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本文主要阐述了水稻土中Cd、Cr、Hg、Pb污染元素的形态、土壤化学行为、生物效应及被污染土壤修复的研究进展。  相似文献   

Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, and As are typical pollutants originated from Pb-Zn mine, smelting waste water discharge/irrigation and gas emission,and they were distributed widely in China. We studied the compound pollution of Cd, Pb,Cu, Zn, and As on rice.  相似文献   

Two japonica rice varieties, a compact panicle (CP) Xiushui 63 and a loose panicle (LP) Xiushui 11 were grown in a slightly contaminated paddy field, to determine the effect of grain positions within a panicle and variety on grain As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb concentrations. There was a significant difference in grain As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb concentrations among grain positions, and the extent of the difference was variety- and metal-specific; Xiushui 63 showed greater difference than Xiushui 11, and As, Cd, Cr and Pb being greater than Ni. The top grains (TG) of a panicle had higher As, Cd and Ni concentrations than the middle ones (MG), and the bottom ones (BG) contained the lowest. With regard to Cr and Pb, the case was opposite. Significantly positive correlations were found between grain weight and As, Cd, Ni concentrations, but there was a negative correlation between grain weight and Cr, and Pb concentrations. There was a remarkable variation in grain filling pattern among grains within a panicle, and between Xiushui 63 and Xiushui 11. In comparison with MG and TG, BG had the lowest grain filling rate and grain weight, leading to obvious difference in grain weight among grains within a panicle, and a greater difference for Xiushui 63 than for Xiushui 11. The regression analysis showed that grain As and Cd concentrations were positively correlated with the maximum grain filling rate (GRm),while negatively correlated with the required time for reaching the maximum grain filling rate (Tpol). Concerning Cr and Pb, the case was just reverse. It is suggested that As and Cd accumulation in grains might be accompanied by the carbohydrate accumulations, while Cr and Pb accumulation displayed a different pattern.  相似文献   

The content and fractionation of seven heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were determined in 28 surface soil samples (0–20 cm) of agricultural topsoil from Isfahan Province in central Iran. The order of abundance of metals in the soils was Fe (1240.4 mg kg?1) > Mn (95.7 mg kg?1) > Pb (51.6 mg kg?1) > Zn (23.8 mg kg?1) > Ni (13.4 mg kg?1) > Cu (7.0 mg kg?1) > Cd (2.8 mg kg?1). Iron, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn existed in paddy soils mainly in Fe-Mn oxides (53.6 %, 65.2 %, 40.4 %, 40.8 %, 53.3 %, respectively), whereas Cu and Cd occurred essentially as residual mineral phase (41.4 %) and carbonate (36.1 %), respectively. The mobile and bioavailable fractions of Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in paddy soils averaged 48.8, 20.8, 0.79, 29.2, 28.5, 41.1, and 24.8 %, respectively, which suggests that the mobility and bioavailability of the seven metals probably decline in the following order: Cd > Pb > Mn ≥ Ni > Zn > Cu ? Fe, suggesting greater contribution of anthropogenic Cd. As Cd in soil is easily accumulated by plants through the root system, the concentration of Cd in these paddy soils could be a concern to human health.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - The soil sample of a paddy field was found to be contaminated by copper (Cu). The application of wastewater as the nitrogen fertilizer was identified as the cause in...  相似文献   

This study examined the change in the speciation of cadmium (Cd) in contaminated rice paddy soils with prolonged submergence. Three Changhua soils (CH1, CH2, and CH3) from central Taiwan and three Taoyuan red soils (TY1, TY2, and TY3) from northern Taiwan with different levels of heavy metal contamination were selected for the study. The Cd, Fe, Mn, soil pH, and Eh in soil solutions were determined as a function of submerging time. During submergence, the Fe and Mn concentration increased, while the SO4 2? concentration decreased. The concentrations of Cd immediately increased in the soil solutions after a short submerging time and then decreased with further submergence. The sequential extraction showed that the exchangeable fraction decreased and the oxide-bound fraction increased after submergence. According to preliminary calculations of the MinteqA2 program, sulfate cannot be reduced to sulfite or sulfide under the soil Eh and pH values observed for the soils after prolonged submergence. Thus, the observed decreases of sulfate concentration may result from sulfate reduction in the micro-environments, which cannot be accounted for by the thermodynamic calculation. The reduction of sulfate to sulfide may subsequently result in the formation of CdS precipitate, which attributes to the decreases of Cd concentrations in the soil solutions after prolonged submergence.  相似文献   

 选用籽粒着粒密度差异较大的密穗型品种秀水63和散穗型品种秀水11,种植于受重金属轻度污染的土壤,研究了晚粳稻籽粒中有毒重金属As、Cd、Cr、Ni、Pb含量的品种与粒位效应。结果表明,重金属含量的粒位间差异秀水63明显大于秀水11,As、Cd、Cr、Pb含量粒位间差异显著, Ni含量差异较小。穗上部籽粒As、Cd、Ni含量高于中部籽粒,穗下部籽粒最低,而Cr、Pb则正好相反。稻米中几种重金属含量与粒重的关系因重金属种类不同存在着差异,籽粒As、Cd、Ni含量与粒重呈正相关,而Cr和Pb含量与粒重呈负相关。秀水63和秀水11不同粒位的籽粒灌浆模式存在差异,下位粒灌浆速率较低,使粒重较上、中位粒低,导致粒重有较大的粒位差异,而这种差异也与穗部着粒密度有关,秀水63明显大于秀水11。籽粒As、Cd、Ni含量与最大灌浆速率(GRm)呈正相关,与到达最大灌浆速率时间(Tpoi)呈负相关,而Cr和Pb含量与以上两个籽粒灌浆特性参数分别呈负相关和正相关,说明籽粒As、Cd、Ni的积累与碳水化合物的积累具有相同或相近的模式,而Cr和Pb表现为不同的积累模式。  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - Radiocesium released from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011 was accumulated in paddy fields within 5 cm of the surface soil layer. In order...  相似文献   

对炉渣调节稻田土壤pH和盐度的有效性进行研究。结果表明,稻田土壤pH和盐度随着炉渣施用量的提高而增大,并表现为炉渣施用后显著提高了稻田土壤的pH(P〈0.01),但对盐度的影响不显著(P〉0.05),不同土壤层次之间pH和盐度的差异性随着施用量的提高而减小。  相似文献   

To quantify the change in the binding forms and the availability of heavy metals Cd and Cr in paddy soil under non-flooding controlled irrigation (NFI), field experiments were conducted with flooding irrigation (FI) as control. The multi-wetting–drying condition in NFI fields enhanced the transformation of Cd and Cr in surface soil from oxidizable (B3) to acid-soluble (B1) form, and inhibited the transformation of Cd and Cr from reducible (B2) to B1 form. The B1 form Cd in NFI soil was lower, but B1 form Cr was higher than in FI soil. Thus, B3 form may play a more important role in determining the solubility of Cr than B2 in paddy soil, but it is just reverse for the metal of Cd. As a result, NFI led to higher crop uptake of Cd and Cr, but lower Cd and Cr content in the 0–20-cm surface soil and less accumulation of Cd and Cr in 40–60-cm deep soil compared with FI. It indicates that NFI results in higher bioavailability and crop uptakes, and may led to high risks in food safety in short period. But in long term, NFI will result in lower accumulation of Cd and Cr in soils, and should eventually lower the crop uptakes of Cd and Cr.  相似文献   

通过对茶园土壤和茶叶含铅量的分析,以及盆栽植物铅富集量的测定,结果表明:成品茶中铅含量超标主要原因之一是茶园土壤含铅量过高引起的,它们成高度正相关,相关系数r=0.8583。8种植物对铅的富集和忍受力差异很大,富集量从高到低的次序是青笋、甘蓝、黑麦草、菠菜、大白菜。耐性表现在含高浓度铅的土壤中植物生长量的大小,其排列顺序是:菠菜、萝卜、大白菜、甘蓝、青笋、黑麦草。  相似文献   

Nutrients such as boron, nitrogen and calcium stimulate the production of phenols. This research focuses on the role of calcium in increasing phenol metabolism in potato peels and the ensuing tuber resistance to soft rot pathogens was investigated. Two field experiments were conducted at the University of Zimbabwe campus plots in 2008 and 2009 summer seasons. Sprouted tubers of cv. BP1 were planted in plots treated with different fertilizer combinations. The treatments were: 1) compound S (7N: 21P: 8K) + ammonium nitrate (34 %N) 2) compound D (7N: 14P: 7K) + calcium nitrate (19 Ca: 15.5N) 3) compound S + calcium nitrate and 4) compound D + ammonium nitrate. The harvested progeny tubers were inoculated with Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. brasiliense. Calcium amendment increased the activities of enzymes (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidases) involved in the metabolism of phenolics and total soluble phenols. Calcium amendment significantly reduced (P < 0.05) the maceration effect of P. carotovorum subsp. brasiliense in tuber tissues. Chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and calcium, but not ferulic acid content were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in plants grown in calcium treated plots. Calcium positively and significantly correlated with polyphenol oxidase (PPO), phenylalanine (PAL) and peroxidase (POD), while chlorogenic and caffeic acid showed a positive relationship with POD and PPO. Calcium amendment significantly reduced maceration symptom caused by the bacteria (P < 0.05), resulting in smaller decayed zone diameters on inoculated tubers from calcium-treated plots. This study shows that soil amendments of calcium increase concentration of calcium, caffeic and chlorogenic acid in tuber peels and also reduces maceration effect of pectinolytic pathogens. Reduced maceration could be due to increased levels of caffeic and chlorogenic acid which have antimicrobial properties.  相似文献   

浙东平原水稻土油菜田间试验施用不同氮、硫水平的结果显示:(1)油菜籽产量随氮肥用量的增大而增加,施N(50-200kg/hm^)不施硫肥条件下,增产幅度为2.0%-11.8%,施N和施S(30kg/hm^2)条件下,增产幅度为2.4%-12.7%。(2)不同施氮水平下,施硫增产油菜籽5.4%-6.9%。(3)油菜氮吸收量随施氮量的增加而呈增加趋势,低氮水平下施用硫肥促进油菜氮吸收量加大。(4)不同施氮水平的产投比为1.5-4.3,施用硫肥的产投比达5.2-6.7,氮硫配施可提高施用氮肥的产投比。  相似文献   

本试验对土壤因素(包括土壤全Pb量、土壤有机质含量、土壤pH值)与茶叶铅含量的关系进行了分析研究,结果说明茶鲜叶中的Pb含量与土壤全Pb量呈正相关,与土壤有机质含量和土壤pH值呈负相关;茶鲜叶中的Pb含量随土壤全Pb量的增加而增加,但增加的量很微小,即土壤中的全Pb量对茶叶的Pb污染影响很小,未达到显著水平.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - Land application of animal manure has been accepted as an effective method and disposal option, which has economic, environmental and social benefits, while also...  相似文献   

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