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1范围种植业主要包括大田作物栽培和蔬菜栽培,还有其他特殊的园艺栽培等。大田作物栽培有小麦、水稻、大豆、杂豆、玉米、薯类作物、棉花、花生、油菜籽、糖料、烟叶、剑麻、香料作物、人参、啤酒花、牧草等。蔬菜栽培分露天栽培和保护地(温床和温室)栽培,如大白菜、菠菜、番茄、茄子、菜豆、茴香、金针菜、木耳、蘑菇等。  相似文献   

王东伟 《警犬》2008,(4):38-38
腹泻、便秘、便血、掉毛、脱皮、瘙痒、咳嗽、打喷嚏、咬尾巴、双后肢失去知觉、流口水、蹭屁股、瘸腿、多饮多尿、无尿、不吃不喝、喘、腹胀、消瘦和肥胖等是犬常见的临床异常病症,作为犬的主人,应当了解这方面的知识,出现异常情况时及时治疗。  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实《国务院办公厅关于加强液态奶生产经营管理的通知》[国办发明电(2005)24号](以下称“通知”),中国奶业协会于2005年9月27日在北京召开了各省、市、自治区、计划单列市奶(乳)业协会主要负责人座谈会,参加会议的有北京、上海、天津、重庆、黑龙江、河北、山西、内蒙古、辽宁、吉林、江苏、安徽、山东、河南、湖北、广东、四川、云南、陕西、宁夏、新疆、福建、湖南、广西、浙江、深圳、大连等奶业协会的代表,对“通知”进行了深入学习,并就如何贯彻落实“通知”精神达成了一致意见。纪要如下:  相似文献   

供应信息1辽宁省盖州市九寨镇骆驼岭村,李彩霞供应:李子、桃、葡萄、苹果、梨、杏、大樱桃、山楂、草莓、枣、板栗、核桃、树莓、石榴、扁桃、柿子、大榛子、种籽、砧木、绿化苗等果树苗400多种。电话:0417-7101147。2杜树强,诚招市县级"绝招治疗高热病"技术代理。该技术绝招,经畜牧专家鉴定,达到国际水平,是目  相似文献   

正本网站提供每日报价、行业信息、饲养管理、禽病防治、网上诊断、药理知识、名企展示、供需发布、招聘求职、技术资料下载、论坛、博客、UC视频课堂、行业网址大全、手机wap站访问、  相似文献   

文献记载有毒中药约500种,《中国药典》95版收藏载的522种中药中有69种注明有毒。我国现行药典将有毒中药分为大毒、有毒与小毒3类。大毒类中药有草乌、川乌、马钱子、天仙子、巴豆、闹羊花、斑鹜、红粉等;有毒类中药有山豆子、天南星、木鳖子、水蛭、甘遂、仙茅、白果、半夏、全蝎、苍耳子、苦陈皮、轻粉、洋金花、常山、蜈蚣、蟾酥、牵牛子等;小毒类中药有土元、川栋子、艾叶、北豆根、苦杏仁、鸦胆子、重楼、急性子、蛇床子、两面针等。  相似文献   

(一)毛皮动物养殖业概况 人工饲养的毛皮动物主要有水貂、狐狸、貉、紫貂、獭兔、海狸鼠、麝鼠、毛丝鼠等等.目前,世界水貂皮的年产量在3550万张左右,主产国家依次为丹麦、芬兰、荷兰、美国、俄罗斯、中国.我国的产量估计为600万张,占世界总产量16.9%.狐狸皮的世界产量目前大约在500万张,主产国家依次为芬兰、挪威、俄罗斯、丹麦、中国.  相似文献   

原料:白条鸡、青菜、食用菌、火腿等调料:葱、姜、蒜、花椒、大料、干红辣椒、郫县豆瓣酱、白糖、食盐、鸡精各适量。1.将锅中放油,大葱切段,姜切片,蒜剥皮,和干红辣椒、郫县豆瓣酱一起投入锅中煸炒出香味。  相似文献   

1分类食欲调节剂主要由消食、理气、健脾等药物组成,具有调节、促进消化的作用,提高饲料的利用效率。苦味调节剂有陈皮、厚朴、青皮、黄柏、苦参、蒲公英,芳香调节剂有茴香、石菖蒲、枳壳、苍术、香附,辛辣调节剂有辣椒、芥子,消化调节剂有山楂、麦芽、神曲。新陈代谢调节剂主要由滋阴壮阳、补气、补血等药物组成,可增强内分泌功能,促进新陈代谢的效果。有黄芪、刺五加、苍术、枸杞叶、淫羊霍、何首乌等。抑菌杀虫剂主要由清热解毒药物组成,具有抑  相似文献   

张广德 《中国蜂业》2005,56(7):35-36
作者从事畜牧工作近40年,饲养过蜜蜂、地鳖虫、奶牛、猪、羊、鸡、山鸡、迷你鸡(鸡基鸟)、观赏鸟、水貂、毛丝鼠、兔、虾、鱼蟹,而饲养时间最长,感情最深的却是蜜蜂.  相似文献   

浅议蜂胶中总黄酮的测定方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从Al^3+-NaOH显色法、聚酰胺吸附法、高效液相色谱法、气相色谱一质谱联机检测法等四种检测方法讨沧了蜂胶中总黄酮的测定。并得出结论:蜂胶中总黄酮的测定以高效液相色谱法检测蜂胶中的某几种黄酮含量并乘以一个相关系数最为准确可信。  相似文献   

Abstract— The role of the practising veterinary surgeon in relation to the pet owner and budgerigar breeder is discussed, with particular reference to ethical and economic considerations.
The potential role of the budgerigar as a laboratory or experimental animal is discussed.
Résumé— L'auteur discute le rôle du vétérinaire practicien en face du propriétaire d'animaux de maison et de l'éleveur de perruches inséparables (mélopsittes ondulés), en insistant particuliérement sur les considérations éthiques et économiques.
II discute le rôle possible de la perruche inséparable comme animal de laboratoire ou d'expérience.
Zusammenfassung— Es wird die Rolle, die der Tierarzt in Beziehung zum Haustierbesitzer und zum Züchter von Wellensittichen spielt, besprochen, wobei besonders auf ethische und wirtschaftliche Erwägungen eingegangen wird.
Die potentielle Rolle des Wellensittichs fur laborante und experimentelle Zwecke wird erörtert.  相似文献   

从各种各样的病毒免疫逃逸机制中归纳概括出病毒逃避宿主抗感染反应的三个大方面,包括病毒逃避体液免疫系统的识别、病毒抑制细胞免疫应答以及病毒干扰免疫效应功能,以期为研制新的病毒疫苗和抗病毒药物提供参考。在宿主和病毒的长期共同进化过程中,宿主发展了各种免疫机制以清除病毒,而病毒则进化出各种免疫逃逸机制来躲避宿主的免疫应答。  相似文献   

电子显微镜技术在肿瘤学研究中正发挥着重要作用。它使肿瘤病理学研究进入到了超微结构水平。本文分别探讨了透射电镜、扫描电镜及免疫电镜技术在肿瘤学中的临床应用、研究情况及其发展的前景与趋势。  相似文献   

测试需求的不同决定了测试所需的仪器设备不同,而对不同仪器设备的灵活控制又制约着自动测试系统软件的通用性。为了使自动测试系统软件灵活、便捷的实现对不同仪器设备的控制,本文提出了一种综合性的仪器控制的设计方法,并详细介绍了该方法的实现过程以及其在我们自主研制的自动测试系统软件平台TestCenter中的应用情况。  相似文献   

The spine     
Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are becoming increasingly accessible in veterinary medicine. Because of their ability to image the bony spine and spinal cord noninvasively and with exceptional detail, these techniques have revolutionized the way spinal disorders are diagnosed in both people and animals. Although the veterinary literature on this topic is limited, interpretation of CT and MR images of the spine are facilitated by the similarity of human and animal disease processes. This article provides an overview of imaging strategies, normal anatomy, and the CT and MRI features of degenerative, infectious, neoplastic, and vascular diseases of the spine.  相似文献   

An outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Great Britain was reported on 21 February 2001, followed by an outbreak of FMD in The Netherlands a month later. This Dutch index outbreak occurred on a mixed, veal-calf/dairy-goat farm in Oene, in the central part of The Netherlands. The most-likely route of infection was the import of Irish veal-calves to this Dutch herd via an FMD-contaminated staging point in France. With hindsight, more herds seemed to be infected by the time the index outbreak was confirmed. The regular EU control measures were implemented, in combination with pre-emptive culling of herds within 1km of each outbreak. Nevertheless, more outbreaks of FMD occurred. Most of the virus infections on those farms were "neighborhood infections". Because the situation seemed out of control locally and the destruction capacity became insufficient, it was decided to implement an emergency vaccination strategy for all biungulates in a large area around Oene to stop further spread of the virus. All susceptible animals on approximately 1800 farms in this area were vaccinated. All farms subsequently were depopulated, starting from 2 weeks after vaccination. In total, 26 outbreaks were detected (the last outbreak on 22 April 2001). In total, approximately 260,000 animals were killed.  相似文献   

周敏  周宁 《畜牧与饲料科学》2009,30(5):17-18,30
作为模式生物,微生物丝状真菌构巢曲霉具备比动物更多的优点.细胞胞质分裂是目前生物学的研究热点,丝状真菌进行胞质分裂是通过形成隔来进行的.在对构巢曲霉胞质分裂的研究中,发现了一条调节途径,其中涉及多种蛋白,对构巢曲霉胞质分裂起到十分重要的调节作用.从这一角度对构巢曲霉胞质分裂的研究进行了综述,为构巢曲霉进一步深入研究和开发利用提供了参考.  相似文献   

Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) injury is a leading cause of lameness in dogs. Recent advances in diagnostic visualization and surgical treatments for CCL injury have stimulated an increased emphasis on early clinical recognition and an early return to function. Many surgical treatments have been described that aim to restore stifle joint stability and minimize the progression of osteoarthritis. Major advances have occurred not only in the treatment of CCL injury, but also in postoperative recovery, specifically, rehabilitation therapy. The benefits of rehabilitation therapy following CCL surgery are multifaceted including pain relief, decreased inflammation and swelling, increased tissue flexibility, strengthening, improved proprioception, improved limb and joint biomechanics, and improved weight-bearing. In this article, we introduce a variety of rehabilitation therapy options for postoperative CCL patients including modalities, manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and the benchmarks for a full return to function.  相似文献   

The journal     

At the Annual General Meeting of the New Zealand Veterinary Association in 1951 a motion was carried “that this meeting recommend that a journal be started, and ask Council to investigate the matter from all aspects, and to report to the next Annual General Meeting.” To implement the wishes of the meeting, Council appointed a subcommittee which reported to the Annual General Meeting of 1952. The report, after dealing with costs and publishable material, recommended as follows:—  相似文献   

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