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An 11-year-old Shih Tzu presented with crusting and erythema, mainly on the abdomen and the root of the tail. Based on histopathological findings, blood examinations and necropsy findings, the condition was diagnosed as superficial necrolytic dermatitis associated with a glucagon-secreting extrapancreatic neuroendocrine tumour. Gross necropsy revealed tumour invasion into the spleen, liver, adrenal glands and mesenteric lymph nodes. Immunohistochemical analysis of the neoplastic cells revealed that the tumour was a glucagonoma, consistent with earlier findings of persistent glucagonaemia and hypoaminoacidaemia.  相似文献   

A seven-year-old Labrador Retriever with behavioural change, mental depression, lethargy, abdominal enlargement and small testes was found to have bilateral adrenal hyperplasia secondary to an ACTH-secreting pituitary tumour which encroached on the hypothalamus and thalamus. Additional hormonal abnormalities detected were hypothyroidism, deficiencies of gonadotrophins and testosterone, and impaired growth hormone response to insulin infusion.  相似文献   

A nine-year-old, neutered female Shetland sheepdog was presented with crusted, ulcerative skin lesions affecting the footpads, commissures of the lips and the lateral canthi of the eyes. Histopathological examination of skin biopsies revealed changes consistent with superficial necrolytic dermatitis and biochemical analysis demonstrated elevated liver enzymes. Abdominal radiography revealed a small liver which, on ultrasonography, appeared diffusely mottled and showed changes suggestive of periportal fibrosis. On exploratory laparotomy, the pancreas appeared normal, but the liver was small and had multiple nodules throughout the parenchyma. This appearance was confirmed as cirrhosis on histopathological examination. The dog was placed on a hepatic support diet and treated with colchicine, essential fatty acid supplementation and raw egg yolks. After four weeks, the skin lesions had resolved and the dog remained free of clinical signs over a 22-month follow-up period.  相似文献   

The clinical records of 11 dogs with histologically confirmed superficial necrolytic dermatitis (SND) and a history of phenobarbital (PB) administration (SND/PB) were evaluated retrospectively (1995-2002). Historical, clinical, clinicopathologic, ultrasonographic, and pathologic findings were compared with those in dogs with SND without prior PB exposure (SND/No PB; n = 9) and with those dogs with PB-associated hepatotoxicity without skin disease (PB/hepatotoxicity). Dogs in the SND/PB group accounted for 44% of all histologically confirmed cases of SND that were evaluated at The Ohio State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital between 1995 and 2002. Median age of dogs in the SND/PB group was 10 years, and median duration of PB therapy was 6 years. Mean alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity was 239 U/L, and median duration of abnormally high ALT activity was 6.25 months before SND diagnosis. Plasma amino acid concentrations measured in 1 dog were severely decreased. Ultrasonographic findings of hypoechoic nodules with hyperechoic borders corresponded to pathologic findings of nodular areas of normal hepatic tissue surrounded by zones of collapsed parenchyma with vacuolated hepatocytes. Clinical, clinicopathologic, ultrasonographic, and pathologic features of SND/PB and SND/No PB were similar. PB-associated cirrhosis and overt hepatic failure were not features of SND/PB. Different pathogenic mechanisms might induce SND in dogs. Chronic administration of PB requires further examination as a potential risk factor for the development of SND.  相似文献   


In a 10‐year‐old ovariohysterectomized standard Schnauzer, the finding of dexamethasone‐resistant hypersecretion of cortisol, the results of computed tomography, and elevated plasma concentrations of ACTH suggested the presence of both adrenocortical tumour and pituitary‐dependent hyperadrenocorticism. The dog made an uneventful recovery after bilateral adrenalectomy and remained in good health for 31/2 years with substitution for the induced hypoadrenocorticism. Then the enlarged pituitary caused neurological signs and eventually euthanasia was performed. The surgically excised right adrenal contained a well‐circumscribed tumour of differentiated adrenocortical tissue and in the left adrenal there were two adrenocortical tumours and a pheochromocytoma. The unaffected parts of the adrenal cortices were well developed and without regressive transformation. At necropsy there were no metastatic lesions. The cells of the pituitary tumour were immunopositive for ACTH and had characteristics of malignancy.

The present combination of corticotrophic tumour, adrenocortical tumours, and pheochromocytoma may be called ‘multiple endocrine neoplasia’ (MEN), but does not correspond to the inherited combinations of diseases known in humans as the MEN‐1 and the MEN‐2 syndromes. It is suggested that the co‐existence of hyperadrenocorticism and pheochromocytoma may be related to the vascular supply of the adrenals. Some chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla are directly exposed to cortical venous blood, and intra‐adrenal cortisol is known to stimulate catecholamine synthesis and may promote adrenal medullary hyperplasia or neoplasia.  相似文献   

Abstract A case report of an 8-month-old ferret with severe ulcerative dermatitis of the ventral abdomen and medial thigh regions is presented. Cutaneous biopsies of the periphery of the ulcerative lesions revealed large, confluent, superficial epidermal pustules containing inflammatory cellular debris and Gram-positive cocci, as well as perifollicular dermal necrosis. These histological findings are consistent with superficial spreading pyoderma in conjunction with dermal coagulative necrosis. Résumé— Un furet mâle de 8 mois est présenté pour une dermite ulcérative sévère du ventre et des faces internes des cuisses. Des biopsies cutanées réalisées à la périphérie des lésions ulcératives montrent la présence d'importantes pustules épidermiques contenant des débris cellulaires inflammatoires et des bactéries cocci Gram positif, ainsi qu'une nécrose dermique périfolliculaire. Ces éléments histopathologiques sont en faveur d'une pyodermite superficielle extensive associée à une nécrose de coagulation du derme. [King, W. W., Lemarié, S. L., Veazey, R. S., Hodin, E. C. Superficial spreading pyoderma and ulcerative dermatitis in a ferret (Pyodermite extensive superficielle et dermite ulcérative chez un furet). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 43–47.] Resumen Presentamos el caso clínico de un hurón de 8 meses con una dermatitis ulcerativa grave en abdomen ventral y muslo medial. El estudio de biopsias de la periferia de las zonas ulceradas reveló la presencia de grandes pústulas superficiales epidérmicas confluentes que contenían restos celulares inflamatorios y cocos Gram-positivo, así como necrosis perifolicular en la dermis. Estos hallazgos histológicos son compatibles con una pioderma de extensióin superficial en conjunción con necrosis dérmica coagulativa. [King, W. W., Lemarié, S. L., Veazey, R. S., Hodin, E. C. Superficial spreading pyoderma and ulcerative dermatitis in a ferret (Pioderma de extension superficial y dermatitis ulcerativa en un huron). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 43–47.] Zusammenfassung— Es wird ein Fallbericht vorgestellt, bei dem ein 8 Monate altes Frettchen an schwerer ulzerativer Dermatitis des ventralen Abdomens und der medialen Schenkelregionen leidet. Hautbiopsien aus der Peripherie der ulzerativen Veränderungen zeigten große, konfluierende, oberflächliche epidermale Pusteln, die entzündlichen Zelldebris und Gram-positive Kokken enthielten, sowie eine perifollikuläre dermale Nekrose. Diese histologischen Befunde stimmen mit der oberflächlich ausgebreiteten Pyodermie in Verbindung mit einer dermalen Koagulationsnekrose überein. [King, W. W., Lemarié, S. L., Veazey, R. S., Hodin, E. C. Superficial spreading pyoderma and ulcerative dermatitis in a ferret (Oberflächlich ausgebreitete Pyodermie und ulzerative Dermatitis bei einem Frettchen). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 43–47.]  相似文献   

An 11-year-old neutered male Border Terrier presented for pericardiectomy after a nine-month history of tricavitary effusion, dyspnoea and lethargy. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed a fluid-filled structure at the heart base, starting at the mid-right ventricle and extending to the middle of the right atrium. Almost complete compression of the right atrium and the cranial vena cava was noted. Thoracic computed tomography revealed a heterogeneously enhancing and poorly marginated mass within the cranial aspect of the pericardium. A median sternotomy and subtotal pericardiectomy were performed. A non-distinct fluid-filled structure within the pericardium adhered to the epicardium was visualised. The structure was removed via marsupialisation along with extirpation of enlarged sternal lymph nodes. Histopathological examination of the sternal lymph nodes revealed expansile, well-demarcated, unencapsulated nodules of neoplastic cells consistent with a neuroendocrine tumour suspected to be thyroid in origin. After surgery, intractable pleural effusion resulted in euthanasia. Intrapericardial ectopic thyroid tumours are rarely reported in animals. The location of the mass and unusual presentation may have made it challenging for echocardiography to identify this neoplasia. Thoracic computed tomography at an earlier stage may have identified the neoplasia and potentially allowed for surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Hypoglycaemia due to hyperinsulinism caused by an islet-cell tumour, in three male Boxer dogs aged 9, 81/2 and 81/2 years respectively, is described.
The clinical signs, the laboratory findings and the histological picture of the tumour of the pancreas which led to the diagnosis are discussed. The plasma immunoreactive insulin level (IRI), after 24-hours fasting, or after stimulation by glucose, was elevated in only one case, but the 'amended insulin-glucose ratio' was clearly increased in the other two cases, compared with normal dogs.  相似文献   

This report describes the antemortem diagnosis and antemortem and postmortem findings of superficial necrolytic dermatitis with hepatopathy (i.e., hepatocutaneous syndrome) in a cat. A 5-year-old Maine coon was evaluated because of a history of pruritic alopecia and liver enzyme elevations. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a reticular pattern to the hepatic parenchyma. Histopathological findings of the liver were nodular regeneration with bands of vacuolated hepatocytes and bile duct hyperplasia, characteristic of the hepatopathy frequently associated with superficial necrolytic dermatitis. Skin histopathology revealed multifocal parakeratosis, midepidermal spongiosis, and basal cell hyperplasia consistent with superficial necrolytic dermatitis.  相似文献   

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