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The Forest Department in the State of Uttar Pradesh, India developed Forest Management Information System (FMIS) for achieving organizational goals of improved financial and human resource management, improvement in the management of forests and wildlife, and for achieving responsive administration. This paper, based on field research, presents an assessment of the dynamics of FMIS in organizational context for a better understanding of such systems in forestry organizations. The paper also investigates the success of FMIS in assisting decision makers in achieving organizational goals. Based on the knowledge developed during the course of the study, key learning elements have been highlighted for the benefit of the stakeholders in information systems in forest sector.  相似文献   

Above ground dry mass production and N accumulation on an areal basis in stems, branches and needles as well as in litterfall in a Norway spruce stand in south Sweden treated with unlimited availability of water and nutrients (fertilisation with irrigation) or of water (irrigation) during a 6 year experimental period are presented. Fertilisation was made in liquid form on a weekly basis during the vegetation period with 100 kg N ha−1 year−1 during each year. The fertiliser also included a balanced composition of P, K, Ca, Mg and S as well as of micronutrients. Irrigation was carried out as soon as a 20 mm water storage deficit developed. It is concluded that there is a large potential to improve Norway spruce production through liquid fertilisation with irrigation. Stem and branch production of Norway spruce was almost doubled due to this treatment. Also, stand needle dry mass and litterfall were markedly increased in comparison with the control. Water and N availability were the two most limiting growth factors. During the experimental period, irrigation had a greater effect on growth than N addition. The gross N uptake increased by 450 kg ha−1 as a result of 600 kg ha−1 fertiliser addition. Needle retention was increased for irrigated trees but needle litterfall remained unchanged. Changing the forest management of Norway spruce to intensive cultivatation results in transitional carbon sequestration in both stand and soil compared with an untreated ecosystem. The largest long-term environmental value is, however, achieved if this cultivated renewable biomass is used as a substitute for fossil fuels. Wood utilisation options of intensively cultivated Norway spruce are discussed.  相似文献   

Ample research on private forest owners (PFOs) has established high heterogeneity in owners' objectives, motivations and management decisions. Such heterogeneity is, however, rarely taken into account in forest scenario modelling. This study, in contrast, conducts a detailed forest owner mapping that feeds into simulations of ecosystem services (ES) under alternative future scenarios. First, we identify four private forest owner types (FOT) – Forest Businessmen, Household Foresters, Passive Forest Lovers, and Ad Hoc Owners through in-depth interviews and qualitative analyses on a case study area in western Lithuania. Next, each forest estate and forest compartment is assigned a FOT by combining the property registry and forest characteristics with opinions of two types of local experts: state forest managers and inspectors from the State Forest Service. Third, a set of forest management (FM) programmes is specified using field interviews and desktop research, FM records, and expert judgement for each forest compartment. Finally, ES provision is projected using a behavioural matrix combining management styles of FOTs with details of FM programmes. We simulate the dynamics of profits from forestry activities, accumulated carbon in live biomass and tree species diversity under a reference scenario without substantial changes; and a policy intervention scenario. The study demonstrates that treating forest owners as a homogenous group overestimates profits from timber and underestimates the provision of the other analysed ES, potentially misinforming policy decisions.  相似文献   

A forest simulation model has been applied in a regional impact assessment to investigate impacts of climate change on forest structure and function in the Federal state of Brandenburg, Germany. The forest model FORSKA-M was linked to a GIS that included soil, groundwater table and land-use maps. Two climate scenarios (current climate and a climate change of 1.5 K temperature increase which is combined with a precipitation decrease of 10–20% on average) for 40 meteorological stations in and around Brandenburg were used to assess the sensitivity of species composition to climate change. Furthermore, the implications of vegetation changes for other forest functions were analysed by means of several indicators. To evaluate the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, measures of species diversity (Shannon’s and Simpson’s index) and habitat and structural diversity (Seibert’s index) were applied. The evaluation of impacts on groundwater recharge of natural and managed forests was carried out using the soil water balance model of FORSKA-M.At first, model simulations of the potential natural vegetation (PNV) on the whole area of Brandenburg with different climate scenarios were analysed. The results indicated that climatic warming would lead to a shift in the natural species composition in Brandenburg towards more drought tolerant species. The simulated diversity of the forests would be reduced, and groundwater recharge would be decreased.The majority of forests in the state of Brandenburg have been managed intensively in the past. At present, large areas of Brandenburg’s forests are dominated by pure stands of Scots pine, but current forest management practice aims at increasing the share of deciduous and mixed forests. In order to analyse the possible consequences of climate change on forest management, forest inventory data were used to initialise FORSKA-M with representative forest stands. Simulation experiments with three different management scenarios showed that the short to mid-term effects of climatic change in terms of species composition were not as severe as expected. However, the comparison of different diversity measures indicates a decrease in the species diversity in contrast to an increase in habitat diversity under climate warming. Furthermore, a decrease in productivity and groundwater recharge was simulated under the climate change scenario.The regional impact assessment corroborated the high sensitivity of natural forests in the region to the projected climatic change and it underlined the importance of adaptive management strategies to help forestry to cope with climatic change.  相似文献   

Accurately estimating forest net primary productivity (NPP) plays an important role in study of global carbon budget. A NPP model reflecting the synthetic effects of both biotic (forest stand age, A and stem volume, V) and climatic factors (mean annual actual evapotranspiration, E) was developed for Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) forest by making full use of Forest Inventory Data (FID) and dynamically assessing forest productivity. The NPP of Chinese pine forest was estimated by using this model and the fourth FID (1989–1993), and the spatial pattern of NPP of Chinese pine forest was given by Geography Information System (GIS) software. The results indicated that mean NPP value, of Chinese pine forest was 7.82 t m−2·a−1 and varied at the range of 3.32–11.87 t hm−2·a−1. NPP distribution of Chinese pine forests was significantly different in different regions, higher in the south and lower in the north of China. In terms of the main distribution regions of Chinese pine, the NPPs of Chinese pine forest in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces were in middle level, with an average NPP of 7.4 t hm−2·a−1, that in the southern and the eastern parts (e.g. Shichuang Hunan, Henan, and Liaoning provinces) was higher (over 7.7 t hm−2·a−1), and that in the northern part and western part (e.g. Neimenggu and Ningxia provinces) was lower (below 5 t hm−2·a−1). This study provides an efficient way for using FID to understand the dynamics of foest NPP and evaluate its effects on global climate change. Foundation item: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 30028001, 49905005), National Key Basic Research Specific Foundation (G1999043407); the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSC2-1-07). Biography: ZHAO Min (1973-), female, Ph. D. in Laboratory of Quantitative Vegetation Ecology, Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

Under climate change, the adoption of historical reference as the objective of forest restoration is being questioned. In this study, the spatially explicit forest landscape model LANDIS was utilized to analyze how the forest landscape in the upper Hun River area of Liaoning province in northeast China would be affected under current climate trends and future climate change; and to explore whether the historical reference should be the objective of restoration efforts. The results showed that (1) the area percentage (AP) of Quercusmongolica under climate change is always higher than that under the current climate regime, while the AP of Pinuskoraiensis is lower than that under current climate; and (2) the competitive ability of Q. mongolica and Populus davidiana increases, while that of other species decreases under climate change. As interspecies competition shifts under climate change, the historical reference appears in appropriate to serve as the objective of forest restoration. In addition, although Q. mongolica would likely benefit from a warmer and drier climate, use of this species for forest restoration under climate change still requires further research.  相似文献   

Much has been written about a supposed shift ‘from government to governance’ in many policy areas, including forest policy. However, the idea remains very much at the level of hypothesis as few empirical studies have confirmed the transition. Part of the problem is the multi-dimensional character of governance itself, which includes traditional ‘government’ as one of many possible governance modes. By providing a three dimensional picture of these potential governance modes, including overlapping institutional, political and regulatory dimensions, this article analyses the complex and incomplete character of moves towards any new governance mode in a high-profile land use planning exercise in British Columbia, that of the “Great Bear Rainforest” protected area strategy on the province's mid-coast region in 2006. Little evidence of such a shift is uncovered, despite much rhetoric to the contrary.  相似文献   


? Context

Two-thirds of Britain’s forest area is privately owned. Thus, understanding private forest owners and managers, and their attitudes to uncertainty and change, is essential for the success of climate change adaptation policies.

? Aim

The aims of this study are to (1) assess how beliefs in climate change in the private sector have influenced forest management practices; (2) identify constraints related to changes in species choice and silvicultural systems; (3) analyse the implications for implementing climate change policy in forestry.

? Method

Semi-structured interviews with key informants who provide advice to, or manage woodlands in, the private forest sector in north Wales.

? Results

Woodland managers and some advisers are not generally convinced of a need to adapt. They feel the future is uncertain, more usually in relation to tree disease than to climate change itself. Species choice is the principle focus of adaptation activities and reveals a deep divide in opinion. Commercial advisors look to new exotics but are inhibited by absence of markets, while small-scale owners rely more on native genetic diversity.

? Conclusions

Findings that are likely to apply widely include: the influential role of forest agents in forest management decisions including species choice; lack of confidence in climate change predictions, and in markets; more immediate concerns about tree pests and diseases; demand for leadership from the public sector, and for engagement amongst the private sector. Further research is needed across a wider area to test the variability in relationship between attitudes and behaviours, and local conditions including climate change predictions.  相似文献   

Community forestry, promoted as a “win–win” forest management strategy yielded a variety of results that includes both failure and relative success. The willingness of government to hold control over forest resources while transferring only part of property rights to local communities is one of the major constraints. Therefore, there is a need to explore alternative approaches, which enhance the position and accountability of local communities in community forest management. This study evaluated socio-economic and ecological outcomes of community forestry in a context of important property rights conceded to local communities. The study was conducted using focus groups discussions, forest income evaluation and assessment of forest resources and their dynamics. Findings showed that institutional design with important property rights conceded to local communities partially empowered local communities and reduced threats while improving the condition of forest resources. The approach also yielded positive economic outcomes that enabled bordering populations to make up to 25% of their global annual income from the forest. However, the sustainability of this scheme of forest management was mostly limited by the financial dependency on local non-governmental organization, by local institutions and discrepancy in forest benefits sharing among local forest users.  相似文献   


• Context  

Forest stand dynamics models simulate the growth of trees in stands; based on field measurements and system knowledge, they provide a relatively precise representation of forest growth and are well adapted for forest management purposes. Architectural models describe the structure of plants according to ontogenetic development processes; as a support of biomass production and partitioning at organ scale, they simulate individual tree development.  相似文献   

Additional information concerning the quality of growing stock in forests has been obtained for the first time in Baden-Württemberg and Rheinland-Pfalz during the course of Germany’s second national forest inventory (BWI 2; conducted during the period 2001–2002). In this article, the quality assessment—called stem quality rating method—is described with a special focus on its potential to provide the basis for a more detailed investigation of the growing stock’s quality distribution. As a main result, the article presents and illustrates a model-based quantification of single tree and stand/site variable effects on the quality distribution of Norway spruce. Single tree variables showing a significant effect are diameter at breast height (DBH), height–DBH-ratio (h/d-value), age and distance to forest edge. Additional stand/site variables which have a significant effect are altitude, terrain slope, stand type and inventory team. Due to the ordinal type of the response variable, a categorical regression model is applied. Non-linear effects of predictor variables were detected and modeled by integration of smoothing spline terms. Validating model predictions with regard to expert knowledge in forestry led to the integration of simple constraints in the linear predictor, which controls whether category-specific effects are fitted or not. The resulting model could be described as a vector generalized additive non-proportional odds regression model. This improved insight into the determination of stem quality could be applied in optimization studies to derive optimal silvicultural treatments and in the setting up of management guidelines. Assuming constant relationships between predictor and response variables over time, the combined application with growth simulators allows for a prediction of future joint quality and size class assortment distributions. Finally, the model would allow for a sustainability control of stem quality over time if a consecutive inventory will be conducted during the course of the third German national forest inventory (BWI 3).  相似文献   

Gap fellings are used to promote multi-cohort structures and to restore other natural forest structures and processes in protected areas that have been altered by anthropogenic activities. Gaps and felled trees may also provide breeding material for species that in high numbers can cause significant tree mortality, growth reduction and consequent economic losses in surrounding production forests. In this study, the effect of restoration gap fellings on feeding intensity of Tomicus spp. (pine shoot beetles) was evaluated by counting fallen pine shoots at different distances from gaps in a protected area in eastern Finland. Gap fellings had a clear effect on the feeding intensity of the beetles. The average density of fallen shoots m−2 was 17 within a 10-m distance from gaps but decreased rapidly to around 4 at the distance of 50 m and beyond. The distance decay in shoot feeding is described well by the negative exponential models. Our results suggest that gap fellings have only a localized effect on shoot feeding by Tomicus in the forests surrounding the restoration gaps. In practical restoration, a buffer zone of 100–200 m around the gap fellings, as implemented here, is enough to minimize economically significant growth reduction in surrounding production forests. As shown in this study, restoration of natural forest structures and dynamics to protect biodiversity is not necessarily in conflict with forest hygiene objectives in production forests.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of forest stand structure often results from repeated small disturbances, but structural variation also arises in a stand that has regenerated after a single large stand-replacing disturbance. We explored the structural variation within a subalpine Abies forest in Japan that regenerated after a large typhoon in 1959. In 2004, four 50 × 50 m plots were established at two sites in the regenerated forest. To characterize local stand structure within each plot, we determined the stem density, stand basal area, mean diameter at breast height (DBH), and coefficient of variation (CV) of DBH in 10 × 10 m subplots. We analyzed the spatial distribution pattern of the trees in each subplot using the L(t) function and categorized the distributions as clumped or non-clumped. The analysis revealed marked variation among subplots in the stand’s structural characteristics. Although the spatial distribution patterns of the trees in all plots were clumped, 11 of 50 subplots at one site and 39 of 50 subplots at the other site were non-clumped. Subplots with a clumped distribution pattern generally had a smaller basal area, smaller mean DBH, and greater CV of DBH than subplots with the same density but a non-clumped pattern. These results illustrated the spatial heterogeneity of forest structure that can arise in Abies forest that has experienced a large disturbance, probably because of the different densities and distribution of saplings surviving the disturbance and the different forest growth dynamics that result.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the issue of the spontaneous development of Central-European floodplain forests. The research object was the Cahnov–Soutok National Nature Reserve situated on the confluence of Dyje R. and Morava R. in the Czecho–Slovak-Austrian borderland area. This locality has been left to spontaneous development since the beginning of the 1930s. In the years 1973, 1994 and 2006, the surveyed site was subjected to the measurement of standing and lying, live and dead trees reaching a diameter at breast height of 10 cm and the whole area regeneration of woody species. The work objective is to describe the most pronounced trends in tree layer changes having occurred in the period of study and to capture changes in the total tree volume and production of dendromass during the disintegration of the old grazing oak layer. The survey into the near-natural floodplain forest of Cahnov–Soutok showed that (1) the most significant trend is a decreased representation of Quercus robur in all monitored indicators and conversely an expanding representation of Acer campestre, Carpinus betulus and Tilia cordata and (2) that the floodplain forest ecosystem demonstrates a high-level stability in the total volume of tree biomass with an essential change in the tree species composition, spatial structure and average stem volume of individual trees.  相似文献   

The impact of skidding operations on forest soils can be divided into three major categories: soil profile disturbance, soil compaction, and soil puddling and rutting. The present study was designed as a factorial experiment in the Kheyrud Forest with a Timberjack cable skidder to evaluate the influences of number of machine passes and soil moisture of skid trails on rutting over a fine-grained soil, and to quantify these effects. The effects of soil moisture of 20% 30%, 30% 40% and 40% 50% and different levels of compaction were studied. Compaction treatments were applied using different numbers of skidding passes (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 times). Result shows that an increase in the number of machine passes could increase rut depth, but the majority of rutting was occurred after the initial few machine passes. Also rut depth at soil moisture of 40% 50% was higher than rut depths at soil moisture of 30% 40% and 20% 30%. The average rut depth in soil with 20% 30%, 30% 40% and 40% 50% moisture was 17, 22 and 35 cm, respectively. Rut depths were increased significantly with soil moisture and number of machine passes. It is suggested that skidding operations should be planned when soil conditions are dry in order to minimize rutting., but if skidding must be done under wet conditions, the operations should be stopped when machine traffic could create deep ruts.  相似文献   

Northern Swedish forests provide multiple ecosystem services. Integrating these values into the forest planning process frequently requires that not only forest owners but also other stakeholders be involved. The objective of this study is to assess the potential of future scenario development as a tool in forest planning. In a case study of the Vilhelmina municipality in northern Sweden, forest owners and stakeholders were interviewed, and a workshop was held to discuss important factors for the future development of the local landscape regarding ecological, socioeconomic and political issues. Combined with a researcher-conducted process, this resulted in three alternative scenarios. We conclude that the scenario development process has produced information that can be used in forest planning. The participatory element of the scenario development process could be extended further to enhance communication, learning and knowledge exchange. The participants' contribution to the scenario construction could also be elaborated, e.g., by further involving stakeholders in the formulation of alternative future manifestations and in the elaboration of scenarios. To achieve this, it is necessary to adapt the quantitative methods to the participatory situation, to foster discussion qualities, to secure representation and increase motivation for participation in different ways.  相似文献   

Trade barriers of forest products are often advocated in the name of protecting forest resources. Whether the promoting of trade of forest products will increase or decrease the global forest resources is still a matter of debate. We offer an assessment of how forest product trade helps shape observed forest change, by relating wood consumption change to trade of forest products based on cross-section data from 61 countries in 2010. The result shows that wood outputs have positive effects on wood consumption. Compared to domestic production, the result suggests that imports of forest products can help reduce wood consumption. This may indicate that trade liberalization can promote the allocation efficiency of timber resources across the global, which can improve the utilization efficiency and reduce the wood consumption in the world to protect the global forest resources. It is suggested that the high-efficient harvest and wood-processing technological transfer should be advocated in the international community to contribute to global forest conservation.  相似文献   

In the past 20 years, a proliferation of governance instruments has been developed by both state and non-state actors. Today, many industrial sectors are governed by a variety of overlapping instruments that are usually analysed separately rather than as a collective. In this paper, we make the case for analysing such codes as a collective, given that is how they are experienced from the perspective of users and how, ultimately, they achieve their governance objectives. Drawing on an exhaustive database of all related governance instruments, we present an overview of the Tasmanian forestry code complex with regard to harvesting-related forest operations, highlighting how public and private instruments relate to each other and intersect. Three key findings from the study are (a) the critical importance of Tasmania's Forest Practices Code as a master code, which sits at the centre of the State's Forest Code Complex with regard to harvesting; (b) the role that company management plans play in mediating between Tasmanian and international codes such as those endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification and the Forest Stewardship Council; and (c) the utility of the code complex concept for comparative analyses of resource management.  相似文献   

Forest landscape restoration (FLR) is a process that aims to regain ecological integrity and enhance human well-being in deforested or degraded forest landscapes. To ensure that restoration efforts are successful, the first step is to understand the dynamics of the forest landscape and the dominant forces responsible for its change. Taking Yong’an city, Fujian province in China as a case for study, this paper constructed a Markov model to predict the dynamics of the forest landscape based on sample-plot data of Continuous Forest Inventory at a county level. The study area was divided into eight landscape element types based on FLR, including approximated primary forest, secondary broad-leaved forest, secondary forest of Pinus massoniana, natural bamboo forest, planted forest, non-timber product forest, degraded forest land and non-forestry land. The analysis showed the following: (1) the extent of reforestation of planted forest, non-timber product forest and secondary forest of Pinus massoniana would be greater than that of deforestation of approximated primary forest, broad-leaved secondary forest and natural bamboo forest. Therefore, the total area covered by forest would increase steadily. (2) Conversely, conversion among different landscape element types would occur frequently and have high transition proportions. (3) Remarkable decrease of the extent of approximated primary forest, together with the conversion from degraded forest land to secondary forest, would probably result in the decline of forest volume. (4) Forest productivity in the meantime will not be maintained or enhanced because of the conversion from secondary forest to planted forest. These results suggest that the direct and underlying driving force of landscape dynamics should be understood and addressed in the upcoming studies for remnant approximated primary forest protection, secondary forest management and degraded forest land rehabilitation. The conclusion is that the Markov model can be used to analyze the forest landscape dynamics for FLR based on sample-plot survey data of Continuous Forest Inventory at a county level.  相似文献   

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