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Dietary omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), notably eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), impart health benefits in humans and animals. In horses, dietary n-3 PUFAs elevate EPA and DHA and may promote anti-inflammatory effects. No reports document effects of dietary n-3 PUFA on fatty acyl components of circulating and cellular phospholipids in horses nor whether responses to dietary n-3 PUFA are similar among horse breeds. Ten Quarter Horse and 10 American Miniature Horse mares were assigned to n-3 PUFA (64.4 mg· kg body weight [BW]−1·d−1) or control diet for 56 days. Blood was sampled at 0, 28, and 56 days. Apparent phospholipid molecular species from several classes (phosphatidylcholine [PC]; “ether-linked” phosphatidylcholine [i.e., alk(en)yl, acyl glycerophosphocholine] [ePC]; phosphatidylethanolamine [PE]; phosphatidylinositol [PI]; and phosphatidylserine [PS]) were determined in plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) by mass spectrometry. Statistical analysis showed that six phospholipid species had diet × day interactions (P < .05) for both plasma and PBMC. Further evaluation of these species demonstrated that the mole percentage of PC(38:6), PC(40:7), PC(42:10), PE(38:5), PE(40:6), and PE(40:7) (where x:y represents total acyl carbon:total carbon-carbon double bonds) in both plasma and PBMC phospholipids was elevated in horses fed n-3 PUFA (P < .001 for all). Analysis of the acyl product ions revealed that these contained an acyl chain of mass consistent with an n-3 PUFA. Thus, supplementation increased n-3 PUFA in selected plasma and PBMC phospholipids. The absence of breed effects suggests that miniature and full-size horses responded similarly to dietary treatment.  相似文献   

Five experiments were conducted with mares to better define factors that might affect the assessment of insulin sensitivity via direct insulin injection, and to then apply this method of assessing insulin sensitivity to trials which tested two potential supplements for improving poor insulin sensitivity in horses. The experiments assessed the effects of the following: (1) previous administration of epinephrine, (2) overnight feed deprivation versus hay or pasture consumption, (3) 10-day acclimatization to hay in a dry lot versus pasture grazing, (4) cinnamon extract supplementation, and (5) fish oil supplementation on insulin sensitivity. Mares of known high and low insulin sensitivities were used in the first three experiments, whereas mares with low insulin sensitivities were used in the supplement trials. Epinephrine administration increased blood glucose concentrations (P < .05) and prevented the insulin-induced decrease in blood glucose concentrations in both sensitive and insensitive mares. Overnight feed deprivation decreased (P < .06) insulin sensitivity relative to overnight ad libitum access to hay, and both regimens resulted in reduced insulin sensitivity relative to overnight pasture availability; sensitive and insensitive mares responded similarly except when kept on pasture (P = .0854). Ten days of hay consumption in a dry lot reduced (P < .05) insulin sensitivity in insensitive mares, but not in sensitive mares, relative to pasture grazing. Supplementation with cinnamon extract or fish oil had no effect on insulin sensitivity of mares with known low insulin sensitivity under the conditions of these experiments.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare embryo recovery rates and pregnancy rates of athletic and breeding Quarter Horse mares in a tropical warm climate. Thirty-nine barrel racing mares in training and 135 breeding mares as control donors were included. During the training period, the ambient temperature ranged from 31°C to 36°C and the average humidity from 70% to 90%. After the detection of a 35-mm follicle by ultrasound, ovulation was induced with 1 mg of deslorelin acetate (i.m), and insemination was performed 24 hours later with cooled and fresh semen from different fertile stallions. Embryos were collected on day 8 postovulation. The body temperature (rectal) was evaluated from eight athletic donor mares randomly selected from the same studied group. A total of 138 and 657 embryo collections were carried out on training and breeding mares, respectively, with a total of 105 (76%) and 466 (71%) embryos collected (P > .05). Similarly, no differences (P > .05) were observed for the pregnancy rates on day 15 (82/105, 78% vs. 370/466, 79%), and day 40 (73/105, 69% vs. 328/466, 70%) between the training and breeding donor mares. Just after training, the body temperature increased to an average of 39.4°C and the respiratory rate from 14.5 to 35.3 breaths per minute. The results of the present study showed that embryo production from appropriately trained donor mares in good condition were similar to non-athletic broodmares.  相似文献   

Abstract— The objective of this double-blinded crossover study was to examine the effects of marine oil supplementation with high-dose eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) on canine pruritic skin disease. Sixteen dogs that completed this study had clinical signs related to idiopathic pruritus, confirmed atopy and/or flea allergy. Each dog was randomly placed on one omega-3 fatty acid capsule (MVP: Meridian Veterinary Products, St. Augustine, FL, U.S.A.) which contained 1 ml of marine oil (180mg EPA and 120mg DHA) or one capsule containing 1 ml of corn oil (570 mg linoleic acid and 50 mg gamma linolenic acid) per 4.55 kg of body weight q 24 h for 6 weeks. After a 3-week washout period in which no supplement was given, each subject was crossed over to the other supplement for an additional 6 weeks. Dogs receiving marine oil showed a significant improvement in pruritus (P < 0.001), self-trauma (P <0.05) and coat character (P<0.01) over time. When compared to the corn oil control over time, marine oil supplementation significantly improved pruritus (P < 0.02), alopecia (P < 0.05) and coat character (P < 0.001). This study demonstrates the effectiveness of high doses of marine oil as an alternative anti-inflammatory for canine pruritic skin disease. Zusammenfassung— Ziel dieser Doppelblindkreuzstudie war die Untersuchung von Wirkungen der Substitution mit marinem Öl mit hohem Gehalt an Eicosapentensäure (EPA) auf juckende Hautkrankheiten beim hund. Sechzehn Hunde, die die Studie vollständig durchliefen, litten unter klinischen Symptomen, die mit idiopathischem Pruritus, nachgewiesener Atopie und/oder Flohallergie verbunden waren. Jeder Hund erhielt nach dem Zufallsprinzip eine omega-3-Fettsäurekapsel (MVP: Meridian Veterinary Product; St. Augustine, FL, U.S.A.), die 1 ml von marinem Öl enthielt (180 mg EPA und 120 mg DHA) oder eine Kapsel, die 1 ml Pflanzenöl enthielt (570 mg Linolensäure und 50 mg gamma-Linolensäure) bei einer Dosierung von 1 Kapsel pro 4,55 kg Körpergewicht alle 24 Stunden über 6 Wochen. Nach einer dreiwöchigen Ausschwemmphase, in der keine Substitution verabreicht wurde, wurde jedes Tier für weitere 6 Wochen auf die andere Supplementation gesetzt. Hunde, die marines Öl erhielten, zeigten eine signifikante Besserung des Juckreizes (P < 0,001), der Selbsttraumatisierung (P <0,05) und der Fellbeschaffenheit (P < 0,01) während des Unter-suchungszeitraumes. Im Verglich zur Pflanzenölkontrolle über den Zeitraum besserte die Substitution mit marinem Öl signifikant den Juckreiz (P < 0,02), die Alopezie (P < 0,05) und die Fellbeschaffenheit (P < 0,001). Diese Studie zeigt die Wirksamkeit von hohen Dosen von marinem Öl als alternativen Entzündungshemmer bei juckenden Hauterkrankungen des Hundes. [Double-blinded crossover study with marine oil supplementation containing high-dose eicosapentaenoic acid for the treatment of canine pruritic skin disease (Doppelblindkreuzstudie über die Substitution mit marinem Öl mit hohem Gehalt an Eicosapentensäure für die Behandlung von juckenden Hauterkrankungen bei Hunden.) Resumen— El objetivo de este estudio reciproco tipo doble-ciego era examinar los efectos del suplemento de aceite marino con dosis alta de ácido eucosapentanoico (EPA) en al enfermedad canina pruritica de la piel. Dieciséis perros fue completaron este estudio presentaban signos clinicos asociados con prurito idiopático, atopia confirmada y/o alergia a pulgas. Cada perro fue puesto al azar en una cápsula de ácido graso omega-3 (MVP: Meridian Veterinary Product; St. Augustine, FL, U.S.A.) fue contenia 1 ml de aceite marino (180mg EPA y 120 mg DMA) o una cápsula que contenia 1 ml de aceite de maiz (570 mg ácido linoleico y 50 mg ácido gamma linolénico) por 4,55 kg de peso corporal, 24 horas durante 6 semanas. Después de un periodo de 3 semanas durante el cual no se dió ningún suplemento, cada sujeto fue cambiado al otro suplemento por un periodo adicional de 6 semanas. Los perros que recibieron aceite marino mostraron una mejora significante en el prurito (P < 0,001), auto-trauma (P < 0,005) y carácter de la capa (P < 0,01) a lo largo del tiempo. Cuando se comparó al control del aceite de maiz a lo largo del tiempo, el suplemento de aceite marino mejoró significantemente el prurito (P < 0,02), alopecia (P < 0,005) y carácter de la capa (P < 0,001). Este estudio demuestra la efectividad de dosis altas de aceite marino como una alternativa antiinflamatoria para la enfermedad canina pruritca de la piel. [Double-blinded crossover study with marine oil supplementation containing high-dose eicosapentaenoic acid for the treatment of canine pruritic skin disease. (Estudio reciproco tipo doble-ciego con suplemento de aceite marino que contiene una dosis alta de ácido eucosapentanoico para el tratamiento de la enfermedad canina pruritica de la piel.)  相似文献   

A 9‐year‐old Miniature Horse gelding infested with ticks (Ixodes holocyclus) was presented with flaccid motor paralysis causing recumbency. Neurological examination and other diagnostic tests did not identify an alternative aetiology, leading to a presumptive diagnosis of tick paralysis. The gelding was treated with tick antiserum and intensive supportive care. He made a gradual recovery over the 48 h following presentation and was discharged without further complications. This case report describes in detail the clinical signs and successful treatment of a Miniature Horse with flaccid paralysis caused by suspected envenomation by Ixodes holocyclus.  相似文献   

Recent direct and indirect comparisons between Miniature ponies and larger breeds during the estrous cycle are reviewed. There were many similarities but profound differences in the Miniature ponies, including (1) greatly reduced follicle population within each of several follicle diameter classifications, (2) smaller number of growing follicles 10 mm or larger per ovulatory wave (1.5 ± 0.3 vs. 5.8 ± 0.9 in Miniature ponies vs. horses), (3) lower incidence of detectable diameter deviation, (4) ovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) surge that involved three distinct phases, and (5) LH increase and decrease during the early luteal phase that followed the ovulatory surge. Diameter of the preovulatory follicle was smaller in Miniature ponies than in horses, but the difference was slight (38 vs. 44 mm; 14%) when compared with an extreme difference in median body weight (123 vs. 465 kg; 74%). The great reduction in follicle population with only a slight reduction in diameter of the preovulatory follicle in Miniature ponies compared with larger breeds is an important consideration during both experimental and clinical examinations.  相似文献   

Objective To determine if congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) exists in the miniature horse in association with leopard complex spotting patterns (LP), and to investigate if CSNB in the miniature horse is associated with three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the region of TRPM1 that are highly associated with CSNB and LP in Appaloosas. Animals studied Three groups of miniature horses were studied based on coat patterns suggestive of LP/LP (n = 3), LP/lp (n = 4), and lp/lp genotype (n = 4). Procedures Horses were categorized based on phenotype as well as pedigree analysis as LP/LP, LP/lp, and lp/lp. Neurophthalmic examination, slit‐lamp biomicroscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy, and scotopic flash electroretinography were performed on all horses. Hair samples were processed for DNA analysis. Three SNPs identified and associated with LP and CSNB in the Appaloosa were investigated for association with LP and CSNB in these Miniature horses. Results All horses in the LP/LP group were affected by CSNB, while none in the LP/lp or lp/lp groups were affected. All three SNPs were completely associated with LP genotype (χ2 = 22, P << 0.0005) and CSNB status (χ2 = 11, P < 0.0005). Conclusions The Miniature Horse breed is affected by CSNB and it appears to be associated with LP as in the Appaloosa breed. The SNPs tested could be used as a DNA test for CSNB until the causative mutation is determined.  相似文献   

It has been well documented that omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) confer a wide variety of health benefits to humans and animals. The current study was designed to evaluate the ability of n-3 PUFA to modulate the innate immune response in two diverse breeds of horses. Ten Quarter Horse and 10 American Miniature Horse mares were assigned to either an n-3-PUFA-supplemented or a control diet (five full-sized and five miniature mares/treatment) for 56 days. The treatment diet was designed to deliver 64.4 mg/kg body weight of combined eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid daily. Blood was collected through jugular venipuncture into heparinized tubes on days 0, 28, and 56. Serum PUFA analysis was conducted by gas chromatography. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell production of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) in response to toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands lipopolysaccharide, flagellin, and lipoteichoic acid was estimated using an equine-specific enyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Peripheral blood samples from day 56 were also analyzed for total and differential leukocyte counts and subjected to flow cytometric analysis. Body type did not affect basal or TLR-stimulated TNFα production. Serum PUFA analysis revealed a decrease in α-linolenic acid and substantial increases in arachidonic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and docosapentaenoic acid at both day 28 and day 56 in horses fed n-3 PUFA (P < .0001 for all). Dietary n-3 PUFA supplementation reduced (P < .05) unstimulated basal, but not TLR-stimulated, TNFα production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Supplementation with n-3 PUFA neither affected total or differential leukocyte counts nor selected cell surface markers. These results suggest that n-3 PUFA supplementation in the horse can modify circulating PUFA and alter the inflammatory response by reducing basal TNFα production. Furthermore, under conditions of the current study and considering the end points evaluated, the American Miniature Horse could potentially be used as a model for full-sized horse breeds.  相似文献   

Equine clinicians rely on ovulation induction agents to provide a timed ovulation in mares for optimal breeding management. Numerous studies have been performed on the efficacy of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to induce ovulation in the mare, but limited clinical data are available for the new deslorelin acetate product SucroMate. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of SucroMate (deslorelin) in comparison with hCG to induce ovulation. American Quarter horse mares (n = 256) presented to Colorado State University for breeding management were used in this study. Mares received either deslorelin or hCG when a follicle ≥35 mm was detected by transrectal ultrasound in the presence of uterine edema. Ultrasonographic examinations were subsequently performed once daily until ovulation was detected. Deslorelin was administered to 138 mares during168 estrous cycles, and hCG was given to 118 mares during 136 estrous cycles. Mares administered deslorelin had a similar (P < .05) higher ovulation rate (89.9%) within 48 hours following drug administration than mares administered hCG (82.8%). There are no effects of season or age on ovulation rates in either treatment group. Twenty-one mares administered deslorelin and 11 mares administered hCG were monitored by transrectal ultrasound every 6 hours to detect ovulation as part of a frozen semen management program. Average intervals from deslorelin or hCG administration to ovulation were 41.4 ± 9.4 and 44.4 ± 16.5 hours, respectively. Results of this study indicate that SucroMate is effective at inducing a timed ovulation in the mare.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries have shown that the chances of a dog developing a behavioral disorder may depend upon a number of factors including nutrition. The current pilot study was designed to provide an assessment of the efficacy of a dietary supplement containing omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and zinc on some common behavioral disorders in a population of Iranian domestic dogs. In total, 48 dogs including 6 dogs without any behavior disorder (control group) and 42 dogs with at least 1 common behavioral disorder, namely excessive activity, inappropriate elimination, fearfulness, destructiveness, and aggression toward unfamiliar people and dogs (test group), were given daily oral dose of gelatin capsules of fish oil supplements containing 330 mg eicosapentaenoic acid and 480 mg docosahexaenoic acid. Moreover, all dogs received 12-15 mg/kg of magnesium citrate and 5 mg/kg of zinc sulfate. Data were obtained using a questionnaire that dog owners were invited to fill out 2 times before (Days 0 and 42) and 2 times after the supplement treatment period (Days 84 and 126). The questionnaire asked owners whether their dog had exhibited any of the 6 common behavioral disorders on a 5-point Likert-like scale ranging from 0 (never or very rarely) to 4 (very often). The results showed no significant changes for any of the evaluated behavior disorders scale in the control group. In dogs with behavior disorders, results showed a significant reduction in the median score for the severity of fearfulness (P?=?.0083), destructiveness (P?=?.002), and inappropriate elimination (P < .001). In addition, there were no significant differences in the median score for the severity of excessive activity (P = .162), aggression toward dogs (P = .281), and aggression toward unfamiliar people (P = .09) during the course of the study. Results of the study reported here support the hypothesis that a combination of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and zinc may improve some of the behavioral disorders.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the effect of linseed and canola expeller on average daily weight gain (ADG), concentrate intakes, incidence of diarrhea, serum haptoglobin, interleukin (IL)-1, and resolvin-E1 in female Holstein calves from birth to weaning. A sample size of 20 calves per group was calculated and were randomly allocated at the time of birth. Linseed group (LIN) was fed a starter with linseed expeller, while canola group (CAN) received a similar concentrate, but with canola expeller. Both expellers were included at a rate of 25% dry matter (DM) basis of the starter. Pasteurized waste milk was fed twice a day until weaning. Calves were weighed at birth, 30, and 60 d of age. Starter intake was evaluated daily from 5 to 60 d. A blood sample was obtained at birth, 14, 28, 35, and 49 d of age, and bovine serum resolvin-E1, haptoglobin, and IL-1 were assayed by commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits. Incidence of diarrhea and the duration of the events were also recorded. The effect of the interaction group by time on body weight (BW) and starter intake was not significant (P > 0.05). Average daily gains (ADG) from 0 to 60 d for CAN and LIN groups were 0.680 and 0.675 kg/d (P > 0.05), respectively. Incidences of diarrhea were 25% and 45% for CAN and LIN groups, respectively (P = 0.18). LIN group had greater concentrations of IL-1 at d 21, haptoglobin at d 7, and resolving-E1 at d 14 and 49 than CAN group, respectively. It is concluded that BW at weaning, ADG, and concentrate intakes were not different between groups fed starters containing linseed or canola expeller (25% inclusion). The concentrations of cytokines and haptoglobin were the greatest in LIN group.  相似文献   

Effects of different finishing regimes with and without conventional or linseed-supplemented concentrate on growth performance and carcass composition of grass-fed steers as well as meat quality and lipid composition of the beef were investigated. Limousin × Brown Swiss and Limousin × Holstein–Friesian crossbred steers were fed on a grass-based forage-only diet up to an average live weight of 470 kg and an age of 18 months. During the following finishing period, two groups received 3 kg/day of concentrate additional to fresh grass and hay. One concentrate was a conventional cereal-based type (CC) the other contained extruded linseed (LS). Steers of these two groups were fattened to 560 kg of live weight. Two other groups further on received only grass and hay and were slaughtered either at the same average weight (G1) or at the same age (G2) as CC steers. The concentrate supplementation in the finishing period did not significantly increase average daily gains of the steers. The killing-out percentage was improved by CC, which was reflected in heavier hot carcasses. No other carcass quality trait was significantly affected by the different feeding regimes. The direct comparison of G2 with CC showed a significantly higher shear force and compression energy in m. longissimus dorsi (LD) of G2, suggesting a less tender LD, but not m. biceps femoris (BF), of the grass-fed steers. In the groups compared at the same slaughter weight, no significant differences were observed in meat colour and texture. Lower proportions of C18:3n-3 (omega-3) in total lipids and in phospholipids of LD and BF were found for CC steers compared to grass-fed steers. This effect was partly compensated for by the supplementation of linseed to the concentrate which also exerted a trend towards higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid. However, since the n-6/n-3 ratio in the beef of the CC steers was still favourably low, it remains a matter of economic calculations and marketing considerations to determine whether linseed supplementation might be a cost-efficient measure in pasture beef programs to produce meat with claimed dietetic advantages in terms of fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

This case report describes an outbreak and novel findings associated with a beta coronavirus (BCoV) infection that occurred on an American Miniature Horse (AMH) breeding farm in upstate New York, in January and February of 2013. Twenty-nine AMH and one donkey were present on the farm when the outbreak occurred. One 10-year-old Quarter Horse mare, stabled at a separate location and owned by an employee of the farm, also tested positive. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for the detection of BCoV was performed at the Animal Health Diagnostic Center (AHDC) at Cornell on all faecal samples. The PCR assay used detects multiple beta coronaviruses, including, but not limited to, equine enteric coronavirus (ECoV). Novel findings regarding this BCoV infection in horses were recognised in this outbreak study. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the largest outbreak of BCoV described thus far in a closed herd on a single premise. The case fatality rate was 0% unlike that described in a previous outbreak of ECoV involving miniature horses and a miniature donkey (Fielding et al. 2015). The morbidity rate was lower in this outbreak than in previously described studies (Oue et al. 2013; Pusterla et al. 2013). This outbreak also demonstrated the potential for BCoV transmission via farm personnel. The duration of shedding of virus in the faeces among some asymptomatic horses in this outbreak was longer than previously described clinical cases of ECoV (Pusterla et al. 2013; Nemoto et al. 2014). This study suggests that asymptomatic animals may play a role in the maintenance of BCoV during an outbreak; therefore, the need for diagnostic testing of both clinically affected and apparently clinically normal horses on a premises followed by appropriate biosecurity and control measures.  相似文献   

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a subshrub from the lamiaceae family with plants that are rich in essential oils and antioxidative phenolic substances. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of dietary thyme and fish oil supplementation on the semen characteristics of miniature Caspian horse. Sixteen stallions were randomly allocated into four groups and received four different diets: unsupplemented control diet, supplemented with fish oil at 2.5% dry matter intake (DMI), supplemented with fish oil (2.5% DMI), and thyme (0.02% DMI), and supplemented with thyme (0.02% DMI). All experimental diets were formulated according to National Research Council (1998). Semen was collected at 0, 30, 60, and 90 days. The semen samples were cooled and preserved at 5°C. Cooled diluted semen samples were evaluated in vitro by microscopic assessments of chilled sperm motility, acrosomal and other abnormalities (head, midpieces, and tail), viability (evaluated by Eosin–nigrosin), and plasma membrane integrity (evaluated by hypo osmolarity swelling test), and the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) was determined during cool storage 0, 24, and 48 hours after collection. The results showed that total and progressive sperm motility and plasma membrane integrity and functionality in all groups were significantly decreased with increasing storage time. On the other hand, the level of MDA in all groups was significantly increased with increasing storage time. Also, the results showed that most sperm quality parameters in this study were significantly higher in fish oil–thyme and fish oil group compared with thyme and control groups after 24 and 48 hours of storage at 5°C. We concluded that dietary supplementation of fish oil and thyme can improve sperm quality in miniature Caspian stallions during storage in cool condition via increasing total and progressive motility and plasma membrane integrity and functionality. More advances in vitro evaluations and artificial insemination are required to reveal the exact effects of thyme on miniature Caspian stallion sperm quality and its fertilizing ability.  相似文献   

An 18 h old Quarter Horse filly, while being treated for diarrhoea, was evaluated for a distended abdomen and electrolyte abnormalities. Peritoneal and pleural fluid was detected by ultrasound and a presumptive diagnosis of a ruptured bladder was made. Intravenous fluid therapy was instituted to correct the electrolyte abnormalities prior to surgical repair of the bladder tear. Anaesthetic complications included hypoxaemia and decreased compliance secondary to the pleural effusion; therefore, a thoracocentesis was performed. Analysis of the pleural fluid revealed a pleural fluid to serum creatinine ratio of >1.0, indicative of urinothorax. The filly recovered from anaesthesia and was discharged on systemic antimicrobials. Urinothorax should be considered in cases of uroperitoneum with concurrent pleural effusion. Early detection may decrease patient morbidity and anaesthetic complications.  相似文献   

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