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The Galloway region of Southwest Scotland has been subject to decades of acidic deposition which has resulted in damage to soils, surface waters and aquatic biota. A survey of lochs was conducted in 1979, 1988, and 1993, over which time there have been dramatic changes in total sulphur and nitrogen deposition. The MAGIC model successfully reproduced the major chemical changes in water chemistry from 1979 to 1988 during which time there was a rapid decline in sulphur deposition. A new coupled sulphur and nitrogen model (MAGIC-WAND) has been used to evaluate the regional hydrochemical response to changing patterns of N & S deposition from the period 1988 to 1993. Details of the model structure and parameterisation are discussed. The model under-predicts the response of non-marine sulphate in the region suggesting that there has been a slight increase in deposition over this period. Future hydrochemical responses to different nitrogen deposition scenarios are presented, indicating that the potential increase of nitrogen in surface waters is closely linked to the age and extent of different mosaics of commercial afforestation within the individual catchments.  相似文献   

This overview of sensitive surface waters in the United Kingdom has focused on palaeolimnological studies, the estimation of acidification values according the Henriksen, and correlation with non-marine sulphate values of available chemical data and trends in salmonid populations. The palaeolimnological studies of lakes with unafforested catchments in Galloway led to the conclusion that changes in water acidity, since the 1800's, have been caused by acid deposition. Significant differences in stream chemistry between mature conifer forests and adjacent moorland catchments, in both Wales and Scotland, suggest that afforestation as well as acid deposition have contributed to the decline and, in some areas, the elimination of the salmonid population.  相似文献   

The soils and waters in the Galloway hills of south-west Scotland have undergone considerable acidification during the present century. The aims of this study were to examine the extent to which afforestation can influence water chemistry, and the occurrence of fish stocks within an individual catchment in this area. Studies were carried out at 45 sites in the Bladnoch catchment during 1994. River water samples were collected at all sites and determinations made of pH, total organic carbon, calcium and monomeric aluminium concentrations. In order to quantify the size and abundance of fish populations, electrofishing was carried out at 21 of the sites. Estimates of afforestation were made by a combination of field surveys and the use of 1∶:10 000 scale ordnance survey maps. The presence of coniferous trees had a substantial affect on water chemistry. In areas where the whole catchment was afforested, the water pH was 0.7 units lower than in unafforested areas (p<0.001). Afforestation was also correlated with low concentrations of calcium, and increases in the concentrations of monomeric aluminium and total organic carbon. There was a clear relationship between fish populations and water chemistry. Numbers of trout were positively correlated with pH (r 2=0.69; p<0.001), and with concentrations of calcium (r 2=0.55; p<0.001). The study has shown that salmonid fish populations are sensitive to acidity and the associated changes in river water chemistry; these problems were exacerbated by afforestation.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1985 several catchments in Scotland were established as reference sites to determine short-term (hours, days, weeks) and long-term (years, decades) changes in major physical, chemical and biological variables. The initial selection criteria included catchment size, land-use and deposition loading. Changes in fish status of lochs were determined by systematic netting while quantitative estimates of fish populations were made at stream sites. Egg survival and year class distribution assisted interpretation. Historical changes in pH based on stratigraphical changes in diatom assemblages are compared with recent measured changes which have occurred during the past 20 years when SO2 emissions declined. Significant chemical and biological trends due to changes in pollutant loading are best detected in sensitive lochs which are unmanaged and with low organic content and acid neutralising capacity (ANC) close to zero. Significant trends are less apparent in lochs with managed (forested) catchments. Many stream sites also reveal long-term improvements in pH, sulphate (SO4) Alkalinity (Alk) etc, but the significance of these trends is much less because of the greater inherent chemical variability. Stream sites close to ANC=0 provide the most wide-ranging evidence of ecological change, ie, increase in Alk, decrease in SO4 and increase in numbers of juvenile salmonids. Measured chemical changes are compared with predicted estimates, based on critical load calculations and problems in interpretation are discussed.  相似文献   

Planning advice for forest planting in acid sensitive areas suggests that, where calculated critical loads for acidity are exceeded at a catchment level, new conifer planting may not be appropriate. In south west Scotland, acid waters are currently found in areas where critical loads are not exceeded. The rivers Cree and Bladnoch show a decline in pH of about one unit since 1970, when major afforestation of the headwaters began. No equivalent decline in pH was observed in the adjacent Water of Luce, although it receives similar inputs and has similar geology and soils. Little of the Luce catchment is afforested. Recent surveys of water quality, invertebrate fauna and salmonid fish reveal a picture of widespread acid conditions, impoverished benthos and absence of young salmon. 25 streams (total catchment >150km2) recorded pH <4.5 in high flow conditions. Critical loads for acidity were >1.5keqha?1yr?1 for 12 and >2keqha?1yr?1 for 6 of the 25 streams. Published deposition data suggested that one stream with pH <4.5 and 7 streams with pH < 5 were in areas where critical load was not exceeded. In 22 catchments, forestry was a major land use. To be effective as planning and management tools, systems must be robust and easy to operate. Critical load exceedance calculations remain research tools at the catchment level where deposition data is generally inadequate. The uncertainties inherent in critical load exceedances render them sources of argument and not beacons of enlightenment.  相似文献   

The relationship between acidity and benthic invertebrate communities was investigated in two small streams in coniferous forests in central Jutland, Denmark, during 1992 and 1993. Stream pH was acid (mean pH 4.8 and 5.4) and alkalinity fluctuated greatly with mean values around zero. During rain events, water from springfed reaches upstream were mixed downstream with brown humic acid water with high aluminium content, and pH declined from circumneutral near the springs down to pH below 4 over a very short distance (0.5–1.5 km). The benthic invertebrate communities in the most acidic downstream reaches of both streams were dominated by filipalpian stoneflies, mainly Leuctra nigra (Olv.). Community composition remained very similar throughout the sampling period despite variations in pH. In the upper (neutral) reaches invertebrates intolerant of low pH such as Gammarus pulex L. were found. The concentrations of chloride and sulphate in the streams were more than double the concentrations in a nearby moorland stream indicating a strong impact of acidifying atmospheric deposition on the two forest streams. Results of this study indicate that afforestation with conifers on sandy Danish soils with low buffering capacity (about 25% of the total Danish land area) may lead to an increased acidification of surface waters and thereby also to an impoverished aquatic fauna.  相似文献   

Investigations in the southern part of the Scandinavian mountain range have shown a direct correlation between snowpack pH and the lowest pH in small streams. In streams with catchments <100>2 a snowpack pH below 4.8 resulted in a stream pH below 5.5. As the snowpack pH in the southern mountain range is 4.0–4.6, lower values to the south and at high altitudes, large areas are affected by acid deposition. The acidity of the snowpack is released almost directly into the streams during thaw, due to the large snowpack, rapid thaw, steep terrain and thin soils. The acidification of the snow has lead to an extensive fauna depletion, especially in smaller streams without upstream lakes. The abundance of benthos in acidified streams in the municipality of Härjedalen (11.000 km2) is today only one tenth of the abundance before acidification. Fish populations have declined to the same extent, and several acid-sensitive species have been lost. It is concluded that mountain streams and fauna are extremely sensitive to acidification, and that even large reductions of emissions will be insufficient.  相似文献   

Research during the mid 1980s identified acidified, forested catchments in central Scotland whose hydrochemistry was not capable of supporting native fish populations. Calcium concentrations were around 20 μeq l?1, less than the suggested critical value of 50 μeq l?1, with hydrogen concentrations around 70 μeq l?1, greater than the critical value of about 30 μeq l?1. Limestone was applied by aerial application to the source areas of selected streams in 1990 with around 5% (15 ha) of the total catchment area of 270 ha treated at 10 tonnes ha?1. Stream monitoring, carried out over the period 1989–1995, showed an immediate response to liming followed by a progressive decline. Calcium values were elevated to >150 μeq l?1 and hydrogen concentrations reduced to 20 μeq l?1, reverting in time towards pre-liming values. Although salmonid survival was improved during low flow conditions in summer, only a few fry survived to the autumn as acid episodes increased, and these were subsequently lost from the system during the winter period. Budget calculations indicated losses of around 30% of the applied calcium during the first four years. Studies on the vegetation and soils revealed a greater than expected penetration of calcium to depth (10–20 cm) in the soil profile. Results suggest that source area liming at this rate has had minimal effects on the vegetation and by increasing the proportion of the catchment limed to 15% could have a much greater success in reducing the frequency of biologically damaging episodes.  相似文献   

The Hudson River Foundation convened a conference to evaluate evidence pertaining to the roles played by acid deposition and stream acidification in the decline of anadromous fish populations along the Atlantic coastal plain. The stimuli for the conference were that (1) some populations of Atlantic salmon, American shad, hickory shad, alewives, blueback herring and striped bass as well as a few species resident in coastal streams (yellow perch and white perch) are in a state of severe decline along portions of the east coast of North America; (2) several of these species have declined more or less simultaneously since about 1970; and (3) severe episodic pH depressions are observed in some streams of the Chesapeake Bay system. For example, the pH of Lyons Creek decreased from 7.0 to 5.9 in 1 hr during a rain event, returning to 7.0 a day later. After discussing several possible mechanisms for these observations, the conferees agreed that a combination of factors including stream and river acidification, toxic metals and organic compounds, eutrophication and overfishing appears to be contributing to the reduction in fish stocks. The essential point resulting from the conference is that the acid deposition hypotheses for stream acidification and declines of anadromous fish populations, a potential mechanism that has received very little attention heretofore, was shown to be viable for these coastal areas. Specific recommendations for research were agreed upon by the conferees.  相似文献   

The influence of acidification on otters (Lutra lutra) was assessed in three regions of Scotland. A total of 72 stretches of 1000 m of riverbank were searched for all signs of otters on three occasions. Water chemistry was determined and habitat was assessed for its suitability to otters. A further series of water samples were collected after a period of very heavy rain in midwinter; conductivity and pH were measured and total Al was determined on a filtered, acidified sample. Otters were recorded at all sites. There were highly significant correlations between use by otters of stretches (measured in terms of marking intensity) and both pH and conductivity, with pH accounting for the greatest proportion of variation in otter signs in a stepwise multiple regression. The relation between otter signs and water quality was greatest in Galloway, the region with significantly more acid waters. There were significantly fewer signs of otters in stretches with minimum pH thought to be detrimental to fish populations for two regions, Galloway and Sutherland.  相似文献   

This study examines the seasonal variability in levels of nitrogen (N) leaching and acidity in four acid impacted upland regions of the UK: the South Pennines, Snowdonia, Galloway and the Mourne Mountains. All regions are acidified, with median pH values of <5.5. The South Pennines exhibit excess sulphate concentrations an order of magnitude higher than those for other regions and have the lowest pH values of all the regions. Nitrate concentrations are highest in the South Pennines (seasonal medians 20–26 μeq l?1) and the Mourne Mountains (seasonal medians 9–26 μeq l?1). Surface water in the Mourne Mountains is the most highly N impacted in terms of the proportional contribution of N to acidity. All N species exhibit seasonality, with greater retention by catchment soils and vegetation in August. This seasonality is most marked in Snowdonia and least marked in the South Pennines. This implies that the South Pennines have reached an advanced stage of N saturation. Despite the reductions in S deposition, xSO4 is the dominant anion for all sites in the South Pennine and Snowdonia regions. A strong negative relationship between the contribution of NO3 to total acidity and DON was observed for all regions except the South Pennines. It is hypothesized that catchments dominated by organic rich soils produced more DON and have an increased capacity to immobilise NO3. Seasonal nitrogen budgets show that over 60% of the N inputs are retained within catchments, and no site retains all incoming N throughout the year.  相似文献   

Urbanization has become the dominant form of landscape disturbance in parts of the United States. Small streams in the Piedmont region of the eastern United States support high densities of salamanders and are often the first habitats to be affected by landscape-altering factors such as urbanization. We used US Geological Survey land cover data from 1972 to 2000 and a relation between stream salamanders and land cover, established from recent research, to estimate the impact of contemporary land-cover change on the abundance of stream salamanders near Davidson, North Carolina, a Piedmont locale that has experienced rapid urbanization during this time. Our analysis indicates that southern two-lined salamander (Eurycea cirrigera) populations have decreased from 32% to 44% while northern dusky salamanders (Desmognathus fuscus) have decreased from 21% to 30% over the last three decades. Our results suggest that the widespread conversion of forest to urban land in small catchments has likely resulted in a substantial decline of populations of stream salamanders and could have serious effects on stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Surveys of fish populations were conducted on 74 lakes of the Outaouais hydrographic region during the summers of 1985 and 1986 to assess the potential impact of acidity on ichtyologic fauna. Results show that species diversity declined with the increasing acidity. The color of water does not seem to mitigate the adverse effects of acidity. On the contrary, the number of species decreased similarly in both brown lakess (>30 Hazen) and clear lakes (≤30 Hazen) with the increase of acidity. The species tolerance threshold levels to acidity show that 72% of fish species are no longer captured when pH reaches 5.0, compared to 32% at pH ≤5.5. The pH range 5.0 to 5.5 can possibly be regarded as the break point for the occurrence of most fish species in this area. Analysis of the size frequency distributions show that recruitment failures have occurred in acidic waters for walleye and lake trout. We have estimated that anthropogenic acidification is responsible for the loss of more than 10000 fish populations in the Outaouais area.  相似文献   

The mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) was once a common inhabitant of the Sierra Nevada (California, USA), but has declined precipitously during the past century due in part to the introduction of nonnative fish into naturally fishless habitats. The objectives of the current study were to describe (1) the effect of fish removal from three lakes (located in two watersheds) on the small, remnant R. muscosa populations inhabiting those lakes, and (2) the initial development of metapopulation structure in each watershed as R. muscosa from expanding populations in fish-removal lakes dispersed to adjacent habitats. At all three fish-removal lakes, R. muscosa population densities increased significantly following the removal of predatory fish. The magnitude of these increases was significantly greater than that observed over the same time period in R. muscosa populations inhabiting control lakes that remained in their natural fishless condition. Following these population increases, R. muscosa dispersed to adjacent suitable (but unoccupied) sites, moving between 200 and 900 m along streams or across dry land. Together, these results suggest that large-scale removal of introduced fish could result in at least partial reversal of the decline of R. muscosa. Continued monitoring of R. muscosa at the fish-removal sites will be necessary to determine whether the positive effects of fish eradication are sustained over the long-term, especially in light of the increasingly important role played by an emerging infectious disease (chytridiomycosis, caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) in influencing R. muscosa populations.  相似文献   

The role of humic substances in the mobilization of mercury from watersheds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The total Hg concentration was estimated in eight inflowing streams from two headwater lakes and catchments in Ontario over a 2-yr period. Marked seasonal patterns in all brown water streams were evident, with highest levels usually occurring in the early fall and early spring. The seasonal pattern and the estimated export of Hg was most closely related to color, a measure of humic matter in the water. The data suggest that humic matter controls the solubility and watershed export of Hg deposited in precipitation.  相似文献   

This study provides an assessment of the transport of organic carbon and organic acids from typical Finnish forested catchments since the 1960's. The 21 study catchments (0.69–56 km2) are located over Finland excluding the northernmost regions. The mean annual total organic carbon (TOC) load from the catchments ranges from 2 600 to 8 800 kg/km2/a. Using a total acidity of 9.7 eq/mg DOC this would represent organic acid load of about 25–85 keq/km2/a which is higher than the mean annual deposition of strong acids in the highest deposition areas in southern Finland. The study demonstrates that organic acids dominate stream water acidity over large regions in Finland. In southern Finland minerogenic acidity is, however, more important. Organic acids exceeded mineral acids not only in autumn but also during spring snowmelt in 18 catchments. Moreover, the lowest pH values (25th percentile) were dominated by organic acids in 20 catchments. In most catchments TOC better explained pH than non-marine sulphate. In stepwise multiple regression base cations and TOC explained 67–83 % of the variation in pH for catchments divided into six groups according to season, deposition and peatland percentage; non-marine sulphate had minor contribution.  相似文献   

The effects of lime treatment on crayfish (Astacus astacus and Pacifastacus leniusculus) populations in 17 lakes and fish populations in 47 lakes and 7 rivers within the trial period 1976–82 have been evaluated. An increase in the catch of crayfish per unit effort was observed in 7 lakes, although significantly in one lake only. The varying results in the other lakes indicate that factors other than pH may be of greater importance for the development of crayfish populations after liming. Recruitment of fish improved in waters where liming resulted in pH >5.5. In lakes with pH <5.5 before and pH >5.5 after treatment, there was a significant increase in the number of fish caught, from 12 to 34 per unit effort. Due to improved recruitment the individual average weight was smaller and hence the catch in weight per unit effort was about the same as before liming. After lime treatment in streams which resulted in a stable pH of >5.5, the abundance of juvenile salmonids increased to numbers found in non-acidified streams. In other streams acid spates reduced the positive influence of liming on the abundance of juvenile salmonids.  相似文献   

Deposition fluxes of sulphur and nitrogen in bulk and throughfall precipitation were monitored for the 1994–2000 period for seven small forest catchments in the GEOMON network, Czech Republic (CR). Four catchments are situated at similar elevations (roughly between 800 and 1000 m) and represent three areas: the Black Triangle near the Kru?né hory Mts. coalfield (catchments JEZ and LYS), the Orlické hory Mts., close to the Polish industrial regions (UDL), and the ?umava Mts., a relatively unpolluted area (LIZ). Three catments (GEM, POM, LES) lie at lower elevations (400–600 m) in Central Bohemia. A substantial decrease in the bulk and throughfall deposition of pollutants occurred as a result of the desulphurisation programme implemented in the Czech Republic between 1996 and 1998. A reduction has been described mainly in the Kru?né hory Mts. (JEZ), in Slavkovský les (LYS) and also in Central Bohemia (GEM). The decrease in the throughfall to less than one half within a single year in POM (Central Bohemia) was an example of a direct response to the local emission reduction in the nearby Chvaletice power plant. However, in some areas, the throughfall deposition of sulphur, which includes wet and dry deposition, is still significant, especially at higher elevations. Recent forest degradation was observed in the Orlické hory Mts., where, particularly in 1998, as much as 91.1 kg S was found in coniferous throughfall. The fraction of dry deposition in the coniferous forests of CR represents 30–70% of the total deposition. The difference between coniferous (higher) and deciduous (lower) throughfall fluxes is significant because of the larger surface area of conifers and year-round exposure to air-borne sulphur. At several of the GEOMON sites, the flux of nitrogen via throughfall increased during the observation period and, at the end of the studied period (2000), nitrogen became the main source of acidification, replacing sulphur compounds. The highest fluxes (81.7 kg N ha-1 yr-1)were measured in 2000 in the Orlické hory Mts., which provide an example of multiple causes of forest decline – the direct impact of air pollution, abundance of nitrogen, acidification and secondary stressors (weather changes, insect pests, fungal infections). A comparison is given with data from other countries.  相似文献   

Site conditions such as parent material, soils, but also vegetation cover and elevation explain the varying snowmelt streamwater chemistry in the Black Forest. The results are derived from multiple statistical analysis of a regional survey of 104 small mountain streams in the first phase of snowmelt in spring 1984. Cluster analysis classifies the snowmelt streams into three groups which are clearly linked to bedrock geology. Factor analysis finds podsolization, weathering and mineralization processes in the soils of the catchments to have most impact even under snowmelt conditions. There is no evidence that acidic atmospheric deposition directly affects the acidity of the investigated streams. However, the deposition rates are low compared to certain other regions in Central Europe. In areas with podsolic soils the organic soil layer plays a key role in the acidity and mobilization of Al and heavy metals. This is shown in the high correlations between pH, DOC, UV-extinction, color and metal concentrations. Because the concentrations of DOC are low (<10 mg.L?1) and an anion deficit cannot be found, it is assumed that water acidity is not caused by dissolved humic acids, but by cations exchanged in the organic layer of acidic soils. Streamwater chemistry in areas with brown earth soil types is mainly affected by leaching of basic cations in the mineral soil horizons and mineral weathering.  相似文献   

Temporal trends in sulfate, base cation (Ca2+ + Mg2+ + K+), and H+ ion concentrations in bulk precipitation and throughfall samples collected over a seven year period (1989-95) in four forested catchments in Finland are presented. The catchments are in remote locations and span the boreal zone (61-69 °N). The stands represent old, undisturbed forests, and are composed of varying proportions of Scots pine, Norway spruce and deciduous species (mainly Betula spp.). Monthly SO4 2- and H+ ion concentrations in bulk precipitation averaged over the study period and catchments were: 18.7 µmol L-1 and 32.3 µmol L-1. The corresponding values for throughfall were: 37.4 µmol L-1 and 32.4 µmol L-1. Sulfate and H+ ion concentrations in bulk precipitation and throughfall both showed negative linear trends, which were significant (p < 0.05) for the three southernmost catchments. Concentrations and trend slope decreased northwards (e.g., bulk precipitation SO4 2- slope estimates: -1.6 to -1.0 µmol L-1 yr-1). The decline was greater for throughfall than for bulk precipitation, indicating a proportionally greater reduction in dry deposition than wet. The sum of base cation concentrations averaged 12.1 µmol(+) L-1 in bulk precipitation and 83.1 µmol(+) L-1 in throughfall. There were no significant trends in the sum of base cations (p > 0.05). It is concluded that the reported reduction in S emissions over the study period has resulted in a significant reduction in the acidity and SO4 2- concentration of bulk precipitation, and this reduction has has been reflected in throughfall concentrations. The greatest reduction has taken place in the southern part of the country.  相似文献   

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