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Compatible segmented taper and volume functions were developed for Brutian pine, Cedar of Lebanon, and Cilicica fir in Turkey. The proposed models generally performed better for the whole tree, especially for Cilicica fir. Average diameter prediction error was less than 2.2 cm and average volume error was less than 0.009 m3. The proposed models provide needed merchantable stem volume and diameter estimates to any point in the bole based on the 10 relative height classes examined for the three species. Model estimates compared well to existing volume tables currently employed for these three important commercial species.  相似文献   

lNTRODUCTloNKorcanpincforcst'asaclimaxofcastlnounta1nsinNortheast-isalt"a}simportantobjcctforforcstcrstostlld}.AIthougllman}'cxpcrtsllax'cn1assi\'cI}'stlldicdthcdy'nal11icsproccssofKorcanpincforest.thcstudlesinsolllcaspcctsstilIIackdcpth'ct'cnl1at'cgaps.Sillccslnall-dianlcterKorcanpincsplayaIinL-lllgIbrlllerandlattcrroIcinKorcanpincforcstd}'llaIl1icsproccss.tl1cstudicsaboutsn1all-dlan1ctcrKorcal1pil1cs-origlnatiol1'gro\Y1l1cllaractcrandthcirrclatiol1stostandstnICt1Ircundoubtcd1}oflbr…  相似文献   

对1973年设置的不同类型人工诱导的阔叶红松林试验地进行了抚育间伐促进林分总蓄积量增长的试验研究,结果表明:B试验区林分总蓄积量最高,为242.097 3 m3.hm-2,其次是D试验区,为212.109 3 m3.hm-2,分别较A试验区提高18.5%和3.8%;B试验区较C试验区林分总蓄积量提高22.4%。适时、合理地抚育间伐可有效促进人工诱导的阔叶红松林林分总蓄积量的增长。  相似文献   

IntroductionKoreanpine(PinuskOraiensisSieb.etZucc.)isoneofthemostimportanttimberspeciesanditisnaturaIIydistributedinHeilongjiang,JiIinandLiaon-ingprovincesinChina.ManyforestryresearchersmadeextensiveandprofoundstudiesonthisspeciesJiangYiyin(1985)studiedthegroWthandgrowthmodelsforpIantationsofKoreanpine.However,veryfewpaperswerefoundonthegroWthmodeIsofnaturalKoreanpineforest.Koreanpinehasa1onggroWthperiod.ForextensivelymanagingKoreanpineforest,itneedstheJorestrytabIeswithhighac-Curacy…  相似文献   

论述了红松、红皮云杉及落叶松裸根苗培育技术,着重强调了几种常用树种裸根育苗在实际营林生产中应用的可能性。  相似文献   

InttxiductionCozevolutionfrolnsoilisol1eoftlletl1aj()rprocessesli1globalcarboncycling.II1creaseal11oul1tofCo2inatnlos-phereisPartlyresultedfromtl1edislurba11ceofstabilizedvegetationandlalldused.Sonlege11erali11f`)nnatio11forforestecosystemisavailableo11soilrespirati()l1(Scllle11t-nerandClevel985).Managementpracticeli1forestryclearlyhassignincanteffectedontl1emagnitudeofsoiICozevolution(EWletal.l987).Con1parisol1resuILsofsoilCozevolutionratesatsitesindifferel1tcol1ditiollsllavebeenwellgot…  相似文献   

优良红松坚果型优树的选择方法(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于1988-1998 年对长白山、小兴安岭和完达山地区天然红松林以及黑龙江省鹤岗地区人工红松林结实量进行了实地调查和测定。根据调查和测定数据,对红松结实特征,包括结实量、球果长度、球果数量、出种率,种子千粒重、种子产量、种子大小、种子空实率、球果虫害率、结实指数等,进行分析方差分析、多重比较和逐步回归,得出各项结实因子对结实量的贡献率,将球果长度、千粒重和出种率确定为优树选择的重要指标,然后采用加权系数法确定红松坚果型优树,并制订出天然红松林坚果型优树标准和红松人工林坚果优树标准。本项研究为建立红松坚果园选择优树提供了方法和标准。  相似文献   

张彦东 《林业研究》1994,5(2):46-53
Energycirculatingbetweenliveandenvironmentsystemsformesanenergyflowofaecosystem.Itissignificanttocorrectlyrecognizethepatternofenergyflowinaecosystemfordeterminingthemeasurementofforestmanagement.Thepaperstudiedenergydistributionandtranslationpattern.whichcanprovideatheoreticalbasisforreasonablymanagingkoreanpineplantations.MethodofRescarchThestandinvestigatedisapurekoreanpineplant-ationthatwasplantedinl96l,withspacingofl.Oxl'5m;itwasthinnedfor4timesafterreachingclosureandnowhasadansityofl52…  相似文献   

AgcncrationrcfcrstoaIltrccsgencratcdinsamcPCriodoftimc.Tl1isisat`idcl}'ac-ccptedcol1ccpt.a11dtl1c111ostimPOrtantcharac-tcristicofgcncrationisgcncrationintcri'aloflime.TlcbiologicalcontcntisrcIati\'c1}'t'agucwhcnidcntif3'agcncrationonIyb}'mcansoftime.ltisPoi11tcdoutb}By31,lHlI(l985)tl1atagcncrationrcfcrstoalltl1ctrccst`11ichhax'csamcorigination,agc.morPho1og}',ccologica1proPCrt3'andPOsitionincom111unity,sotl1crcarcman}'`"a},stoidcntif3'gcncration.ltisjustbccauscofthcabundanccoftl1cconnota…  相似文献   

The basic principle of life table method is described, and the method of tree height instead of tree age in static life table is suggested, and it is also discussed that the possibility of natural poplar-birch forest recover to broad-leaf Korean pine forest on low pitches in the Xiaoxing’an Mountains by this method. If there is no particular situation, Korean pines after high than 5m under natural Poplar-birch forest will basically survive and make their way into dominant canopy accompanied by climax broad-leaf species.  相似文献   

IntroductionGaPSinforestSwereoftenfomledduetobigtreesfalldown.Regenerationandgrowtl1inthegapsincreasebe-causeofIheAnprovementoflightcondition-Thegapwillbefilledwithnewregeneratedtrees.Wattnamedtl1isforesIdynamicsastheforestgrowtllcycle.SinceD.Bot-kindevelopedthefirstGapmo`Iel(JANOWAnlodel)basedontheforestgrowthcycletheory,dleresearchongapmodelbecameoneofthemostactivedirectio11slilecologybecauseofJANoWAnlodeI'ssuccess.H.Sl1ug-artandhisstUdentSmadegreatc()ntributio11stogapmodeI'sdeve…  相似文献   

The long term effects of superphosphate fertilization on stem form, taper and stem volume estimation of Pinus radiata on a phosphorus-deficient site was examined using data from a fertilizer experiment which had been maintained for 30 years. The application of superphosphate resulted in long term and statistically significant changes in stem form. Mean cylindrical form factor ranged from 0.33 for the control trees up to 0.40 for trees fertilized with 100 kg P ha−1. Stem form was also examined through taper curves which provided detailed depiction of average relative stem profiles. The increase in cylindrical form factor of fertilized trees was largely attributed to a significantly broader profile of the lower third of the stem. In comparison with the control trees, the fertilized trees also had a broader, although not statistically significant, profile of upper and middle stem which could also contribute to the increase in their cylindrical form factor. With increased form factor a greater proportion of the stem became merchantable because of increased log length to tree height ratio. Mean average taper of trees did not show a consistent trend with increasing lelevels of superphosphate application. It largely reflected the differential response of DBH and height growth to the treatments. The volume equation based on control trees underestimated the underbark stem volume of fertilized trees by 5–12% on average. Developing separate volume equations for the fertilized trees is warranted.  相似文献   

Wang Ke  Zhang Yu 《林业研究》1995,6(1):12-17
Comparative analyses were conducted on the nutrient element content and returning amount of main fractional compositions of litter in Korean pine (KP), Mongolian Scots pine (MSP) and Dahurian larch (DL) plantations in Laoshan Plantation Experiment Station of Maoershan Experiment Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University. The results are as follows: (1) The nutrient element content and returning amount in litter varies among different fractional compositions and tree species, the total returning amount of all nutrient elements and the returning amount of K, Ca, Mg, N and P are DL > MSP > KP, the returning amount of Cu is DL > KP > MSP, the returning amount of Fe and Mn are MSP > DL > KP; (2) To KP and DL plantations, the main nutrient element returned is dead needles; dead branches, bark scales and dead cones account for a little proportion; whereas to MSP plantation, besides dead needles, dead branches and bark scales also play an important role in the return of nutrient elements; (3) A little deal of dead leaves can provided a great deal of returning amount of nutrient elements.  相似文献   

红松不同嫁接方法成活率及生长势初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在同一生长季节对红松进行了髓心形成层贴接法和劈接法嫁接对比试验。结果表明:采取髓心形成层贴接法嫁接平均成活率为62%,劈接法为88%。髓心形成层贴接法嫁接成活后接穗平均生长量为5.9 cm,劈接法为11.8 cm,较髓心形成层贴接法提高了100%。经方差分析,两种方法嫁接成活率及成活后接穗平均生长量差异均极显著,说明红松采取劈接法嫁接优于髓心形成层贴接法。  相似文献   

The soil CO2 evolution rate was measured in a virgin Korean pine forest. The results in June showed that the lowest value of evolution rate was 220 mg/(m2·h) and appeared at 6:00 a.m. The highest value was 460 mg/(m2·h) at 18:00. The rates of CO2 evolution were related with soil temperature. On the basis of the constructed regression equation and the monthly average values of temperature, the magnitude of CO2 evolution from Korean pine forest soil was 10.4 t/hm2 during a growing season. This project was funded by the Opened Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystem, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

This paper reviews the researches on old-growth korean pine (Pinus koraoensis) forest in Northeast China. The ecological characteristics of the forest were summarized. According to the research results, the importance of studying and reserving on the old-growth forest was addressed, which were the indispensable research laboratory and classroom for forest managers. The conclusions indicate that the future of Korean pine forest management should be based on the research results of old-growth forests.  相似文献   

Functional evaluation for effective compositions in seed oil of Korean pine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of seed oil of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) on the rats’ blood-fat and its anti-ageing function was studied for appraising the efficacy of the seed oil of Korean pine. Sixty experimental rats were randomly divided into 5 groups (half males and half females in each group) as normal control group, high fat diet control group, and three groups (Group 1 Group 2, Group 3) that were fed with feedstuff with the contents of the seed oil of 2.0g/(kg·d−1), 4.0g/(kg·d−1) and 8.0g/(kg·d−1), respectively. The indexes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) and anti-oxidation capacity (AOC) were measured by Reagent Kit method. It was found that the seed oil of the Korean pine could reduce the content of triglyceride and improve SOD as well as GSH-PX activity in serum. These indexes of the rats in Group 2 fed with Korean pine seed oil of 4.0 g/(kg·d−1) reached the significant level and those of rats in Group 3 fed with the seed oil of 8.0 g/(kg·d−1) reached the extremely significant level. The results indicated the seed oil of Korean pine had function of regulating the level of blood-fat and anti-ageing. Biography: WANG Zhen-yu (1957-), male, Prof. in Forestry College, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

红松籽油有效成分功能评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红松是分布于中国东北的珍贵树种,其种籽油中含有丰富的生物活性物质,对人体的生理活动具有重要的调节功能。为评价红松籽油的功效,本文就红松籽油对大鼠血脂的影响及其抗衰老功能进行了研究,对不同组的大鼠喂添加了不同含量的种籽油的饲料。将60只大鼠随机地分成五组(每组雌雄各半)。实验过程中,用松籽油处理的三个组的大鼠分别喂食含2.0g/(kgd-1),4.0g/(kgd-1)和8.0g/(kgd-1)剂量松籽油的饲料。用试剂盒法对超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)以及抗氧化(AOC)等指标进行了测定。经研究发现松籽油可以降低血清甘油三酯含量,提高血清SOD和GSH-PX的活力。其中喂食4.0g/(kgd-1)剂量红松籽油的一组,其各项测定指标均达到显著水平;喂食8.0g/(kgd-1)剂量红松籽油的一组达到了极显著水平。结果表明,红松籽油具有调节血脂和抗衰老作用。图2表3参9。  相似文献   

[目的]植物精油是安全并有良好抑菌效果的天然产物,在食品防腐剂领域潜力巨大.本研究通过对红松不同部位精油成分与抑菌活性的研究,能为开发安全绿色的食品防腐剂及为其在食品、化妆品等领域的应用提供理论基础.[方法]采用水蒸气蒸馏法从红松的松针、松塔、松壳中制备精油,采用气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)联用技术结合保留指数(RI)...  相似文献   

红松直播造林与植苗更新的对照试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了红松直播造林与植苗更新的试验方法。通过直播与植苗两种造林方式的对照分析,得出在天然次生林下直播红松是顺应自然的一种更新造林方法,它具有抗性强、免抚易管理的优点,与红松植苗相比既可做到免抚,又能降低生产成本,是加快恢复小兴安岭森林顶极群落--阔叶红松林行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

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