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The Comoé National Park occupies an area of ca 12, 500 km2. Its main habitat types are, in the west, the Comoé valley, with riparian forest and adjoining floodplain grassland, and, in the east, hill country covered with savanna woodland. In the woody vegetation Leguminous species are dominant, while the tall-grass cover is mainly comprised of Andropogon and Hyparrhenia species. Of the larger animals, Western Hartebeest, Senegal Kob, Grey Duiker, Oribi, and Baboon, are numerous, whereas African Elephant, Buffalo, Roan Antelope, Waterbuck, Warthog, and Hippopotamus, are present only in small numbers. In the south, species characteristic of the high forest occur—especially duikers and primates. The animal biomass of the Comoé valley habitat is estimated at ca 2,550 kg/km2, and that of the savana woodland at ca 500 kg/km2.  相似文献   

Michaelis‐Menten kinetic parameters (Imax and KM) are useful for describing nutrient uptake by plants. This paper compares two methods for estimating the kinetics of P uptake. Both methods employed a steady‐state hydroponic system to measure P uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings. In one method, uptake was measured from two P concentrations in nutrient solution, with Imax and KM estimated by direct linear plot (DLP). In an alternate, multiple concentration (MC) method, uptake was measured from five P concentrations, and kinetic parameters were estimated by either nonlinear regression or the Hanes plot. The Imax and KM, estimates obtained by the DLP method were compared to those obtained by the MC method. The MC method offered practical advantages. Unlike the DLP, it allowed estimation of the external P concentration at which net influx = 0 (Cmin), and did not require a priori estimates of KM and Cmin. The MC method provided more precise median parameter estimates as indicated by smaller nonparametric confidence intervals. Using the median Cmin value of 1.9 μM, the best estimates of Imax and KM (and 96% confidence intervals) derived by nonlinear regression were 2.2 (1.6 to 2.8) nmol P g‐1s‐1, and 11 (10.6 to 12.9) μM, respectively.  相似文献   

A study was conducted along the Kelantan–Terengganu Coastal Plains, Peninsular Malaysia to explain the occurrence of sandy beach ridges and to determine the physico-chemical properties of the soils formed on them. Two or occasionally three series of sandy ridges running parallel to the shoreline occur in the area. These ridges are believed to have been formed by the continuous action of the sea waves following changes in the sea level during the Holocene, the oldest ridge being the one farthest away from the shoreline. In between these ridges occurs a slight depression, usually occupied by soils under submerged condition. The soils on the ridges are subjected to the processes of soil formation, mainly podzolization. There is no horizon differentiation in the soils on the ridge nearest to the shoreline. However, soils on the older ridges contain spodic horizon, occurring at varying depths. Drainage and the depth below which this spodic horizon occurs are the deciding factors for determining soil type (series). Physically, the soils are sandy containing > 95% sand, with the drainage varying from moderately well to excessively-drained for the soils on the ridges. Under this condition, the mineralogy of the clay and silt fractions is dominated by quartz; some feldspars, mica, kaolinite, gibbsite and anatase are also present. Sandy nature of the soils on beach ridges, extreme leaching, low cation exchange capacity and low exchangeable bases leads to their low productivity.  相似文献   

Native Indians (Macuxi, Ingarikó and Uapishana) in the Raposa–Serra do Sol Indian Reserve have been cultivating forest soils since the early XIX century, especially those derived from dolerite sills, scattered within the quartzitic dominated landscape. Representative soils developed from mafic rocks under Indian shifting cultivation in northeastern Roraima, were submitted to physical, chemical and mineralogical analyses to characterize their pedogenetic characteristics and infer on their status under native Indian shifting cultivation. The soil profiles were classified as: Orthic Ebanic Chernosol (USDA Mollisol), vertic Orthic Ebanic Chernosol (USDA Mollisol), Eutrophic Haplic Cambisol (USDA mollic Inceptisol) and Eutrophic Red Nitosol (USDA Red Alfisol), which occupy, respectively, lower slopes and less dissected terrains (Mollisols) and steeper slopes (Alfisols). The first two are eutrophic, and not typical of the Amazon region. Their mineralogies range from kaolinite/goethite rich upland, deeply weathered Nitosol, to 2:1 clay rich downslope Chernosols. The latter has primary minerals in the silt fraction and high CEC resulting in high fertility. The Nitosols reveal a process of severe topsoil loss, due to widespread sheet erosion from deforestation and shifting cultivation. Chemical analyses showed varied soil fertility, ranging from high levels in the Chernosols to a low level in the non-cultivated Nitosol. Phosphorus levels are limited in all soils, despite the high fertility. The Chernosols located in lowland, flat areas close to the valley floor are more suitable environments for the slash-and-burn native farming system. In the Chernosols and Cambisols, the clay activity below the value limit for this class indicates a current natural process of increasing leaching. The more weathered and eroded Nitosol showed low Fe-oxalate and Si-oxalate levels. Micronutrients such as total zinc and copper, decreased with depth and weathering. The Nitosols showed the highest phosphate adsorption levels (1.574 mg g− 1 of soil) which can be attributed to its clayey texture. Chernosols showed overall lower P adsorption values, increasing with depth. All soils under native Indian cultivation display signs of physical and chemical degradation due to shortened fallow under intense land use pressure in the Raposa–Serra do Sol Reserve.  相似文献   

Enzyme assays that use fluorescently labeled substrates and microplate formats have been incorporated into laboratory protocols to improve sensitivity and reduce the time and labor involved in traditional bench-scale analyses. Microplate protocols vary, and the methods have not been evaluated systematically for comparability and reproducibility. In this study, p-nitrophenol (pNP)-based and 4-methylumbelliferone (MUF)-based microplate methods for estimating β-glucosidase activity were compared in two soils with different properties. Microplate method reproducibility was evaluated in replicate soil suspensions, and Michaelis–Menten kinetics for the microplate assays were compared to those of a standard pNP bench-scale assay. The effect of soil sample sonication on reproducibility was determined for the MUF microplate method. The MUF microplate method was reproducible in five replicate soil suspensions, but the pNP microplate method showed greater variability. The K m Michaelis–Menten constant was significantly different in the microplate methods compared to the bench method. Enzyme activities measured by the MUF and bench methods were comparable, but the pNP microplate method resulted in more variable measurements and was less sensitive in the soils studied. Sonication of soil at an intensity of 15 W ml?1 resulted in higher (MUF) measurements, but greater variability. The effects of high background absorbance on the reproducibility, sensitivity, and accuracy of the pNP microplate method do not support this method as a substitute for the standard bench method. A robust comparison study of the MUF microplate method across laboratories is recommended to further validate its use in comparative analyses.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》1987,42(2):153-159
American red swamp crayfish were introduced into the Guadalquivir marismas, close to the Doñana National Park, in 1974, and are now thriving. Food habits of otters in a small stream by the marsh were compared before the arrival of crayfish and three, five and eight years later. Fish were their staple prey at this locality in 1976, with amphibians and insects as secondary foods. In 1979 crayfish were the second most important food and the frequency of fish in the spraints decreased significantly. Later the role of fish did not change, but crayfish became the most common prey category in 1981 and 1984. The occurrence of amphibians decreased statistically from 1979 (probably because of their scarcity in the habitat, due to high mortality in fyke nets) and that of insects increased (probably because they are found more often by the predator when searching for crayfish). We conclude that at present crayfish are a significant food for most of the marsh predators, but their spread and the related commercial fishing affect the faunistic diversity of the marismas.  相似文献   

Birkle  P.  Merkel  B. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2000,124(3-4):371-410
Monitoring of surface water and shallow aquifers inside and outside of the Los Azufres geothermal fieldduring the period November 1994 to May 1996 led to thedetection of some contamination of surface water andshallow aquifers due to exploitation of the deepbrines. Leaking of evaporation ponds and pipelines,occasionally overflowing of reinjection wells and pondrims as well as outflowing of brines duringrehabilitation or drilling operations, are potentialcontamination sources within the cycle of geothermalproduction.Temporarily and/or permanently increased traceelements concentrations, especially Fe, Mn, F, B, andAs in surface waters within the geothermal field aswell as up to 10 km outside, were observed. Maximumvalues of 125 and 8 mg L-1 were observed for B and As,respectively. The discharge of hypersaline geothermalbrines also causes salinization of surrounding soils.It occasionally happens that cattle drink from thebrines. The use of the river for irrigation anddrinking water supply in the surrounding regions maycause accumulation of toxic elements in the human foodchain or may endanger the public health.The establishment of a closed geothermal productioncycle can be achieved by simple remediationtechniques, such as sealing of the pond walls, removalof overflow channels, direct reinjection without anyreposal time in evaporation ponds, as well as animproved security and control system.  相似文献   


Soil from the Ap‐horizon of four acid sandy soils differing mainly in Corg content was adjusted to pH values between 3 and 7.5 with NaOH and HCl respectively and incubated for two weeks. Afterwards, displaced soil solution was obtained and analyzed.

The concentrations of Fe, Al, and P showed a broad minimum in the pH range from 4 to 6. The concentration of these elements strongly increased with the increase of pH to 7.5. Acidification below pH values of 4 led to a slight increase.

Separation of dissolved organic carbon by ultrafiltration before the photometric orthophosphate determination decreased measured concentrations in comparison to direct determination in two of the four soils. This decrease was more pronounced for soil solutions with higher concentrations of organic carbon. The effect of acid hydrolysis of organic phosphorus during orthophosphate determination can be explained by existence of humic‐Fe‐(Al phosphate complexes in the soil solution. These complexes can account for more than 50% of the total organic P in solution.  相似文献   



The objective of this study was to determine the impact of restoration processes on the selected soil properties and organic matter transformation of mountain fens under the Caltho-Alnetum community in the Babiogórski National Park in Outer Flysch Carpathians.

Materials and methods

Restoration processes were conducted on three degraded mountain fens in the Babiogórski National Park in Outer Flysch Carpathians, Poland. The degradation degree of soils was the criterion for the selection of habitats for further studies. To determine the influence of restoration processes on mountain fen soil properties and organic matter transformation, samples were collected in 2011 and 2013. The soil samples were assayed for pH, base cation concentration, hydrolytic acidity, organic carbon and total nitrogen content, total exchangeable base cation concentration, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation. Organic matter fractions were extracted by IHSS method. Quantitative and qualitative study of organic matter was based on fraction composition analysis and the ratio of humic acid carbon to fulvic acid carbon. The research results were statistically verified.

Results and discussion

Based on morphological and chemical properties, the studied mountain fen soils can be classified as Sapric Dranic Eutric Histosols and Sapric Dranic Dystric Histosols according to WRB guidelines (2015). Before restoration processes, the mountain fen soils subjected to a different water regime showed various contents of total nitrogen and organic carbon. The decreasing of the groundwater level was reflected in pH, calcium ion content, exchangeable base cation concentration, and base saturation. The increase of the groundwater level had influence on chemical properties of mountain fen soils such as pH, total exchangeable base cation concentration, hydrolytic acidity, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation. Three-year restoration processes did not cause significant changes in the composition of humic substance fractions.


Mountain fens under Caltho-Alnetum community are priority habitats in Babiogórski National Park in Outer Flysch Carpathians, Poland. These habitats responded to restoration processes in varying degrees depending on the extent of their degradation. The least degraded mountain fen was characterized by a short response time on the restoration processes. The reaction of higher degraded habitats was weaker.

Soil scientists are receiving increasing numbers of requests for expert advice on soil over large areas, but at a high resolution. We tested the use of the soil data contained in sources of information that are not directly accessible (referred to as ‘grey’ data) to accomplish this task. We collected grey data about a pine forest, which is currently the subject of drastic, and questionable, changes in management, including a rapid rate of biomass removal. These grey data (from 266 sites) were compared with soil data obtained directly from our field sampling (83 sites). Our comparisons showed that the two sources of data were consistent when the variables concerned had been sampled and analysed by using methods shared by the soil scientists such as particle‐size distribution. Conversely, significant discrepancies appeared for variables for which different methods existed, such as for CEC. For the latter, using corrective equations gave contrasting results, depending on the soil variable. The final database was used to characterize the soils of the study region. Results showed that soils of the study region (mainly sandy podzols and arenosols) were acidic and particularly oligotrophic. Several important properties (CEC, phosphorus cycling, pH, bulk density) were related to the organic fraction or carbon (C) content of soils. For instance, CEC values were linearly and exclusively dependent on C content. The most oligotrophic sites of the study region were clearly not suitable for the new intensive management of the forest in the long term. For the other sites, the question remains open because some specific data are still needed before drawing conclusions. We conclude that as a complement to conventional soil studies, the grey literature is a useful source of data and information to characterize soils at a regional scale.  相似文献   

An incubation experiment was conducted to examine the effects of phosphorus (P) addition with and without ammonium, nitrate, or glucose on N2O and NO emissions from soil taken under Acacia mangium plantation and incubated at 100 % water-filled pore space (WFPS). Additions of NO 3 ? stimulated the N2O and NO emissions while NH 4 + did not, showing that denitrification was the main process of N2O and NO production in the study condition. When NO 3 ? was added with P significantly (P?<?0.05) increased N2O emissions regardless of the ratio of the added nitrogen and carbon, suggesting that P addition stimulated denitrification activity. The activation of denitrification by P addition is possibly attributed to two mechanisms: (1) the added-P stimulated denitrification by relieving P shortage for denitrifying bacteria and (2) the added-P stimulated activity of heterotrophic soil microflora with increased O2 consumption promoting the development of anaerobic conditions with stimulation of denitrification.  相似文献   

In Guo et al. (2022), the difference between pure nitrification inhibitors (NI), fertilizers treated with NI, and formulations containing NI was insufficiently considered. Presented results are misleading and inappropriate to evaluate the efficiency of an NI application by pure NI as well as NI-treated products such as ENTEC® 26 and PIADIN®, in particular with respect to practical field conditions.  相似文献   

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