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农药作为一种特殊的商品,它和人民群众生活息息相关。而农药标签(说明书)是紧帖或印制在农药包装或容器上,指导使用者安全合理使用农药最直接、最形象的重要依据。农药标签内容具体包括产品名称,含量和剂型,农药登记证号(或农药临时登记证号)、农药生产许可证号或农药批准文件号,产品标准(境内产品),使用范围、用量、方法,净含量,产品质量保证期,毒性标志,注意事项,贮存运输方法,生产厂家名称、地址、电话、邮编,农药类别特征颜色标志带,象形图,其它等内容。虽然《农药管理条例》第十六条、第四十条第三款对农药标签(说明书)的内容及处罚做了较为具体的规定,对指导工作的  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条 为规范农药标签和说明书管理,完善农药登记制度,根据《农药管理条例》、《农药管理条例实施办法》制定本办法。  相似文献   

经2007年月日农业部第次常务会议审议通过,现对《农药管理条例实施办法》作如下修订:一、将第七条第(二)项第六目修改为:"农药临时登记证有效期为一年,可以续展,累积有效期不得超过三年。"  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市农业(农林、农牧)厅(局): 2007年12月8日,我部颁布了《关于修订〈农药管理条例实施办法〉的决定》(农业部令第9号)、《农药标签和说明书管理办法》(农业部令第8号)、《农药登记资料规定》(农业部令第10号)3个农业部令.发布了农药名称登记核准管理的公告(农业部公告第944号),12月12日.我部与国家发改委联合发布了关于规范农药名称命名(农业部公告第945号)和农药产品有效成分含量(农业部公告第944号)2个公告。为了切实做好贯彻实施工作,进一步提高农药管理工作的质量和效率.现将有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

农药标签和说明书是指导农业技术人员、指导我们的指导工作者,特别是指导农民科学合理的选购农药,科学合理的使用农药最重要的信息。甚至可以说唯一的工具。我们登记评审的农药,从很多的方面:毒理的、残留的、药效的、环境的、生物的,我们把最重要的信息用简洁的、通俗的方式标注在标签上,农业部领导曾经说过农药登记评审是我们对企业的承诺,而标签是企业对我们农民的承诺。所以说标签很重要,现在我们的农药管理条例对于标签的规定,只标注了标签应该标注的主要内容,  相似文献   

为贯彻实施《农药标签和说明书管理办法》等6项农药管理规章和规范性文件,保证农药登记管理整改工作顺利开展,我部决定组织开展贯彻实施6项规定宣讲工作。现将有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

5月份,农业部已经完成《农药管理条例(修订草案)》征求意见稿),已采用派调查组、网上征求、开座谈会等多方形式,对相关部门专家、各级农药管理部门、农药生产企业、农药经销商以及农民等各方面广泛征求了意见,根据反馈意见对《条例》修订稿进行修改,目前正抓紧再次开展广泛征求意见工作。  相似文献   

本刊讯<保税区检验检疫监督管理办法>已于2004年12月24日经国家质量监督检验检疫总局局务会议审议通过,2005年1月12日局长签发,3月17日发布,现转载如下:  相似文献   

An analysis of the regulations of herbicide use for weed control in non-agricultural/urban amenity areas, including actual pesticide use, was carried out as a joint survey of seven European countries: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands, Sweden and United Kingdom. Herbicides constitute the major part of the pesticides used in urban amenity areas. Herbicide use on hard surfaces is the largest in terms of volume and potential contamination of surface and groundwater. The aim of the study was to investigate the differences in political interest and public debate on the 'use of pesticides in public urban amenity areas', regulations within each country at national, regional and local levels, possible use of alternative weed control methods and the amounts of pesticides used on urban amenity areas. A comparative analysis revealed major differences in political interest, regulations and availability of statistics on pesticide use. Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Germany have, or have had, a strong public and political interest for reducing the use of herbicides to control weeds in urban amenity areas and also have very strict regulations. The UK is currently undergoing a period of increasing awareness and strengthening regulation, while Latvia and Finland do not have specific regulations for weed control in urban amenity areas or on hard surfaces. Statistics on pesticide/herbicide use on urban amenity areas were only available in Denmark and the Netherlands. Developing this kind of information base reveals the differences in herbicide use, regulations and policies in European countries and may enhance the transfer of knowledge on sustainable weed control across countries.  相似文献   

Pear psylla, Cacopsylla pyricola (Foerster) (Homoptera: Psyllidae), is one of the key insect pests in North American pear production. In some growing areas, more than 50% of dollars spent to control arthropod pests in commercial pear are directed specifically at controlling this species. Control measures require accurate and timely information about dispersal, onset of egg-laying in spring, densities in the orchard, and age composition of the population. To meet these ends, a number of sampling methods have been developed to monitor pear psylla, the most common being (for pest management purposes) visual inspection of spurs and foliage for nymphs and eggs, and use of beat trays to monitor adults. Action thresholds have been developed for counts obtained with either method. However, threshold estimates are fairly narrowly defined, referring to a somewhat limited group of pear cultivars, type of injury to be prevented, and pest management program being used. Further refinement has been difficult because of an incomplete understanding of psylla's spatial distribution, seasonal changes in spatial distribution, and unknown or seasonally changing action thresholds. Beat trays and visual inspection of foliage have also been used to monitor pear psylla in various types of research projects, including studies of dispersal and biological control. Other sampling tools used in research include sticky traps, suction traps, and water pan traps. Density estimates obtained by these different sampling methods tend be positively correlated, albeit with high levels of unexplained variation. For counts obtained by sticky traps, much of the unexplained variation can be attributed to flight activity of the insect, which is known to depend (at a minimum) on sex, morphotype, reproductive status, time of year, time of day, leaf fall, and weather. Thus, if sticky traps are to be used in a pest management program for pear psylla, it must be recognized that counts on traps will include both density and (potentially large) behavioral components. I conclude this review with suggestions about the type of research that would improve monitoring techniques for this pest and assist eventually in developing a more effective control program.  相似文献   

在口岸植物检疫工作中,违规进境植物及其产品因不符合相关要求,不能受理报检,但其又存在检疫风险,这种情况时有发生。对此现有法规"进境检疫"中没有应对的措施。本文通过对国际标准的研究并结合我国植物检疫实践分析,认为可引入"扣留"这一行政强制措施,赋予检验检疫机构在第一时间内掌控检疫物的法定权力,从而实施相应的检疫监管,防止疫情传入。这是对现有检疫处置措施的创新,也有利于进一步完善进境植物检疫法规体系。  相似文献   

植保无人飞机是现代植保施药机械,具有作业效率高、精准、节水省药、灵活机动和对施药人员安全等特点,然而,与传统施药方式不同,其用水量少,喷施农药浓度高,喷雾易飘移,存在潜在的应用风险。目前关于植保无人飞机施药应用研究主要集中在雾滴沉积分布、飘移影响因素和防治效果评价等领域,有关其在膳食风险、环境风险和职业暴露健康风险评估等方面研究较少,且药剂登记和管理标准法规等相对滞后。为全面了解植保无人飞机施药应用以及管理现状,本文综述了植保无人飞机施药应用、风险研究及国际航空植保农药登记管理情况,总结了我国在该领域发展潜力和管理建议,以期为我国植保无人飞机安全施用农药和登记科学管理提供参考。  相似文献   

中国外来入侵物种防控法规和管理机制空缺分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物入侵对我国的危害日趋严重,依法高效地管理外来入侵物种是当前面临的主要挑战。本文通过分析我国现存的外来生物入侵的法律法规和管理机制、国际上主要国家外来入侵物种法律法规和管理体系,结合当前我国外来生物入侵的管理需求,探讨了我国在外来入侵物种法律法规和管理机制方面的缺口,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

During the winter season, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infects the stem bases of greenhouse‐grown sweet basil plants and, in severe epidemics, it may also infect the shoots. Sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum, and the ascospores that are released from the apothecia that form on them, serve as the inoculum for white mould epidemics. This research aimed to identify cropping parameters associated with lower incidence of white mould in a survey of the main basil‐growing region in Israel, and study cultural methods that might suppress the disease. The survey revealed that this mould, in the main growing area in Israel, has one cycle of infection. Factors associated with increased moisture in the greenhouse were found to be associated with increased levels of the disease. The use of a lower planting density reduced the incidence of white mould in semi‐commercial experimental plots, as well as the severity of the disease on shoots infected by S. sclerotiorum after harvest, in comparison to the commonly used higher planting density, with no negative effect on yield. Mulching the beds with polyethylene effectively reduced disease, and a combination of polyethylene mulch and increased plant spacing reduced disease severity on cut shoots in a synergistic manner. In conclusion, cultural control methods reduced disease incidence under field conditions and severity of the disease on cut shoots.  相似文献   

The successful development of phenology models from field studies depends on many factors, some of which are entirely under the control of pest managers. For example, one such factor is the choice of method for calculating thermal units. In this study, we have demonstrated that four methods for calculating thermal units provided for acceptable predictions of one phenological event of one insect species, while another method for calculating thermal units did not. The measure of central tendency (mean or median) that is used to estimate lower developmental temperatures and required thermal summations is another factor that pest managers can control when developing phenology models from field studies. Here, we show that predictions that were made when using phenology models based on median lower developmental temperatures and median required thermal summations were superior to predictions that were made when using phenology models based on mean lower developmental temperatures and mean required thermal summations. The use of bootstrap vs. non-bootstrap estimates of lower developmental temperatures and required thermal summations is yet another factor that pest managers can control when developing phenology models from field studies. In this study, we found that calculating and using bootstrap estimates of lower developmental temperatures and required thermal summations in phenology models did not improve the predictions of one phenological event for one insect species. The implications of these and other findings are discussed.  相似文献   

由中国科学院穆兴民博士组织,众多青年学者参与的<水肥耦合效应与协同管理>一书已由中国林业科学出版社出版.读完全书,有许多感想,联系我(第一作者)留学英国期间了解的precise农业动态,谈谈对此著作的一点看法:  相似文献   

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