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Calcitonin (CT) is a major calcitropic hormone. Because of low cross reactivity of canine CT (cCT) in radioimmunoassays (RIA) developed for other species, a homologous RIA is needed. Synthesis of cCT allowed study of its biologic potency using a rat bioassay and its plasma half-life in dogs. The availability of cCT also made possible the development of a homologous RIA for measurement of basal and stimulated plasma CT concentrations in dogs. The biologic potency of the synthesized cCT in rats is 24 IU/mg of peptide, which is low in comparison with the 4,000 IU/mg of the salmon CT standard. In the dog, an even lower potency of 4.4 IU/mg of cCT was found. Measurement of the disappearance of iv-injected radioiodinated or nonradioiodinated cCT revealed a short biologic half-life of less than 3 min, followed by a long half-life of 20 min. A polyclonal antiserum against synthetic cCT was raised in a goat. Using a final antiserum dilution of 1:12,000 and 125I-labeled synthetic cCT, the RIA had a detection limit of 6.5 ng/l. The antibody did not crossreact with standard human CT and had <0.1% cross reactivity with porcine CT. For measurement of plasma cCT concentrations, an extraction procedure was developed using ethanol. Dilutions of synthetic cCT and canine plasma extracts revealed parallelism over a wide range of concentrations. Size exclusion chromatography of canine plasma extracts on Biogel P-10 revealed a single cCT peak at the same position as [125I]-cCT, showing that there was little interference by other proteins or cCT prohormone. Basal plasma CT concentrations were 12-80 ng/l, and there was an 8- and 20-fold increase after calcium (1 and 2.5 mg/kg body weight) bolus infusion.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of hepatic growth hormone (GH) receptors (GHR), as measured by responses of both plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and hepatic GHR to an exogenous bGH stimulus, was examined using sheep of different ages (Days 1-7, 14-21, 28-35, and 56-63 of life, and yearlings). The IGF-I response to bGH was first examined in yearling sheep using two doses of bGH (0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg LW/d). Based on these results, lambs in four groups up to Day 63 of life were treated for 5 d with bGH (n = 10) at a dose of 0.15 mg/kg LW/d or with saline (n = 10). Jugular blood samples were taken once daily on Days - 1, 4, and 5 of treatment. bGH treatment in lambs up to Day 63 of life had little effect on plasma concentrations of GH, insulin, glucose or urea, but significantly (P < 0.05) increased circulating concentrations of IGF-I at all ages and of NEFA at Day 62/63 of life. In contrast, bGH treatment at either dose in yearlings significantly increased these parameters, except for plasma urea concentrations which were decreased in bGH-treated yearlings. However, the responses of plasma IGF-I concentration to bGH stimulus in lambs up to Day 63 of life were small compared to those in yearling sheep. Consistent with this, bGH treatment failed to affect hepatic GH binding in young lambs, but up-regulated it in yearling sheep. Furthermore, basal (unstimulated) GH binding did not differ between sheep of 7 vs. 63 vs. 365 d of age, despite the greater IGF-I responses to bGH in the latter group. It is suggested that hepatic GHR in lambs up to Day 63 of life are not fully functional compared to the situation in yearlings.  相似文献   

Secretion of growth hormone (GH) is reduced for several hours after feeding when access to feed is restricted to a 2-hr period each day. We hypothesized that increased secretion of insulin after feeding inhibits release of GH from the anterior pituitary gland. Our objectives were to determine whether: 1) alloxan prevents concentrations of insulin from increasing after feeding steers; 2) concentrations of GH remain high after feeding alloxan-treated steers; and 3) GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) stimulates greater release of GH in alloxan-treated, than in control, steers after feeding. Steers were injected iv with either saline (control) or with alloxan (110 mg/kg) (n = 4 per group). Concentrations of insulin were not different (P = 0.61) between control and alloxan-treated steers before feeding (87.5 +/- 33.6 pmol/l). However, alloxan prevented insulin from increasing (P < 0.001) after feeding (131.8 pmol/1) compared with control steers (442.0 pmol/l) (pooled SEM = 47.5). Overall, GH was higher (P < 0.05) in alloxan-treated (6.4 ng/ml) than in control steers (3.7 ng/ml) (pooled SEM = 0.7), but GH decreased (P < 0.001) after feeding in both groups. Iv injection of GHRH stimulated release of GH 1 hr before, but not when injected 1 hr after feeding (P < 0.001). In addition, net areas under the GH curve were not significantly different between control and alloxan-treated groups. We conclude that increased concentrations of insulin after feeding do not mediate feeding-induced suppression of GH secretion in steers.  相似文献   

Mutations within the growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene that lead to an inactivated or truncated GHR protein cause abnormal growth and small adult size in a variety of species (Laron dwarfism). We studied a line of miniature Bos indicus cattle that have phenotypic (small mature size) and endocrine (increased blood growth hormone and decreased blood insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations) similarities to Laron dwarfs. Liver mRNA from miniature and control cattle was used to amplify a cDNA within the coding region of the GHR. The miniature cattle had GHR mRNA size (determined by Northern blot) and cDNA sequence that were similar to control cattle and, therefore, were unlike most Laron dwarf genotypes in which the GHR gene is mutated. Amounts of mRNA from liver as well as muscle (superficial neck and longissimus) were analyzed by ribonuclease protection assay for IGF-I, total GHR, GHR 1A (inducible, liver-specific GHR mRNA), and GHR 1B (constitutive GHR mRNA). Four control and five miniature bulls were tested. As expected, liver IGF-I mRNA was decreased in the miniature cattle (approximately 12% of control; P < 0.01). The amount of the total GHR as well as GHR 1A mRNA were also decreased in liver (17% and 19% of control, respectively; P < 0.01). Other GHR mRNA, including GHR 1B mRNA, were similar for miniature and control cattle. In muscle, there was a tendency (P < 0.10) for decreased IGF-I mRNA and increased GHR mRNA in miniature compared with control cattle. In summary, a novel phenotype for Laron dwarfism in Bos indicus cattle was associated with underexpression of GHR 1A mRNA, but not other GHR mRNA variants in liver. In addition to decreased GHR 1A mRNA, the miniature cattle had decreased liver IGF-I mRNA. Full expression of GHR 1A in liver, therefore, may be required for full liver IGF-I expression and normal growth.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF -I) is likely to be an indicator of somatotropin (ST) administration in the horse. To investigate the different ways ST administration may be detected, the following aspects of IGF -I concentrations in plasma were studied: (i) the daily variation; (ii) variation following a treadmill test; (iii) concentrations at rest and after exercise; and (iv) concentrations in plasma from two young horses and two adults treated with methionyl equine somatotropin (e ST). In the population of horses at rest, IGF -I mean concentration (SEM) was 261 (104) ng ml(-1). In post race samples, IGF -I mean concentration was 187 (100) ng ml(-1). All of these data indicate that exercise does not modify IGF -I concentration in plasma. The magnitude of the increase in IGF -I following administration of e ST differed according to the age of the horses. The critical value of 700 ng ml(-1)was exceeded for 1 day in adult horses and for at least 11 days in young horses. These results show that IGF -I has potential as an indirect marker of ST administration in horses.  相似文献   

Plasma fibrinogen is widely used in horse practice as an unspecific positive marker of inflammatory diseases; it is also lowered in disseminated intravascular coagulation. Three fibrinogen measurement methods--Millar's heat-denaturation in a microhaematocrit tube, automated reader for heat-denaturation, and chronometric measurement of clot formation after addition of excess thrombin-were compared by means of Passing-Bablock's regression and Bland-Altman difference plots, in blood plasma of 30 clinically healthy and 57 diseased horses. Correlations between the three techniques were excellent (r >0.92). The two heat-denaturation techniques correlated very closely up to 6 g l(-1), above which the results obtained by Millar's technique started to fall below those obtained by the automatic reader. There was proportional bias between Millar's technique and the chronometric technique, with the latter producing results some 30% lower, indicating that reference intervals and decision limits should be adapted accordingly.  相似文献   

Amplification of the 16S-23S rDNA spacer region by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for the rapid detection of Clostridium chauvoei and C septicum. To assess its specificity, PCR was performed with total DNA from 42 strains of clostridia and three strains of other genera. PCR products specific to C chauvoei or to C septicum were generated from homologous cultures only. Clostridium chauvoer-specific or C septicum-specific amplicons were also generated from tissues of cows experimentally infected with C chauvoei or C septicum and in DNA samples from cows clinically diagnosed as having blackleg or malignant oedema. These results suggest that a species-specific PCR may be useful for the rapid and direct detection of C chauvoei and C septicum in clinical specimens.  相似文献   

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