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Effluent, air, and soil samples near a battery factory in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where HgCl2 is used to prevent mold growth, were collected to explore the potential for pollution of the environment from industrial discharge of Hg. Flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used for Hg determinations. The concentration of Hg in the effluent ranged from <0.2 to 5.2 mg L?1 and the Hg concentration varied greatly within and among sampling days, showing different peaks. Air contained a mean of 4.0 μg m?3 with little variation within and between sampling days. Soils near the factory contained high Hg levels, from 6.7 to 472 mg kg?1 in the immediate vicinity, the highest level being associated with disposal of solid waste (defective batteries). Downwind the concentration of Hg decreased with increasing distance from the factory resulting in a soil concentration of 1.0 mg Hg kg?1 about 2 km away. Upwind the Hg concentration decreased drastically within a distance of 100 to 200 m.  相似文献   

There is a need to introduce soil microbiological methods into long term ecological monitoring programs. For this purpose we studied the impact of moderate anthropogenic air pollution in polluted and less polluted area districts, forest site types Calluna (CT), Vaccinium (VT) and Myrtillus (MT) and the amount of organic matter, measured as carbon content on the soil respiration activity and the ATP content. The main sources of local air pollutants (SO2 and NOx) in the polluted area district were from the capital' region and an oil refinery. Humus (F/H-layer) and the underlying 0 to 5 cm mineral soil samples were collected from 193 study plots located in the 5300 km2 study area. We found that the soil respiration rate in humus layer samples was lower in the polluted area district compared to the less polluted one (16.0 and 19.5 μL CO2 h?1g?1 dw, respectively), but the difference occurred only in the dry, coarse-textured CT forest site type. The mineral soil respiration rate and the mineral soil and humus layer ATP content were not affected, by the air pollution. Most of the variations of the biological variables were explained primarily by the soil carbon content, secondly by the forest site type and thirdly by the area division.  相似文献   

Israel is a participant in the Earth Resources Technology Satellite Program (ERTS). The imagery of Israel and vicinity taken by the Multi Spectral Scanner of the ERTS-1 Satellite has been the subject of analysis in a multidisciplinary research program. The objectives of the program are mapping of agricultural crops, mainly wheat and orange groves, mapping of natural vegetation, and studies for Israeli hydrology, arid regions research, geology, and oceanography. Cases of water, air, and soil pollution have been observed in the imagery on several dates, and are reported in this paper. These are: oil slicks in the Gulf of Suez and possibly near Haifa; smoke plumes, extending over some 100 km in a nearly straight line along the Gulf of Suez, and soil pollution caused by copper mine effluents in the Arava Valley in Israel. The images of these cases of pollution are presented and ‘space signatures’, i.e., the radiometric spectral characteristics of these cases of pollution as seen from space are also given.  相似文献   

An analysis of cross-media (air, water, and soil) emissions resulting from various control strategies is necessary in the evaluations of emission standards as well as control strategies. This paper presents such analysis on seven control strategies for a coal-fired power plant and ten control strategies for a kraft pulp and paper mill. The data illustrated include uncontrolled and controlled emissions to all three environmental media as well as power requirement, and capital and operating costs.  相似文献   

大气污染的植物修复   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
骆永明  查宏光  宋静  李华 《土壤》2002,34(3):113-119
本文综述了近年来国际上利用植物修复大气污染的研究现状与趋势。认为人类可以有意识地选择单一的或组合的野生植物和人工植物,利用植物对大气污染物的吸附、吸收、转化、同化、降解等功能,形成和发展经济、高效、持续、安全的大气污染绿色修复理论和技术,实现污染大气环境的生物修复  相似文献   

In contrast to Europe and North America, air pollution in Asia is increasing rapidly, resulting in both local air quality problems and higher acidic depositions. In 1989, an east-west group of scientists initiated a multi-institutional research project on Acid Rain and Emissions Reduction in Asia, funded for the past two years by the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. Phase I, covering 23 countries of Asia, focussed on the development of PC-based software called the Regional Air Pollution INformation and Simulation Model (RAINS-ASIA). A 94-region Regional Energy Scenario Generator was developed to create alternative energy/emission scenarios through the year 2020. A long-range atmospheric transport model was developed to calculate dispersion and deposition of sulfur, based upon emissions from area and large point sources, on a one-degree grid of Asia. The resulting impacts of acidic deposition on a variety of vegetation types were analyzed using the critical loads approach to test different emissions management strategies, including both energy conservation measures and sulfur abatement technologies.  相似文献   

塑料大棚盐渍化土壤灌水洗盐对水环境污染负荷的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
针对塑料大棚盐渍化土壤常用的灌水洗盐方式,通过小区和原状土柱模拟灌水洗盐试验,研究了灌水洗盐降低土壤盐渍化的效果及其通过径流和渗漏流失对水环境的氮磷污染负荷。结果表明:灌水洗盐能降低表层土壤盐分53%~64%、土壤硝态氮55%~60%,但使表层土壤速效磷增加了1.0~1.5倍;洗盐过程中通过径流和渗漏流失进入水环境的氮磷污染负荷为硝态氮7.66 kg/hm2、铵态氮0.77 kg/hm2、总氮12.71 kg/hm2和总磷1.27 kg/h  相似文献   

Analytical air pollution advection and diffusion models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of non-Gaussian analytical solutions of the advection diffusion equation is presented. Their utilization to mathematical models of air pollution diffusion is discussed and the application of a particular solution is suggested. The suggested KAPPAG model uses the Demuth's (1978) solution and can incorporate smoothed observed vertical wind and diffusion coefficient profiles. It is shown that Demuth's solution can represent the realistic situations of the diminishing vertical exchange coefficient at the top of boundary layer.  相似文献   

土壤、蔬菜的铅污染相关性分析及土壤铅污染阈限值研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为探求土壤重金属污染和蔬菜污染的相关性,为绿色蔬菜生产提供技术支持,以郑州市常见的5种叶菜类蔬菜[油麦菜(Lactuca sativa var.Asparagina)、荆芥(Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq)、蕹菜(Lpomoea aquelica)、生菜(Lactuca sativa)、苋菜(Amaranthus hypochondriacus)]为试验材料,采用温室盆栽土培的方法研究了土壤Pb浓度与蔬菜污染的相关性,并对绿色蔬菜生产要求的土壤Pb污染阈限值进行了预测。研究结果表明:低浓度Pb污染的土壤对蔬菜生长、产量无明显影响;随着施Pb浓度的增加,5种蔬菜中的Pb含量均呈增加趋势,且与土壤中的Pb含量相关性显著;模拟得出的Pb阈限值油麦菜为39.9092&#177;2.4469mg&#183;kg^-1,荆芥43.8986&#177;3.5855mg&#183;kg^-1,蕹菜35.2934&#177;1.7872mg&#183;kg^-1,生菜33.6964&#177;2.1512mg&#183;kg^-1,苋菜34.5396&#177;2.4254mg&#183;kg^-1;对Pb富集能力由大到小排序为生菜〉苋菜〉蕹菜〉油麦菜〉荆芥。  相似文献   

Micro-constituent ionic impulsion, a parameter related to metal content and introduced to explain plant uptake, is now used to propose a plant global pollution index for an industrialized area. Plant toxic levels and previous analytical results (Pb, Co, Ni, Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn) for five wild plant species and whole herbage from 14 sampling points with rural, industrial or urban character within Bilbao (Spain) zone, are used to calculate this index. On similar bases a soil pollution index is also suggested, excluding Fe as it is a natural and very variable macrocomponent. Comparisons between these two indexes are included; differences are discussed through leaf uptake or strong retention of metals by soils.  相似文献   

This study deals with the question of establishing a statistical model to test the hypothesis that the use of pure water reduces deaths from diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria. The statistical analysis is based on data for 48 states of the United States for the year 1970. The results of this study suggest that an increase in the use of pure water would, ceteris paribus, decrease death rates due to certain diseases. The findings of this study are especially useful for developing nations where a very small proportion of the population is still served by publicly supplied water.  相似文献   

Natural S supplies are insufficient for high crop yields. The S brought down by rain is limited, even in industrial areas, and much of it is lost in drainage. Additional supplies are needed either as fertilizers or as SO2, which vegetation readily absorbs. The margin between the minimum SO2 concentration for full growth and the concentration at which damage occurs is wide enough for distribution via the air, without deleterious effects, of such S as is available from the combustion of fuels.  相似文献   

红壤中重金属的复合污染及污染指数   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of Pb,Cd,Cu,Zn and As coexisting in red soil on growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.) mung bean(Vigna rabiata(Linn.) Wilczek),alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.),Slash pine(Pinus elliottii Engelm.)and aspen(Populus L.).Results showed that rice,mung bean and alfalfa were significantly influenced by combined poollution of the heavy metals,the contents of Pb,Cd and As in rice grains greatly exceeded the National Standards for Food Hygiene of China.Heavy metals at a high concentration seriously retarded growth of mung bean and alfalfa,but not so obviously with slash pine and aspen.The composite index is suggested for evaluating the relativity of combined pollution with heavy metals in soil.  相似文献   

Currently used instruments for the measurement of O3, SO2, and the oxides of nitrogen are briefly described. The first utilizes the chemiluminescence of the gas phase reaction of O3 with ethylene, the second uses the chemiluminescence of excited diatomic sulfur formed in the cool hydrogen flame by reaction between SO2 and H atoms, while the third depends upon the chemiluminescent reaction NO+O3. Nitrogen dioxide is thermally dissociated into NO and measured as such. Newer instruments, now under development, that are described include (1) a photofragment detector for NO2, operating on photolytic cleavage to yield O atoms, which are then measured via the luminescence of their reaction with an excess of added NO, and (2) the UV fluorescence instrument of Okabe.  相似文献   

Humus forms and metal pollution in soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smelters in northern France are a serious source of soil pollution by heavy metals. We have studied a poplar plantation downwind of an active zinc smelter. Three humus profiles were sampled at increasing distance from the smelter, and the thickness of topsoil horizons was measured along a transect. We analysed the vertical distribution of humus components and plant debris to assess the impact of heavy metal pollution on the humus forms and on soil faunal activity. We compared horizons within a profile, humus profiles between them, and traced the recent history of the site. Near the smelter, poplar trees are stunted or dead and the humus form is a mor, with a well‐developed holorganic OM horizon. Here faunal activity is inhibited, so there is little faecal deposition and humification of plant litter. At the distant site poplar grows well and faunal activity is intense, so there are skeletonized leaves and many organo–mineral earthworm and millipede faecal pellets. The humus form is a mull, with a well‐developed hemorganic A horizon. The passage from mor to mull along the transect was abrupt, mor turning to mull at 250 m from the smelter, though there was a progressive decrease in heavy metal deposition. This indicates that there was a threshold (estimated to be 20 000 mg Zn kg?1) in the resilience of the soil foodweb.  相似文献   

A 2 yr field study on the influence of N fertilization and rainfall on groundwater pollution was carried out in the sandy area of Belgium. The NO inf3 sup? -N and Cl? content of the groundwater at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 m depths was monitored every two weeks on a field, grown with barley in 1980 and with maize in 1981. Turnips for cattle feed were grown in between the two crops. The total annual rainfall during the period under study was about 800 mm. The NO inf3 sup? -N content at all depths was at all times above 11.3 mg NO inf3 sup? -N dm?3, the WHO safe limit. Fluctuation of the NO inf3 sup? -N content occurred mainly at 0.5 and 1.0 m. The concentration at 1.5 and 2.0 m depths was higher most of the time than at 0.5 and 1.0 m. Leaching of NO inf3 sup? -N into deeper layers occurred when there was heavy rainfall. There was no important loss of NO inf3 sup? -N through denitrification at 1.5 and 2.0 m depths.  相似文献   

Air pollution problems of a scale larger than the point monitoring problem lend themselves to space observational techniques. Examples of these large scale problems are those associated with changes in the global background of gases and aerosols; potential stratospheric pollution resulting from SST operations; regional sources, pollution episodes, and large scale diffusion; and effects of pollutants on climate. These problems are discussed and observational requirements are specified. Possible remote sensing techniques for satellite monitoring are described. These include monitoring of pollutant gases and particulates by means of their absorption and scattering of radiation in both the solar spectrum range and terrestrial emission spectrum range. A discussion of potential difficulties includes the atmospheric and surface background problems, the temperature sensitivity problem in the terrestrial spectrum range, the band overlap problem, and the cloud interference problem. Recent observations from satellites and balloons are reviewed. It appears that except for H2O, and, perhaps, O3, measurements of the vertical profiles of atmospheric pollutant gases and aerosols from satellites will be extremely difficult. On the other hand, measurements of the total amounts (in a vertical column) of pollutant gases and aerosols do appear feasible.  相似文献   

农户室内污染物浓度相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对单一燃料使用时农户室内不同污染物浓度变化的相关关系,以及使用不同炉灶类型的农户PM2.5日均平均浓度和CO日均浓度间的相关性进行分析,力求通过污染物之间的相关关系,用一种污染物的浓度预测其他污染物的浓度,简化在农村实地检测室内空气污染水平的复杂性。研究结果表明,燃煤农户室内CO与PM2.5(R=0.841,P<0.01),CO与SO2(R=0.8878,P<0.01)浓度的变化都显著相关,燃柴农户室内CO与PM2.5浓度的变化(R=0.869,P<0.01)也显著相关;由于烟道内CO和SO2的浓度受外界环境影响较小,其相关关系非常显著(R=0.9846,P<0.01);CO和PM2.5水平之间的相关性与炉灶类型和燃料类型有关。  相似文献   

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