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The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was formerly abundant in northeast coastal rivers in the United States from the Canadian border to the Connecticut River, and possibly as far south as the Delaware River. It was eliminated from most of its former range by a combination of overfishing, construction of dams impassable to migrating fish, and municipal and industrial pollution. Reproducing populations are now limited to a few rivers in Maine, but attempts are under way to reintroduce the species to some rivers where populations formerly existed. Most of the native Atlantic salmon rivers are low in acid neutralizing capacity and receive acidic precipitation. The third order streams are not now acidic; however, in some first and second order streams in Maine, pH episodically declines to 4.7 and Al increases to 350 μg g?1. These conditions could be toxic to sensitive early life history stages of Atlantic salmon. Comparison of chemical conditions in two Maine rivers in 1980–1982 with those in 1969–1970 indicated that the streams have not become more acidic during this interval. Data on the sport catch of Atlantic salmon indicated that populations have generally remained stable or recently increased in the Maine rivers having naturally reproducing populations. The recent increase probably resulted from introductions of hatchery smolts to supplement natural reproduction, and the occurrence of strong year classes in 1978 and 1980. The population in one stream has declined significantly in recent years, but the cause of the decline is probably not related to acidic precipitation. Atlantic salmon resources in the U.S. have apparently not been adversely affected by atmospheric deposition at the present time.  相似文献   

Although the decline in fish populations due to acidicwater in Norway started as early as in the 1920's the most rapid losses appeared during the 1960–70's. Until 1978, the populations of Atlantic salmon had disappeared from the southernmost part of Norway, and in these areas, more than half of the brown trout populations had been lost. Today, in spite of no increase in acid depositions, the fishery problems seems to continue at the same speed. Data based on interviews of the local fish authority shows that lakes still holding a fish population in the late 70's, have experienced a 30% loss of brown trout populations and a 12% loss of perch in the period 1978–1983. This trend have been confirmed by testfishing in lake systems having long data series. Salmon rivers on the western coast of Norway have experienced several episodes of fish kills due to rapid changes in water quality. These fish kills have mainly affected smolts of Atlantic salmon. Spawning migrating salmon on entering their acidified home river have also been affected. In Sweden, several salmon populations along the western coast have been lost due to acidification with no positive trends so far in the 1980's. Areas in central Sweden and in some high mountain areas are still experiencing a continuous and increasing acidification with detrimental effects on invertebrates and fish. In Finland, an increase in acidic deposition during the last decades have occurred, leading to acidification in the most sensitive freshwater systems. Although some acidified freshwater lakes are reported to have lost their fish stocks, few data on fish population effects are available.  相似文献   

Automated stream dosers that deliver a wet slurry of calcite were installed in 1987 on two Maryland Coastal Plain streams subject to acidic pulses during rainstorms to evaluate the use of stream liming technology to maintain suitable water quality for early life stages of anadromous fish. Results of water quality sampling during baseflow conditions and hydrologic events indicated that significant changes in water chemistry occurred at the upstream (untreated) site during elevated flows on each stream. Observed responses in stream chemistry during the events included declines in pH, acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), and Ca, and increases in monomeric Al concentrations. With the addition of calcite, stream chemistry conditions at the downstream (treated) sites during each event were similar to those observed during baseflow. In situ bioassay experiments indicated that survival of yellow perch eggs and newly-hatched larvae may be enhanced by stream liming.  相似文献   

Since 1983 stream chemistry and macroinvertebrate ecology were monitored in ten streams draining the eastern Cairngorms. All streams have exhibited a decline in sulphate concentrations in response to reduced acid deposition; in the more acidic systems this has been reflected by a parallel increase in acid neutralizing capacity (ANC). In some streams this coincides with an increase in the abundance of acid-sensitive mayflies which may provide evidence for biological recovery. In the most chronically acidified systems no increased abundance has been observed despite significant increases in ANC. This suggests that further reductions in deposition and sufficient time for a reversal of soil acidification is required before any biotic recovery occurs.  相似文献   

Recently developed weighted averaging (WA) models and widely used tolerance-limit approaches for inferring stream minimum pH from macroinvertebrates were tested in northeastern Finnish Lapland. Surface waters there are threatened by large sulphur emissions in the Russian Kola Peninsula. The modelled sulphur deposition increases from west to east approximately parallel to longitude. The effect of deposition on stream minimum pH was assessed by relating the macroinvertebrate-inferred stream minimum pH to longitude. In a test set of 17 streams, the minimum pH inferred from pooled invertebrate samples of three seasons by WA models showed a strong correlation (r = 0.67–0.72) with the minimum pH (range 6.3–7.1) observed during the spring snow-melt period. The relationship was slightly weaker (r = 0.59–0.69) using autumn samples only. The tolerance-limit approaches assigned the streams into the correct acidity class, but the inferred pH was not related to the observed minimum pH. This further demonstrates the superiority of the WA approach, especially in detecting early signs of acidification. The minimum pH inferred by WA from autumn assemblages of 37 streams along the deposition gradient showed a significant negative correlation with longitude, suggesting that the emissions from the Kola region contribute to low pH events in streams of northeastern Finnish Lapland. The results demonstrate the potential of bioassessment and monitoring using invertebrates in detecting impacts and changes that could remain unnoticed by conventional water quality-analyses.  相似文献   

Acid-induced fish damage in small lakes in southern Finland was studied in a fish status survey of eighty lakes from 1985–1987. Later, twenty of these lakes were selected for further monitoring. A sampling of these lakes from 1988–1989 showed that the decrease in some perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) populations still continued. The results from the same lakes in 1992 showed that successful reproduction had taken place with many of the perch populations that had been close to extinction in 1985. In contrast, no signs of recovery in the roach populations were detected. The explanation for the appearance of new cohorts of perch could have been the decrease in acid deposition but the exceptional hydrological conditions of winters in the early 1990s may also have affected them. The different responses of the perch and roach populations were interpreted as a consequence of the different sensitivity of these two species to acidification. Even a slight improvement in the water quality has resulted in the appearance of strong new year-classes of perch, but not of roach. Therefore, more improvement in water quality is needed until a sensitive species like roach can reproduce again.  相似文献   

During 1978–79, and again in 1984, fish populations were surveyed in 22 lochs and 27 streams in Galloway, southwest Scotland. Chemical analyses of these waters and of bulk precipitation were made over the same period. The study area includes moorland catchments and catchments with young or semi-mature coniferous forest. Trout were not caught in nets set in 5 lochs which were known to contain fish in the past. Angling records also indicated a decline in catches and increased average weight of trout in two other lochs. Evidence for the decline in fish populations suggests that this process has occurred over a period of at least 50 yr. In fishless lochs and streams the levels of acidity and Al were in the range known to be toxic to fish. Stream acidity and sulphate concentrations were significantly higher in catchments with semi-mature coniferous forests. The available evidence for long-term acidification of Galloway lochs and streams is discussed and it is concluded that acid depositions are likely to be the major cause of changes in the status of fisheries in this region.  相似文献   

Lake Örvattnet has been monitored extensively for both chemical and biological variables since 1967. The lake acidified during the 1960's and pH was mostly below 5 throughout the 1970's. Due to the acidification, peat moss (Sphagnum spp.) expanded over the lake bottom and the only surviving fish species was perch (Perca fluviatilis), but it experienced reproduction problems. In the mid 1980's, the Sphagnum cover collapsed, and by 1989 it had almost disappeared. There has been a clear recovery of the perch population. Recovery of the lake is also recorded by diatom assemblages in the lake sediment. Diatom-inferred pH increased from 4.7 to 4.9. The development of measured lake-water pH is unclear, but acid episodes in spring have become less severe. By 1993, atmospheric sulphate deposition had decreased by 30–40% in this area of Sweden compared to the late 1960's. Lake-water sulphate concentrations have decreased by ~30% since the 1960's. Nitrogen deposition has increased over the last decades, but is not yet contributing to lake acidification. No major land-use changes have occurred and changes in hydrology cannot explain the observed changes in chemistry and biology. We ascribe the recent recovery in the lake to reduced deposition of sulphate. In conclusion, Lake Örvattnet has begun to recover from acidification.  相似文献   

Shenandoah National Park (SNP) receives more acid deposition than any other national park in the United States of America. As part of an effort to assess the impact of acidification upon fish in the park, in situ sub-lethal stress bioassays (measured by monitoring hematocrit) were conducted with acid sensitive blacknose dace Rhinichthys atratulus. Study streams experienced moderate acidification events that resulted in reduced pH (the largest reductionbeing 6.18 to 5.37) and increased total monomeric aluminum (TMA) concentration (the largest being 15 to 39 μg L-1). Although some of these acidification events were within the pH and TMA range expected to result in blacknose dace stress, none was detected by monitoring hematocrit. In an acid-sensitive stream, mean baseflow (pre-event) hematocrit ± SD, was 33.5±4.5%, and hematocrit during the largest event was 31.5±4.9%, A moderate acidification event also occurred in a less acid sensitive stream; pH dropped from 7.18 to 6.38 but TMA remained below 10 μg L-1. Mean hematocrit during baseflowin this stream was 32.3±2.8%, and hematocrit during event flow was 34.1±5.0%. At the time of this bioassay, acidificationevents that would result in acute toxicity for most species of fish did not occur, however the conditions documented in this investigation do not represent the most acute acidification events that have been observed in SNP. It should be noted that a chronic sub-lethal stress, measured by condition indices, has been observed among blacknose dace in SNP streams.  相似文献   

Investigations in the southern part of the Scandinavian mountain range have shown a direct correlation between snowpack pH and the lowest pH in small streams. In streams with catchments <100>2 a snowpack pH below 4.8 resulted in a stream pH below 5.5. As the snowpack pH in the southern mountain range is 4.0–4.6, lower values to the south and at high altitudes, large areas are affected by acid deposition. The acidity of the snowpack is released almost directly into the streams during thaw, due to the large snowpack, rapid thaw, steep terrain and thin soils. The acidification of the snow has lead to an extensive fauna depletion, especially in smaller streams without upstream lakes. The abundance of benthos in acidified streams in the municipality of Härjedalen (11.000 km2) is today only one tenth of the abundance before acidification. Fish populations have declined to the same extent, and several acid-sensitive species have been lost. It is concluded that mountain streams and fauna are extremely sensitive to acidification, and that even large reductions of emissions will be insufficient.  相似文献   

Planning advice for forest planting in acid sensitive areas suggests that, where calculated critical loads for acidity are exceeded at a catchment level, new conifer planting may not be appropriate. In south west Scotland, acid waters are currently found in areas where critical loads are not exceeded. The rivers Cree and Bladnoch show a decline in pH of about one unit since 1970, when major afforestation of the headwaters began. No equivalent decline in pH was observed in the adjacent Water of Luce, although it receives similar inputs and has similar geology and soils. Little of the Luce catchment is afforested. Recent surveys of water quality, invertebrate fauna and salmonid fish reveal a picture of widespread acid conditions, impoverished benthos and absence of young salmon. 25 streams (total catchment >150km2) recorded pH <4.5 in high flow conditions. Critical loads for acidity were >1.5keqha?1yr?1 for 12 and >2keqha?1yr?1 for 6 of the 25 streams. Published deposition data suggested that one stream with pH <4.5 and 7 streams with pH < 5 were in areas where critical load was not exceeded. In 22 catchments, forestry was a major land use. To be effective as planning and management tools, systems must be robust and easy to operate. Critical load exceedance calculations remain research tools at the catchment level where deposition data is generally inadequate. The uncertainties inherent in critical load exceedances render them sources of argument and not beacons of enlightenment.  相似文献   

The Influence of acid deposition on stream and lake water chemistry was studied in a forested watershed of Hyogo prefecture, Japan. Monthly sampling of four streams, one artificial lake, and precipitation was carried out from 1995 to 2000. The pH of the monthly bulk precipitation and rainwater were ranged from 4.06 to 7.10. No trends were evident during the monitoring periods. The pH and alkalinity in the four streams, which flow into the artificial lake, ranged from 6.37 to 8.72 and 0.077 meqL?1 to 0.485 meqL?1, respectively. The differences in the water quality of the four streams were related to the geology of each watershed. Lower pH and alkalinity were observed during high- discharge periods. On the other hand, the pH and alkalinity of the outflow from the lake ranged from 6.47 to 7.36 and 0.195 meqL?1 to 0.339 meqL?1, respectively. No acidification of the aquatic environment was observed during the investigated periods. The results suggest that this forested ecosystem has the capacity to neutralize incoming acid deposition.  相似文献   

Based on the fact that streamwater quality reflects landscape conditions, the objectives of this study were: to investigate nitrogen (N), carbon (C), and major ion concentrations in six streams crossing minimally disturbed Atlantic Forest areas, with similar geomorphological characteristics; to determine N and C fluxes in one of these pristine streams (Indaiá); and assess the impact of human activity on the biogeochemistry of two other streams in the same region, crossing urbanized areas. The distribution pattern of carbon and inorganic nitrogen dissolved forms, as well as the major ion and biogenic gas concentrations in the streamwater, was similar in pristine streams, indicating that the C and N dynamics were determined by influence of some factors, such as climate, atmospheric deposition, geology, soil type, and land covering, which were analogous in the forested watersheds. The urban streams were significantly different from the pristine streams, showing low dissolved oxygen concentrations, high respiration rates, and high concentrations of carbon dioxide, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, dissolved inorganic carbon, and major ion. These differences were attributed to anthropogenic impact on water quality, especially domestic sewage discharge. Additionally, in the Indaiá stream, it was possible to observe the importance of rainfall over temporal dynamics of dissolved carbon forms, and also, the obtained specific flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen was relatively elevated (approximately 11 kg ha?1 year?1). These results reveal the influence of human activity over the biogeochemistry of coastal streams and also indicate the importance N export of Atlantic Forest to the ocean.  相似文献   

This overview of sensitive surface waters in the United Kingdom has focused on palaeolimnological studies, the estimation of acidification values according the Henriksen, and correlation with non-marine sulphate values of available chemical data and trends in salmonid populations. The palaeolimnological studies of lakes with unafforested catchments in Galloway led to the conclusion that changes in water acidity, since the 1800's, have been caused by acid deposition. Significant differences in stream chemistry between mature conifer forests and adjacent moorland catchments, in both Wales and Scotland, suggest that afforestation as well as acid deposition have contributed to the decline and, in some areas, the elimination of the salmonid population.  相似文献   

Brown trout (Salmo trutta) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) had different vertical distributions throughout the year in the acidified lake Gjerstadvann. During summer, the brown trout lived in the 0 to 16 m depth interval, whereas the perch lived in the 0 to 8 m interval. In Gjerstadvann, the thermocline lies at 8 to 10 m depth. The epilimnion pH was usually > 5.6, and the thermocline pH was about 5.2. Brown trout and perch in Gjerstadvann, thus experienced different chemical environment during summer-stratification. Two rivers, one of them acidified, the other circum-neutral, were the most important spawning areas for the Gjerstadvann brown trout. Brown trout parr in the acidified river migrated to the lake and matured at younger ages than the brown trout spawning in the non-acidic river. The brown trout stocks were juvenilized because of low survival rate of adult fish (S = 0.15 to 0.19). The short life span was probably dus to low pH and elevated Al. The perch in Gjerstadvann showed fluctuating year class strength but the survival rate of adult perch (S = 0.57) did not seem to be affected by acidification during this investigation. This may due to its vertical distribution during summer.  相似文献   

To establish the impact of acidity on fish populations,studies were conducted in 37 Québec lakes located in four regions; the réserve des Laurentides and Portneuf and the Charlevoix and Témiscamingue regions. Density (catch per unit effort) of brook chary (Salvelinus fontinalis) decreases with increasing acidity. Moreover, in the Charlevoix region, this species has disappeared from three acid lakes (4.6 ?pH?5.l) with low Ca levels. Unlike growth, condition demonstrates a close relationship to acidity in brook charr populations. The total Al concentration in gills decreases with increasing size and pH. Lake acidity and sensitivity to acidification introduces problems in gamefish management. A survey of 17 lakes of the Témiscamingue region reveals that species diversity and total fish biomass are much lower in acid lakes than non acid lakes. In addition, two acid lakes are devoid of fish. Cyprinidae and Johnny darters (Etheostoma nigrum) are abundant in lakes with a pH level of 5.9 to 7.0 but are absent in lakes with a pH lower than 5.2. The yellow perch (Perca flavescens) is the only fish that appears to be tolerant to a wide pH range. This species, however, is in poor condition in acid lakes as compared with non acid lakes.  相似文献   

The study was performed in mountain streams in Central Sweden where a dramatic decrease in fish populations has been observed during the latest years. The spring runoff caused acid surges of pH 4.4 to 5.5 and high concentrations of Fe, Mn and Al occured in the stream waters. Water samples were collected during fish cage experiments performed during spring flood of 1985. The metal fractions were separated with filtration, in-situ dialysis and ion-exchange technique and determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy. The elements analyzed included Fe, Mn, Al, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd. During spring flood, when a 100 % fish mortality was observed, particulate forms of Fe, Al and Mn dominated and were probably responsible for the toxic action. The high leaching of Fe, Mn and Al at spring flood during the recent years is a new phenomenon and seems to be caused by the increased acid deposition to the area.  相似文献   

Up to 1978 51% of brown trout populations and 27% of perch populations in the four southernmost counties of Norway were lost. During 1983 the fish status of lakes in the two southernmost counties which in the period 1974 to 1978 still had fish were updated. During the period 1978 to 1983, 30% of the remaining brown trout populations and 12% of the perch populations were lost. By 1983 71% of brown trout populations and 43% of perch populations in this area have been lost. In October 1983, 623 (77%) of the lakes were sampled for analyses of water quality. The status and change in fish populations during the period from 1974–78 to 1983 were highly related to water quality status.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that acidification has reduced or eliminated fish populations in certain areas of the eastern United States was investigated by examining present and historical fishery survey records. The causes of acidification (e.g., atmospheric deposition) were not specifically considered, although instances of obvious alternative explanations (e.g., acid mine drainage, organic acids) were avoided. The number of usable data sets located was small. Trend analyses are severely limited by the lack of high quality historical data. The strongest evidence for fisheries declines associated with acidification is provided by data for the Adirondack Mountain region of New York. In some lakes, fish populations have declined or disappeared; lakes experiencing fishery declines are now acidic. Alternative explanations for changes in fish communities over time were examined. In 49 lakes, some or all fish populations have apparently been lost with no available explanation other than acidification. Extrapolation of these data to the entire Adirondack Mountain region suggests that perhaps 200 to 400 lakes may have lost fish populations as a result of acidification. Streams in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts also had documented declines in fish populations that were associated with acidity; however, the data are fewer and less complete than those for New York. Acidification effects on fishery resources in other regions of the eastern United States are apparently minimal. The extent of the damage to date appears small relative to the total resource.  相似文献   

Episodic acidification of surface waters has been observed in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, similar to other forested watersheds with base-poor bedrock in the eastern US receiving acids from atmospheric deposition. Three remote, forested, high-elevation streams were selected in the Little Pigeon River watershed for study; two of which brook trout have extirpated, and believed to have resulted from severe acidity during stormflows. This research characterized stream chemistry during episodes in order to better understand potential factors that contribute to rapid drops in pH and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) during stormflows. Autosamplers initialized by sondes, collected samples during storm events for analysis of pH, ANC, cations, and anions over a 15-month period. ANC and pH depressions, and increased concentrations in sulfate, nitrate, and organic acids were observed for all storms at each study site. ANC contribution analysis indicated sulfate was the strongest contributor to ANC depressions, but nitrate, cation dilution, and organic acids were also significant in some cases. Acidic deposition appears to be the primary source of episodic acidification, supported also by the finding that larger stormflows preceded by long, dry periods resulted in significantly larger pH depressions. It appears stream acidification episodes may be driven by acid deposition. However, this study documents the variability of several ion contributors to observed stormflow ANC depressions illustrating the spatial and temporal complexity of watershed processes that influence this phenomenon.  相似文献   

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