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每年全球都会有家禽养殖场因为发生严重的禽病而导致整个养殖场的家禽遭到大量捕杀,造成巨大损失。在非洲猪瘟疫情的冲击下,生猪养殖户改投家禽养殖,由于存在转型养禽的各生产单元距离太近、改造的养禽环境设施建设不标准、转型而来的养猪户养禽专业技术不达标等问题,极易导致禽病发生。新冠疫情成为人类关注的焦点,极易导致人们对家禽疫病防控的松懈,尤其是禽流感这类人禽共患病。禽病的防控正面临着非洲猪瘟及新冠疫情带来的挑战。  相似文献   

受2019年养禽高收益和猪肉供给偏紧预期的影响,2020年养禽场户大量补栏,蛋鸡、肉鸡和水禽产能大幅增长,达到5年来的最高水平。由于新冠肺炎疫情造成消费不振,加上禽肉的增产量已大于对猪肉的替代需求量,家禽价格持续低迷,家禽养殖总体亏损。家禽生产量增加、养殖水平参差不齐和周边国家高致病性禽流感肆虐,使我国家禽防疫压力陡增。本文将对我国2020年禽流感等重要家禽疫病发生情况进行简要回顾,对2021年禽病的流行趋势进行预测分析。  相似文献   

一当前我国禽病防控面临的形势 1 养殖方式落后 2007年我国家禽饲养量为146亿只,饲养总量大,但水平低,蛋鸡存栏2 000只以下的养殖户3 000万户,肉鸡年出栏1万只以下的养殖户3 000万户,疫病发生风险大,影响防控措施的实施和防控效果;活禽长途调运频繁,加大了疫情传播风险;水禽饲养量大,但很多地方水禽、鸡、猪混养,发生禽流感风险大;活禽市场成为重要的疫源地,是疫病传播的一个重要环节;候鸟迁徙,与家禽接触频繁,病原传播风险增加,是疫病防控的薄弱环节;家禽养殖密度大,污染严重,对养殖和人居条件构成严重威胁.  相似文献   

我国现代化养禽业起步较晚,70年代末期80年代初期才陆续在全国各地建立了规模化集约化的养禽场,随着养禽生产技术和禽病防制技术的广泛深入应用,我国养禽生产得到了高速发展,家禽饲养总数已跃居世界第一位,蛋类人均占有量也达到发达国家的水平.规模化养禽业的迅速发展,使我国禽病防制研究从深度到广度均取得了令人瞩目的成就,特别是现代免疫学和分子生物学技术在禽病防制研究中的应用,使传统的禽病防制研究开始向现代的禽病防制研究过渡.  相似文献   

随着我国养禽业的不断发展,各大养禽公司、规模化养禽场、禽药生产经营企业、禽病门诊等不断涌现,农村养禽户队伍和饲养规模也不断壮大。健康安全地发展养禽业,科学的饲  相似文献   

为了解青岛市饲养的家禽是否感染H5亚型禽流感病毒,以制定切合实际的防控措施,2005年1月~2006年9月,对139个养禽场和211个养禽户饲养的家禽采集棉拭子和组织样品,共采集活禽样品27 835份,病死禽样品573份,应用荧光定量RT-PCR技术,进行H5亚型禽流感病毒检测,结果全部为阴性,在分子水平上证明了青岛市无禽流感病毒感染.  相似文献   

随着我国养禽业的迅速发展,规模化、集约化、现代化饲养的不断增加及WTO加入后我国畜牧经济与国际市场接轨,地区之间、国家之间的畜禽贸易与交往日益频繁,各种禽病的传播途径也越来越复杂,由畜禽带来的环境污染也日趋严重,这就对养禽场的卫生防疫工作提出了更高更严格的要求。应用消毒剂进行环境卫生消毒,消灭家禽生长环境中的病原体,切断各种传播病原体的途径,对保证家禽的健康生长、繁殖和禽病预防与控制以及环境保护等具有重要作用和实用价值。就目前我国养禽现状而言,众多的养禽户对消毒剂的种类、作用、用途、用法、用量等…  相似文献   

家禽生长的适宜温度一般为18℃~25℃,我国大部分地区夏天天气炎热,气温达50℃~40℃以上,持续2~3个月,这对家禽的饲养管理,防疫治病是一个挑战,尤其是农村的规模养禽场和散养户,基础条件差,综合防疫措施跟不上,更容易出现家禽的采食量减少,营养水平低下,抗病能力下降,严重者造成家禽的大量中暑与死亡,并引发禽群发生和流行各种疫病,造成重大的经济损失.因此,夏季养禽加强饲养管理,强化防疫措施,对保证养禽业健康发展,使养殖户增收奔小康具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

目前,我国养禽业中禽病控制不容乐观,每年因疾病死亡家禽的数量较大。禽流感疫情在世界范围流行愈演愈烈的今天,养禽业更要把疾病的防制放在至关重要的位置加以关注。1可靠的隔离措施隔离措施是禽病控制的第1道防线。1·1养禽场的场址的选择养禽场应远离其他养禽场、孵化厂、禽类屠宰厂、畜产品加工厂、化工厂、垃圾场、村庄和主要交通干道。原种场、种禽场、孵化厂必须分开设置,间隔至少5km以上。禽场级别越高,要求隔离间距应越大。同一养禽企业不同生产阶段的禽群最好分别设场(育雏、育成、产蛋、种禽),如无条件也至少间隔100m。1·2养禽…  相似文献   

家禽生长的适宜温度一般为18℃~25℃,我国大部分地区夏天天气炎热,气温达50℃~40℃以上,持续2~5个月,这对家禽的饲养管理,防疫治病是一个挑战,尤其是农村的规模养禽场和散养户,基础条件羞,综合防疫措施跟不上,更容易出现家禽的采食量减少,营养水平低下,抗病能力下降,严重者造成家禽的大量中暑与死亡,并引发禽群发生和流行各种疫病,造成重大的经济损失。因此,夏季养禽加强饲养管理,强化防疫措施,对保证养禽业健康发展,使养殖户增收奔小康具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Characterizing spatio-temporal patterns among epidemics in which the mechanism of spread is uncertain is important for generating disease spread hypotheses, which may in turn inform disease control and prevention strategies. Using a dataset representing three phases of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 outbreaks in village poultry in Romania, 2005–2006, spatio-temporal patterns were characterized. We first fit a set of hierarchical Bayesian models that quantified changes in the spatio-temporal relative risk for each of the 23 affected counties. We then modeled spatial synchrony in each of the three epidemic phases using non-parametric covariance functions and Thin Plate Spline regression models. We found clear differences in the spatio-temporal patterns among the epidemic phases (local versus regional correlated processes), which may indicate differing spread mechanisms (for example wild bird versus human-mediated). Elucidating these patterns allowed us to postulate that a shift in the primary mechanism of disease spread may have taken place between the second and third phases of this epidemic. Information generated by such analyses could assist affected countries in determining the most appropriate control programs to implement, and to allocate appropriate resources to preventing contact between domestic poultry and wild birds versus enforcing bans on poultry movements and quarantine. The methods used in this study could be applied in many different situations to analyze transboundary disease data in which only location and time of occurrence data are reported.  相似文献   

高致病性禽流感(highly pathogenic avian influenza, HPAI)和新城疫(newcastle disease, ND)等烈性传染病对养禽业危害严重,是养禽业需重点防控的疾病,其中HPAI是国家规定的强制免疫疫病。武汉市新洲区为家禽养殖大区,有规模禽场350余家,养殖规模近1140万只。为了解2021年度武汉市新洲区规模养殖场高致病性禽流感和新城疫免疫抗体合格率,武汉市新洲区农业技术推广服务中心连续12个月对辖区内规模鸡场进行蛋样抽检,运用血凝和血凝抑制试验,分别检测了高致病性禽流感H5亚型、H7亚型和新城疫的免疫抗体。结果显示,高致病性禽流感H5亚型、H7亚型和新城疫的整体免疫抗体合格率分别为94.1%、96.4%和88.9%,均达到了农业农村部规定的免疫抗体合格率不低于70.0%的标准。  相似文献   

The risk of avian influenza outbreaks in poultry is partially dependent on the probability of contact between domestic poultry and wild birds shedding avian influenza (AI) virus. The major objective of this study was to document wild bird activity on poultry farms to determine which wild bird species should be targeted for AI surveillance in Canada. We collected data in 2 major poultry producing regions of Canada, southwestern Ontario and the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, on the relative abundance of various wild bird species found on poultry farms and on how these species utilized habitat around poultry farms. We reviewed the published literature to determine what was known about AI pathobiology in the species we observed. From these results we created a list of 10 wild bird species that are a priority for further study. These species are the European starling, barn swallow, rock dove, American crow, northwestern crow, American robin, dark-eyed junco, song sparrow, horned lark, and common grackle. Abundance of these and other species varied between provinces and seasons.  相似文献   

禽流感是严重危害养鸡业发展的重要传染病之一,目前对禽流感的防制仍以接种禽流感全病毒灭活疫苗为主。DNA疫苗作为一种新兴的疫苗,以其独特的优点正逐渐成为禽流感疫苗研究的热点。作者对近年来禽流感疫苗的研究现状进行分析,以期为禽流感疫苗的研究开发策略提供必要的依据。  相似文献   

干扰素是一种诱生性糖蛋白,有抗病毒、抗肿瘤与免疫调节等多种生物学作用.当畜禽感染病毒时,干扰素是最先发挥作用的抵抗分子.干扰素参与早期黏膜免疫并通过产生一系列与免疫调节相关的细胞因子来活化机体的天然免疫与适应性免疫应答从而使机体处于抗病毒状态.干扰素因其重要的生物学功能,在流行性病毒病防治的应用中越来越广泛.本文从不同...  相似文献   

为了了解安徽省合肥地区家禽禽流感免疫及带毒情况,2011年4—8月,在合肥地区家禽交易市场,采集不同来源、不同品种家禽的血清和同份棉拭子样品(咽喉、泄殖腔双份)603份(实测589份),分别进行高致病性禽流感免疫抗体和病原学检测,结果表明,全部样品平均免疫抗体合格率为70.80%。对监测结果进行分析发现,不同品种、不同养殖规模、不同月份的高致病性禽流感免疫抗体存在差异,其中,蛋鸡、种鸡高致病性禽流感免疫抗体合格率达80%以上,而肉鸡及水禽的免疫抗体水平则较差;饲养规模在1000羽以上的养禽场家禽高致病性禽流感平均免疫抗体合格率均达到70%以上,而饲养规模在1000羽以下的养禽场和农村散养家禽免疫抗体合格率分别为27.45%和32.84%,尚未达到农业部规定标准;在6月采集的样品,其平均免疫合格率偏低,其他月份差异不显著。病原学检测结果表明,全部检测样品高致病性禽流感病原检测结果均为阴性。  相似文献   

禽白血病和禽网状内皮组织增生症均为禽的肿瘤性免疫抑制疾病,是危害养鸡业的两种非常重要的病毒性传染病。为调查重庆市肉鸡中禽白血病及禽网状内皮组织增生症的流行情况,在北碚区、涪陵区、开县、垫江县、潼南县五个区(县)的8个活禽交易市场采集260份血清样本,采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测了所有血清中禽白血病病毒(ALV)和禽网状内皮组织增生病毒(REV)的抗体。检测结果显示:禽白血病病毒和禽网状内皮组织增生病毒抗体阳性率分别为16.5%(43/260)和5%(13/260),双抗体阳性率为4.61%(12/260)。与全国其他地区相比,重庆市肉鸡中这两种病原的感染率相对要低,但仍应重视这两种疾病的防控,以控制病原的进一步传播。  相似文献   

Objective   To describe the structure of the Australian poultry industry and discuss the potential for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) to spread between Australian poultry farms.
Procedure   High densities of poultry farms, frequent contacts between farms by service providers, the supply of live poultry markets (LPM) and the presence of free-range duck flocks in affected regions have been identified as risk factors for the spread of HPAI between flocks in outbreaks causing the death or destruction of over 1 million poultry overseas. Data on 1,594 commercial Australian chicken meat, chicken egg, duck and turkey farms were collected by a telephone questionnaire of farm managers to assess the risk of a HPAI outbreak in Australia.
Results and Discussion   Five regions of Australia had farm densities comparable to overseas regions that experienced widespread HPAI. Common service providers routinely contacted different classes and types of farms over wide geographic areas. However, no responding farms supplied LPM and the majority of duck farms did not produce free-range ducks.
Conclusion   Outbreaks of HPAI have the potential to cause serious impacts on the Australian poultry industry. The risk posted by LPM and free-range ducks is limited, but the movement of genetic stock and common service providers could spread infection between companies, industries or geographical regions. Biosecurity measures are therefore considered critical to limit the secondary spread of infection should an outbreak occur.  相似文献   



Avian influenza is a severe threat both to humans and poultry, but so far, no systematic review on the identification and evaluation of the risk factors of avian influenza infection has been published. The objective of this meta-analysis is to provide evidence for decision-making and further research on AI prevention through identifying the risk factors associated with AI infection on poultry farms.


The results from 15 selected studies on risk factors for AI infections on poultry farms were analyzed quantitatively by meta-analysis.


Open water source (OR = 2.89), infections on nearby farms (OR = 4.54), other livestock (OR = 1.90) and disinfection of farm (OR = 0.54) have significant association with AI infection on poultry farms. The subgroup analysis results indicate that there exist different risk factors for AI infections in different types of farms.


The main risk factors for AI infection in poultry farms are environmental conditions (open water source, infections on nearby farms), keeping other livestock on the same farm and no disinfection of the farm.  相似文献   

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