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【目的】放牧改变了典型草原生产力和土壤养分循环,影响了植被和土壤微生物的生长状况,进而使草原土壤碳排放量发生变化。本研究通过分析不同放牧措施下内蒙古典型草原生长季土壤呼吸速率 (Rs) 的差异,了解不同放牧管理模式影响草原碳交换和碳平衡的主要途径。【方法】基于内蒙古典型草原全年放牧、休牧及禁牧三种放牧措施,于2014和2015年的7月和9月对Rs进行原位测定,并分析了不同放牧措施下Rs及其影响因子的差异。【结果】1) 三种放牧措施下,Rs表现为休牧样地 [CO2 2.00 μmol/(m2·s)] > 禁牧样地 [CO2 1.94 μmol/(m2·s)]> 全年放牧样地 [CO2 1.56 μmol/(m2·s)]。放牧对Rs的影响还存在季节效应,7月份放牧降低了Rs,而9月份放牧则提高了Rs。2) 与禁牧措施相比,放牧和休牧管理均降低了地上生物量(70.6%和47.3%)、土壤总碳含量(34.5%和32.0%)、土壤总氮含量(37.0%和34.5%),但休牧显著提高了根系生物量(37.2%)。全年放牧样地中土壤可溶性有机碳提高,但微生物磷脂脂肪酸含量下降。3) 7月份Rs主要与土壤湿度和地上生物量显著正相关,而9月份则与土壤温度和土壤PLFAs含量显著正相关。结构方程模型 (SEM) 结果显示,土壤温度 (0.905) 和湿度 (0.188) 通过影响微生物和根系的代谢环境对生长季Rs起主导作用,放牧通过降低土壤湿度和地上生物量对Rs有抑制作用 (–0.137)。【结论】全年放牧通过抑制微生物的生长降低了土壤呼吸速率,休牧通过提高根系生物量增加了土壤呼吸速率,说明放牧对内蒙古典型草原生长季土壤呼吸速率的影响途径因放牧模式的不同而不同。  相似文献   

不同生态恢复措施下宁夏黄土丘陵典型草原土壤质量评价   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为了研究生态恢复措施对草原土壤性状和土壤质量的影响,2016年在宁夏黄土高原丘陵区典型草原,以放牧草地(FM)为对照,研究了封育(FY)、水平沟(SP)和鱼鳞坑(YL)3种恢复措施对0~40 cm土壤理化性质和生物学特性的影响,评价了各措施下的土壤质量.结果表明:1)FM土壤容重最高,土壤黏粒含量、田间持水量和总孔隙度较低;FY、SP和YL措施间土壤物理性质差异不显著(P>0.05).2)土壤有机质、全氮和速效氮以FY最高,SP和YL较低;全磷与速效钾含量以FM最高,SP最低.3)土壤蔗糖酶和脲酶活性呈FY>SP>YL>FM;蛋白酶和磷酸酶呈FY草地最高,YL最低;细菌、放线菌和真菌在各处理间变化各异,微生物总量呈FY>FM≈SP>YL,但微生物生物量碳、氮呈FY>YL≈SP>FM(P<0.05):土壤因子间存在一定的相关性.4)隶属函数结合因子分析法评价的土壤质量综合得分为FY>SP>FM>YL.因此封育是最有利于研究区退化草地土壤质量恢复的措施,研究结果可以为宁夏典型草原生态建设提供理论基础.  相似文献   

中亚热带几种典型森林生态系统碳、氮储存功能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用定位研究方法, 从生态系统服务功能角度, 对比研究了中亚热带区域7种典型森林生态系统碳、氮储存功能。结果表明, 次生常绿阔叶林碳、氮储存功能最强, 杉阔混交林碳、氮储存功能比同林龄的杉木纯林强, 而第1代杉木纯林碳、氮储存功能强于连栽杉木纯林。生态系统碳、氮储存功能空间分布基本一致, 土壤层是主要部分, 其次为乔木层, 然后是根系, 林下植被层和凋落层所占比例最小。相关分析表明, 土壤碳、氮储存功能与林下植被生物量、森林凋落物现存量之间都具有良好的线性关系, 但与地下部分生物量相关性不明显。  相似文献   

Grazing in outlying fields has a long history and is important in local communities worldwide. During the last few decades, grazing pressure has both decreased and increased in alpine ecosystems, but little is known about the effects on soil carbon storage. As part of a sheep grazing experiment with three sheep stocking rates of no sheep (control), 25 and 80 sheep km?2, we tested effects of grazing on soil organic carbon storage, the form of soil organic matter (SOM) and its lability (potential carbon mineralization) in organic horizons of low‐alpine grasslands in southern Norway. After 7 years of grazing, the greatest sheep density reduced soil organic carbon concentration (% SOC) and carbon stocks at equivalent soil mass as compared with the control. In contrast, the low stocking rate caused no change or a slight increase. The form of SOM, expressed as ratios of particulate organic carbon to soil organic carbon, was only slightly affected by grazing, with a small decrease and moderate increase at the greater and smaller stocking rate, respectively. The lability of SOM was not affected by grazing directly, but was significantly related to the mineral content of the O‐horizons. In general, there were large differences between the plant communities of snowbed and willow‐shrub for several soil attributes. We concluded that 7 years of grazing had limited impacts on stocks, form and lability of SOM.  相似文献   

采用围栏封育、划区轮牧、禁牧休牧等措施进行退化草原修复和保护,是关系能否有效合理保护和利用草原、应对气候变化的一个重要命题.本研究以内蒙古短花针茅荒漠草原为对象,测定连续10年(1999~2009年)进行围栏禁牧、划区轮牧和自由放牧等不同放牧作用下的长久样区的草原碳输入、输出及平衡特征,旨在从碳平衡的角度为确定荒漠草原合理的放牧管理方式提供依据.采用野外调查法测定生物量季节动态,密闭气室法测定土壤呼吸动态.结果表明:(1)相较于自由放牧,划区轮牧能保持较高的凋落物量、家畜采食量以及地下生物量,在恢复地上植被方面无明显差别,禁牧保持较高的地上生物量、凋落物量及地下生物量;(2)土壤呼吸随着放牧的进行和季节水热条件的变化,呈现不同的变化趋势,自由放牧在干旱季节产生较小的土壤呼吸;(3)生长季内划区轮牧、自由放牧和围栏禁牧下的荒漠草原净生态系统生产力分别为413.78、401.45、416.80 g/(m2·a)C.短花针茅荒漠草原生态系统碳收支表现为碳汇,不同放牧制度对碳收支影响较小,相对而言,划区轮牧较自由放牧有微弱的碳积累优势.  相似文献   

盐渍区土地利用变化与土壤-植被系统固碳潜力耦合关系的研究对以植被建设、增加碳汇为目的的盐渍区最优土地利用方式的实施具有重要的理论和实际意义。本研究以滨海撂荒盐碱裸地为对照,连续观测和定量描述栽植3年和10年的柽柳林、栽植2年和8年的人工枸杞林及冬季咸水结冰灌溉结合地膜覆盖下的棉田的土壤有机碳和植被生物量的动态变化过程,探讨滨海盐渍区不同土地利用方式下土壤-植被系统固碳能力,为进一步提升区域碳储量提供理论依据。研究表明:1)柽柳、枸杞的栽植及结冰灌溉结合覆膜等土地利用方式在撂荒盐碱地实施后,土壤-植被系统固碳能力明显增强,且土壤容重显著减小;栽植10年的柽柳林和栽植8年的枸杞林土壤-植被系统碳储量最高,分别为118.24 t·hm~(-2)和96.27 t·hm~(-2),比冬季咸水结冰灌溉结合地膜覆盖棉田增加58.51 t·hm~(-2)和36.54 t·hm~(-2),比撂荒盐碱裸地增加83.39 t·hm~(-2)和61.42 t·hm~(-2)。2)对不同土地利用方式固碳趋势研究发现,栽植3年的柽柳林和栽植2年的枸杞林土壤-植物系统固碳速率较高,分别为10.08t·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)和2.71 t·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)。冬季咸水结冰灌溉结合地膜覆盖棉田固碳速率较低,仅为0.53 t·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)。栽植10年的柽柳和栽植8年的枸杞样地,植株固碳速率明显减慢,土壤-植被系统表现为一个弱的碳源。春季地表覆膜处理棉花存活率低且植株成熟后秸秆被移除,碳储量每年净减少0.86 t·hm~(-2)。撂荒盐碱裸地在无外源碳补充的条件下表现为碳源,土壤-植被系统碳储量减少速率为1.42 t·hm~(-2)·a~(-1)。综上所述,滨海盐渍区人工栽植柽柳和枸杞是提高区域碳储量的有效途径。  相似文献   

典型草原大型露天煤矿排土场边坡水蚀控制效果   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
以典型草原区大型露天煤矿排土场边坡不同治理措施为研究对象,利用标准径流场定位观测设施对不同治理措施植被生长-枯萎期间的次降雨产流产沙过程进行了连续观测,研究结果表明:在边坡植被恢复初期,由于实施治理措施对边坡的强烈扰动,不合理的治理措施导致边坡的土壤侵蚀量大于裸地;当植被盖度大于35%时,不同治理措施的拦沙、蓄水、入渗能力明显强于裸地;降雨强度与降雨量是边坡产流产沙的主控因子,随着降雨强度和降雨量的增加而增加;裸露边坡的土壤侵蚀模数最大,为14 183 t/(km2·a),生态袋一字型布设措施的土壤侵蚀模数最小,为5 179 t/(km2·a);生态袋一字型布设措施的土壤侵蚀模数是裸露边坡的36.5%,是沙地柏+绣线菊灌丛(植被恢复4 a)的81.5%。可见,排土场边坡是一种极强烈侵蚀的人工再塑地貌,对其采用合理的生物措施+工程措施的治理措施要优于单纯的生物措施,是控制矿区排土场边坡土壤侵蚀的最有效途径之一。  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi may have some potential use in the restoration of degraded grassland through beneficial effects on plant growth and soil quality. A field investigation was conducted in three grassland sites of typical steppe in Inner Mongolia. The three plant communities, one of which was undegraded, one moderately degraded and the third severely degraded, were studied by collecting soil samples and samples of four plant species that occurred in all three sites. The percentage of root length colonized by AM fungi was estimated and the species composition and diversity of AM fungus spores recovered from the soil were determined using spore morphological characteristics. Although differences between the sites may have been due partly to other factors, it is likely that the degree of degradation was an important factor. No decline was found in the AM colonization of the roots of the indicator plant species in the moderately or severely degraded plant communities, and two plant species showed higher colonization status in the two degraded areas. Glomus geosporum and Scutellospora calospora were the dominant AM fungi in the undegraded steppe, while G. geosporum and Glomus aggregatum dominated the two degraded sites which also had low spore densities, species richness and diversity indices. However, different AM species showed different distributions among the three plant communities and the results indicate that both biotic and abiotic factors were important in determining the AMF communities, with biotic factors possibly the more important. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

放牧对荒漠草原植物生物量及土壤养分的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以宁夏荒漠草原为研究对象,探讨放牧对荒漠草原植物多样性、 生物量及土壤养分特征的影响。结果表明, 放牧对荒漠草原植物群落多样性、 均匀度和丰富度影响显著。植物群落多样性和均匀度随着放牧强度的增加均呈先增加后降低的趋势,在轻度放牧达到最大值。同围封禁牧相比,重度、 中度和轻度放牧草地的植物地上和地下部生物量显著降低,分别降低了43.8%、 42.0%、 15.4% 和 27.7%、16.2%、11.9%。土壤有机碳随着放牧强度的增加而降低,而土壤全氮含量随着放牧强度的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势。围封禁牧草地土壤有机碳比重度放牧增加了18.1%,而土壤全磷、 速效磷和全钾含量分别降低了 21.1%、 51.9% 和 11.0%。土壤有机碳含量对植物群落地上和地下部生物量的影响大于土壤全氮、 全磷、 全钾、 速效磷和速效钾。放牧干扰下荒漠草原土壤环境及其养分含量,能在一定程度上反映植物群落多样性和生物量的变化。  相似文献   

Widespread degradation of Mongolian grasslands by overgrazing is of global concern. The objective of this study was to reveal the effects of grazing on pollination as an example of interaction biodiversity in Mongolian grasslands. We established three plots according to grazing intensity on the eastern steppe of Mongolia. In each plot, we recorded the numbers of insect-pollinated plants and observed the foraging behavior of pollinators in June and August. The richness of insect-pollinated species was high and these species were most abundant in lightly grazed plots, and formed complex relations with diverse pollinators. But, frequency of flower visitation and pollination index were greater in heavily grazed plots. All pollination properties were poorest in intermediately grazed plots. These results suggest that the forb-biased foraging of sheep and goats reduces the floral diversity of insect-pollinated species, and consequently reduces pollinators in the intermediately grazed plots. In the heavily grazed plots, only limited ruderal species could survive under heavy cattle grazing, and such simple vegetation formed unbalanced but strong bonds with pollinators. Removal simulation showed that the mutual network was more fragile with respect to the extinction of certain species.  相似文献   

不同模拟储藏条件下粳米胚乳显微结构变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了弄清大米在储藏过程中胚乳结构的变化,从而探索其品质变化的机理。在模拟我国典型储粮环境条件下,利用Hitachi S3000N扫描电镜对储藏的粳米胚乳横断面、胚乳细胞表面以及胚乳淀粉颗粒形态进行观察。结果显示:随着储藏时间的延长和储藏温度的升高其胚乳横断面的放射状排列趋于模糊,胚乳细胞的破裂程度增加,尤其是在中心部位;胚乳细胞表面光滑度下降,小孔数量增多加大,其表面蛋白质膜有不同程度的翘起,膜的厚度有所下降;裸露的单粒淀粉增加,淀粉颗粒间的裂缝增多,部分复合淀粉颗粒表面的蛋白质膜变得模糊和粗糙。通过对储藏过程中胚乳微观结构及形态的变化与大米蒸煮和食味品质劣变的机理分析,解析出胚乳微观结构及形态的变化是导致大米主要品质变化的重要原因,为大米储存品质的控制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Ungulate grazing is known to play a crucial role in regulating nutrient cycling and controlling plant community structure and productivity in grassland ecosystems. However, little is known about the effects of grazing intensities on soil bacterial community structure and diversity, particularly at the long-term scale. In this study, we measured plant biomass and diversity, soil characteristics and bacterial community structure, and diversity in a 16-year field experiment that had four grazing intensity treatments (non-grazed, CK; low-intensity grazing (LG), moderate-intensity grazing (MG), and high-intensity grazing (HG)) in an Inner Mongolian typical grassland. The CK, LG, MG, and HG sites were grazed by 0.00, 1.33, 4.00, and 6.67 sheep ha?1, respectively. Bacterial community structure and diversity under grazing intensity treatments were assessed with PCR amplification of DNAs extracted from soils and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) separation. The results showed that the CK soil had higher moisture, organic C, NH 4 + –N, and NO 3 ? –N concentrations than grazed soils, and the HG treatment had the lowest plant biomass and diversity across all the treatments. Principal component analysis of DGGE patterns showed that the LG and MG treatments were different from the CK and HG treatments. In addition, soil bacterial diversities in the LG and MG treatments were significantly higher than those in the other treatments. The relationships between environmental variables and soil bacterial community structure were assessed using redundancy analysis, and we found that soil moisture content, Artemisia frigida biomass, and pH were the best indicator of the changes in soil bacterial community structure among all the treatments. Overall, our results indicated that intermediate grazing intensities (LG and MG) increased soil bacterial diversities, and along with previous studies in this area, we suggested the MG treatment was the most suitable management practice in the Inner Mongolian steppe, not only supporting greater livestock amounts but also harboring greater bacterial diversity.  相似文献   

Changes in residue management and incorporation of organic manures may help in carbon sequestration, restoring soil organic carbon (SOC) and sustaining the productivity of land under a cropping system. An experiment of multi-ratooning sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) was initiated in 2003 in Inceptisols of Indian subtropics, to assess the effect of different organic manures and chemical fertilizer, on the crop productivity and soil quality. The annual sugarcane shoot biomass production in organic manure treatments was at par with the chemically fertilized treatment. Gross input of carbon (GIC) by the sugarcane crop was estimated to be 11.7–12.4 t ha−1 y−1 in different organic manure treatments compared to 8.4 and 5.0 t ha−1 y−1 in NPK and control treatments, respectively. The respiratory loss of C (RLC) increased linearly with increasing input of C in soil and it ranged from 3.3 to 4.1 t ha−1 y−1 in different treatments with maximum in FYM and minimum in control treatment. The sugarcane biomass added in the soil humified at a rate constant of 0.38 in sub-tropical conditions and an addition of 3.9 t C ha−1 y−1 is required to maintain SOC in equilibrium. After 5 years of sugarcane cropping (one plant + four ratoons) an increase of 2.3–17.1 t ha−1 in SOC over initial content was recorded with different treatments. Results in coming years from this long-term experiment shall add to the present calculated relationships between carbon addition and storage in sugarcane multi-ratooning crop production system under sub-tropical condition of India.  相似文献   

Virgin, cultivated, and old-arable soils have been studied in the area of Olbia, one of the antique poleis in the northern part of the Black Sea region. It is shown that the soils cultivated during the antique time still preserve some features differing them from their virgin analogues. In the course of agrogenic evolution, progressive changes in the morphology of dry steppe soils are not accompanied by the improvement of soil aggregation at lower levels. Macromorphological indices attest to the enhanced development of humification processes and leaching of carbonates and soluble salts in the soils cultivated during the antique time. At the same time, a number of soil degradation processes are vividly manifested in the cultivated soils. It is suggested that this process can be referred to as the soil allopseudomorphosis.  相似文献   

We conducted a field-manipulated experiment to assess whether changes in precipitation and nitrogen (N) deposition alter ecosystem carbon (C) and N storage. Both C and N pools of plant and soil were monitored when urea-N (17.5 g N m−2) and water (increasing mean annual precipitation by 50%) were added to a temperate steppe. After 2 years of treatments, both N and water addition significantly increased soil inorganic N availability by 125% and 62% during the growing season. While water addition significantly increased ecosystem C storage by 6% and N storage by 8%, N addition showed significant effects on neither of them. There were no interactions between N and water addition to affect both total C and N storage in this ecosystem, though they did interact to affect several individual pools (e.g., aboveground biomass N pool, litter C, and N pool). Results from the present study indicate that water availability is more important than N availability for C sequestration and that increasing precipitation will favor C sequestration in this semi-arid grassland.  相似文献   

研究长期不同施肥处理对3种旱作土壤(黑土、潮土和红壤)及1种水田土壤(水稻土)活性有机碳含量(LOC)及碳库管理指数(CMI)的影响,为优化施肥管理措施提供科学依据。结果表明:水田土壤总有机碳含量(TOC)和LOC含量高于旱作土壤。单施化肥(NPK),旱作3种土壤TOC、LOC较不施肥对照(CK)显著增加,而水田较CK无显著差异。化肥配施秸秆处理(NPKS),旱作和水田土壤TOC、LOC、活性有机碳占总有机碳的比例(LOC/TOC)及CMI均显著增加,潮土TOC和LOC含量增加最多,增加比例分别为37.6%和66.9%。化肥配施有机肥处理(NPKM),旱作和水田土壤的TOC、LOC、LOC/TOC及CMI均显著增加,其中黑土增加比例最大,分别为90.3%、140.9%、5.1%及277%。旱作和水田土壤的活性有机碳及碳库管理指数均对施肥响应敏感,具有相对一致的响应特征,即长期有机无机肥配施能显著提高土壤活性有机碳含量及碳库管理指数,且效果优于化肥配施秸秆和单施化肥处理。  相似文献   

Soils of three sites were studied in the Inner Mongolia steppe; one site non-grazed for 26 yr (NG26), another site non-grazed for 6 yr (NG6) and a third site freely grazed all along (FG). The composition of methantrophic communities was characterized by pmoA gene fragments (coding for a subunit of particulate methane monooxygenase) that were PCR amplified from total soil DNA extracts, using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) method. Cluster analysis based on the DGGE band patterns indicated that the methanotrophic communities structure of NG6 and FG soils were similar to each other but different from that of NG26 soil. Sequence analysis showed that most bands belonged to the cluster of USCγ. This is the first report that USCγ cluster is dominated in the grassland soil.  相似文献   

 We investigated the soil organic C and N stocks, storage profiles and microbial biomass as influenced by different crop management systems in a tropical agricultural ecosystem. The different crop management systems significantly affected the C and N stocks and microbial biomass C and N at different soil depths. Amongst the systems evaluated, the rice-wheat system maintained a higher soil organic C content. Inclusion of legumes in the system improved the soil organic matter level and also soil microbial biomass activity, vital for the nutrient turnover and long-term productivity of the soil. Irrespective of the cropping system, approximately 58.4%, 25.7% and 15.9% of the C was distributed in 0–15, 15–30 and 30–60 cm depths, respectively. Received: 10 October 1999  相似文献   

叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)是植被生理过程模拟的重要参数之一,对植被气候关系、全球气候变化研究等具有重要的意义。近年来LAI产品越来越多,这些产品的精度、区域适用性都不相同。为了选择适用于呼伦贝尔典型草甸草原的LAI产品,为以后在呼伦贝尔展开工作提供便利,该文以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草甸草原为研究区域,利用2013年6-8月6期地面试验数据,以HJ-1A/B CCD高分辨率影像为中间桥梁建立植被指数SR与LAI的统计模型,反演得到LAI参考图像,对研究区域内与地面试验同期的MODIS LAI和GLASS LAI、GEOV1 LAI产品分别进行了直接验证与交叉验证。结果显示,3个LAI产品均存在高估现象,以GLASS LAI最为显著约高估41%,其次是MODIS LAI约高估了32%。GEOV1 LAI产品准确性最高,RMSE=0.289 MAE=0.216。GLASS LAI与GEOV1 LAI产品的相关性最好(R2=0.6465)。通过对比全年LAI产品发现,3个产品具有良好的时序一致性。GLASS LAI呈现为平滑曲线,高估现象主要存在于LAI值较小时。MODIS LAI最不稳定性,波动性较大。GEOV1 LAI产品在第133天至第201天这段时间内LAI值比其他两个产品的LAI值小;在第202天后GEOV1 LAI值与GLASS LAI值相差无几,高于MODIS LAI。根据对比分析结果,GEOV1 LAI产品最适用于呼伦贝尔典型草甸草原。通过提取质量控制层数据,确定云覆盖不是影响LAI异常的原因。  相似文献   

A preliminary investigation was conducted on the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) status of the dominant and common wild forage plants in typical steppe of eastern Inner Mongolia, a major semi-arid grassland region in China. Fifty-four wild forage plant species were collected and examined, and 27 of these were colonized by AM fungi. Some plants belonging to families that are presumed to lack mycorrhizas (Cyperaceae, Caryophyllaceae and Chenopodiaceae) were also found to be mycorrhizal. Higher proportions of arbuscular mycorrhizal plants were found in perennial (56.1%) and monocotyledonous (64.7%) forage species. However, neither percentage of root length colonized nor spore density varied significantly between the two life forms or cotyledon types. Twenty-seven species belonging to 7 genera of AM fungi were identified in total according to the morphological characteristics of the spores from field soil and trap cultures, and the results indicate that Glomus was the dominant AM genus and Glomus geosporum (Nicolson & Gerdemann) Walker and Glomus mosseae (Nicolson & Gerdemann) Gerdemann & Trappe were the dominant species in field soil and trap cultures, respectively. Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith, Glomus etunicatum Becher & Gerdemann, Glomus claroideum Schenk & Smith emend Walker & Vestberg, Glomus clarum Nicolson & Schenck and Scutellospora callospora (Nicolson & Gerdemann) Walker & Sanders also occurred with high frequencies.  相似文献   

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