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Effect of coccidiosis on reproductive maturation of male Japanese quail   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of coccidiosis on reproductive development of male Japanese quail were examined. Male Japanese quail were exposed to high (5 x 10(5) sporulated oocysts/quail) or low (5 x 10(3) sporulated oocysts/quail) doses of Eimeria uzura at 16 or 30 days of age and sampled at 37 days. Quail given high doses of coccidia had reduced testes weight and lowered circulating concentrations of androgen compared with control males. Low doses of coccidia did not affect testes weight but did result in elevated plasma androgen levels. There were no differences in average testes weights by 51 days; however, plasma androgen was still reduced in most groups. To study the effects of coccidiosis on egg production, males exposed to high doses of coccidia at 16 (16H) or 30 (30H) days of age were mated with control females, and control males were mated with control or 16H females. The onset of laying was delayed for 5 days in the control male: 16H female group. During the first week of production, eggs from females bred to 30H males had lower fertility and hatchability than those bred to control or 16H males. By the third week of production, levels of fertility were similar. Apparently, exposure of quails to coccidiosis before sexual maturation might result in long-term effects on later reproductive capability.  相似文献   

Sertoli cell tumors in Japanese quail   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Testicles were collected from 33 male Japanese quails older than 3 years. Three of these quails (9.1%) had one or two large neoplastic testicles. These testicles were 2-5 times normal size, round, and firm, with cystic spaces of various sizes. Microscopically, there was marked intratubular Sertoli cell proliferation and various-sized cystic spaces filled with an eosinophilic vacuolated fluid. Microscopic changes in all neoplastic testicles were diagnostic for Sertoli cell tumors.  相似文献   

To cockerels of the Japanese quail four graduated flooding doses of 14C-labelled L-lysine (20-160 mg) in starch gel were administered into the crop. The animals were slaughtered between 40 and 210 min thereafter. The TCA soluble fraction of the gastrointestinal tract, of blood plasma, liver and muscle were analyzed for their lysine content and its specific radioactivity. Incorporation of radioactivity into the TCA insoluble fraction of the same organs was also followed. After quantification of lysine losses by catabolism and excretion a multicompartment model of lysine dynamics in the quail was set up. Model parameter values in general agree with independently obtained data. The necessity of model validation and extension as well as possibilities for model applications are pointed out.  相似文献   

1. The effects of exogenous corticosterone on plasma corticosterone concentrations, body weight, food intake, the percentage of birds that laid an egg each day and egg weight were measured in laying Japanese quail. Data were collected from birds in the week before corticosterone treatment began, during a 21-d treatment period, and in the 22 d after treatment ended.

2. Groups of quail were treated with corticosterone at three different concentrations in their drinking water. Corticosterone intakes were calculated for each bird and birds were then assigned to 4 intake groups. The groups were 0 (control group), 0·31–0·60, 0·61–0·90, 0·91–1·50 or >1·51 mg corticosterone/bird/d.

3. Plasma corticosterone concentrations in the 4 intake groups increased from around 1 ng/ml on the day before corticosterone treatment began to maximum mean concentrations of 13–18 ng/ml on day 14 of treatment. Mean corticosterone concentrations did not change between day 14 of treatment and the day after treatment ended, and had decreased in only one of 4 intake groups one week later.

4. Mean body weight in the highest intake group remained significantly lower than in controls 22 d after corticosterone treatment ended. Whilst there was no clear effect of corticosterone on food intake during treatment, mean food intake in the three highest corticosterone intake groups was significantly lower than in controls in the week after treatment ended. The percentage of birds that laid an egg each day and egg weight were both decreased by corticosterone, and the percentage of birds that laid an egg each day remained significantly lower in the highest corticosterone intake group compared with controls in the third week after treatment ended.

5. It is suggested that elevated plasma corticosterone concentrations in quail after treatment ended were maintained by a hyperactive hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal axis for at least one week. Although none of the negative effects of corticosterone were evident in the group of quail with the lowest corticosterone intakes, the findings of the present study show that corticosterone treatment can affect birds for up to several weeks after corticosterone intake ends.  相似文献   

1. Two feeding experiments were conducted to determine the crude protein requirement of laying Japanese quail. Birds were fed to provide 293 kJ ME and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 g protein/d. 2. As protein intake increased from 2 to 5 g egg production increased. 3. Quadratic relationships between protein intake and egg production and protein intake and egg weight were derived. 4. To maintain a production of 90 eggs/100 bird d and an egg weight of 9.3 g required 4.9 g protein and approximately 264 kJ ME/d.  相似文献   

The copulatory behavior and the parvocellular vasotocin (VT) system of the nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) are sexually dimorphic in the Japanese quail. Embryonic administration of estradiol benzoate (EB) induces an organizational effect determining the disappearance of such a dimorphism (male shows behavior and cerebral phenotype of the female). The VT parvocellular system can therefore be considered an accurate marker of the sexual differentiation of brain circuits and a very sensitive indicator of the activity of estrogen-like substances on neural circuits. To test this hypothesis we administered diethylstilbestrol (DES), a powerful synthetic xenoestrogen, genistein (GEN), a phytoestrogen produced by soy, and bisphenol A (BPA). After 3 days of incubation, quail eggs were injected with vehicle, EB, DES, GEN or BPA. Administration of BPA caused an early blockage of development and no further analyses were done on the BPA groups. At puberty, the copulatory behavior of EB- or DES-treated male quail was totally abolished, whereas only the highest doses of GEN determined a significant decrease of the behavior. After the tests, the animals were sacrificed and perfused. The fractional area (FA) covered by VT immunoreactivity was analyzed in BST, medial preoptic nucleus, and lateral septum by computerized image analysis. The FA was significantly reduced after treatment with EB, DES and GEN at high doses. These results confirm that the sexually dimorphic VT system of the Japanese quail is a sensible indicator of the effects of xenoestrogens at the level of the central nervous system.  相似文献   


AIM: To determine the pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of florfenicol in the plasma of healthy Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica).

METHODS: Sixty-five quail were given an I/V and I/M dose of florfenicol at 30 mg/kg bodyweight (BW). A two-period sequential design was used, with a wash-out period of 2 weeks between the different routes of administration. Concentrations of florfenicol in plasma were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

RESULTS: A naíve pooled data analysis approach for the plasma concentration-time profile of florfenicol was found to fit a non-compartmental open model. After I/V administration, the mean residence time (MRT), mean volume of distribution at steady state (Vss), and total body clearance of florfenicol were 12.0 (SD 0.37) h, 8.7 (SD 0.22) L/kg, and 1.3 (SD 0.08) L/h/kg, respectively. After I/M injection, the MRT, mean absorption time (MAT), and bioavailability were 12.3 (SD 0.37) h, 0.2 (SD 0.02) h, and 79.1 (SD 1.79)%, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: The time for the concentration of florfenicol to fall below the probable effective concentration of 1 µg/ml of approximately 10 h is sufficient for the minimum inhibitory concentration needed for many bacterial isolates. Further pharm acodynamic studies in quail are needed to evaluate a suitable dosage regimen.  相似文献   

We conducted three experiments with Japanese quail to study the influence of deficient and excessive contents of lysine in the feed in relation to certain zootechnical parameters, protein value, to the active of liver xanthine dehydrogenase, content of free plasma lysine under the conditions of the maximum saturation of blood pool, and to the changes in 14C-labelled lysine degradation. The zootechnical parameters and protein value were optimum at the content of 5.22 g Lys per 16 g nitrogen in the feed, the activity of liver xanthine dehydrogenase was maximum. In a separate experiment the maximum saturation of blood pool determined with respect to a lysine supply in the feed reached the highest value at 6.88 g Lys per 16 g nitrogen and it decreased later on although the lysine supply increased. We assume the existence of a regulating mechanism that does not allow exceeding certain lysine concentrations in the blood plasma. Lysine degradation measured by the value of 14CO2 expired from 14C-labelled lysine was higher both with lysine deficient and excessive content, than with the lysine content in the feed approaching the required value.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to estimate the phosphorus and calcium requirements for weight maintenance and weight gain in Japanese quails during their growth phase from 16 to 36 days. Japanese quails aged 16 days were used for estimating the phosphorous and calcium requirements for weight maintenance or weight gain, with these quails composing each reference slaughter group and the others distributed in a completely randomized design, housed in cages of galvanized wire (33 × 33 × 16 cm) that were stored in acclimatized chambers with specific environmental temperatures. The light programme used during the 20‐day experimental period was 24 h of artificial light. Analysis of the data showed that the prediction equations for estimating the phosphorus and calcium requirements for weight maintenance and weight gain of Japanese quails between 16 and 36 days of age were P (g/quail/day) = P0.75*(9.3695 + 7.7397*T) + 9.70*WG, in which P is the phosphorus requirement, and Ca (g/quail/day) = P0.75*(363.99 – 8.0262*T) + 28.15*WG, in which Ca is the calcium requirement, P is BW (kg), T is temperature (°C) and WG (g/quail/day).  相似文献   

A case of cellulitis was observed in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) reared for commercial meat production. This condition in Japanese quail has not been reported in the literature. This incident was the first, and to date only, occurrence of cellulitis in this processing plant. The cellulitis lesions were localized to the subcutis overlying the breast and inner thigh. Carcasses of processed birds and live birds from the affected farm were presented to the Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center, University of Georgia. Escherichia coli was cultured from the lesion. The affected live birds displayed lameness and had osteomyelitis. Pasteurella multocida serotype 3,4 was cultured from the liver and bone marrow of affected birds. Approximately 4.61% of the processed carcasses from the flock were condemned because of cellulitis. This represented a 10fold increase from the typical condemnation rate. Further investigation revealed birds were placed in higher than normal density; therefore, we theorize that the concurrent pasteurellosis and increased placement density resulted in the cellulitis condition.  相似文献   

The utilization of dietary lysine for protein synthesis is affected by the digestibility of protein-bound lysine, by its intestinal resorption and by its oxidative catabolism. The approach chosen in this paper enables a comparison of the cumulative effect of these processes on the utilization of free and protein-bound lysine, respectively. The principle of the approach is based on a quantification of the expiration of 14C-labelled carbon dioxide after an oral administration of a diet, which contains L-(U-14C)-lysine either as a free amino acid or bound to yeast proteins. During an adaptation phase cockerels of the Japanese quail received a diet based mainly on ground wheat and wheat gluten. This diet was supplemented either with yeast proteins or with a mixture of L-amino acids which simulates the composition of the yeast proteins. In the main experiment the expiration of labelled carbon dioxide was measured during 240 minutes after the administration of the corresponding labelled diets. Just before treatment the animals were either in the postprandial phase or in a state of slight hunger. The maximum of expiration of labelled carbon dioxide occurred around the 60th minute after administration of the corresponding labelled diets. The cumulative expiration of labelled carbon dioxide, expressed in per cent of the radioactive dose used, amounts to 15.5% and 14.3% for free and protein-bound lysine, respectively. The utilization of both forms of lysine in the Japanese quail is lower than in broilers.  相似文献   

Serum alpha-amylase (S alpha A) activities were examined in a non-selected population (NS) of Japanese quail and in two lines genetically selected for resistance to aflatoxin. Normal S alpha A activities of both selected lines were significantly lower than that of the NS line (P less than or equal to 0.05). An oral dose of 2.5 mg aflatoxin/kg body weight significantly lowered S alpha A activity in NS quails after 24 hours; 18.0 mg/kg body weight was required to decrease the activity in selected lines to a similar degree. The two selected lines did not differ significantly in response. Disc tube gel electrophoresis of the serum revealed eight bands of S alpha A activity and six S alpha A zymogram phenotypes in the total population using an iodine-staining technique. Neither migration distance nor band width varied with genetic line, but the frequency of quails with at least one of three specific anodic bands was significantly higher in the selected lines (75% and 100%) than in the NS line (27%). The frequencies of the zymogram phenotypes with these bands were similarly increased in the resistant populations. Although there are differences in total S alpha A activity between the selected aflatoxin-resistant lines and the NS line, the presence of specific electrophoretic anodic band types and the S alpha A zymogram may be more useful indicators of aflatoxin resistance.  相似文献   

The recovery of polyethylene glycol, a substance frequently used as an indicator of the dynamics in the liquid phase of intestinal chyme, is considerably influenced by the presence of trichloroacetic acid in certain applications. The suitability of (methoxy-14C)methoxydextrane as an intestinal indicator in the Japanese quail was tested in the study. After the administration of this indicator, the bird expires less than 1% of the substance in form of 14CO2. The recovery of labelled methoxydextrane is 98 +/- 7%. The distribution of the indicator within the segments of the gastrointestinal tract does not differ significantly from the distribution of (14C)polyethylene glycol 4000, measured in the absence of trichloroacetic acid. The transit of the labelled methoxydextrane into the jejunum did not reduce the radio-chemical purity of the isotope, as compared with its original purity before administration. A slight decrease was only recorded during the measurement of the cumulative excretion of the indicator for 72 hours, but this decrease has no influence upon the suitability of methoxydextrane as an intestinal indicator. (Methoxy-14C)methoxydextrane does not interact with trichloroacetic acid, whereas when polyethylene glycol is used as an indicator, the substance precipitates from the liquid phase just at the concentration commonly used for the removal of protein from biological samples.  相似文献   

Many environmental contaminants can interact with the endocrine system, thereby potentially disrupting the reproductive fitness of individuals. In avian species, the egg-yolk is a major route for excretion of lipophilic compounds by the adult female bird and embryos are exposed to contaminants that have been deposited in the eggs. The reproductive and neuroendocrine system of Japanese quail undergoes sexual differentiation during embryo development. The phenotypic sex, including sex-specific adult behavior, is hormonally imprinted already before hatching. The sexual differentiation of the brain in quail is sensitive to estrogens and the presence of estrogen results in a female phenotype. The relatively low concentration of estrogens in male embryos, on the other hand, results in a male behavioral phenotype. The behavior of male quail can be demasculinized by estrogen exposure during the period of sexual differentiation, and estrogen-exposed males are not able to display a male-typical behavior as adults. Also, differentiation of the reproductive organs is sensitive to hormones during embryogenesis, and an excess of estrogens can for instance induce persistent morphological changes in the reproductive organs of females. Our research has focused on effects in adult birds after embryonic estrogen exposure. We have studied sexual behavior and other reproductive variables in adult quail after in ovo injection of known and suspected estrogenic compounds. Synthetic estrogens and insecticides, such as o,p'-DDT altered the development of the neural system and resulted in demasculinization of male quail. In females, o,p'-DDT caused morphological changes of the oviduct and egg laying was reduced. Our studies suggest that the neural system and the female reproductive system of avian embryos are very sensitive to the effects of chemicals with estrogenic activity.  相似文献   

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