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From 1978 through 1989, a wet-onlyprecipitation collector operated for the NationalAtmospheric Deposition Program, an independantwet-only collector, and a bulk precipitation collectorwere co-located at the Hubbard Brook ExperimentalForest (HBEF) in central New Hampshire. A secondbulk precipitation collector was maintained at anotherlocation within the HBEF. There were statisticallysignificant differences between the chemistry fromco-located wet-only collections for Ca2+,K+, NH4 +, pH, and NO3 -. Thedifferences for K+ and pH though statisticallysignificant were very small but consistant. Thedifferences for Ca2+ were related to earlycontamination problems, and differences inNH4 + and NO3 - were related toepisotic events. Bulk precipitation was significantlyricher in K+ than wet-only precipitation. Therewere no differences for any ions between the bulkcollections at the two locations. While there wereminor differences, after 1981 when the contaminationproblems had been resolved, data from all collectorsat all locations adequately characterized theprecipitation chemistry of the site.  相似文献   

Heathland in the New Forest, Hampshire, England, is subject to systematic controlled burning, the main intention of which is to maintain and enhance the quality of the grazing for commoners' animals. Mature heathland vegetation is richer in bird, reptile and invertebrate life than younger age classes. However, a survey has confirmed that despite a recent reduction in the area burnt annually, burning had produced an imbalance in favour of young age classes of heather Calluna vulgaris and Erica spp., and that intensive browsing after fire was severely inhibiting the regeneration of gorse Ulex europaeus. The data obtained made it possible to recommend management policies which attempted to correct the imbalance in vegetation age structure and also satisfied the requirements of the grazier.  相似文献   

Wet-only rainwater composition on a daily basis, and atmospheric SO2 and NO2 concentrations on a monthly basis have been measured over a two year period at four sites ~100 km to the west of Sydney. Bulk aerosol composition on a monthly basis was also measured at one site. The study region is predominantly rural in character, but contains two coal-fired thermal power stations with a total installed capacity of 2320 MW, as well as several min or population centres, including a small city, with a total population of about 21,000. The measurement sites were located roughly on the perimeter of a circle of about 20 km radius having the power stations at its centre. Three of the sites were situated in rural settings, while the fourth was located on the outskirts of the small city of Lithgow. Atmospheric acid loadings at all sites were low by the standards usually associated with industrialised regions of Europe and North America, with about one third of rainwater total acidity provided by organic acids (formic, acetic and oxalic). At the three rural sites, total inorganic acid deposition, comprising measured wet deposition plus inferred dry deposition of acidic S and N species, averaged about 30 meq m?2 y?1, a low figure by most standards. At the site located near the city of Lithgow total deposition of acidic S and N species averaged about 80 meq m?2 y?1.  相似文献   

Being downwind of eastern and midwestern industrial centers, the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest offers a prime location to monitor long-term trends in atmospheric chemistry. Continuous measurements of precipitation chemistry during the last 10 yr provide a measure of recent changes in precipitation inputs of H ion. The weighted average pH of precipitation during 1964–65 to 1973–74 was 4.14, with a minimum annual value of 4.03 in 1970–71 and a maximum annual value of 4.21 in 1973–74. The sum of all cations except H ion decreased from 51 μeq 1?1 in 1964–65 to 23 μeq 1?1 in 1973–74 providing a significant drop in neutralizing capacity during this period. Based upon regression analysis, the input in equivalents of H ion and nitrate increased by 1.4-fold and 2.3-fold respectively, from 1964–65 to 1973–74. Input of all other ions either decreased or showed no trend. Based upon a stoichiometric formation process in which a sea-salt, anionic component is subtracted from the total anions in precipitation, SO4 =, contribution to acidity dropped from 83% to 66%, whereas NO3 ? increased from 15% to 30% during 1964–65 to 1973–74. The increased annual input of H ion at Hubbard Brook during the past 10 yr is highly correlated with the increased input of nitrate in precipitation.  相似文献   

Acidic weathering of the sulfidic Upper Cretaceous Carlile and Pierre Shales in Nebraska has led to the precipitation of the Al sulfate–hydroxide minerals aluminite, alunite, “basaluminite”/felsöbányaite (e.g.,), the aluminum hydroxides gibbsite and bayerite, and the rare Al phosphate hydroxide vashegyite. Kaolinite has also been produced as a result of this acidic weathering. These minerals do not appear as neoformed constituents in any extant soils in the region, and their existence underscores the ability of pyrite oxidation to produce major changes in mineralogy on a Holocene to Recent time scale. Jarosite, hydronium jarosite, gypsum, halotrichite, and melanterite also appear as secondary minerals in the weathered shales. Acidic weathering and the formation of new minerals is extrapedogenic because it occurs well below the limit of modern soil sola. These processes also occur at the edges of major landscape elements and can be considered to have a strong lateral component processes, making them “per latus” processes in our usage.  相似文献   

The characteristics of acidic deposition at Kejimkujik National Park, a rural site in south-central Nova Scotia, were determined for the period from May 1979 to December 1983. The acidifying pollutants investigated were H+, sulphate ion and nitrate ion. Thirty per cent of the total annual amount of acidifying pollutants deposited by precipitation at Kejimkujik was deposited by only about 8% of the precipitation events during the year. These occasions of large deposition are referred to as episodes and occurred, on average, about five times per year, usually between March and November. The precipitation events that produced episodes were almost always rain events. The major meteorological feature producing deposition episodes at Kejimkujik is the sequence of a large high pressure area from mid-continent moving south of Nova Scotia, producing a prolonged southwesterly to westerly flow over the site, and then a weak frontal system, usually from south of the Great Lakes region, bringing moderate amounts of precipitation to the site. Since deposition episodes were almost always preceded by the above sequence of events, the ability to predict episodes was investigated. The results indicate that many “false alarms” could be anticipated because this sequence also occurs for non-episodes.  相似文献   

Responses to low pH of perch, Perca fluviatilis, from a naturally acid and a neutral lake were compared by 24 hr exposures to pH 4.6, 4.1 and 3.8 and by 72 hr exposures to pH 4.5. Plasma osmolality and plasma concentrations of Na and chloride decreased in fish from both lakes during acid exposures. Significant differences between the populations were observed at pH 4.1 and 4.5. Hematocrits of the fish from the acid lake increased rapidly and at higher pH compared with those of fish from the neutral lake. This was interpreted as an adaptation to their normal acidic environment, connected with the maintenance of red cell oxygen affinity. The perch from the acid lake maintained their muscle water balance at lower pH better than did the fish from the neutral lake.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of snowmelt, groundwater, and streamwater was monitored during the spring of 1991 and 1992 in a 200-ha subalpine catchment on the western flank of the Rocky Mountains near Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Most of the snowmelt occurred during a one-month period annually that began in mid-May 1991 and mid-April 1992. The average water quality characteristics of individual sampling sites (meltwater, streamwater, and groundwater) were similar in 1991 and 1992. The major ions in meltwater were differentially eluted from the snowpack, and meltwater was dominated by Ca2+, SO 4 2? , and NO 3 ? . Groundwater and streamwater were dominated by weathering products, including Ca2+, HCO 3 ? (measured as alkalinity), and SiO2, and their concentrations decreased as snowmelt progressed. One well had extremely high NO 3 ? . concentrations, which were balanced by Ca2+ concentrations. For this well, hydrogen ion was hypothesized to be generated from nitrification in overlying soils, and subsequently exchanged with other cations, particularly Ca2+. Solute concentrations in streamwater also decreased as snowmelt progressed. Variations in groundwater levels and solute concentrations indicate that most of the meltwater traveled through the surficial materials. A mass balance for 1992 indicated that the watershed retained H+, NH 4 + , NO 3 ? , SO 4 2? and Cl? and was the primary source of base cations and other weathering products. Proportionally more SO 4 2? was deposited with the unusually high summer rainfall in 1992 compared to that released from snowmelt, whereas NO 3 ? was higher in snowmelt and Cl? was the same. The sum of snowmelt and rainfall could account for greater than 90% of the H+ and NH 4 + retained by the watershed and greater than 50% of the NO 3 ? .  相似文献   

Mink frogs (Rana septentrionalis) are cold-adapted, climate-sensitive amphibians occurring above the 43rd parallel in North America. We conducted repeated night call surveys at 46 ponds near the southern edge of the species’ range to collect presence/absence data and used information-theoretic models to relate pond occupancy to historical climate and habitat factors. Mink frog occurrence was strongly and positively influenced by pond size (>1.5 ha) and the presence of beavers (Castor canadensis). Presence of calling mink frogs decreased sharply at sites with historical mean July air temperatures >19.5 °C. Our results suggest that predicted changes in temperature over the next century might reduce the range of mink frogs in New York, yet we hypothesize that any such reductions could be mitigated by generation of suitable breeding habitat associated with future expansion of beaver populations.  相似文献   

We have examined the roles of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and pH in determining patterns of Pb fractionation in surface water from Sphagnum-dominated peatlands in undisturbed and urbanized watersheds of the Pinelands of New Jersey. In undisturbed wetlands, the water is highly acidic (pH 3.5) and has high concentrations of DOC; wetlands receiving urban runoff are less acidic and have lower concentrations of DOC. The effects of PH were separated from the effects of DOC by experimentally raising the pH of water from the undisturbed site to 6.0. A separation procedure was compiled from the literature to separate the soluble Pb fraction into labile (exchangeable on ion-exchange resin) and non-labile fractions, and the latter fraction was further separated into photo-oxidation-sensitive and insensitive fractions. In low pH, high DOC waters, 95% of added PbCl2 remained soluble, and 56 to 80% of this Pb was labile (varying with contact time with the resin). In high-pH swamp waters, a smaller fraction (64 to 71%) remained soluble; the distribution of the soluble Pb among non-labile forms varied with the source of the water. Pb fractionation in runoff was quite different from that in runoff-impacted swamp water at the same pH, and may reflect differences in DOC and/or higher levels of Fe in the runoff.  相似文献   

Abstract. Rainfall has become less acid at Rothamsted and Saxmundham over the period 1969–83. The pH of rain at these two sites has increased from 4.4–4.6 to about 4.8–4.9; at Woburn it has remained approximately constant at 4.4–4.6. Amounts of NH4-N and NO3-N deposited at present are 10–15 and 5–10 kg ha−1 a−1 respectively. They have been increasing at Rothamsted and Woburn. Some 50–60 kg ha−1 a−1 of Cl and 25–35 kg ha−1 a−1 of SO4-S are presently deposited. Deposition of non-sea Cl and SO4-S has been increasing markedly at all three sites. Non-sea salts comprise 35% of the total salt deposition near the coast at Saxmundham, 58% inland at Rothamsted and Woburn.  相似文献   

P. Bleeker  R.L. Parfitt 《Geoderma》1974,11(2):123-135
Volcanic ash falls, the oldest laid down approximately 2500 years ago, are described and correlated wherever possible.Most of these ash deposits are thought to have been derived from the Garbuna volcano, located about 40–50 km from Cape Hoskins.Clay mineral data show with increasing age a weathering sequence in the beds in which allophane changes to halloysite. Charcoal data indicate that large amounts of halloysite are present in fossil soil horizons dated between 300 and 2000 years B.P. This compares with a date of 8000–9000 years from Japan,whereas data from St. Vincent indicate that halloysite can be formed under humid tropical conditions within 4000 years.  相似文献   

A field program for the measurement of the physical and chemical properties of aerosols and clouds was conducted at Whiteface Mountain, N.Y., during an 8-week period in June, July, and August 1983. Analysis of two-stage Nuclepore filter samples by proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) spectroscopy showed that most (85 to 90%) of the aerosol sulfate was in the accumulation mode (modal radius r - 0.1 μm) and that ?90% of total sulfate originated southwest of the Whiteface Mountain site. During a typical pollution episode originating in the Midwest, the total aerosol sulfate concentration was 19 pg m ?3, or 63 of total dry aerosol, which was - 30 gg m? s. Scavenging of sulfate aerosol by clouds was found to be greater than 95% efficient in clouds of 0.5gm?3 liquid water content. Measured pH values when the air mass trajectories were from the southwest were systematically lower than when the trajectories were from the northwest or northeast, i.e., 3.4 vs 4.4 and 4.8. In the southwest sector water samples, S04 ?2 and N03 ? were highly correlated to each other and to free H+, Ca2 ?, Cl?, Pb, and Ba.  相似文献   

Pulses, the most important source of high-quality dietary proteins are prone to serious damage due to insect pests, of which 20–25% damage was inflicted by stored product bruchid pest, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.). An alternative approach to control these insect pests apart from fumigation is the use of primary metabolites involved in plant defense mechanism. In the present study, one of such molecule, an insect anti-metabolic protein, arcelin was screened from nine different wild and cultivated varieties of pulses. Insect feeding bioassay with C. maculatus revealed that seven of these seed varieties were not infested by the bruchid insect pest. Additionally, the presence of arcelin polypeptide subunits (27–42 kDa) was demonstrated in the seeds of Phaseolus limensis L. and Phaseolus lunatus L. whereas, an insignificant amount was observed in Lablab purpureus L. Besides, seed kernel extract of P. lunatus registered a highest HA activity against native human-A erythrocytes and this activity was increased to several fold when the erythrocytes were treated with proteolytic enzymes revealing the characteristic feature of arcelin. Similarly, HA activity was observed when rat and mouse erythrocyte was treated with pronase, whereas, no titer value was observed upon treatment with its native erythrocytes. Of the 24 carbohydrates tested, only acetylated amino sugar, N-acetyl-d-galactosamine inhibited the agglutinating activity of crude seed extract against human-A RBC. Among the three glycoproteins tested, none were found potential to competitively inhibit the agglutination activity against human-A erythrocytes. Overall, this study reveals the presence of arcelin, an anti-metabolic insecticidal protein in seeds of P. lunatus.  相似文献   

The results of several separately performed field studies on air quality in south-western Poland (Black Triangle) are presented In the period 1988–1993 atmospheric aerosol measurement and precipitation/deposition samples were collected at three locations of mountain region (810–1490 m asl). Precipitation was monitored in forest ecosystem using a 24-gauge network was carried out during June–October 1992 and 1993. The occurence of cloud at ground level over hills is difficult to categorize and quantify in mountain terrain and has constituted a basic part of our studies. Precipitation/deposition samples (seven rain and three cloud collectors) in the Karkonosze Mountains were collected over the period 1994–1995 (four field campaigns were conducted) to examine aqueous chemical interactions between constituents in samples. Meteorological data measured at the site included temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction and the amount of precipitation.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) toxicity usually occurs in acidic soils worldwide, which is detrimental to the growth of organisms. An Al-tolerant bacterium, SB1, was isolated from an acidic red soil of Chingkang Mountain, located in Jiangxi Province of China. Polyphasic analysis, including a 16S rDNA phylogenetic tree as well as morphological and physicochemical properties, revealed that the isolate was a gramnegative, rod-shaped bacterium, which was recognized as Burkholderia sp. SB1 and had extreme acidity tolerance (pH 2.2) and excellent Al resistance (270 mg L-1 Al3+). It could remove Al by up to 97.7% at a concentration of 54 mg L-1 Al3+. SB1 behavior under different temperatures and antibiotics was also examined. SB1 preferred moderate temperature conditions, ranging from 25 to 37℃, and exhibited notable resistance to multiple antibiotics (including ampicillin, streptomycin, and tetracycline), except for being sensitive to chloramphenicol. Therefore, as the first reported bacterium to possess favorable Al resistance and excellent Al removal, Burkholderia sp. SB1 can potentially be used as an agent for bioremediation of Al-contaminated acidic red soils.  相似文献   

Solution chemistry was measured in two major inlets, lake water column, lake outlet, and soils of the South Lake watershed in the Adirondack Mountains, New York. The east inlet had greater concentrations of H+, sulfate-S, and Al and smaller concentrations of base cations and silica than the west inlet (70, 116, 25, 90, 64 and 4, 99, 8, 228, 148 μeq L?1 of H+ and sulfate-S, μmol L?1 Al, μeq L?1 total base cations and μmol L?1 silica in east and west inlets, respectively). Concentrations of base cations in C horizon soil solutions (157 μeq L?1 total base cations) were smaller and greater than west and east inlets, respectively. This suggests that water flowing into the west inlet contacted deeper mineral layers, whereas water reaching the east inlet did not. Lake and lake outlet concentrations were also intermediate between the two inlets, and the lake was acidic (pH 4.9 to 5.1) with relatively high total monomeric Al concentrations (8 to 9 μmol Al L?1). The east inlet also had greater DOC concentrations than the west (0.38 and 0.24 μmol C L?1, respectively), again indicating that soil solutions entering the east inlet passed through the forest floor but had more limited contact with deeper mineral layers in comparison with the west inlet. Differences between the streams are hypothesized to be related to contact of percolating solutions with mineral soil horizons and underlying glacial till, which provides neutralization of acidic solutions and releases base cations. This work indicates that processes controlling surface water acidification can be spatially quite variable over a small watershed.  相似文献   

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