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Both cholangiocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach stratified squamous epithelial portion are rarely found in equine medicine despite being more common in human beings, dogs, and cats. The objective of the present article was to report the simultaneous occurrences of these two types of neoplasias in an 11-year-old mare. Numerous firm, whitish nodules were distributed throughout the liver parenchyma and those protruding over its surface were umbilicated in their appearance. It was verified that the nodules adhered to the peritoneum and omentum, diaphragm, spleen, and stomach serosa compressed the adjacent structures. The stomach stratified squamous epithelial portion, particularly originating in the margo plicatus toward the cardia, was covered by numerous smooth, whitish spherules. Microscopic examination allowed the liver, tumor, and the abdominal implants to be identified as a cholangiocarcinoma, and the stomach neoplasia as a carcinoma of its stratified squamous epithelial portion. Considering this as an uncommon finding, although when considered individually, the presence of a cholangiocarcinoma and a squamous cell carcinoma of the stratified squamous epithelial portion of the equine stomach in the same specimen is worthy of reporting.  相似文献   

Abstract— An aged dog with a chronic, bilateral, bacterial otitis externa developed bilateral squamous cell carcinomas of the pinna. The tumours were located where the pinna would cover the external auditory meatus and probably were induced by the chronic infection.
Résumé— Un chien agé souftrant d'otite externe bactérienne chronique bilatérale présenta un épithelioma spinocellulaire bilatéral des pavilions auriculaires. Les tumeurs étaient situées là où les pavilions auraient recourvert le méat auriculaire et furent sans doute provoqués par l'infection chronique.
Zusammenfassung— Ein alter Hund mit einer chronischen, bilateralen, bakteriell bedingten Otitis externa entwickelte Plattenepithelkarzinome en beiden Ohrmuscheln. Diese Tumore traten an der Pinna exakt an der Mündung des äußeren Gehörgangs auf, und sind möglicherweise durch die chronische Infektion induziert worden.
Resumen  Un perro de edad avanzada que presentaba una otitis externa bilateral bacteriana crónica desarrolló unos carcinomas de células escamosas bilaterales del pabellón auditivo. Los tumores estaban localizados en la entrada del meato auditivo y probablemente fueron inducidos por la infección crónica.  相似文献   

Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) is the gold standard for the excision of locally invasive cutaneous malignancies in human dermatological surgery. Using a unique horizontal sectioning technique, MMS enables 100% surgical margin assessment and provides the lowest recurrence rates for locally invasive tumours. The purposes of this preliminary study were to explore the feasibility of application of MMS in the veterinary setting and to establish practical advantages and limitations of its use in a pilot programme. It was hypothesized that MMS technique could provide 100% tumour margin assessment using frozen and/or formalin‐fixed horizontal histopathologic sections. Tumour excision and colour‐coded mapping were performed, and specimen tissue was fixed using either frozen sections or formalin‐fixed sections. Horizontal sections were assessed for quality and presence and location of neoplastic cells based on the mapped orientation. The MMS technique was used in the excision of six squamous cell carcinomas and five mast cell tumours. In all cases, the MMS permitted 100% tumour margins examination.  相似文献   

Résumé— Un épithélioma spinocellulaire s'est développé sur des lésions chroniques incontrôlées de lupus erythémateux discoïde chez deux chiens bergers allemands. Les chiens n'avaient reçu ni traitement ni photoprotection pour leurs lésions de lupus discoïde durant les 4 à 6 ans précédant l'apparition clinique d'épithéliomas spinocellulaires. [Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., Jr. Squamous cell carcinoma arising in chronic discoid lupus erythematosus nasal lesions in two German Shepherd Dogs (Un épithélioma spinocellulaire suivenant sur des lesions de lupus erythémateux discoïde chroniques chez deux bergers allemands).
Resumen— Dos perros de raza Pastor Alemán desarrollaron carcinomas de células escamosas en lesiones crónicas del tipo lupus eritematoso discoide. Estos animales no habian recibido tratamiento ni protección solar del cuadro de lupus eritematoso discoide en los 4 a 6 años previos al desarrollo del carcinoma escamoso. [Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., Jr. Squamous cell carcinoma arising in chronic discoid lupus erythematosus nasal lesions in two German Shepherd Dogs (Carcinoma de células escamosas a partir de lesiones crónicas nasales del tipo lupus eritematoso discoide en dos perros Pastor Alemán).
Abstract— Squamous cell carcinoma developed in the chronic, uncontrolled nasal lesions of discoid lupus erythematosus in two German Shepherd Dogs. The dogs had received no treatment nor photoprotection for their discoid lupus erythematosus for 4–6 years prior to the clinical onset of squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

A 3‐year‐old neutered male boxer dog presented with a 6‐month history of a waxing and waning mass of the left dorsotemporal eyelid margin. Cytology and biopsy confirmed a diagnosis of mast cell neoplasia. Systemic staging of the dog failed to reveal any evidence of metastatic neoplasia. Owing to the location of the tumor within the eyelid margin and the wide surgical margins recommended for excision of mast cell tumors, Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) was chosen for its potential to conserve tissues while providing intraoperative confirmation the tumor was completely excised. Utilizing MMS horizontal sectioning technique, 100% of the surgical margins were assessed prior to closure of the surgical wound. This represents the first time a comprehensive MMS protocol was used in a veterinary patient under general anesthesia.  相似文献   

Résumé— Des épithéliomas spinocellulaires se sont développés à partir de kystes folliculaires multiples chez un chien croisé berger Catalan de 6 ans. Le chien est mort après un suivi de 29 mois. Des métastases ont été trouvées dans les poumons et au niveau des métacarpiens 1 et 2 de la patte antérieure gauche. [Multiple squamous cell carcinomas arising from multiple cutaneous follicular cysts in a dog (Épithéliomas spinocel-lalaires multiples se développant à partir de kystes folliculaires multiples chez un chien).
Resumen— Un perro Pastor Catalan desarrolló carcinomas de células planas a partir de multiples quistes foliculares. El perro murió a los 29 meses del seguimiento. Se detectaron carcinomas de células escamosas metástaticos en los pulmones y en los metacarpos I y II de la extremidad izquierda. [Multiple squamous cell carcinomas arising from multiple cutaneous follicular cysts in a dog. (Múltiples carcinomas de células planas surgidos a partir de multiples quised foliculares cutáneo en un perro).
Abstract— Squamous cell carcinomas developed in multiple follicular cysts in a 6-year-old Catalan shepherd cross dog. The dog died after a 29-month follow-up period. Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma was detected in the lungs and metacarpal bones 1 and 2 of the left front paw.  相似文献   

Abstract— Multiple squamous cell carcinomas in situ were diagnosed in five aged cats. Despite clinical courses ranging from 18 to 30 months, there was no clinical or histologic evidence of breachment of the basement membrane. The condition closely resembles Bowen's disease in humans.
Résumé— Des épithéliomas spinocellulaires multiples in situ ont été diagnostiqués chez 5 chats. Maigré une anclenneté clinique de 18 à 30 mois, il n'y avait pas de signes cliniques ou histologiques d'atteinte de la membrane basale. Cette affection resemble á la maladie de Bowen chez l'homme.
Zusammenfassung— Bei fünf alten Katzen wurden multiple plattenepithelkarzinome in situ diagnostiziert. Trotz der klinischen Krankheitverläufe von 18 bis 30 Monaten konnte weder klinisch noch histologisch ein Durchbrechen der Basalmembran nachgewiesen werden. Dieses Bild ähnelt sehr dem Bowens Krankheit des Menschen.
Resumen  En cinco gatos se diagnosticaron carcinomas multiples de células escamosas in situ. A pesar del curso clínico de 18–30 meses no se observó evidencia clinica, o histológica de infiltración a traves de la membrana basal. La condición es muy semejante a la enfermedad de Bowen en medicina humana.  相似文献   

Oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) are common and often fatal feline neoplasms. Factors that predispose to neoplasm development in cats are poorly defined. Around 25% of human OSCCs are caused by papillomaviruses (PVs). To determine if PVs are associated with OSCCs in cats, three sets of consensus primers were used to evaluate 20 feline OSCCs and 20 non-neoplastic feline oral lesions for the presence of PV DNA. Papillomaviral sequences were detected within one OSCC, but no non-neoplastic lesion. Sequencing of the amplified DNA revealed a previously unreported PV that was most similar to human PV type 76. This is the first time PV DNA has been amplified from the oral cavity of a cat. However, while these results suggest that feline gingival epithelial cells can be infected by PVs, they do not support a causal association between viral infection and the development of feline OSCCs.  相似文献   

运用病理组织学方法,观察了3例犬低分化鳞癌的病理特点,结果显示,在犬低分化鳞状细胞癌组织中,癌细胞类似于棘细胞、基底细胞,癌组织中形成癌腔,在一些癌腔内可见角化不全细胞,无癌珠形成。癌腔是低分化鳞状细胞癌的病理特点之一,可作为诊断低分化鳞状细胞癌的依据。  相似文献   

基底细胞癌(basal cell carcinoma,BCC)是一种常见的低度皮肤恶性肿瘤,又名基底细胞上皮癌、基底细胞癌和侵蚀性溃疡。本文主要探讨皮肤基底细胞癌的临床病理诊断和鉴别诊断要点,为提高基底细胞癌的诊治水平提供依据。通过病理组织学观察,皮肤破溃、出血,肿瘤细胞成团块状增生,由结缔组织分割为不规则小叶状。细胞呈梭形、多边形及近圆形;细胞核圆形,核膜清晰,有一明显核仁,有一定异形性,偶见分裂相,作为确诊基底细胞肉瘤的主要依据,并对疾病的处理和治疗方法进行了归纳和总结。  相似文献   

Stem cell therapies offer huge potential for the treatment of tendon injury in horses. However, the factors influencing clients' willingness to use these therapies have not yet been investigated. This study examines the willingness of a population of horse owners to choose stem cell therapy for the treatment of equine tendon injuries and the factors that may influence this choice including treatment cost and efficacy, veterinarian advice, client knowledge, and success stories. A short, anonymous questionnaire was delivered to a convenience sample of equine owners. Questions related to (1) respondent background; (2) prior experience with tendon injuries and their treatment; (3) willingness to use equine stem cell therapy; and (4) the importance of factors that may affect their decision to use the therapy. Responses were summarized using graphical methods and compared using Fisher exact test where appropriate. Fifty-four percent of our cohort (n = 113) reported they would be willing to use equine stem cell therapy, 6% were not willing, and 40% were unsure. When asked to rank factors that would influence their decision, scientific proof that the therapy works was ranked highest followed by veterinarian advice. This result may have been influenced by the high proportion of tertiary-educated respondents recruited in this study. This is the first reported study to investigate the willingness of a population of horse owners to use stem cell therapy for their horses. Results suggest that the majority of these equine owners may consider using stem cell therapies for their horses given a larger positive evidence base was provided for the therapy.  相似文献   

Equine thermography has increased in popularity recently because of improvements in thermal cameras and advances in image-processing software. The basic principle of thermography involves the transformation of surface heat from an object into a pictorial representation. The colour gradients generated reflect differences in the emitted heat. Variations from normal can be used to detect lameness or regions of inflammation in horses. Units can be so sensitive that flexor tendon injuries can be detected before the horse develops clinical lameness. Thermography has been used to evaluate several different clinical syndromes not only in the diagnosis of inflammation but also to monitor the progression of healing. Thermography has important applications in research for the detection of illegal performance-enhancing procedures at athletic events.  相似文献   

In this retrospective study, medical records of 26 horses whose eyelids were tattooed were analyzed, and data regarding age, breed, eyelid pigment, eye color, sex, and reproductive status of the horses were compiled. Owners of the horses were contacted by telephone and questioned about their horses. Twenty-six horses were tattooed at Colorado State University (CSU), and one of them was tattooed twice. Records were available for 26 horses, and follow-up results by telephone were completed for 22 of those. Telephone follow-up times ranged from 3 months to 17 years after tattooing. American Paint Horses constituted 62% (16/26) of the cases, followed by Appaloosas (19% = 5/26), and Quarter Horses (8% = 2/26). In 100% (22/22) of cases, the reason for presenting the horse for a tattoo was lack of periocular pigmentation. Only two horses developed ocular or periocular squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) after their tattoos. Although the results of this study suggest that tattooing may be protective against SCC and solar blepharitis, it is by no means conclusive. However it appears to have no deleterious effects, and often owners like the appearance of the tattooed eyelid.  相似文献   

探讨和构建Wistar大鼠肺癌的动物模型,以了解肺癌发生发展的过程.采用Wistar大鼠68只,其中试验组60只大鼠(A组30只:三甲基胆蒽(MCA) 5 mg~7 mg,二乙基亚硝胺(DEN) 0.02 mL;B组30只:MCA 7.5 mg~9.5 mg,DEN 0.03 mL),左肺下叶支气管灌注含MCA和DEN的碘油溶液0.1 mL;另8只灌注0.1 mL碘油,作为对照组.试验的3月和6月末分别进行X线检测,发现3月末已有肺部阴影,6月末有50%出现明显的肺部阴影.组织学观察发现1月末已出现肺部原位癌和早期浸润癌;6月末48只发生癌变,致癌率为80%,癌变的Wistar大鼠肺标本中有多个阶段病变共存;共获取支气管黏膜上皮增生44例,不典型增生29例(含鳞状化生7例),原位癌18例,侵袭癌19例,转移癌11例.结果表明,一次性支气管灌注MCA和DEN可引起大鼠肺鳞癌的发生,并获得癌发生过程中各个阶段的标本,该疾病模型为人类肺癌发生机制的研究提供了基础依据.  相似文献   

Endocrine diagnoses of granulosa cell tumors (GCTs) in the mare are frequently based upon determination of serum concentrations of inhibin, testosterone, and progesterone (GCT panel). In the present study, we examined results from 2,253 samples submitted for determination of GCT panel. In an additional subset of samples (n = 75), diagnosis of GCT was confirmed based upon surgery or necropsy. The objective of the current study was to examine the agreement between serum inhibin and testosterone concentrations in mares with serum progesterone concentrations less than or ≥1 ng/mL. Across all samples, elevations in serum inhibin or testosterone were noted in 15.2% or 17.3% of samples, respectively. For samples with progesterone <1 ng/mL, more (P = .001) samples had elevated inhibin than elevated testosterone, whereas for samples with progesterone ≥1 ng/mL, more (P < .0001) samples had elevated testosterone than elevated inhibin. For samples with progesterone <1 ng/mL, the agreement between elevated inhibin and testosterone was greater than that for samples with progesterone ≥1 ng/mL. In a subset of 53 samples with progesterone ≥1 ng/mL, 28 samples had endocrine evidence of a granulosa cell tumors based upon elevations of serum anti-Müllerian hormone, and 4 of these samples had endocrine evidence of pregnancy based upon estrone sulfate concentrations. For samples from mares with confirmed GCTs, 85% and 55% had elevated inhibin or testosterone, respectively. Based upon endocrine diagnosis, GCTs occur in mares with elevated progesterone and/or estrone sulfate, albeit at a low rate.  相似文献   



Advanced carcinoma of the head represents a substantial health problem in cats for local control and overall survival.


Evaluate the capability of electrochemotherapy (ECT) to improve bleomycin efficacy in cats with periocular carcinoma and advanced carcinoma of the head.


Twenty‐one cats with periocular carcinoma (17 squamous cell carcinoma [SCC] and 4 anaplastic carcinoma) and 26 cats with advanced SCC of the head.


Nonrandomized prospective controlled study. Periocular carcinoma cohorts: 12 cats were treated with bleomycin (15 mg/m2 IV) coupled with ECT under anesthesia; 9 cats were treated with bleomycin alone. Advanced head SCC cohorts: 14 cats were treated with bleomycin (15 mg/m2 IV) coupled with ECT administered under sedation; 12 control cats were treated with bleomycin alone. ECT treatments (2–8) were performed every other week until complete remission (CR) or tumor progression occurred.


Toxicities were minimal and mostly treated symptomatically. Overall response rate in the ECT treated animals was 89% (21 Complete Response [CR] and 2 Partial Response [PR]) whereas controls had response rate of 33% (4 CR and 3 PR). Median time to progression in ECT group was 30.5 months, whereas in controls it was 3.9 months (P < .0001). Median time to progression for ECT cohorts was 24.2 months for periocular cohort and 20.6 in advanced head SCC cohort, respectively.


Electrochemotherapy is well tolerated for advanced SCC of the head in cats; its use may be considered among loco‐regional strategies for cancer therapy in sensitive body regions such as periocular region.  相似文献   

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