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Future changes in tree growth, associated with a warmer and drier climate, are predicted for many species and locations across the European Mediterranean Basin. However, quantification of the intensity and severity of related consequences for forest ecosystem functioning and productivity remains challenging. Species-specific distribution limits that are particularly sensitive to small changes in the ambient climate may provide an ideal test bed to assess the nature of past growth trends and extremes and their responsible controls. Here, we seek to understand how twentieth century climate change affected the growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) nearby its south-eastern distribution limit in Albania and Macedonia on the Balkan Peninsula. We sampled 93 living trees from undisturbed mixed forest stands at ~1,450 m a.s.l. and 29 timbers from nearby historical buildings. Application of different tree-ring detrending techniques allowed robust composite chronologies with varying degrees of high- to low-frequency variability to be developed back to 1648 ad. Comparison with local meteorological station measurements and continental grid-box climate indices revealed spatiotemporal instability in growth–climate response patterns. Nevertheless, year-to-year and decadal-long fluctuations in radial beech growth were significantly (P < 0.001) negatively correlated at ?0.61 with June–September temperature over the 1951–1995 period. This (inverse) relationship between increased beech growth and decreased summer temperature is somewhat indicative for the importance of plant-available soil moisture, which likely controls ring width formation near the species-specific south-eastern distribution limit. Significant positive correlations between beech growth and drought (scPDSI; r = 0.57) confirm metabolistic drought constraints. However, an unexpected late twentieth century growth increase not only contradicts the previously observed growth dependency to summer soil moisture, but also denies any putative drought-induced forest ecosystem suppression in this part of the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   

Due to its wide European distribution and its drought-susceptibility, beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) received intensive attention recently in the light of global warming. Contrary to central European beech ecosystems, little is known about the ecophysiology of beech at its south-eastern European distribution limit. Here we tested whether climatic fluctuations during a three-year period affected the ecophysiology of a beech site in Greece. Attention was paid at comparing our findings to the intense effects the 2003 extreme drought had on beech forests in central Europe.  相似文献   

The north-eastern distribution range of European beech a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Today, European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seems to be a markedlysuccessful tree species in the north-east of its distributionrange. The distribution area may be larger than originally assumed;past forest management is probably the main cause of the contractionin the postglacial European beech range. Numerous attempts consistentlyhave failed to locate a distinct distribution edge for Europeanbeech. Therefore, we define northern and eastern Poland andthe southern regions of the Baltic States as margins of Europeanbeech distribution. Ecophysiological approaches have identifiedthe drought constraints for European beech in terms of (1) thecritical limit for xylem cavitation and loss of hydraulic conductivity,reached at a shoot water potential of –1.9 MPa, and (2)a reduction in gross primary production and total ecosystemrespiration when relative extractable soil water reaches 40and 20 per cent, respectively. However, it is difficult to correlateEuropean beech distribution margins with single macro-climaticfactors. Moreover, the adaptation of European beech populationsand provenances to drought and frost varies. The phenotypicplasticity and evolutionary adaptability of European beech appearto be underestimated. These characteristics may counteract afurther contraction of the European beech range arising fromclimate change in the future.  相似文献   

We present a projection matrix model to estimate the sustainable harvest rates and the stable diameter distributions of three qualities of European beech in the Spanish province of Navarre. Considering a period of 10 years and the diameter growth, trees were grouped into five classes: (0,10), (10,20), (20,30), (30,40) and over 40 cm. The transition probabilities were calculated assuming an approximation by splines to the diameter growth curves and uniform distributions for the diameters in each class. A condition for sustainable harvesting, leading to reach in each harvest the stable diameter distribution, was introduced. The results obtained suggest that, for each projection and depending on the quality, harvest rates in the range 18.8–37.5% for recruitments in the range 200–840 stems/ha, may be sustained without risk of a population reduction. Finally, the stable diameter distributions in relation to the recruitment were also obtained for each quality.  相似文献   

Height–diameter relationships are essential elements of forest assessment and modeling efforts.In this work,two linear and eighteen nonlinear height–diameter equations were evaluated to find a local model for Oriental beech(Fagus orientalis Lipsky) in the Hyrcanian Forest in Iran.The predictive performance of these models was first assessed by different evaluation criteria: adjusted R~2(R~2_(adj)),root mean square error(RMSE),relative RMSE(%RMSE),bias,and relative bias(%bias) criteria.The best model was selected for use as the base mixed-effects model.Random parameters for test plots were estimated with different tree selection options.Results show that the Chapman–Richards model had better predictive ability in terms of adj R~2(0.81),RMSE(3.7 m),%RMSE(12.9),bias(0.8),%Bias(2.79) than the other models.Furthermore,the calibration response,based on a selection of four trees from the sample plots,resulted in a reduction percentage for bias and RMSE of about 1.6–2.7%.Our results indicate that the calibrated model produced the most accurate results.  相似文献   


• Introduction   

Xeric (trailing) forest range limits are particularly vulnerable to impacts of predicted climate change. Regional modelling studies contribute to the identification of potential local climatic threats and may support appropriate management strategies.  相似文献   

Background: Progress of forest production in response to the environment requires a quantitative understanding of leaf area development. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the dynamics of seasonal crown foliage in order to understand the productivity of mangroves, which play an important role in the subtropical and tropical coastlines of the world. Method: Crown foliage dynamics of the mangrove Rhizophora styloso were studies to reveal patterns of leaf recruitment, survival and seasonal leaf area growth. Results: Flushing of leaves occurred throughout the year, but both flushing and leaf area growth pattern of leaves varied with season. Maximum flushing occurred in summer, but leaf areas did not differ significantly with season. The half-expansion period is longer, and the intrinsic rate of increase was lower in winter. Summer flushed leaves grew faster at their initial stage and reached their maximum area over a shorter period of time. The difference in temperature and air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) between summer and winter contributed to the present dynamics of foliage patterns. The mean leaf longevity was estimated to be 13.1 month. The crown foliage area was almost stable throughout the year. Conclusions: Homeostatic control of the crown foliage area may be accompanied by the existence of ecophysiological mechanisms in R. stylosa. Integrating crown foliage dynamics into forest models represents an important step towards incorporating physiological mechanisms into the models for predicting growth responses to environmental changes and for understanding the complex responses of tree growth and litter production.  相似文献   



Scots pine populations in the SE “Sistema Ibérico” range suffered a severe defoliation in the S face of the crown in isolated trees of thinned stands. This process was detected at the end of the winter 2001–2002.  相似文献   

Given the current gap in knowledge concerning the macrofungal diversity of holm-oak forests at the northern limit of their distribution range and in the Basque Country, a mycocoenological study was conducted by sampling 23 randomly selected permanent plots from 6 holm-oak forests. To obtain a better understanding of the macrofungal diversity distribution pattern on a regional scale, forests from both the temperate and Mediterranean-type climate regions of the Basque Country were selected, covering all their phytocoenological variation. After 4 years of sampling, a total of 377 macrofungal species were collected: 209 ectomycorrhizal species, 86 humicolous saprotrophs, 40 saprotrophs on litter, 36 lignicolous saprotrophs, 3 coprophilous saprotrophs and 3 parasitic species. Species considered characteristic of this kind of forest, such as Cortinarius aurilicis, Cortinarius callochrous, Cortinarius ionochlorus, Hygrophorus leucophaeo-ilicis, Hygrophorus persoonii, Hygrophorus russula, Lactarius atlanticus, Lactarius ilicis, Leccinellum lepidum, were recorded all over the territory, but Mediterranean forests were richer in species and more productive in sporocarps than temperate ones. Species assemblage was found to change gradually at local scale from temperate to Mediterranean climate zones, and was distinct to each phytocoenological association with all species, with ectomycorrhizal species and with saprotrophs.  相似文献   

The fracture toughness of thermally modified beech (Fagus sylvatica L) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior L) wood under Mode I loading was quantified using Compact Tension (CT) specimens, loaded under steady-state crack propagation conditions. The influence of three heat-treatment levels and three moisture contents, as well as two crack propagation systems (RL and TL) was studied. Complete load–displacement records were analysed, and the initial slope, k init, critical stress intensity factor, K Ic, and specific fracture energy, G f, evaluated. In the case of both species, thermal modification was found to be significantly affect the material behaviour; the more severe the thermal treatment, the lower the values of K Ic and G f, with less difference being observed between the most severe treatments. Moisture content was also found to influence fracture toughness, but had a much less significant effect than the heat treatment.  相似文献   


? Context

Little is known about the potential of gene flow and resulting genetic structures of trees employing sea-drifting seed dispersal in island populations.

? Aims

Current genetic structure and the magnitude of historical gene flow were estimated in island populations of Calophyllum inophyllum L., a typical plant employing sea-drifting seed dispersal.

? Methods

Samples were collected from the northern extreme of the species’ distribution (Taiwan and the Sakishima, Daito, and Ogasawara Islands, Japan) and genotyped using 15 EST-SSR markers. Genetic differentiation (F ST and AMOVA), genetic structure (STRUCTRE analysis), and historical gene flow (assignment testing) were determined.

? Results

Frequent gene flow within and rare gene flow among island groups was determined using assignment testing. Clear genetic structures were also detected using the STRUCTURE analysis, which demonstrated differentiation between dominant clusters among geographically constructed island groups.

? Conclusions

The potential for gene flow via sea-drifting seed dispersal was high, and this was possible even among small islands. However, the extent and frequency of gene flow were not great enough to prevent genetic differentiation in a range of over a few hundred kilometers.  相似文献   

In order to detect the effects of climate change on Erman's birch (Betula ermanii Charm.), we examined radial growth—climate relationships of Erman's birch forests at their upper limit of distribution in Changbai Mountain, Northeast China. Thirty Erman's birch trees from six stands were sampled at an elevation of about 1950 m a.s.l. Correlation and response function coefficients indicated that radial growth of Erman's birch was positively influenced by previous August, October and current February temperature, and previous winter, and current March, June and September precipitation. In addition, radial growth showed a negative relationship to previous August and current June sunshine ratio. Precipitation and temperatures in annualization periods also positively affected the radial growth of Erman's birch. Regression analyses indicated that precipitation explained more variation in radial growth than minimum temperature. Together, these results suggested that climate affected radial growth of Erman's birch through altering soil water availability. Therefore, the radial growth of Erman's birch at the tree line in Changbai Mountain could not be predicted by temperature alone even under a scenario of global warming.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of basal area distributions of sample plots in coniferous forest derived from small-footprint airborne laser scanner data, and to compare the accuracy of two methods for derivation of such distributions based on: (1) two percentiles of a two-parameter Weibull and parameter recovery, and (2) a system of 10 percentiles defined across the range of observed diameters. The 12 percentiles were derived from the empirical basal area distributions of 141 plots with size 300–400 m2. Regression analysis was used to relate the percentiles to various canopy height and canopy density metrics derived from the laser data. On average, the distance between transmitted laser pulses was 0.9 m on the ground. The plots were divided into three strata according to age class and site quality. The stratum-specific regressions explained 7–91% of the variability. Total plot volume predicted from the estimated distributions was used to assess the accuracy of the regressions. Cross-validation of the regressions revealed a bias of ?1.2 to 2.1% between predicted and ground-truth values of plot volume. The standard deviations of the differences between predicted and ground-truth values of plot volume were 15.1–16.4%. Neither bias nor standard deviation differed significantly between the two validated methods.  相似文献   

The refugee population of Fagus crenata in the Takakuma Mountains, Kyushu, Japan, represents the southern limit of this species' distribution area. Because this population is the most exposed to the global warming effect, records of this population are likely to provide useful information on the response of this species to global warming. The aim of this study was to record the present status of this valuable population, enabling judgment of its sustainability. The density of successive F. crenata trees and saplings was low regardless of the coverage of dwarf bamboo. Moreover, the proportion of empty nuts observed was considerably high, suggesting to be the likely major factor limiting recruitment of saplings or successors in this population. Radial growth of F. crenata was shown to have been decreasing for the past 50 years, and there was a significantly negative correlation with the warmth index. The decreasing growth rate and poor regenerative ability caused by the high proportion of empty nuts suggest the possibility that this population will degrade further in the future, possibly being replaced by shrubs and small tree species.  相似文献   

红锥天然分布区的主要资源现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在调查分析红锥17个主要分布区的现有资源状况的基础上,重点比较了现有资源的生长特性以及与气候立地的关联性。  相似文献   

The present study introduces an exploratory data analysis based on structural indicators with the aim to assess the effect of silvicultural practices on tree stand structure. The study was carried out in three Italian beech forests of different ages with stand structures that originated from dissimilar regeneration and cultivation techniques(Cansiglio, northern Italy, Chiarano, central Italy,and Mongiana, southern Italy). Ten structural indicators were considered when investigating the latent multivariate relationship between stand structure attributes before and after thinning operations by using a multiway factor analysis(MFA). The MFA results identified the older stand at Cansiglio as more homogeneous for cultivation regimes,and more stable to practices when compared with the younger sites(Chiarano and Mongiana). Heterogeneous stands were sensitive to silvicultural practice thus suggesting their possible impact on forest attributes. The proposed approach proved to be an operational tool to evaluate comprehensively the response of forest structure to planned interventions.  相似文献   

运用预设预测规则的遗传算法(GARP)和最大熵(MaxEnt)两种生态位预测模型,以及受试者工作曲线(ROC)分析方法,预测石蒜属石蒜潜在适生区.结果表明,GARP和MaxEnt模型ROC曲线下面的面积AUC(area under the ROC curve)均值分别为0.910和0.988,MaxEnt模型的AUC值更大,预测结果更准确,运行速度更快,更适合用于石蒜的适生区预测.对环境变量进行刀切法表明,在所有环境变量中,最冷季度平均温度对于石蒜分布的影响(贡献)最大,其次是年均温、最冷月的最低温度和最暖季度降水量,而海拔、降水量变化方差对石蒜分布的影响比较小.预测结果显示,石蒜在世界范围内主要分布在亚洲东部以及亚洲中部一小部分,另外北美洲的东部,欧洲南部一小部分地区也适合其生长.在中国范围内主要分布在云南、贵州、福建、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、重庆、湖北、湖南等省,以及山东、河南、陕西、甘肃等省南部;四川东部和广东、广西(除了南部沿海地区)均预测为适生区,海南、台湾、西藏部分地区也是适生区.  相似文献   

Canopy transpiration (E c) of a 50-year-old Pinus canariensis Chr. Sm. Ex DC. stand at tree line in Tenerife, Canary Islands, was estimated continuously throughout a year from March 1, 2008, to February 28, 2009, by means of xylem sap flow measurements. E c varied markedly throughout the entire year generally following the seasonal trends in soil water availability and varied between 0.89 mm day?1 under the conditions of non-limiting soil water availability and close to zero under soil drought. This is because canopy conductance declined significantly with increasing evaporative demand and thus significantly reduced tree water loss, and this decrease was more pronounced during the soil drought. Total annual E c was 79.6 mm, which is significantly below the values estimated for other Mediterranean forest ecosystems and even 70 % lower than the value estimated for a P. canariensis forest at 1,650 m a.s.l. where the soil water content was higher than at the tree line site. Therefore, these results highlighted the importance of drought stress in tree line ecotone and should be taken more into account in semiarid tree lines.  相似文献   

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