裂后的果实易引起病虫害,不能保鲜贮存,商品价值降低或丧失,造成严重的经济损失。  相似文献   

石榴裂果是石榴栽培不容忽视的问题,在石榴果实整个发育期,都存在裂果现象,但主要是后期裂果。旱岭地裂果率一般为10%左右,重的可达到70﹪以上,灌水正常的石榴园裂果轻,在5%左右。裂果后籽粒外露易被鸟类和动物取食;裂果形成伤口有  相似文献   

石榴是枣庄市峄城区的支柱产业之一。石榴裂果是石榴生产中普遍存在的一大生理性病害,裂果使果实失去食用价值,易引起病虫害,降低其商品价值,给果农造成严重的经济损失。简要介绍石榴裂果的特征、规律,详细阐述裂果原因及预防裂果的具体措施。  相似文献   

正石榴裂果是石榴丰产栽培不容忽视的问题,在石榴果实整个发育期,都有裂果现象,因立地条件的不同,裂果率从3%~75%不等。裂果后的果实商品价值降低甚至丧失,造成严重的经济损失。1裂果特点沿黄地区石榴裂果发生的严重时期一般始于8月下旬,以果实采收前10~15天,即9月上、中旬最为严重,直至9月中、下旬的采收期。早熟品种裂果期提前,  相似文献   

在石榴栽培生产中,经常会发生裂果现象,给石榴果实的外观和食用价值造成一定的损失.石榴发生裂果后,子粒外露为鸟类和动物取食提供了方便,使果实失去食用价值;裂果形成的伤口有利病菌侵染遇雨容易发病烂果;裂果使石榴外观不美观;而且开裂后的果实易引起病虫害,不能保鲜贮存,商品价值降低或丧失,给果农造成严重的经济损失.  相似文献   

2005~2009年,对峄县万亩榴园石榴果实大量裂果的原因进行调查,导致石榴裂果的主要因素是:在果实膨大期持续干旱天气条件下突降大雨,或阴雨连绵突遇晴热天气。试验结果表明,使用25cm×20cm规格灰色单层和内黑外灰双层纸袋,在7月上旬对石榴果实套袋,可显著降低裂果率。  相似文献   

山东省石榴多栽植在低山丘陵区。由于立地条件不好,管理粗放,经常发生程度不同的石榴裂果现象。为此,我们于近年对低山丘陵区石榴裂果成因进行了调查,并依据调查结果提出相应的防止或减轻石榴裂果的栽培措施。(1)石榴裂果的内因石榴果实由果皮(外果皮、中果皮和内果皮)、胎座隔  相似文献   

裂果在石榴果实整个发育期都有发生。严重时期一般始于果实采收前1个月左右,其中以采收前10~15d(天)最为严重。品种不同。裂果发生差异明显。果皮厚、成熟期晚的品种裂果轻,如铁皮、大果青皮酸等;果皮薄、成熟期早的裂果重,如薄皮、落花甜等。同一品种。着生部位不同。其裂果发生的程度也存在差异。树冠的外围较内膛、朝阳面较背阴面裂果重。同一果实则表现为阳面裂口多和机械损伤部位易裂果。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effect of pollen source on fruit, aril, and seed characteristics in pomegranate. The cultivar Malas Yazdi was pollinated with three pollen sources including: Rabab Neyriz (a commercial cultivar), Malas Pishva Varamin (selected superior local cultivar), and Poost Sefid Dezful (non-commercial cultivar). The results showed that the rate of fruit set from different pollen sources varied from 13% to 46%. Pollen source also had significant effects on other fruit properties, such as fruit weight, fruit shape, fruit length and diameter, fruit peel color, fruit peel thickness, and edible portion of the fruit. Aril characteristics including number of arils per fruit, aril length and diameter, aril weight, and aril color were also significantly affected by pollen source as well as seed physical properties, including seed weight, seed length and diameter, seed hardness, and seed toughness. However ‘Malas Pishva Varamin’ as a pollinizer showed the lowest rate of fruit set, but performed better in terms of fruit quality and seed characteristic than ‘Rabab Neyriz’ and ‘Poost Sefid Dezful’. This is the first observation of xenia effect in pomegranate breeding and could serve as a new area of research for pomegranate production. These findings suggest that selection of suitable pollinizer could be a new area of research for pomegranate production.  相似文献   

优质抗裂无核枣新品种‘新星’   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
‘新星’是从沧州‘金丝小枣’资源中选育出来的无核变异优良枣新品种。果实长圆柱形,平均单果质量4.78g,鲜枣可溶性固形物含量36.5%,酸甜味浓。丰产稳产,是金丝小枣无核变异中的大果品种,抗裂果,干制鲜食兼用,适合于河北平原枣产区栽培。在河北沧州地区9月中下旬成熟。  相似文献   

振动胁迫对桃果实衰老的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
应铁进  郑永华 《园艺学报》1997,24(2):137-140
振动胁迫刺激桃果实的衰老进程,表现为呼吸上升,超氧物歧化酶(SOD)活性下降,脂肪氧化酶(LOX)激活、乙烯与MDA生成量增加和膜透性增大。对振动敏感的品种,在解除振动后的初期,超氧物歧化酶活性明显高于对照,认为是果实抗振动胁迫的应激反应。  相似文献   

The incidence of fruit postharvest losses and waste due to mechanical damage during handling is a major problem in the fresh produce industry. The objectives of this study were to investigate the impact of bruise damage susceptibility of pomegranates during harvesting, sorting, packaging, and transportation. A drop testing technique was used, as it was thought to be the most realistic simulation of what would actually happen to the pomegranate. Four different counterfaces, namely cardboard, rubber on steel (to simulate the rubber of a conveyor), wood, and methacrylate (to simulate retail polyethylene plastic bags) were used in the drop tests as impact surfaces. Results showed that the incidence to bruise damage of the pomegranates were affected by pomegranate cultivars, material counterfaces, and drop heights with Duncan’s Multiple Range test, p < 0.05. There was an approximately linear relationship between bruise volume and impact energy, with different gradients for each impact surface (Cardboard, rubber on steel, wood, and methacrylate showed a Pearson correlation of 0.989, 0.986, 0.990, and 0.993, respectively, with sig < 0.001). Based on the bruise threshold value (100 mm2), a critical drop height value for each impact material and pomegranate cultivar were estimated, in which average critical drop height value for cardboard counterface was greatest (24 cm) and for rubber on steel counterface was least (8 cm). The results obtained can be used by designers of packaging materials, processing plants, and handlers of fresh pomegranate fruits to reduce mechanical damage, especially those due to impact, and ensure good quality products.  相似文献   

通过定期对临潼净皮甜石榴纵横径测定分析,发现套膜袋石榴果实生长呈双"S"曲线,果实净生长有2个高峰,且净生长量与气象因素变化呈正相关,平均气温和降水量对膜袋果实净生长量的影响大于相对湿度的影响;膜袋石榴果实生长Logistic方程为:y=272.821+e245-0.031x。  相似文献   

刘永碧 《北方园艺》2011,(8):125-127
采用冬季粗放修剪、细致修剪和不修剪3种处理,对翌年石榴挂花量、挂果量的影响进行试验研究。结果表明:采用冬季粗放修剪,可提高挂花量;采用冬季细致修剪,可提高挂果量。建议在攀西地区园林绿化中,以观花为主的石榴,宜采用冬季粗放修剪,提高观花效果;以观果为主的石榴,宜采用冬季细致修剪,提高赏果效果。  相似文献   

Fruits play a crucial role in human diets and as a commercial commodity in trade. The consumers have considered fruit quality as the most important criteria that decides its acceptability. Fruit quality-based overall acceptability determines the success of any breeding programme, as a number of improved varieties with desired traits including resistance to stresses could not be popularized due to their poor quality fruits. However, breeding for quality improvement in perennial fruit crops is hampered by a number of limitations including large size of the plant, long juvenile phase and environmental problems (e.g. fruit drops due to natural calamities). Besides, fruit quality is a polygenic trait, which is quantitatively inherited and thus making breeding programme complicated in quality improvement of fruit crops. Several attempts have been made to improve the quality characters in annual staple crops, however this aspect is conveniently ignored in case of perennial fruit crops. A balanced approach combining conventional and non-conventional breeding techniques could help in addressing this issue. The biotechnological approaches provide precision, reliability and are considered to reduce the breeding cycle in long duration crops. Efficacy of approaches like marker assisted selection, candidate gene, genomics, trangenics, cisgenics has shown to be advantageous when dealing with cumbersome crops. This review would focus on problems in fruit breeding and present status of different breeding approaches for fruit quality improvement in fruit trees.  相似文献   

李裂果病防治研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吴振林 《园艺学报》2012,39(12):2361-2368
为了研究有效防止李(Prunus salicina L.)裂果问题,从乙烯利抑制果实水分超量吸收和GA3促进表皮增长角度入手,筛选试剂及其浓度、组合、剂量和施用时期最佳组合,比较各处理组合果实内物质含量及果皮细胞结构差异。采收前30 d左右,向果实均匀喷布0.5 g · L-1乙烯利,第2天再用0.5 g · L-1 GA3喷布1次,此处理组合裂果率仅为0.4%(对照21.2%),防治效果98.13%,果实可溶性糖、维生素C含量极显著高于对照,可滴定酸、含水量极显著低于对照。对照的表皮细胞很小,下皮层个别细胞很大,生长速度不同步是导致果皮胀裂的原因。乙烯利可减少果实水分,使下皮层细胞横向变窄小,并由纵向长条形变为横向长条形排列,果皮不易纵向开裂。GA3使表皮细胞明显增大。乙烯利与GA3配合施用,使表皮和下皮层两部分细胞同步增长。单独使用乙烯利易引起落果,降低果实含糖量,结合使用GA3可防止落果,增加含糖量。  相似文献   

‘曙光7号’是从河北沧州‘金丝小枣’资源中选育出来的抗裂果优良枣新品种。果实长圆形,平均单果质量7.25 g,鲜枣可溶性固形物含量26.08%,酸甜味浓,适宜干制。丰产稳产,抗裂果,在河北枣区10月上旬成熟。适合于河北平原枣区栽培。  相似文献   

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