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Organochlorine residues were analyzed in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) collected from six undisturbed lakes in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. The residues (whole body) were compared among age groups of fish and were correlated by regression analyses with water chemistry factors that might be affected by acid precipitation. There were significant differences in the organochlorine content of fish from different lakes but not among age groups of fish within each lake or among all lakes. There were no significant correlations between the water chemistry values measured and organochlorine content of the fish. Inasmuch as no organochlorine pesticides have been used within the lake watersheds, the compounds must have reached these lakes by atmospheric transport.  相似文献   

The Scottish soils most sensitive to acidification from acid deposition are peats and those derived from quartzite or Devonian and Torridonian sandstones. It is shown that the surface horizons of Calluna moorland podzols derived from these mineral parent materials behave in a similar way to peats, in that their pH depends upon cation exchange equilibria between H+ and Ca2+. The pH is therefore related, as might be expected from the ratio law, to the ratio [H+]:[Ca2+], and this relationship may be used to predict the effect of emission reductions or increases upon these soils.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that acidification has reduced or eliminated fish populations in certain areas of the eastern United States was investigated by examining present and historical fishery survey records. The causes of acidification (e.g., atmospheric deposition) were not specifically considered, although instances of obvious alternative explanations (e.g., acid mine drainage, organic acids) were avoided. The number of usable data sets located was small. Trend analyses are severely limited by the lack of high quality historical data. The strongest evidence for fisheries declines associated with acidification is provided by data for the Adirondack Mountain region of New York. In some lakes, fish populations have declined or disappeared; lakes experiencing fishery declines are now acidic. Alternative explanations for changes in fish communities over time were examined. In 49 lakes, some or all fish populations have apparently been lost with no available explanation other than acidification. Extrapolation of these data to the entire Adirondack Mountain region suggests that perhaps 200 to 400 lakes may have lost fish populations as a result of acidification. Streams in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts also had documented declines in fish populations that were associated with acidity; however, the data are fewer and less complete than those for New York. Acidification effects on fishery resources in other regions of the eastern United States are apparently minimal. The extent of the damage to date appears small relative to the total resource.  相似文献   

Acid rain has become a major environmental concern, the current extent of which is illustrated in this paper. Maps of both pH and H+ deposition in precipitation have been developed for the continental United States by analyzing laboratory pH data from nine precipitation chemistry networks and two single stations spread across the continental United States and southern Canada during the late 1970's. Average laboratory pH values were obtained or calculated for approximately 100 stations, and isopleths of weighted mean pH and mean annual H+ deposition in precipitation were drawn. Results of this analysis show that in spite of a wide variety of collection methods and sampling intervals, there is remarkable uniformity in the average pH among the various stations. The northeastern United States continues to exhibit the most acidic precipitation, with remaining portions of the eastern United States, states along the western coastline and a pocket in central Colorado also experiencing acid precipitation.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the value of ([SO4 ??] - [Ca++ + Mg++]) in precipitation is a suitable way to describe the acidifying potential (AP) of the wet desposition. In eastern North America, the AP of precipitation varies from 20 to 85% of the total sulphate, the remainder of the sulphate being neutralized H2SO4, sulphate from salts in dust or from sea salt. The AP ranges from 20 to 80% of the H+ in the wet deposition. The rest of the H+ is contributed by the net effect of N compounds. Ammonium and nitrate ions from ammonia and NOXemissions do not represent a net acidic loading to the terrestrial ecosystem if they are taken up by vegetation. However, when N leaches from watersheds in the form nitrate, it constitutes an acidifying demand on the ecosystem. Therefore, the overall net acidifying potential (NAP) applied to the terrestrial ecosystem is defined by the value of ([SO4 ??] - [Ca++ + Mg++]) in precipitation plus [NO3 ??] in runoff from the watershed.  相似文献   

Temporal trends in acid-base chemistry are reported for surface waters in 6 regions of the United States. The lakes and streams are low ANC, dilute systems, selected to represent acid-sensitive aquatic resources in the 6 regions. The predominant trends observed were decreases in lake and stream SO4 2? concentrations in sites east of the Mississippi River, and increases in NO3 ? in the Adirondack lake and Catskill stream sites (both located in eastern New York State). Correlations of trend results from all sites with other factors indicated that trends in precipitation volume were highly correlated with the observed trend patterns. From the surface water trend results, three distinct clusters were identified that corresponded to three trend patterns: ‘dilution,’ ‘recovery,’ and ‘acidification.’ These were distributed across the LTM regions, with no particular geographic patterns.  相似文献   

A regional study was conducted to assess current levels of trace metals in the forest floor, and to establish a baseline for future studies of metal accumulation. Quantitative forest floor samples collected from 78 sites in 9 states in the northeastern United States in 1978 and 1980 were analyzed for Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cd. Mean amounts present in the forest floor were 9.8 ± 1.9 (standard error of the mean), 1.7 ± 0.2, 0.86 ± 0.08, and 0.13 ± 0.01 kg ha?1, for Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cd, respectively. Mean concentrations were 133 ± 25, 19.5 ± 1.6, 11 ± 0.8, and 1.7 ± 0.1 mg kg?1, respectively. Differences in metal and organic matter concentrations and amounts among forest types were attributed to geographic location of specific forest types rather than to direct biotic influence. No element was strongly correlated with elevation for the entire sample area. Regional patterns of elemental amounts showed that trace metal levels are slightly higher in the southern part than in the northern part of the study region. Regional variation of Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cd in the forest floor was not indicative of atmospheric deposition except near point sources of pollution.  相似文献   

A modeling study of the Allt a Mharcaidh catchment in the Cairngorm region of Scotland has been undertaken to investigate long term trends in acidification and model sensitivity to soil physical and chemical characteristics. The MAGIC model (Model of Acidification of Groundwater In Catchments) is used to demonstrate that the sulphate adsorption ability of the soil and quality and quantity of rainfall inputs have significant effects on model output. Optimal weathering rates and predicted present day ion concentrations in streamwater compare well with measured and observed values. The analysis shows that the catchment has become progressively acidified since pre-industrial times but major changes in stream acidity have yet to occur.  相似文献   

A titration based model (DeAcid) has been used to predict treatment dose and times for reacidification for CaCO3-treated lakes in the Living Lakes, Inc. (LLI) aquatic liming program. Water quality constitutents (pH, ANC and Ca) were used to measure the effectiveness of the dosing model and reacidification rates. Data from 22 lakes or ponds in 5 northeast states have been collected since June 1986. With few exceptions, pH and ANC values ranged from 4.5 to 6.5 and ?30 to +65 ueq L?1, respectively, in untreated sites and 6.5 to 7.8 and 120 to 300 ueq L?1, respectively, in sites approximately 30 days after treatment. Changes in Ca concentration levels have been used to evaluate the utility of the dose model for treatment of both inland and coastal waters. For coastal, seepage lakes application of a single-box mass transfer model to observed post-liming changes in ANC and Ca adequately simulates lake response.  相似文献   

To analyze the differences in the status and processes of nitrogen saturation in Japan and northeastern United States, we examined the hydrobiogeochemistry of nitrogen of forested watersheds in these regions. Two distinct differences were found between watersheds in Japan compared with those in US. 1) In Japanese watersheds, marked decreases of NO3 ? concentration in surface waters during the summer growing season were not found and NO3 ? concentrations sometimes increased especially in the summer at nitrogen saturated sites. This contrast with watersheds in US where decreases in NO3 ? concentration during the summer are commonly observed except those watersheds in advanced stages of nitrogen saturation. These differences in NO3 ? concentration relationships can be attributed to climatic differences, with Japan having high precipitation and high discharge during the summer, while in many regions of North America lowest discharges are found in the summer. The climatic regime in Japan leads to high rates of mineralization and the rapid transport of NO3 ? to streams in summer. 2) Japanese watersheds, even those with high NO3 ? concentrations in surface waters, show little evidence of acidification. This is in contrast to sites in US where increased NO3 ? concentrations, especially during episodic events, result in surface water acidification.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon are severely affected by acidification in Norway. Water quality criteria for the salmon have to be based on the most sensitive stage, the smolt stage. The sensitivity to acidic water increases enormously during smolting, the seawater tolerance being especially vulnerable. Even moderately acidic water (pH about 6) with low inorganic monomeric aluminium (LA1) concentrations (<20μg. L?1) and short-term episodes may be harmful. Mixing zones in limed or unlimed rivers may also represent a problem for seaward migrating smolts. In limed salmon rivers, the national liming goal has been increased to pH 6.5 during smolting (1 February to 1 July) and to 6.2 the rest of the year as a result of our experiments. In contrast to what has been found for brown trout, salmon strains originating from watercources undergoing acidification were not more tolerant than those from non-acidic watercourses. At the moment no such “tolerant” strains are available for restocking limed rivers in Norway.  相似文献   

Extensive wet deposition monitoring data, along with much sparser dry deposition monitoring data and isolated field characterizations of droplet deposition, are used to produce an annual deposition budget for S and NOx-N for each contiguous U.S. state and Canadian province. The contribution to wet deposition from natural sources is estimated, and wet deposition is adjusted accordingly, to focus the analysis on deposition associated with anthropogenic emissions. The budgets, which are appropriate for 1985–1987, include adjustments for increased local wet and dry deposition near point sources and urban areas, which are generally avoided in selecting monitoring sites. When aggregated over the United States and Canada, estimated wet, dry, and droplet deposition account for about 30, 29, and 4% of anthropogenic S emissions, respectively, implying that 37% is exported. For NOx-N, estimated wet, dry, and droplet deposition account for 30, 43, and 4% of anthropogenic emissions, with 23% exported. Results are in general agreement with a variety of other observational analyses and regional modeling simulations, particularly for eastern North America, and are consistent with estimates of net horizontal mass fluxes of S and NOx-N across the Atlantic coast of North America.  相似文献   

Calculations with the PROFILE model indicates that present acid deposition will lead to soil solution BC/Al molar ratios in the forest soils of Maryland far below the limits used for calculation of critical loads in Europe. Weathering rates and molar soil solution BC/Al ratios were calculated using measured mineralogy and texture. It has been assumed that the laboratory experiments on tree seedling response to soil solution Al concentration is applicable to field conditions as applied in the PROFILE model and that the observed connection between growth and needle loss for Sweden is also valid for North America. The assumptions were utilized to estimate the potential for forest damage due to soil acidification in Maryland. The results for Maryland was used to speculate over the possibilities for adverse effects due to soil acidity in Northeastern United States. A preliminary comparison with Maryland and European results, suggests that the threat of soil acidification to forest health in the Northeastern United States may have been underestimated.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Coffee is one of the most important agricultural commodities worldwide, significantly contributing to the economies of many coffee-producing countries....  相似文献   

Maps of both volume-weighted mean pH and mean H+ deposition in precipitation were developed for the continental United States and Canada using data from 12 precipitation chemistry monitoring networks. The maps were constructed using 1981–1982 laboratory pH data from approximately 130 monitoring sites. The area of greatest acidity (lowest pH/highest H+ deposition) is located in the northern Ohio Valley and southeastern Ontario, an area corresponding to high SOx and NOx emissions.  相似文献   

There are over 700,000 lakes in Canada, east of the Ontario-Manitoba border and south of latitude 52. This region supports much of Canada's freshwater fishery resources, mostly in acid-sensitive habitat. Of these lakes, half have alkalinities less than 50 μeq.L?1 and 150,000 have a pH less than 6. There are 14,000 acidic lakes i.e., with a pH less than 4.7. Models of lake-watershed systems have been developed to predict the future response of fishery resources in eastern Canada. Despite considerable uncertainties in key parameters, the predicted range of losses is not great. The models predict that with current acid deposition, up to 9 % of all lakes will ultimately have a pH less than 5. Reduction of deposition rates, either by 40 % everywhere or to a maximum of 12 kg.ha?1SO4, greatly reduces the predicted losses. The models give conservative predictions of impact as inclusion of loss of watershed acid neutralizing capacity and fish mortality due to episodic pH depression would indicate greater losses. The freshwater fishery resources of eastern Canada are important economically accounting for 42 × 106 angler-days and $1.4 × 109 yr?1 per year. Up to 10 % of this sector of the Canadian economy could be at risk.  相似文献   

Input-output budgets for dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) are summarized for 24 small watersheds at 15 locations in the northeasternUnited States. The study watersheds are completely forested, free of recent physical disturbances, and span a geographical region bounded by West Virginia on the south and west, and Maine on the north and east. Total N budgets are not presented; however, fluxes of inorganic N in precipitation and streamwater dominate inputs and outputs of N at these watersheds. The range in inputs of DIN in wet-only precipitation from nearby National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) sites was 2.7 to 8.1 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (mean = 6.4 kg N ha-1 yr-1; median = 7.0 kg N ha-1 yr-1). Outputs of DIN in streamwater ranged from 0.1 to 5.7 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (mean = 2.0 kg N ha-1 yr-1; median = 1.7 kg N ha-1 yr-1). Precipitation inputs of DIN exceeded outputs in streamwater at all watersheds, with net retention of DIN ranging from 1.2 to 7.3 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (mean = 4.4 kg N ha-1 yr-1; median = 4.6 kg N ha-1 yr-1). Outputs of DIN in streamwater were predominantly NO3-N (mean = 89%; median = 94%). Wet deposition of DIN was not significantly related to DIN outputs in streamwater for these watersheds. Watershed characteristics such as hydrology, vegetation type, and land-use history affect DIN losses and may mask any relationship between inputs and outputs. Consequently, these factors need to be included in the development of indices and simulation models for predicting 'nitrogen saturation' and other ecological processes.  相似文献   

There are a variety of opportunities in the United States to expand the area of trees and forests, and to improve their growth, that could have significant impact upon the annual uptake of atmospheric CO2. Work coordinated by the American Forestry Association has attempted to quantify those opportunities, and demonstrate what kinds of costs and benefits might result from an attempt to begin implementing them. The first section of the work, reported in this paper, has focused on the opportunities that are seldom thought of as regular forestry-planting trees on marginal crop and pasture lands, increasing windbreaks and shelterbelts, growing trees as a biomass energy source, and improving urban tree canopies and placements as an energy-conserving measure. The benefits from such work include the C sequestered in the biomass and soils involved, as well as the carbon emission reductions achieved through energy conservation. These opportunities could add up to a total C impact per year in the range of 141 to 382×106t-somewhere between 10 and 30% of the current net C emission from fossil fuel in the United States. Additional work is underway to quantify the opportunities inherent in improving the management of existing forestlands, through more traditional forestry. The results of that work will be available in late 1992.  相似文献   

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