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Samples totalling 189 field voles (Microtus agrestis) and 281 wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus), two species of small rodents, were trapped in 1977 at three 5 km intervals on two transects radiating NE and SE from an AI reduction plant on the island of Anglesey, North Wales. Bone fluoride concentration in these animals showed a downward trend along each of the transects, slightly more marked to the south-east, a result consistent with airborne dispersal of material from the stack. Fluoride concentrations in animals from very close to the reduction plant varied widely, indicating heavy, uneven pollution from the potrooms; values for field voles ranged from 60 to 3700 μg g?1 and for wood mice from 13 t0 8500 μg g?1.  相似文献   

63 samples (53 seawater and 10 estuarine water samples) of 20 L were obtained during a bathing season from 47 seawater stations and from 1 estuarine station. To determine viral pollution, all samples were subjected to two different methods of viral concentration: tangential ultrafiltration and adsorption-elution with electropositive membranes. Detection of viruses was by cytopathic effect (CPE) in BGM and NA 104 cells. Isolates were identified by dot-blot hybridization and Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE). While estuarine water showed enterovirus and/or reovirus presence in 100% of samples, only 14 stations of 47 seawater station samples (30%) showed viral contamination: enteroviruses were isolated from 6 and reoviruses from 8 of the 14 stations. 28 unidentified viruses were detected from seawater in MA104 cells by CPE whereas these viruses were not detected in BGM cells. Enterovirus recovery seems to be better when water samples are concentrated by the tangential ultrafiltration than with absorption-elution with electropositive membranes. For reoviruses and the other viruses the two methods were almost equivalent. BGM cells seem to be more susceptible to enteroviruses, MA104 to reoviruses. Reoviruses failed to indicate enterovirus presence as most of enteroviruses were isolated in waters where reovirus was not observed. Isolated viral species distribution changed during bathing season.  相似文献   

During recent decades, forest ecosystems have been exposed to high levels of atmospheric pollution, and it has been argued that this affects the composition and activity of decomposer communities and, subsequently, ecosystem functioning. To investigate the effects of atmospheric pollution on protozoa and microflora, a new experimental design was used. Undisturbed soil columns, originating from six coniferous forests across Europe and representing different stages of soil acidification, were transferred to two Scots pine forests (Fontainebleau and Wekerom) with different levels of N and S deposition (NH4 +-N=4.90 and 42.50?kg ha–1 year–1; SO4 S=10.90 and 30.40?kg ha–1 year–1, respectively). The number of protozoa, microbial biomass C and microbial activity were estimated in the organic layer (Of) of the transferred soils at the two host sites after 21 months of incubation. The experiment aimed at answering two questions: (1) Do changes in environmental conditions, studied by transferring soils from one site to another, affect protozoa and microbial communities and, if so, (2) how important are changes in both N and S deposition in explaining the effects of soil transfer on protozoa and microbial communities? The interaction between protozoa and microbial communities was addressed with regard to these changes in environmental conditions. No effect of enhanced N or S deposition on protozoan numbers and microbial biomass C, basal respiration and caloric quotient was revealed. Reciprocal transfer of various soil columns resulted in lower abundance and activity of protozoa and microbes. This reduction could not be explained by differences in N and S deposition, but by differences in microclimate and adaptation. In some cases, protozoa correlated with pH, C/N ratio, P and S content and leached mineral N.  相似文献   

The usual media and procedures were followed to measure the concentration of fecal streptococci (MPN on Azide Dextrose and Ethyl Violet Azide broths, membrane filtration on m-Enterococcus, KF and Pfizer Selective Enterococcus agars and according to the mE procedure) in samples collected along two different marine areas. The results were evaluated on the basis of three parameters: total concentrations, number of enterococci-like colonies (namely colonies gram positive, catalase negative, coccus shaped) and rate of strictly named fecal streptococci. From the results it appears that the various media and procedures employed gave different yields and their capacity to measure fecal streptococci varies according to the origin of samples. The accompanying bacterial flora may play an important role on the selectivity of each technique to measure the fecal streptococci.  相似文献   

高潜水位平原区采煤塌陷地复垦土壤形态发育评价   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
土壤的形态特征含有丰富的环境信息,是环境变化与生态重建的重要依据,可以推断土壤发育的强弱。矿山复垦土壤为人造新土壤,可能构造出不同的土壤形态,复垦土壤形态特征的研究对复垦土壤生产力的提高和复垦技术的革新具有重要意义。该文以高潜水位平原区采煤塌陷地复垦土壤为研究对象,探讨定量评价复垦土壤形态发育状况。研究采用实地调查和室内分析相结合的方法,依据中国土壤系统分类用土壤剖面描述标准,构建了复垦土壤形态发育评价体系,进行土壤形态定量评价。结果表明,形态发育指数HI(土层发育指数)和WPDI(土壤权重剖面发育指数)能够较好的反映复垦土壤与当地原状土壤的发育程度差异:复垦土壤土层发育指数HI和土壤权重剖面发育指数WPDI平均值分别为0.57、0.56,而当地原状土壤HI和WPDI的平均值为0.68、0.69,表明复垦土壤形态发育程度相对较弱;HI曲线形状异于原状土壤,表层HI高于其他土层,不同复垦方式的WPDI显示的发育程度序列为:充填复垦(外源土)>挖深垫浅>挖深垫浅(泥浆泵)>充填复垦(粉煤灰、煤矸石等);随复垦时间的延长,复垦土壤发育程度呈现增长趋势。  相似文献   

为直接识别村镇饮用水源地污染关键区,以遥感影像分类技术提取水源地土地利用类型,基于水源地各类非点源污染源源强系数,根据不同污染因子贡献率采用指数超标法计算各污染因子权值,确定各类污染源的污染影响程度和分析水源地各子流域污染浓度,以地表水环境指标值为界限值进行识别。以安基山水源地2011年污染状况为研究对象,选择农村居民区、农田、矿山为污染源,采用化学需氧量、氨氮、总氮和总磷作为主要污染因子,应用ArcGIS软件划分水源地为19个子流域,在各子流域内综合考虑各类污染源的影响程度,以地表Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类和Ⅴ类水的指标值为界限划分水源地污染等级区,划分结果为:子流域8、14、16和17为正常区,子流域9、10和13为一般污染关键区,子流域2为次污染关键区,子流域1、3、4、5、6、7、11、12、15、18和19为污染关键区。该研究可为村镇饮用水源地污染关键区识别提供新的方法。  相似文献   

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident caused radioactive pollution in northeastern Honshu Island, Japan. This study examined the influence of snowmelt and rainfall on soil erosion processes and siltation of small lakes in Miyagi Prefecture (150 km northwest of the power plant). Two sets of slopes and lakes, respectively in pasture and forest catchments, were examined. Snowpack thickness, soil infiltration, surface runoff volume, soil and sediment physicochemical properties, Cs concentration of precipitation, meltwater, and rainwater, and lake siltation rates were determined. The total radioactive Cs content in precipitation was 0.7–7.4 BqˑL−1 and was below the Japanese standard (10 BqˑL−1). Total radioactive Cs was at the allowable level in water flowing down the pasture catchment slope (0.1–9.2 BqˑL−1) during snowmelt and rainfall, as well as in pasture (0.9–8.8 BqˑL−1) and forest (0.7–5.2 BqˑL−1) catchment lake water. There was no soil erosion (surface runoff) in the forest catchment. Soil losses in the pasture catchment were 23 due to rainfall and 9 kg ha−1 yr−1 following spring snowmelt. After snowmelt, a 0.5 and 0.2 mm thick layer of silt was deposited in pasture and forest catchment lakes, respectively, and 1.4 and 0.6 mm were deposited during the rainfall period. Average siltation rates were 1.9 and 0.8 mmˑyr−1 for pasture and forest catchment lakes, respectively. The upper layer of lake bottom sediments is represented mainly by silt fractions (2–50 μm), with high organic matter (4.0–5.7%) and radiocesium (1100–1600 kgˑha−1) contents.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted in a glasshouse at the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Zarghan, Iran, in 2016. Sixteen wheat genotypes were compared under four salinity levels [control, 50, 100, and 150 mM sodium chloride (NaCl)] in terms of grain yield, chlorophyll (SPAD), flag leaf area, Na+/K+ ratio, catalase, and peroxidase activities in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Overall, results indicated that apparently no single parameter or a specific group of parameters could be suggested as factors of the most responsive element to different salinity stress levels. In other words, the tolerance mechanism of wheat genotypes is a complex response of multiple factors as a network path. Furthermore, different salinity levels led to different responses of wheat genotypes, which were detectable by the results of the mean comparison and analysis of variance. These results also proved the influential effects of the genetic background on salinity response and tolerance of wheat genotypes. In addition, antioxidants acting as defense barriers against reactive oxygen species are very important constituents against salinity, since higher antioxidant activity leads to alleviate the oxidative stress caused by salinity. Higher osmolyte concentration regulating the selective uptake of useful ions can prevent excess accumulation of toxic ions, which contribute to salinity stress damages. A high variation related to the measured traits in this study under both normal and salinity stress conditions was achieved, which could be applied in screening and breeding programs for salinity stress tolerance. Moreover, the responses of different genotypes varied regarding the different traits; SU-0129 as a novel genotype has proved to be the best choice for further breeding research based on the overall traits and, in particular, grain yield and tolerance stress index.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of cultivar (Annurca, Golden Delicious, Red Chief, and Stayman Neepling), rural practice (integrated and organic), and growing region (different Italian regions) on polyphenol composition and antiradical activity of the pulp and skin of apples, as presented to the consumer at the market. Antiradical activity of fruit was strongly related with the total polyphenolic content, determined both by the spectrophotometric Folin-Ciocalteu method ( R (2) = 0.90; P < 0.01) and by HPLC ( R (2) = 0.85; P < 0.01). Considering the edible portion of the fruit, polyphenolics contribute toward explaining approximately 90% of the overall antiradical activity, thus highlighting their important role in human health protection. Therefore, the data indirectly indicated that ascorbic acid and other antiradical molecules differing from polyphenols play a much less important role in explaining the health-protecting properties of apples. Cultivar effect was by far the most important, and Annurca and Golden Delicious were respectively the best and the worst apples from the point of view of the health-protecting attributes.  相似文献   

A small catchment with an area of 1.98 km2 was chosen for detailed studies. The soils of the catchment area are dominated by leached and weakly leached chernozems on loess deposits. The 137Cs activity in the soils on a relatively flat area was about 26.7 ± 1.2 Bq/kg. In 20 years after the Chernobyl accident, a contrasting pattern of the 137Cs pollution density characterized the small catchment Gracheva Loshchina.  相似文献   

川中丘陵区不同治理模式对土壤微团聚体分形特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨川中丘陵区不同小流域治理模式对土壤微团聚体分形特征的影响,可为该区植被恢复与水土流失治理模式提供科学依据。本文通过室内分析,研究了5种不同小流域治理模式下的土壤微团聚体粒径组成、分形维数特征及其与土壤理化性质的关系。1该区土壤微团聚体组成以0.01~0.05 mm粒径为优势粒径,含量在0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层分别达28.63%和28.04%;0.001~0.005 mm粒径为次优势粒径,在0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层含量分别达25.90%和26.33%;各土层不同治理模式下各粒径微团聚体含量差异显著。2该区土壤微团聚体分形维数变化范围为2.643~2.717,不同治理模式土壤微团聚体分形维数呈现水保林甜橙林核桃林裸地坡改梯坡减缓的规律,分形维数与各粒径微团聚体含量呈线性关系。3相关性分析表明,土壤微团聚体分形维数与速效钾、全钾呈正相关,与土壤总孔隙、碱解氮、全氮、有机质呈负相关关系。土壤微团聚体分形维数能较好地反映川中丘陵区土壤的理化结构,是表征该区土壤理化性质的重要指标,林地是该区植被恢复与水土流失治理选择的最优模式。  相似文献   

基于"风险评价—规划分区—分别管理"的非点源污染管理思路,采用非点源污染风险评价模型、最佳管理措施(best management practices,BMPs)评估体系及非支配排序遗传算法相耦合的方式,对北京怀柔区北宅小流域非点源污染进行不同空间尺度下最佳管理措施空间优化配置模拟,为小流域非点源污染最佳管理措施的实施,提供决策支持。研究结果表明:1)非点源污染潜力高风险区为距离河道较近受人为活动影响明显的居民区、养殖场和耕地,为重点管理区;2)根据污染物污染控制功效、成本投入以及景观美学功效3个方面综合评价结果对拟实施的BMPs进行综合评分排序,人工湿地、入渗池、绿屋顶、植物蓄留池等以下渗过程为主要污染控制机制类措施,可作为BMPs情景配置的优选措施;3)不同空间尺度下最佳管理措施空间优化配置模拟表明,流域层面BMPs最优方案为为生物滞留池0,湿式滞留池105 000元,占总成本的8%,入渗沟469 560元,占总成本的92%,总氮、总磷年污染负荷量综合削减率45%;村庄层面BMPs优化配置方案为生物滞留池3 105元,占总成本的0.8%;湿式滞留池21 000元,占总成本的5.6%;绿屋顶216 306元,占总成本的64%;透水性路面11 0736元,占总成本的29.6%。总氮、总磷年污染负荷综合削减率能够达到46%;农户层面BMPs优化配置方案为绿屋顶0元;雨水罐38元,占总成本的2.5%;生物滞留池675元,占总成本的44.5%;透水性路面805元,占总成本的53%。总氮和总磷两种污染物的年污染负荷削减率65%。  相似文献   

针对新型地下粮仓采用钢板作为防水层、环氧结构胶粘结钢板与加气混凝土砌块作为防潮层的构造做法,分析在粮食水平侧压力及竖向摩擦力作用下该构造层的安全性与可靠性,设计3种胶粘面积分别为A、0.8A、0.5A的试件(A为单块加气混凝土砌块与钢板的接触面积),分别对其进行竖向单向加载与水平-竖向双向加载,分析3种胶粘面积及2种受力状态对钢板加气混凝土砌块构造层的荷载-位移、承载能力、粘结强度及破坏形态的影响。研究结果表明:水平荷载即仓内储粮产生的水平侧压力对界面粘结性能是有利的;试件在水平-竖向双向加载时更有利于界面的稳定;竖向单向加载作用下胶粘面积为0.5A时的理论最大储粮高度最小,且大于实际储粮高度,说明在地下粮仓设计中,当环氧结构胶粘结面积超过加气混凝土砌块与钢板接触面积的50%时,能够满足储粮荷载作用下的承载能力及粘结强度要求。研究成果可为新型地下粮仓防水防潮构造层的安全性与可靠性提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Debate about the relative merits of single-species management versus more comprehensive approaches has intensified in recent years. In east-central Florida, USA, land managers use prescribed burns and mechanical cutting to manage and restore scrub habitat to benefit the imperiled Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens). However, these land-management techniques may affect non-target taxa, especially the threatened southeastern beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris). We evaluated the collateral effects of single-species land management by trapping P. p. niveiventris and other small rodents in eighteen land-management compartments at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida during 2004–2005. Compartments were managed using either prescribed burns (N = 5), mechanical cutting (N = 6), checkerboarding (cut and uncut lanes alternating and overlapping, followed by a prescribed burn, N = 4) or left unburned and uncut for >50 year (N = 3). P. p. niveiventris was significantly more abundant in compartments managed with prescribed burns (mean ± SE: 4.2 ± 0.7 individuals/transect) than those managed with cutting alone (1.0 ± 0.3) or not managed for >50 y (0.2 ± 0.1 individuals/transect). In contrast, the cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus) tended to be more abundant in compartments managed with mechanical cutting alone (2.6 ± 0.4 individuals/transect) compared to the other three management strategies (prescribed burns; 1.5 ± 0.4; checkerboarding, 1.1 ± 0.3; not managed, 1.6 ± 0.4 individuals/transect) but these differences were not statistically significant. Abundances of P. p. niveiventris and Florida Scrub-Jay breeding groups were positively correlated (r = 0.655), suggesting that both listed species benefit from similar management techniques. Thus, the mosaic of burned and cut patches used to improve habitat for the Florida Scrub-Jay also benefits an endemic, non-target species. Single-species management may benefit multiple species when restoration improves their shared habitat, which in this case is an endangered, fire-dependent ecosystem: Florida scrub.  相似文献   

不同改良剂对叶用莴苣吸收Cd的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
该文以叶用叶用莴苣为试验材料,种植在人工配制的Cd污染土壤上,采用温室盆栽土培的试验方法,用粉煤灰、草炭、鸡粪、硅肥、过磷酸钙、钙镁磷肥作为改良剂,观测改良剂对栽植于Cd污染土壤上叶用莴苣Cd吸收的影响,目的是探寻切实可行的改良剂及实施方案。研究结果表明:复合改良剂对叶用莴苣生物量、可食用部分Cd质量分数的改良效果明显大于对应的单一改良剂;Cd污染土壤改良剂效果由大到小排序为:粉煤灰+过磷酸钙>过磷酸钙>粉煤灰+鸡粪>钙镁磷肥>粉煤灰+草炭>硅肥>鸡粪>粉煤灰>草炭。不同改良剂对叶用莴苣生物量和Cd质量分数有显著影响,而施加量对叶用莴苣生物量和Cd质量分数无显著影响。改良剂种类和施加数量对土壤pH值均无显著影响。粉煤灰与过磷酸钙质量比值为5∶1时改良效果最好。  相似文献   

不同产量水平下花生功能叶片氮素代谢特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大田栽培条件下, 研究了不同产量水平下花生功能叶片中氮代谢关键酶活性、可溶性蛋白质和游离氨基酸含量的变化, 重点阐述超高产水平下花生功能叶片氮素代谢变化规律。研究结果表明: 自花生初花期, 不同产量水平的功能叶片中, 硝酸还原酶(NR)活性均呈逐渐下降的变化趋势, 超高产与高产花生相比无明显差异, 但明显高于一般产量花生; 不同产量水平功能叶片中谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)的活性变化呈单峰曲线, 峰值出现在结荚期, 超高产花生功能叶片谷氨酰胺合成酶活性明显高于高产花生和一般产量花生, 而且在生育中后期活性下降速度慢; 功能叶片中谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)活性未表现出规律性变化, 但超高产花生明显高于高产和一般产量的花生; 超高产花生功能叶片中可溶性蛋白质及游离氨基酸含量均明显高于高产花生和一般产量花生。研究认为, 超高产花生叶片氨的同化能力、蛋白质和氨基酸的合成能力均明显高于高产花生和一般产量花生, 而且衰老缓慢, 功能期维持时间长。  相似文献   

青州市精作农区耕地不同利用方式对土壤养分的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
On the basis of the data obtained from a field survey, the relationship between land use and soil nutrients was evaluated in Qingzhou County, Shandong Province, China, through a statistical analysis of differences in 17 nutrients in five types of cultivated land. The results showed significant effects (P≤0.05 or P ≤ 0.01) of land-use type on soil organic matter and concentration of macronutrients, secondary nutrients, and micronutrients, as well as total salt and soil pH. In vegetable land, because of the large amounts of fertilizer applied to vegetable crops, the concentrations of most soil nutrients, with exception of available Si and micronutrients, were higher than those in grain cropland. Grain cropland had a significantly lower total salt content (P ≤ 0.01) and tended to have a higher soil pH than vegetable land. Within subtypes of land use, dry land, irrigable land, and open-air vegetable land had the highest coefficient of variation (CV) for available P, whereas protected vegetable land had the highest CV for total N and available S. In general, land-use types had greater impact on macronutrients than on secondary nutrients and micronutrients.  相似文献   

Soil magnetometry is already frequently applied as a tool for rapid evaluation of contamination in different case-studies. It relies on the well established fact that most of the industrial wastes contain strongly magnetic fraction, which enhances magnetic response of the top-soil. Current regional-scale study applies magnetometry on  2800 km2 area in north-eastern Bulgaria. The main pollution sources are several plants of chemical industry (soda production, polymers, fertilizers), cement plant and power plants. Pollutants emitted as a result of these industrial productions do not contain as much magnetic fraction in order to cause extreme magnetic enhancement of top-soils, which is a typical feature for the metallurgical industries, mining, coal-burning power plants. A new approach is proposed to correct the data (field and laboratory) for the effect of different soil types in the area, which is not a negligible factor in such case. As a result, more precise lateral distribution of the anthropogenic magnetic fraction is obtained, delineating all affected by pollution regions. The efficiency of the newly proposed method for taking into account differences in soil types is validated through correlation analysis between magnetic parameters and heavy metal content in selected samples. Correlation between the corrected magnetic susceptibility values, Co, Ni, As, Pb and the Enrichment Factors (EF = ∑Ci/Ck, Ci — measured concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, As; Ck — background concentrations for the corresponding elements) increase after the applied correction.  相似文献   

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