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本项研究运用工程的原理和技术,深入探讨了燕山山区石质山地立草为业,综合治理的模式。通过五年试验,现已建成各类人工草地10.3万亩;饲草料加工网点13处;育肥牛场2处;引进并繁育鲁西小尾寒着3200只;肉蛋食品加工厂1处,其肉食品效益比分别达1:1.6和1:1.9;建草业服务中心数一座,为山区草业开发、技术推广奠定了基础。初步形成了以乡镇为龙头、村户为骨干的种草、饲草料加工、养畜、畜产品加工以及草业  相似文献   

草业展望及其东北地区发展前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业结构的调整,草业应扮演重要角色;生态环境的恢复和重建,草业应先行;巨大的市场潜力已为草业发展提供了广阔前景,草业遇到前所未有的发展机遇。不论是天然草地的自然条件,还是农区种草的比较优势,东北地区都要明显优于全国其它地区,可以说东北是全国草产业最具发展潜力的地区。  相似文献   

中国南方红黄壤地区草业开发的潜力与途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据我国南方人口稠密,人均耕地少,而草地资源丰富,水热条件好,发展草业有潜力可挖的特点,论述了今后南方草业必须从以下几个途径加大力度,加速发展:①林草结合,种养结合,防止水土流失,保护和改善生态环境;②扩大冬闲土地种草,推行粮草轮作,解决饲料,肥料不足问题;③在不放松种草养畜的同时,充分利用南方淡水资源丰富,闲空隙地区,面积大的有利条件,积极发展节粮型渔业──种草养鱼;④加快调制人工干草制品,调节  相似文献   

江西草业发展现状及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江西草业作为一项新兴产业,目前还未形成完整的体系,草业的主导子产业———草地畜牧业还不发达;以草资源为生产资料的饲料生产产业还是空白;草地植物多种用途开发利用刚刚起步。因此,要发展江西的草业,现阶段应以发展草地畜牧业为主,重点抓好农区种草养畜,开发利用天然草地。培育区域支柱产业,大力发展草畜商品化生产,开发草地非牧利用产业,把草业真正建成有产品、有市场、有经济效益的产业,在生产过程中逐步实现产业化。  相似文献   

草地养鸡是贵州发展畜牧业的又一途径   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1 草地优质鸡的生产销售发展现状2 0 0 1年 ,贵州省加援项目领导小组办公室和贵州省畜牧兽医科研所家禽研究室、贵阳捷克利草业科学研究所率先在紫云、织金两个项目县的贫困山区推广林下种草养鸡技术 ,饲养鸡种为小香鸡和青脚麻鸡 ,获得了很好的效益。 2 0 0 2年 ,林下种草养鸡技术已在全省 1 5个县 (市 )推广。据不完全统计 ,推广林下种草养鸡技术的 1 5个县(市 ) ,年饲养草地优质鸡 1 0 0 0只以上的规模养殖户已超过 1 2 0 0户以上 ,年出栏草地优质鸡 1 5 0万只以上。2 0 0 2年 9月 ,贵阳捷克利草业科学研究所在贵阳市设立了草地优质鸡专…  相似文献   

通过对农户调查,分析了通渭县种草养畜现状、草畜生产比较效益,并提出了一些可行的建议,为当地草业经济发展提供参考。在当地政府引导下,草食动物生产规模不断扩大,效益提高,其比较效益也为大家所认识,但是,还存在发展速度较慢、水平较低、认识落后等问题,因此还有必要从以下方面进行加强,如加大宣传、端正认识,加强领导,增加养殖投入,落实好种草养畜配套资金,建立健全服务和保障体系。  相似文献   

《青海草业》是由青海省草原学会和青海省草原总站共同主办的草原类综合性学术期刊。主要任务是在党和国家有关草地科学工作方针、政策的指导下,宣传和推广草地科学研究的成果,交流草地农业生产的经验,普及草地和牧草科学知识,介绍草地农业的发展动态及其科技成就,为振兴青海草业,促进草地科学事业的发展和实现草业现代化服务。报道的内容有:草地资源调查、评价、开发、利用、保护,人工草地建立、管理和利用,牧草和饲料作物资源及栽培技术,饲草料加工饲用,草业和牧草机械,草业科学基础理论,种草养畜,草坪,草地生态环境保护以及草业经济开发,…  相似文献   

加快草地生态建设实现畜牧业可持续发展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
内蒙古草地已面临严峻的生态危机,对牧区经济发展和人类生存环境产生了重大的影响。改变这种状况必须深化各项体制改革,实行区域开发,调整草业生产结构,发展集约型畜牧业,加快产业化步伐。同时,正确处理好建设与管理、建设与利用、种草与养畜的关系,促进畜牧业可持续发展。  相似文献   

加快草地生态建设 实现畜牧业可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山薇  张俊宝 《中国草地》2001,23(2):67-70
内蒙古草地已面临严峻的生态危机,对牧区经济发展和人类生存环境产生了重大的影响。改变这种状况必须深化各项体制改革,实行区域开发,调整草业生产结构,发展集约型畜牧业,加快产业化步伐。同时,正确处理好建设与管理、建设与利用、种草与养畜的关系,促进畜牧业可持续发展。  相似文献   

《青海草业》是由青海省草原学会和青海省草原总站共同主办的草原类综合性学术期刊。主要任务是在党和国家有关草地科学工作方针、政策的指导下,宣传和推广草地科学研究的成果,交流草地农业生产的经验,普及草地和牧草科学知识,介绍草地农业的发展动态及其科技成就,为振兴青海草业,促进草地科学事业的发展和实现草业现代化服务。报道的内容有:草地资源调查、评价、开发、利用、保护,人工草地建立、管理和利用,牧草和饲料作物资源及栽培技术,饲草料加工饲用,草地和牧草机械,草业和牧草机械,草业科学基础理论,种草养畜,草坪,草地生态环境保护以…  相似文献   

近15年来,我国牛奶总产量和人均占有量有两个变化阶段:2000-2007年为快速增长期,年均增幅分别达22.64%和21.97%;2008年"三聚氰胺"奶粉事件至今是缓慢增长期,年均增幅仅分别为0.72%和0.49%;目前较2000年分别增加了4.35和4.11倍,但牛奶产量只有美国的1/3、印度的1/2,人均牛奶占有量不到美国的1/10、印度的1/2。我国城乡居民人均乳品消费量均随牛奶产量和乳品进口量增加呈线性上升,年均增幅分别为5.35%和15.77%。国内牛奶产量显著影响乡村居民乳品消费,乳制品进口量对城乡居民消费均有显著作用。比较分析国内外经验与教训,我国牛奶生产体系要加快牧草种植-奶牛养殖-牛奶加工-奶品销售的纵向的系统耦合,同时加强诸多生产单位通过契约的横向的系统耦合;根据草地农业的理论,建立从水土保持到餐桌的乳品生产监管保障体系,改进以饲草种植和奶牛养殖为基础的奶业产业链的收益分配机制,发挥草地-奶牛系统的综合优势。  相似文献   

随着动物性食品需求的快速增长和“粮改饲”政策的实施,推进农区产业结构调整和草食畜牧业全面发展势在必行,江淮地区作为我国南方重要的粮食生产基地和畜牧业发展基地,可充分利用其冬闲田的生产潜力,推行粮草兼顾型种植模式,探索出适合当地冬季种植的牧草生产模式。江淮地区冬闲田种草现多以黑麦草(Lolium perenne)、紫云英(Astragalus sinicus)等单播为主,多花黑麦草+紫云英(Astragalus sinicus)/白三叶(Trifolium repens)/光叶紫花苕(Vicia villosa)、燕麦(Avena sativa)+毛叶苕子(Vicia villosa)/金花菜(Medicago hispida)等冬闲田豆禾混播生产模式可以克服禾本科单播施肥较多、土地翻耕难、豆科单播产量较低和营养不全面等方面问题,能够更加有效地提高生产力,增强土地持久力,对于增加农民收入,推进江淮地区草食畜牧业发展,促进南方农业生态转型有着积极作用。本研究分析了江淮地区饲草种植的发展前景和现状,阐述了在江淮地区施行豆禾牧草混播生产模式的优势,并探讨了优质豆禾牧草混播模式及其生态经济效益,以期为江淮地区及类似地区的冬闲田牧草种植提供参考。  相似文献   

果园生草作为一项生态环保型的果园管理技术,已在我国许多地区得到了推广应用。本研究通过对陇东典型旱塬苹果种植区庆阳市172户农户的问卷调查,分析了果园生草现状及农户生草意愿;并运用Logistic回归模型对当地农户实施果园生草意愿的影响因素进行了定量分析。结果表明,目前陇东旱塬果园生草的应用率为23.8%,36%的农户有果园生草的意愿。在影响果园生草意愿的因素中,果园类型(P0.01)、农户对果园生草技术的了解程度(P0.01)、能否及时获取技术信息(P0.01)和户主文化程度(P0.05)对农户的果园生草意愿呈显著影响。  相似文献   

The potential of invasive plants to alter fuel properties over time has implications for the ranchers of semiarid rangelands throughout the world. A prime example of this phenomenon is the cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) invasion of the native shrub-steppe lands in Great Basin of the western United States. The purpose of this study is to develop a bioeconomic model that optimizes simulated ranch behavior given the beginning stages of cheatgrass invasion on a public forage allotment. The bioeconomic model is applied to a typical eastern Oregon 300 cow-calf ranch. Livestock production decisions are simulated over a 40-yr planning horizon using a multiperiod linear programming model. Results showed changes in profit-maximizing ranch management strategies in the form of decreased optimal stocking rates and forage substitution. The net present value of the simulated ranch’s income stream declined, and the probability that the ranch cannot meet its full costs of livestock production and would exit the industry increased as a result. These economic impacts were more pronounced with decreased sale price. Sensitivity analysis showed that overall results in terms of ranch behavior were specific neither to the assumed discount rate nor to the assumed percentage of cheatgrass cover (as long as this percentage is within the reference state) on the public grazing allotment. This study introduces a method for managers to quantify impacts on ranches from fuel-altering invasive plants on public lands, emphasizing the importance of including information about native and invasive forage production characteristics and wildfire frequency as a function of the state of invasion.  相似文献   

为加快我国农牧交错区“粮改饲”工作,提升饲草的产量和品质,借助公共信息平台,查阅国内外饲草生产现状及存在的问题等文献,分析了国内饲草生产现状、供需情况及应对措施。以粮改饲政策和饲草生产现状为依据,论述了发展优质饲草的必要性,提出了今后生产优质饲草的发展对策建议,为促进草食畜牧业的可持续发展及种植业和养殖业的共赢发展提供参考。  相似文献   

With the increased emphasis on using native plant materials in range revegetation programs in the western United States it is critical to identify genetically similar groups and develop native grasses that are competitive with invasive weeds, easy to establish, and persistent, and that produce high seed yield. A grass that shows appreciable drought tolerance on arid rangelands is Snake River wheatgrass (Elymus wawawaiensis J. Carlson & Barkworth). This study was designed to estimate genetic relationships and underlying genetic components for seed and forage trait improvement between plant introductions (PIs) of Snake River wheatgrass, 28 half-sib Snake River wheatgrass families (HSFs), and cultivars Secar and Discovery at Nephi, Utah, between 2005 and 2006. Based on molecular genetic diversity data in Snake River wheatgrass, with the exception of the PIs originating from Enterprise, Oregon, all other collections and cultivars are not genetically different and represent a common gene pool from which to develop improved Snake River wheatgrass germplasm. Selection in Snake River wheatgrass for total seed yield (g · plot-1), 100-seed weight (g), and seedling emergence from a deep planting depth had a positive effect. Further increases through selection and genetic introgression from hybridization with PIs will likely increase seed yield and 100-seed weight, but will not increase seedling emergence. Increases in dry matter yield (DMY) were observed after two cycles of selection in the HSFs compared to the PIs. There remains considerable genetic and phenotypic variation to further increase DMY in Snake River wheatgrass through selection and hybridization. Trends in forage nutritional quality were not observed after two cycles of selection in the HSFs or the PIs and will not likely result in improvement. Through recurrent selection, populations of Snake River wheatgrass have been and can be developed to more effectively establish and compete on annual weed–infested rangelands.  相似文献   

张炳武  张新跃 《草业科学》2013,30(2):259-265
本研究综述了我国南方主要牧草种植系统,其中包括粮草轮作系统、高大禾本科牧草种植系统、多年生混播草地种植系统及饲用玉米(Zea mays)-黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum)种植系统。针对饲用玉米-黑麦草系统在品种选育、丰产栽培技术、畜禽转化及时空配置等方面的相关研究进展做了归纳,并提出了高效牧草种植系统在理论研究和推广应用中的问题和展望。  相似文献   

Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae [L.] Nevski) is an exotic, annual grass invading sagebrush steppe rangelands in the western United States. Medusahead invasion has been demonstrated to reduce livestock forage, but otherwise information comparing vegetation characteristics of medusahead-invaded to noninvaded sagebrush steppe communities is limited. This lack of knowledge makes it difficult to determine the cost–benefit ratio of controlling and preventing medusahead invasion. To estimate the impact of medusahead invasion, vegetation characteristics were compared between invaded and noninvaded Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata subsp. wyomingensis [Beetle & A. Young] S. L. Welsh) steppe communities that had similar soils, topography, climate, and management. Noninvaded plant communities had greater cover and density of all native herbaceous functional groups compared to medusahead-invaded communities (P < 0.01). Large perennial grass cover was 15-fold greater in the noninvaded compared to invaded plant communities. Sagebrush cover and density were greater in the noninvaded compared to the medusahead-invaded communities (P < 0.01). Biomass production of all native herbaceous functional groups was higher in noninvaded compared to invaded plant communities (P < 0.02). Perennial and annual forb biomass production was 1.9- and 45-fold more, respectively, in the noninvaded than invaded communities. Species richness and diversity were greater in the noninvaded than invaded plant communities (P < 0.01). The results of this study suggest that medusahead invasion substantially alters vegetation characteristics of sagebrush steppe plant communities, and thereby diminishes wildlife habitat, forage production, and ecosystem functions. Because of the broad negative influence of medusahead invasion, greater efforts should be directed at preventing its continued expansion.  相似文献   

黄河首曲沙化草地恢复重建模式研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
通过对青草沙障、草方格 山生柳Salix oritrepha密植扦插 种草、羊粪生物结皮 种草、卵石方格 种草、遮荫网 种草、山生柳密植扦插6种草地恢复重建模式研究,结果表明:效果由大到小依次为草方格 山生柳密植扦插 种草模式、羊粪生物结皮 种草促进恢复重建模式、卵石方格 种草模式、遮荫网 种草模式、青草沙障、山生柳密植扦插模式。草方格 山生柳密植扦插 种草模式,山生柳插穗成活率为92.3%,保存率为83.1%,平均生长量为12.4 cm,平均草高12 cm,覆盖度为78%,此模式值得推广。羊粪生物结皮 种草模式,各种草平均生长量为5.3 cm,覆盖度为43%~48%,是玛曲沙化草地最有前途的恢复重建模式之一,山生柳密植扦插效果最差,此模式难以推广。  相似文献   

It is argued that in view of the many new methods in dairy farming an economic model of the dairy farm should be available to improve advisory work. Some quantitative data concerning the dairy cow needed for such a model are given. They deal with a net energy feeding value of grass, hay, silage, artificially dried grass and concentrates estimated with a feed evaluation system based on results obtained with lactating cows. Also data on the requirements for net energy and for long forage dry matter are given, again obtained with such cows. Finally information is given on voluntary intake of forage dry matter at pasture, from fresh grass fed indoors, from various preserved forages including forage pellets, as influenced by milk yield and condition of the cow and by kind of forage and level of concentrates fed. Special attention has been paid to the precision of the information. These data are used to predict both the maximal and minimal amounts of long forage which can be fed in the stall period without loss of production, and the additional quantities of concentrates needed. For the grazing cow the problem of the adjustment of voluntary intake of grass to milk yield and amount of concentrates fed is studied. It is concluded that the information is sufficient to develop an economic model of a dairy farm. For its development grassland research should supply data on pasture yield in terms of digestible organic matter when the forage is fed to sheep at the maintenance level, and the economists should add data on costs of food and labour.  相似文献   

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