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Abstract. A laboratory experiment was designed to assess the impact of surface seal development on the hydrological response of a clay soil. The influence of surface sealing on vertical macropore flow and lateral throughflow was of particular interest. The extent and development of the surface seal in repacked lysimeters was designed to match that recorded over two growing seasons at a clay field site in Essex, and was not extensive enough to reduce significantly the infiltration capacity of the soil. Consequently, the hydrological response of the lysimeters was similar under sealed and unsealed conditions, with a more rapid wetting response under sealed conditions being attributed to the higher soil moisture content required to create the surface seal. Macropore flow was initiated at the A/B soil boundary of the lysimeters, in response to the development of a saturated layer. The rate of macropore and throughflow in the soil was dictated by rainfall intensity at the soil surface as this controlled the depth of water in the perched water table. Simulation of the tensiometer response in the lysimeters demonstrated that it was possible to attribute the rapid movement of water through the A horizon to water displacement processes alone, without recourse to preferential flow processes.  相似文献   

《Soil Use and Management》2018,34(2):197-205
Soil structure influences water infiltration, aeration and root growth and, thereby, also the conditions for sustainable crop production. Our objective was to quantify the effects of different soil management methods and land uses on the topsoil structure of a silty clay soil. We sampled 32 intact soil columns (18 cm high, 12.7 cm diameter) from an experimental silty clay field with four treatments: conventional tillage (CT ), conventional tillage followed by liming (CTL ), reduced tillage (RT ) and unfertilized fallow (UF ). The columns were analysed using 3‐D X‐ray tomography. The samples were taken in autumn after harvest, 7 yr after quick lime was applied to the CTL plots. Despite a relatively large number of replicates per treatment (8, 8, 8 and 6 (two UF samples were excluded), respectively), there were no significant differences between any of the investigated macropore network properties related to tilled treatments. The UF treatment, in contrast, exhibited more vertically oriented macropores, which were also better connected compared to the other treatments. This confirms previous findings that tillage may disrupt the vertical continuity of macropore clusters. The impact of liming on soil pore network properties may have been limited to pores smaller than the resolution in our X‐ray images. It is also possible that the effects of lime on soil structure were limited to a few years which means that any effect would have diminished by the time of this study. These matters should be further investigated in follow‐up studies to understand better the potential of lime amendments to clay soil.  相似文献   

为了研究黄土区降雨前期土壤含水量对不同土壤坡面降雨入渗、产流和产沙特性的影响,采用室内降雨模拟试验方法,探讨了前期土壤含水量从风干土状态至近饱和条件下塿土和砂黄土坡面降雨入渗、产流产沙的特征。研究结果表明:在雨强(80 mm/h)和坡度(10°)较大情况下,前期土壤含水量对塿土坡面产流时刻、入渗和产流过程影响不明显;砂黄土坡面产流时刻受前期土壤含水量影响显著,随着前期土壤含水量的增大先延长后缩短,其极差值达到28.91 min;前期土壤含水量在风干土~10%和15%~25%两段范围内,砂黄土坡面入渗产流规律差异十分显著。基于土壤水分累积入渗过程特征,塿土前期含水量可分成“三区”,砂黄土则可分成“两区”;利用前期土壤含水量与坡面土壤流失量的二次多项式关系,分别确定出塿土和砂黄土坡面土壤流失量最少的前期含水量值为11.25%和12.74%,为黄土区坡地水土管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Due to the heavy costs of wind erosion control measures, the correct selection of technical methods is indispensable for a sustainable land management in arid and semiarid regions. Thus, the main goal of this research was to investigate the feasibility of using the clay minerals (i.e., bentonite), polyvinyl acetate and palm biochar for reducing the wind erosion in deserts surrounding the cities. The treatments were sprayed uniformly onto the containers (5 × 35 × 105 cm, 0.37 m2) with sand (collected from sand dunes surrounding Isfahan city, central Iran) in 3 replicates. The experiments were conducted in a wind tunnel with sequential repetitions after 1, 10, and 20 weeks. Among the studied treatments, the bentonite planters demonstrated to be the most effective soil erosion control measure by reducing soil loss and improving sand ablation. On the contrary, the palm biochar had less influence on the soil erosion control and only a slight effect on the threshold speed. For the future, further studies are required to select the best and most relevant soil erosion control measures under field conditions considering all the environmental aspects in arid regions of Iran.  相似文献   

Abstract. Eight lysimeters, each with a surface area of 0.5 m2 and a length of 60 cm, were taken over mole drains from a Denchworth soil and divided into two groups with either a standard agricultural tilth or a finer, deeper topsoil tilth. They were variously instrumented to measure soil moisture content at three depths and losses of nitrate, a bromide tracer and radiolabelled isoproturon, all of which were followed over a year. Leaching of isoproturon was initiated by artificial irrigation either 1 or 39 days after application. The finer tilth seemed to increase the water-holding capacity of the topsoil, and this resulted in slower wetting of the subsoil, decreased flow volumes from the first events of the season and a delay of approximately four weeks in the time to the maximum concentration of the bromide tracer in leachate. The finer topsoil tilth also decreased maximum concentrations of isoproturon from 29 to 15 μg l−1 following irrigation 1 day after treatment and from 43 to 9 μg l−1 following irrigation 39 days after treatment. Total losses of isoproturon were three times larger with the standard agricultural tilth. Differences were attributed to a decrease in bypass flow through the topsoil with the finer tilth, particularly during events early in the season. There was a small decrease in total losses of nitrate in leachate from the finer tilth compared to that from the standard tilth.  相似文献   

Suspensions of a latosol with a clay concentration of 30 g kg-1 were prepared from electrodialyzed clay fractions, less than 2 μm in diameter, five nitrate solutions with a concentration of 1 × 10-4/z mol L-1,where z is the valence, and five sodium salt solutions with a concentration of 3.3 × 10-5/z mol L-1. The direct current (DC) electrical conductivities (ECs) of the colloidal suspensions were measured at a constant temperature of 25 ℃, using a newly established method of measuring the Wien effect in soil suspensions at field strengths ranging from 13.5 to 150 kV cm-1, to determine their electrical conductivity-field strength relationships and to infer the order of the bonding strength (retaining force) between soil particles and various ions. The measurements with the latosol suspensions in NaNO3, KNO3, Ca(NO3)2, Mg(NO3)2 and Zn(NO3)2 solutions resulted in increments of the suspension ECs, △ECs, of 7.9, 5.0, 7.1, 7.0 and 5.8μS cm-1,respectively, when the applied field strength increased from 14.5 to 142 kV cm-1. As for the suspensions in NaNO3, NaCl, Na2SO4, Na3PO4 and Na3AsO4 solutions, the △ECs were 6.2, 5.3, 4.1, 4.0 and 3.7μS cm-1,respectively, when the applied field strength increased from 13.5 to 90 kV cm-1. Thus, it can be deduced that the retaining forces of the clay fraction of the latosol for the cations were in the descending order K+ >Zn2+ > Mg2+ ≥ Ca2+ > Na+, and for the anions in the descending order H2AsO-4 > H2PO-4 ≥ SO42- > Gl- > NO-3.  相似文献   

We measured the lateral distribution of Br in a well-structured soil (clayey, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults) over a period of 40 days following a leaching event with Br-tagged water (Event-1) and the subsequent vertical transport of solute that occurred following a second leaching event (Event-2). The objectives were to determine the time required for solutes to become uniformly distributed laterally after Event-1, and the effect that degree of spatial distribution had on the subsequent vertical movement induced by Event-2. Six field plots, 1.2 by 1.2 m, were exposed to Event-1. Three of the plots were sampled 1, 5, or 40 days later. The three remaining plots were exposed to Event-2 either 1, 5, or 40 days following Event-1 and they were sampled the day following Event-2. A total of 319 samples were taken from a 38.5 by 38.5 cm area in the center of each plot at each of five depths ranging from 5 to 60 cm. Bromide was practically uniformly distributed in the surface layer immediately following Event-1, as indicated by a coefficient of variation (CV) of 25% among the 319 samples, but became progressively more non-uniformly distributed as depth increased. At 60 cm, the CV had increased to 240%. The longer we delayed sampling following Event-1, the more uniform was the lateral distribution of Br. During the 40 days following Event-1, Br became practically uniformly distributed across all layers, and the center of mass moved from 8 to 16 cm below the surface. Event-2 caused Br to move deeper within the soil profile when it occurred the day following Event-1 than when it occurred later, but because drainage occurred during the 40-day delay, the center of Br mass was located 26–27 cm below the surface after Event-2 regardless of the delay time.  相似文献   

黄河源区生态环境和水文过程对气候变化的响应是该区域研究的热点问题,但相对于其他环境和水文要素而言,大尺度长序列的土壤水分时空分布特征研究不足.本文基于AMSR-E被动微波遥感数据和地面实测数据,首先采用引入Qp模型的双通道反演算法校正AMSR-E土壤水分数据,获得的土壤水分产品(SMD)精度高于官方提供的土壤水分产品(SMo),但其波动范围与实测数据有差异.之后采用逐月回归分析法对SM0进行二次校正,其土壤水分产品(SML)具有更高的精度且变化趋势与实测数据一致.基于SML土壤水分产品,对黄河源区及其5个自然分区表层土壤水分的时空变化特征及其影响因素进行分析.黄河源区年平均表层土壤水分为0.140~0.380 cm3/cm3,在2003-2010年间呈下降趋势,在东南部土壤水分较高的若尔盖丘状高原区、黄南山地区和果洛玉树高原宽谷区土壤水分呈下降趋势,其中若尔盖丘状高原区的下降速率最快,而在西北部土壤水分较低的黄河源宽谷湖盆区和柴达木东缘山区呈增加趋势;春季土壤水分呈下降趋势,夏季呈增加趋势,秋季的波动较大,冬季的变化的不大,其中9月土壤水分增加率和5月减少率最大.土壤水分受降水和植被指数的影响最大,气温表现为在年高温月份与土壤水分呈负相关,在年低温月份呈正相关.研究结果为AMSR-E土壤水分数据的研究与应用提供了依据,有助于深化对区域尺度土壤水分格局及其对气候变化响应的研究,对高原生态环境建设有重大意义.  相似文献   

为了研究聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)在黄土区集中暴雨条件对坡地水土及养分流失的影响,采用室内降雨模拟试验方法,探讨了在暴雨(2mm/min)条件下施加PAM对黄土坡地土壤养分流失及硝态氮淋溶特征的影响.试验结果表明,与对照处理相比较,施加PAM对径流硝态氮流失的影响不明显,但显著改变了径流磷和钾浓度随时间变化过程,分别降低了径流磷和钾的流失量为82%和84%;施加PAM减少了坡地土壤流失量93%,也降低了泥沙中硝态氮、速效磷和速效钾的流失量分别为 78%,95%和95%;施加PAM影响了坡地上壤水分再分布过程,减少了上壤水分深层的渗漏,从而降低了土壤硝态氮淋失的潜在风险.  相似文献   

The prevention of soil erosion is one of the most essential requirements for sustainable agriculture in developing countries. In recent years it is widely recognized that more site‐specific approaches are needed to assess variations in erosion susceptibility in order to select the most suitable land management methods for individual hillslope sections. This study quantifies the influence of different land management methods on soil erosion by modelling soil loss for individual soil‐landscape units on a hillslope in Southern Uganda. The research combines a soil erosion modelling approach using the physically based Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP)‐model with catenary soil development along hillslopes. Additionally, farmers' perceptions of soil erosion and sedimentation are considered in a hillslope mapping approach. The detailed soil survey confirmed a well‐developed catenary soil sequence along the hillslope and the participatory hillslope mapping exercise proved that farmers can distinguish natural soil property changes using their local knowledge. WEPP‐model simulations show that differences in soil properties, related to the topography along the hillslope, have a significant impact on total soil loss. Shoulder and backslope positions with steeper slope gradients were most sensitive to changes in land management. Furthermore, soil conservation techniques such as residue management and contouring could reduce soil erosion by up to 70 percent on erosion‐sensitive slope sections compared to that under tillage practices presently used at the study site. The calibrated model may be used as a tool to provide quantitative information to farmers regarding more site‐specific land management options. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dispersion is an important issue for clay leaching in soils. In paddy soils of the Red River Delta (RRD), flooding with fresh water and relatively high leaching rates can accelerate dispersion and the translocation of clay. For the clay fraction of the puddled horizon of a typical paddy soil of the RRD, the effect of various cations and anions as well as humic acid (HA) at different pH values on the surface charge (SC) were quantified and the dispersion properties were determined in test tubes and described by the C50 value. In the <2 µm fraction, dominated by illite, the proportion of 2:1 vs. 1:1 clay minerals is 5:1. The organic‐C content of the clay fraction is 2.2%. Surface charge was found to be highly pH‐dependent. At pH 8 values of –32 and at pH 1 of –8 mmolc kg–1 were obtained. Complete dispersion was observed at pH > 4, where SC is > –18 mmolc kg–1. The flocculation efficiency of Ca strongly depends on the pH. At pH 4, the C50 value is 0.33, 0.66 at pH 5, and 0.90 mmol L–1 at pH 6. At pH 6, close to realistic conditions of paddy soils, the effect of divalent cations on the SC and flocculation decreases in the order: Pb > Cu > Cd > FeII > Zn > Ca > MnII > Mg; FeII was found to have a slightly stronger effect on flocculation than Ca. An increase in concentrations of Ca, MnII, and Mg from 0 to 1 mmol L–1 resulted in a change in SC from –25 to approx. –15 mmolc kg–1. In comparison, the divalent heavy‐metal cations Pb, Cu, Cd, and Zn were found to neutralize the SC more effectively. At a Pb concentration of 1 mmol L–1, the SC is –2 mmolc kg–1. From pH 3 to 5, the dispersion of the clay fraction is facilitated rather by SO than by Cl, which can be explained by the higher affinity of SO to the positively charged sites. With an increase of the amount of HA added, the SC continuously shifts to more negative values, and higher concentrations of cations are needed for flocculation. At pH 3, where flocculation is usually observed, the presence of HA at a concentration of 40 mg L–1 resulted in a dispersion of the clay fraction. While high anion concentrations and the presence of HA counteract flocculation by making the SC more negative, FeII and Ca (C50 at pH 6 = 0.8 and 0.9 mmol L–1, respectively) are the main factors for the flocculation of the clay fraction. For FeII and Ca, the most common cations in soil solution, the C50 values were found to be relatively close together at pH 4, 5, and 6, respectively. Depending on the specific mineralogical composition of the clay fraction, SC is a suitable measure for the determination of dispersion properties and for the development of methods to keep clay particles in the soil in the flocculated state.  相似文献   

A model based on measurements of potassium release from spherical aggregates (Heming & Rowell, 1985, Part I) has been used to predict release from larger aggregates, for longer times, drier soils and varying diffusion coefficients. The model has been adapted to predict supply to a single root from a soil cylinder and compared with measured uptake by onions. A ‘supply index’ shows likely restrictions in the availability of exchangeable K and in the rate of supply of non-exchangeable K resulting from diffusion limitations over a 4 week period for (i) aggregates covered with a dense roots system, and (ii) roots growing at known densities. For this period diffusion alone should not limit exchangeable K uptake in the field if the root density is at least 3.5 cm/cm3: at 0.9 cm/cm3 about 50% may be unavailable. The supply rate of non-exchangeable K increases with root density and may be important for high-demanding crops in dry seasons.  相似文献   

The increasing cost of fertilizer has prompted farmers to ask whether soils could be maintained at lower levels of plant‐available phosphorus (Olsen P) than currently recommended, without limiting yield. To help answer this question, critical levels of Olsen P have been determined for spring barley, winter wheat, potatoes and sugar beet grown on a sandy clay loam and a poorly structured heavy textured silty clay loam. On each soil, there were plots with a range of well‐established levels of Olsen P and, in one experiment, two levels of soil organic matter (SOM). For each crop and each year, the response curve relating yield to Olsen P was fitted statistically to determine the asymptotic yield and the Olsen P associated with 98% of that yield, that is, the critical Olsen P. Maximum yield of all four crops varied greatly from year to year, in part due to applied nitrogen (N) where it was tested, and in part to seasonal variation in weather, mainly rainfall. The wide range in critical Olsen P, from 8 to 36 mg/kg, between years was most probably as a result of differences in soil conditions that affected root growth and thus acquisition of available soil phosphorus (P). Generally, a larger asymptotic yield was not necessarily associated with a larger critical Olsen P. Spring barley and winter wheat given little N required more Olsen P, 20–34 mg/kg, to achieve the asymptotic yield, compared to 10–17 mg/kg where ample N was given; presumably, more roots were needed to search the soil for the smaller amounts of available N and root growth is affected by the amount of plant‐available soil P. In a field experiment on one soil type, soil with little SOM required 2–3.5 times more Olsen P to produce the same yield as that on soil with more organic matter. Soil organic matter most probably improved soil structure and hence the ability of roots to grow and search for nutrients in field conditions because when these soils were cropped with ryegrass in controlled conditions in the glasshouse, the yields of grass were independent of SOM and there was the same critical Olsen P for both soils. Overall, the data confirm that, for these soil types, the current recommendations for Olsen P for arable crops in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are appropriate.  相似文献   

In this century, agroecosystems are subjected to multiple global change stressors acting in concert such as alterations in rainfall regimes and pesticide use. Alterations in rainfall regimes, characterised by more extreme intra-annual rainfall regimes, have been forecasted for the Mediterranean region. At the same time, the use of pesticides continues to rise. Here, we report the responses of soil microbial community to a model pesticide, i.e., fungicide pyrimethanil (PYR) under altered rainfall regimes (i.e., drought and heavy rainfall) two and eight weeks after PYR application. We measured the functional responses as enzyme activities, potential nitrification and BIOLOG carbon substrate utilisation. We also characterised the soil bacterial communities using polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE) method. After two weeks, enzyme activities were mainly responsive to PYR and kinetic parameters, calculated from BIOLOG carbon substrate utilisation, indicated interaction effects from PYR and rain treatments. Bacterial band richness increased with PYR treatment under normal rain and drought regimes, but bacterial band richness was higher at 1X than 5X PYR under heavy rainfall. Bacterial community structure was also different with the PYR and rainfall treatments. By week eight, PYR treated soils remained functionally different from untreated soils. Bacterial band richness was consistent across PYR treatment regardless of rain regime. However, the bacterial community structure remained significantly different among the PYR treatments under different rain regimes. We conclude that rainfall extremes can alter the effect of PYR on the soil microbial community structure without altering PYR effects on soil functions (measured as enzyme activities, potential nitrification and BIOLOG carbon substrate utilisation).  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, earthworms are often observed to burrow through compacted soil layers, leading to the general assumption that these animals play a significant role in regenerating compacted soils in agricultural plots. To demonstrate this role under field conditions, the abundance of earthworm macropores inside compacted zones was estimated on plots under reduced (RT) or conventional tillage (CT). Then, different types of compacted zones typically found in CT (plough pan and compacted clods) and RT plots (compacted volume under wheel tracks) were experimentally simulated in wooden boxes, buried in the field and inoculated with different earthworm species. After 6 weeks of incubation, the number of macropores inside the compacted zones was examined. Field observations showed that approximately 10% and 30% of the compacted zones were colonised by at least one macropore in CT and RT plots, respectively. A significantly greater number of anecics was found in RT plots, but we could not conclude that this ecological type of earthworm plays a more major role in the regeneration process in these plots since there were fewer compacted zones and these covered a smaller area in CT. The semi-field experiment provided evidence that earthworm-mediated regeneration of compacted zones is possible and its nature varies between ecological types of earthworm. Lumbricus terrestris, which makes individual burrows that are vertical and deep, was the main species to cross through the plough pan. The other three earthworm species (Aporrectodea giardi, A. caliginosa and A. rosea) did burrow inside the other types of compacted zones (“wheel tracks” and “compacted clods”). In every case, however, macropore density was far greater in non-compacted zones, illustrating that avoidance of compacted soil by earthworms is important and should be taken into account when extrapolating results from laboratory studies.  相似文献   

The relationship between amount of a nutrient in soil and its concentration in solution, the buffer curve, is usually non‐linear. However, most models that calculate nutrient transport in the soil and nutrient uptake by the plant often assume a linear buffer curve because of simpler programming. In this paper a model is presented that uses the Freundlich function to describe the non‐linear buffer curve in the soil. It has been shown that calculated uptake and depletion curves were not influenced by the shape of the buffer curve. In a sensitivity analysis the buffer capacity, soil solution concentration, soil water content, soil impedance factor, maximum influx and the curvature of the Freundlich function were varied and the influence on calculated uptake was studied. The buffer capacity in general had a minor influence and the linearity or non‐linearity of the buffer capacity had under no circumstances an influence on calculated uptake. Thus, the use of a linear buffer curve in transport models does not lead to a significant error in the results.  相似文献   


Five commercially available penetrating agents and sulfuric acid were tested for their ability to facilitate water penetration in soil using soil column and/or field experiments. Only one of these, “Charge”;, increased water penetration in soil column tests; all five compounds were ineffective under field conditions. While initial treatment with sulfuric acid resulted in slower penetration, periodic rewetting of treated soil indicated that water penetration was significantly enhanced.  相似文献   

Identifying the vulnerability of soils to compaction damage is becoming an increasingly important issue when planning and performing farming operations. Soil compaction models are efficient tools for predicting soil compaction due to agricultural field traffic. Most of these models require knowledge of the stress/strain relationship and of mechanical parameters and their variations as a function of different physical properties. Since soil compaction depends on the soil's water content, bulk density and texture, good understanding of the relations between them is essential to define suitable farming strategies according to climatic changes. In this work we propose a new pedotransfer function for 10 representative French soils collected from cultivated fields, a vineyard and forests. We investigate the relationship between soil mechanical properties, easily measurable soil properties, water content and bulk density. Confined compression tests were performed on remoulded soils of a large range of textures at different initial bulk densities and water contents. The use of remolded samples allowed us to examine a wide range of initial conditions with low measurement variability. Good linear regression was obtained between soil precompression stress, the compression index, initial water content, initial bulk density and soil texture. The higher the clay content, the higher the soil's capacity to bear greater stresses at higher initial water contents without severe compaction. Initial water content plays an important role in clayey and loamy soils. In contrast, for sandy soils, mechanical parameters were less dependent on initial water content but more related to initial bulk density. These pedotransfer functions are expected to hold for the soils of tilled surface layers, but further measurements on intact samples are needed to test their validity.  相似文献   

Profiles of soil organic carbon (SOC) are often characterized by a steep increase of 14C age with depth, often leading to subsoil 14C ages of more than 1000 years. These observations have generally been reproduced in SOC models by introducing a SOC pool that decomposes on the time-scale of millennia. The overemphasis of chemical recalcitrance as the major factor for the persistence of SOC was able to provide a mechanistic justification for these very low decomposition rates. The emerging view on SOC persistence, however, stresses that apart from molecular structure a multitude of mechanisms can lead to the long-term persistence of organic carbon in soils. These mechanisms, however, have not been incorporated into most models. Consequently, we developed the SOC profile model COMISSION which simulates vertically resolved SOC concentrations based on representations of microbial interactions, sorption to minerals, and vertical transport. We calibrated COMISSION using published concentrations of SOC, microbial biomass and mineral-associated OC (MOC), and in addition, 14C contents of SOC and MOC of a Haplic Podzol profile in North-Eastern Bavaria, Germany. In order to elucidate the contribution of the implemented processes to the 14C age in different parts of the profile, we performed model-experiments in which we switched off the limitation of SOC decomposition by microbes, sorptive stabilization on soil minerals, and dissolved OC (DOC) transport. By splitting all model pools into directly litter-derived carbon and microbe-derived organic carbon, we investigated the contribution of repeated microbial recycling to 14C ages throughout the profile. The model-experiments for this site lead to the following implications: Without rejuvenation by DOC transport, SOC in the subsoil would be on average 1700 14C years older. Across the profile, SOC from microbial recycling is on average 1400 14C years older than litter-derived SOC. Without microbial limitation of depolymerization, SOC in the subsoil would be on average 610 14C years younger. Sorptive stabilization is responsible for relatively high 14C ages in the topsoil. The model-experiments further indicate that the high SOC concentrations in the Bh horizon are caused by the interplay between sorptive stabilization and microbial dynamics. Overall, the model-experiments demonstrate that the high 14C ages are not solely caused by slow turnover of a single pool, but that the increase of 14C ages along a soil profile up to ages >1000 years is the result of different mechanisms contributing to the overall persistence of SOC. The dominant reasons for the persistence of SOC are stabilization processes, followed by repeated microbial processing of SOC.  相似文献   

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