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Trace organic compounds were measured in air and rainfall at a rural site in Texas. Chlorinated hydrocarbons and phthalic acid esters (PAEs) were present at concentrations of ng m?3 in air and ng L?1 in precipitation. The most abundant compounds measured in air were PAEs > toxaphene > chlordane > hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) > others. In rainfall the concentration order was PAEs > toxaphene > HCHs > DDTs > chlordane >- PCBs > others. An inverse correlation between concentration and rainfall amount was observed for most compounds. A model of precipitation scavenging of these compounds considered both scavenging of gas-phase and particle-bound compounds from the atmosphere. Good agreement was obtained between theoretical and measured concentrations. Results indicate that scavenging of a small amount of particle-bound compound can account for >98% of wet deposition for insoluble organic pollutants. Gas-phase scavenging is important for the more soluble compounds such as HCH.  相似文献   

The amounts of P forms transported in surface, accelerated subsurface, and subsurface runoff, and the stream draining a 20 ha area of a pasture watershed were measured for 3 yr. Stream-bank erosion and resuspension of stream sediment contributed the major proportion of the particulate P (PP), total P, and sediment transported annually in stream flow (86, 77, and 74%, respectively, in 1977). In addition, 29% of the annual dissolved inorganic P (DIP) loading of the stream in 1977 was attributed to the release of P from suspended in situ particulate material. Remarkably similar proportions of water, P forms, and sediment were contributed by the runoff types in each of the 3 yr of study. Subsurface runoff contributed the major proportion (67% in 1977) of stream flow. Although surface runoff contributed only a minor proportion of stream flow (11% in 1977), it contributed the major proportion of both DIP (32% in 1977) and PP loading (90% in 1977) compared with the other runoff types. Differences in the amounts of P forms transported in the three runoff types can be attributed to several factors, one of the most important being the time of contact between soluble P in runoff waters and soil components.  相似文献   

Changes in the concentrations of P forms with flow for the three runoff types and the stream draining an agricultural watershed were evaluated. Flow was found to be more important than concentration in determining P fluxes in surface runoff, subsurface runoff, the stream, and to a lesser extent in accelerated subsurface runoff (tile drainage). The sampling interval required to reliably evaluate the loading of P forms was 15, 60, 720, and 60 min, for surface, accelerated subsurface, and subsurface runoff, and the stream, respectively. The errors in estimates of loadings of P forms were maintained at less than 15% for the sampling time intervals selected. An inadequate frequency of sampling leads to appreciable errors in the estimates of loadings of P forms in the runoff types and the stream.  相似文献   

太湖流域农田肥料投入与养分平衡状况分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
通过对太湖流域9个县市的700多份实地作物施肥情况调查,并结合相关统计资料,综合分析了太湖流域目前农田肥料投入以及氮、磷养分的平衡(盈亏)状况,重点进行了大田作物和蔬菜等经济作物氮、磷肥料投入量、养分平衡状况以及有机肥和化肥投入比较。分析结果表明,蔬菜等经济作物的养分投入和盈余状况整体上均高于粮食、油料作物,而大宗粮食、油料作物的周年养分投入支出基本平衡。蔬菜播种面积尽管只占到所统计4类作物总播种面积的30%,但是其施磷量却达总施磷量的50%以上,而磷素是造成我国水体富营养化的关键因素之一,加之目前经济作物的种植面积日益扩大,对水环境的影响不容忽视。  相似文献   

A large amount of pollutants in highly industrialized areas is produced by a photochemical reaction of NO x and SO x , which is a result of the production of energy-related fuel combustion. These pollutants provide the major source of condensation nuclei for the formation of fog in the areas of busy highways, airports, seaports, etc. The present study simulates how these pollutants affect the formation of advection fog. Both microphysical and macrophysical processes are considered in investigating the time dependent evolution of the spectra of condensation nuclei associated with both polluted and clean atmospheres during the time period of advection fog formation. In the first part of the series of this paper, the initial aerosol population concerns a monodisperse, multi-component aerosol model. The results show that both SO x , and NO x as condensation nuclei provide great contributions in the formation of advection fog.  相似文献   

Water chemistry data from 165 lakes in Norway are discussed in relation to contribution from long-range transported air pollutants. Concentrations of lead and antimony in terrestrial mosses are used to express the relative contribution from long range transport to each lake. The contents of Al and Zn in lake water and of ‘excess’ SO4 in low Ca lakes show high correlations with the relative heavy metal deposition values from moss analysis. The ‘excess’ SO4 in low Ca lakes correlates strongly with Al and too a lesser extent with Mn and Fe. It is suggested that the lake water levels of Al and Mn, and even to some extent Fe, are significantly affected by acidic precipitation enhancing the leaching of these metals from mineral matter in soils and sediments. In the case of Zn, airborne supply to the lakes and their catchments appears to strongly affect the water content.  相似文献   

The methods used for estimating below‐ground carbon (C) translocation by plants, and the results obtained for different plant species are reviewed. Three tracer techniques using C isotopes to quantify root‐derived C are discussed: pulse labeling, continuous labeling, and a method based on the difference in 13C natural abundance in C3 and C4 plants. It is shown, that only the tracer methods provided adequate results for the whole below‐ground C translocation. This included roots, exudates and other organic substances, quickly decomposable by soil microorganisms, and CO2 produced by root respiration. Advantages due to coupling of two different tracer techniques are shown. The differences in the below‐ground C translocation pattern between plant species (cereals, grasses, and trees) are discussed. Cereals (wheat and barley) transfer 20%—30% of total assimilated C into the soil. Half of this amount is subsequently found in the roots and about one‐third in CO2 evolved from the soil by root respiration and microbial utilization of rootborne organic substances. The remaining part of below‐ground translocated C is incorporated into the soil microorganisms and soil organic matter. The portion of assimilated C allocated below the ground by cereals decreases during growth and by increasing N fertilization. Pasture plants translocated about 30%—50% of assimilates below‐ground, and their translocation patterns were similar to those of crop plants. On average, the total C amounts translocated into the soil by cereals and pasture plants are approximately the same (1500 kg C ha—1), when the same growth period is considered. However, during one vegetation period the cereals and grasses allocated beneath the ground about 1500 and 2200 kg C ha—1, respectively. Finally, a simple approach is suggested for a rough calculation of C input into the soil and for root‐derived CO2 efflux from the soil.  相似文献   

饮用水源区小流域氮素污染负荷估算方法比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用输出系数法、通用土壤流失方程估算法、径流试验场法和相关关系法4种方法对密云土门西沟小流域非点源氮污染负荷进行估算。结果表明:输出系数法中的Johnes模型和考虑降雨影响的输出系数模型计算值相对误差比较大,考虑流域损失的输出系数模型计算结果与实测结果相对误差仅为5%;输出系数方法适用于资料比较缺乏的地区,输出系数的确定是提高估算精度的关键。对流域非点源污染发生类型区和类型单元进行详细划分,并将对各类型采用径流试验场法的监测结果推算到小流域就能减小估算相对误差;采用径流试验场法推算密云土门西沟小流域非点源氮污染负荷相对误差仅为8%;相关关系法通过建立降雨和污染负荷的关系,其估算值相对误差达到4%,此方法需要长期的降雨-水质监测数据;通用土壤流失方程估算法主要估算流域土壤侵蚀量,没有考虑径流对污染物输移过程中的沉积、起动和交换等问题,估算值会偏大。  相似文献   

The Rhode River estuarine/watershed system is a tributary of Chesapeake Bay located on the inner Atlantic Coastal Plain. Its soils are fine sandy loams. Bulk precipitation pH in the spring season declined from 4.95 in 1974 to 3.82 in 1981 and was 4.03 in 1985. The changes in pH of a forested primary stream were more related to changes in bulk precipitation pH than were the changes in pH of agricultural streams, reflecting the importance of other major terrestrial sources of acidity on agricultural systems. Surges in acidity and dissolved total Al concentration in primary (first order) streams reached extremes of pH 3.2 and 300 μg Al L?1. Higher order streams were observed to have surges in acidity with pH minima below 5.0. Surges in acidity ocurred during accelerated groundwater percolation following storm events and did not coincide with surface runoff or snowmelt. One of the reasons why groundwater is more acidic than surface runoff is that the vegetation exchanges H30 + for alkaline cations in the soil and translocates these ions to the vegetational canopy. When it rains, subsequently, H30+ in the precipitation displace some of these alkaline cations from the canopy. The end result is that overland flow during storms is enriched in alkaline cations, while groundwater is enriched in H30+. Although the source of dissolved Al is dissolution of clay minerals with atomic ratios of Al to silicate of 1:l, 1:2, or 1:3, this ratio in stream water rapidly declined to 1:1200 due to loss of Al. On average, forest drainage was the most acidic, the highest in dissolved Al, and the lowest in Ca. Surges in acidity were most severe from pastureland, and next most severe from cropland. Total fluoride concentrations were high relative to Al from all three land uses. Rhode River spawning runs of Perca flavescens declined drastically from the early 1970s to essentially zero since 1981. Larval bioassays of acidity indicate negligible toxicity to Hyla crucifer, significant toxicity to Perca flavescens and drastic effects on Morone saxatilis at pH 5.0.  相似文献   

Aerial input of heavy metals into a man-made urban aquatic ecosystem near Gary, Indiana, was monitored for a 5 mo period and compared to that into a rural system. Significantly greater inputs of Cd, Pb, Zn, and Fe were noted for the urban system. Effects of automotive exhaust from the nearby Indiana Toll Road on Pb deposit into the system appeared to be slight. Estimates of the fraction of the total sediment metal burden accounted for by aerial deposit ranged from 69% for Cd to 18% for Fe.  相似文献   

The concentration and amounts of NO3-N and TN transported in surface, accelerated subsurface, and subsurface runoff and stream flow draining a 20 ha pasture watershed were measured over a period of 3 yr. A slight decrease and increase of NO3-N and particulate N concentrations, respectively, were obtained with increased flow of the runoff types and stream, due to dilution and increased sediment transport, respectively. The concentration of NO3-N in surface, accelerated subsurface and subsurface runoff and stream flow averaged for the 3 yr was 0.3, 6.6, 4.8, and 4.6 mg 1?1, respectively, amounting to 0.5, 9.4, 11.6, and 16.8 kg ha?1 yr?1, respectively, transported annually. Although NO3-N accounted for only a minor proportion of the TN transported in surface runoff (10%) it was the main form of N (75%) transported in the other runoff types and in streamflow. Subsurface runoff contributed the major proportion of stream discharge (63%), and NO3-N (69%), particulate N (44%) and TN (65%) loading of the stream. The results are discussed in terms of non-point pollution of surface waters by NO3-N.  相似文献   

提高流域治理的深度和广度,全面考虑经济、社会、生态多重效益,是生态综合治理工程成功实施的关键。汾西县在马沟流域的治理规划中,按照“塬、坡、沟”三位一体,统一规划。综合治理的目标思路,注重水利、农业、林业和科技推广等措施综合配套,同时注重与城镇扩展战略相结合,为我们今后实施小流域生态综合治理,提高治理后的整体效益,提供了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

Forest systems cover more than 4.1×109 ha of the Earth's land area. The future response and feedbacks of forest systems to atmospheric pollutants and projected climate change may be significant. Boreal, temperate and tropical forest systems play a prominent role in carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) biogeochemical cycles at regional and global scales. The timing and magnitude of future changes in forest systems will depend on environmental factors such as a changing global climate, an accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere, and increase global mineralization of nutrients such as N and S. The interactive effects of all these factors on the world's forest regions are complex and not intuitively obvious and are likely to differ among geographic regions. Although the potential effects of some atmospheric pollutants on forest systems have been observed or simulated, large uncertainty exists in our ability to project future forest distribution, composition and productivity under transient or nontransient global climate change scenarios. The potential to manage and adapt forests to future global environmental conditions varies widely among nations. Mitigation practices, such as liming or fertilization to ameliorate excess NOx or SOx or forest management to sequester CO2 are now being applied in selected nations worldwide.The U.S. Government's right to a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

In soil samples of an acid brown earth the sulphate retention was studied as a function of sulphate concentration and pH of the soil solution. The soil under two forest covers (spruce and beech), has. shown distinct variation in its sulphate retention characteristics. The soil under spruce, due to the greater filtering action of vegetation, receives higher inputs of sulphate und hydrogen ions and shows higher amounts of retained sulphate. The uppermost 10 cm soil samples from both sites do not retain any sulphate when its concentration in the solution phase is increased. In samples from greater depths, the retention of sulphate is accompanied by a change in pH of the soil solution. The maximum retention occurs at pH 4, and soil samples from under beech retain higher amounts of sulphate than those under spruce for a corresponding depth and similar conditions of H+ addition. Desorption of newly retained sulphate followed in some samples the concentration relationship found in the adsorption experiment without any hysteresis, but the desorption of initially present sulphate indicates that two different forms of sulphate, weakly-and tightly-bound, may be existing in these soils.  相似文献   

The input of heavy metals by automobile exhaust pollution associated with the ski basin activities is the primary concern of this paper. Stream, snowpack and lichen samples were collected and analyzed for Pb, Zn, and Cu. Some lichen samples were also analyzed for Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, and Mn, as well as Pb, Zn, and Cu. Snowpack samples from roadside areas demonstrated increased levels of Pb and Cu in comparison to areas up to 180 m from the road, but heavy metal levels at more remote areas were comparable to roadside levels. In all snow samples the heavy metals associated with the particulate matter was the major form of all inputs. Heavy metals in streams were also highly correlated with the particulate matter content. Heavy metal inputs to the watershed were greater than stream export, indicating an accumulation of heavy metals by the system. The forest canopy appears to be the major factor in the accumulation of heavy metals, probably due to better interception and impaction of the particulate matter by the canopy.  相似文献   

理家庄小流域治理开发模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理家庄小流域经过十多年的水土保持综合治理,治理度达到83%,植被覆盖率达到64%,年粮食总产达到100kg,年干鲜果品产量达到120kg,年农民人均纯收入达到以2700元,生态、经济效益显著,其治理开发模式主要是建立坡面防护,沟道防护和综合配套三大体系。治理特点:一是林果主导产业突出,二是措施科技含量高。  相似文献   

This paper describes the areal distribution of fecal coliform densities within the stream system of the South Platte River basin in Colorado. Low densities, e.g., 0 to 99 fecal coliforms per 100 ml, were found in mountain streams, while higher densities, e.g., 10000 to 100000 and above were found in plains streams. About 49 % of the plains stations and 3 % of the mountain stations were not in compliance with the Colorado secondary contact recreation standard of 2000 fecal coliforms per 100 ml. The higher fecal coliform densities were associated with discharges from wastewater treatment plants. This is significant from a public health standpoint since the tainted waters are spread throughout the South Platte basin to irrigated lands via streams, canals, and reservoirs. Because of current federal and state policy encouraging land treatment and reuse, such practice should be reviewed with respect to compliance with proposed fecal coliform standards, and whether such standards should be adopted.  相似文献   

近海流域氮流失风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) uses probability theory to quantify the probability of occurrence of an event. In this study, PRA was conducted for the discharge of excess nitrogen (N) from an agricultural (Jiulong River) watershed in Southeast China. Using fault tree analysis, a type of PRA, the probability of occurrence of excess N discharge into the river during a runoff event was evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively. Land use maps, soil maps, fertilizer use records, and expert opinions were used to determine probabilities of individual events within the fault tree and to calculate the overall probability of excess N discharge during a runoff event. Qualitative analysis showed that the risk of excess N discharge was mainly related to crop and livestock practices in the watershed. Proper management of tillage, fertilizer, and manure was necessary to control N releases. Quantitative assessment results indicated that alternative practices including reduction of fertilization, installation of vegetative strip buffer around the pig farms, and installation of more riparian buffers along the Jiulong River could reduce the likelihood of N discharge through runoff.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To understand the role of women's input into household decisions as a possible factor contributing to women's undernutrition in settings where HIV/AIDS and drought have constrained household resources. DESIGN AND SETTING: Three cross-sectional surveys of non-pregnant women in partnerships without a birth in the last 3 months were analysed. Factors associated with chronic energy deficiency (CED), defined as body mass index of<18.5 kg m(-2), were assessed among 1920 women in Zimbabwe, 2870 women in Zambia and 6219 women in Malawi. RESULTS: Prevalence of CED was 4.2% in Zimbabwe, 13.5% in Zambia and 6.7% in Malawi. In Malawi, women with less input into decisions were more likely to have CED. After multivariable adjustment, each additional decision made by the partner increased the odds of CED in Malawi by 1.08 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-1.15); each additional decision made by the woman decreased the odds of CED by 0.90 (95% CI 0.88-0.97). Malawian women with all the final say or with partners with no final say had significantly more CED than expected (odds ratio (OR)=2.88, 95% CI 1.42-5.83 and OR=1.64, 95% CI 1.06-2.52, respectively), and removing these points increased the magnitude and significance of the linear trends. In Zambia, the relationship was found for urban women only and no associations were found in Zimbabwe. CONCLUSIONS: Input into household decisions may be a key factor in the cycle of drought and CED. Women with both low input and CED may lose productive capacity, putting them at greater risk of food insecurity and potentially HIV/AIDS in high prevalence settings.  相似文献   

A research watershed liming project is being carried out at Loch Fleet in the Galloway District of southwest Scotland. This acid loch originally supported a brown trout fishery, but the number of fish caught by anglers declined during the 1950's and the fishery eventually disappeared about 20 yr ago. After 2 yr of pretreatment data collection, the first set of land time applications took place in the spring of 1986, and the resulting surface water chemical changes are very encouraging. Increases in pH and Ca concentration and decreases in A1 (especially the toxic labile monomeric fraction) concentrations have been observed in the streams and waters draining the treated subcatchments in the loch itself and in the loch outlet. Also, the normal trend for pH and Ca concentration to fall during periods of high flow in the main feeder stream has been reversed. In the spring of 1987, the loch was restocked with brown trout. Initial indications are that there has been very good survival of these fish, and that they managed to spawn during the 1987/88 winter. The chemical and biological changes brought about by the land treatments are described in detail.  相似文献   

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