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Ficoll-thrombin purified suspensions of bovine, equine, ovine, and porcine peripheral blood lymphocytes were fractionated on nylon-wool columns. The percentages of surface immunoglobulin (SIg+)-bearing lymphocytes in the adherent (B-cell enriched) and nonadherent (T-cell enriched) fractions were determined for individual animals using fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated species-specific anti-Ig sera. Subsequently, the human leukocyte antigen DR-specific monoclonal antibody, H4, was tested for its ability to recognize a cross-reactive antigen on the fractionated lymphocytes, using the microcytotoxicity technique. The H4 plus complement killed a percentage of lymphocytes equivalent to the percentage of SIg+ lymphocytes in the adherent and nonadherent fractions. In a parallel experiment, a 2 fluorochrome technique was used to visualize bovine lymphocytes that were SIg+ and H4+. Lymphocytes that were SIg+ also stained with ethidium bromide (orange fluorescence) after complement-mediated cytotoxicity. Seemingly, H4 recognizes an evolutionarily conserved major histocompatibility complex encoded class-II-like determinant on the B lymphocytes of cattle, horses, sheep, and swine.  相似文献   

Hemodynamic perturbations, partly resulting from abnormal vasoconstriction of digital vessels, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of bovine and equine laminitis. This study compared the responsiveness of isolated bovine (BDA) and equine (EDA) digital arteries to pharmacological agents that stimulate receptor systems involved in the regulation of normal vessel tone. The role of the endothelium and the short‐ and longer‐term effects of an experimentally induced endothelial damage were also evaluated. Species‐related differences were found in the vessel reactivity to all of the receptor agonists tested. In intact BDA, as compared to intact EDA, norepinephrine was a more effective vasoconstrictor, 5‐hydroxytryptamine a more effective but less potent vasoconstrictor, isoproterenol a less effective vasodilator and carbamylcholine a less potent vasodilator. In BDA, but not in EDA, the contractile responses to norepinephrine and 5‐hydroxytryptamine were enhanced immediately after endothelium removal. However, the contractile reactivity of denuded BDA returned to basal values following overnight incubation. The differences suggest species specificity for the pathophysiology of digital vasomotor tone and function in horses and cattle.  相似文献   

Bacterial isolates (including 17 Haemophilus somnus isolates and an H. somnus-like isolate) from asymptomatic or diseased cattle and sheep, were evaluated for markers associated with virulence and host predilection. The isolates were separated into 6 distinct biovariants, 3 for sheep and 3 for cattle, based on reactions in a battery of 21 test media. Three bovine isolates associated with disease caused hemolysis of bovine blood. The rest of the isolates did not hemolyze either bovine or ovine erythrocytes. Protein profiles of all H. somnus isolates were similar with the exception of the major outer membrane proteins (MOMPs). The MOMPs of isolates associated with disease in cattle had a relative molecular weight of approximately 41 kDa compared with 33 kDa for the MOMPs of isolates from asymptomatic cattle. The MOMPs from sheep isolates were either slightly higher or lower than the 41 kDa MOMPs of bovine isolates. Major antigens detected by Western blotting were similar in all isolates except the H. somnus-like isolate. An immunodominant 40 kDa antigen was conserved in all H. somnus isolates. Antibodies to this antigen have previously been found to be protective in cattle and may also be protective for sheep. Marked differences between cattle and sheep isolates were revealed by use of restriction enzyme analysis, which separated the isolates into 12 ribotypes and 15 unique DNA profiles. Thus, cattle and sheep isolates in this collection had distinctive differences in biochemical reactions, MOMP profiles, and DNA analyses. Such differences have potential value for epidemiological studies and may also be used to evaluate host specificity of H. somnus isolates.  相似文献   

Optimum conditions for the production of porcine interleukin-2 were found to include a delay of 24 hours before the addition of mitogen. Porcine and bovine interleukin-2 responded optimally in homologous systems whereas bovine interleukin-2 gave a better response in the ovine system than homologous ovine interleukin-2. Interleukin-2 produced from a continuous gibbon cell line reacted well with porcine, ovine and bovine T cell blasts indicating that it could act as a universal growth factor for T cell clones produced from these species.  相似文献   

As part of a project to raise specific pathogen free (SPF) Welsh Mountain Pony foals, free from exposure to Equid herpesvirus type 1, foals were removed from their dams at birth and fed bovine colostrum. This study characterises the uptake of bovine colostral immunoglobulin and production of endogenous immunoglobulin, in 10 SPF foals. An enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay was developed to measure serum concentrations of bovine IgG1 (boIgG1) to assess the efficiency of transfer, and rate of elimination of boIgG1 by the foal. The endogenous production of equine IgG was studied using a single radial immunodiffusion test. Foals were given 1.2 to 2 litres of bovine colostrum achieving peak serum boIgG1 concentrations of 18.9 to 34.2 g/litre (mean 28.0). The mean half-life of boIgG1 in the foals was 7.4 days. Endogenous immunoglobulin production resulted in equine IgG concentrations greater than 2 g/litre in six of 10 foals by 14 to 19 days of age, and greater than 7 g/litre in eight of 10 foals by 37 to 50 days of age. All foals had equine IgG serum concentrations greater than 10 g/litre by 102 to 135 days of age.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the suitability of sirius red staining for selective light microscopic demonstration of eosinophil granulocytes in cervical tissue of mares, cows and sheep. For this purpose, tissue was fixed in 4% neutral buffered formol or in Bouin's solution. Paraffin sections of 5-microm thickness were stained with sirius red. In cows, mares and sheep a selective distinction of eosinophilic infiltration is successful after both fixation methods.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty bacterial strains were tested for non-immune binding of radiolabelled bovine, ovine, caprine and equine immunoglobulins. Bacteria possessing previously defined IgG receptors interacted in a well defined manner with purified IgG subclass immunoglobulins. Human group C and G streptococci carrying IgG receptors type III were capable of binding all IgG subclasses in the four mammalian species studied. Protein A-containing staphylococci demonstrated a restricted specificity with binding of bovine IgG1, ovine IgG1, caprine IgG1 and IgG2 as well as equine IgG(ab). Group A streptococci which can bind human IgG did not show specific reactivity. A new type of binding unrelated to the regular Fc-mediated binding was observed with equine IgG(T).The differences in specificity for IgG subclasses suggest that structures with binding capacity to streptococcal type III Fc receptors are different from staphylococcal protein A reactive sites. Inhibition experiments performed with purified immunoglobulins showed that individual IgG subclasses differed greatly in their inhibiting capacity reflecting differences in avidity.The high avidity and the broad, unrestricted immunoglobulin G reactivity of streptococcal IgG receptor type III indicate that human group C and G streptococci may provide a valuable tool for solid phase absorption of immunoglobulins from several mammalian species.  相似文献   

The stability of blood ionized calcium (Ca2+) and acid-base variables in equine, bovine, ovine, and canine venous blood samples (n = 15, in each group) stored at 4 C for 3, 6, 9, 24, or 48 hours was studied. Variables included blood Ca2+ and standard ionized calcium (Ca2+ corrected to pH 7.4) concentrations, pH, blood carbon dioxide and oxygen tensions, base excess, bicarbonate concentration, and total carbon dioxide content. Results indicate that storage of blood samples at 4 C for up to 48 hours, despite appreciable acid-base changes, is associated with less than 1.5% change in equine, bovine, and ovine blood Ca2+ concentrations. Similar changes were observed in canine blood during the first 9 hours' storage. After 24 and 48 hours' storage, clinically relevant decrease (10.5 and 15.5%) in canine blood Ca2+ concentration was measured. Therefore, Ca2+ concentration in equine, bovine, and ovine venous blood samples stored up to 48 hours, and in canine blood samples stored up to 9 hours at 4 C is of diagnostic use.  相似文献   

Determination of the porcine adhesive phenotype was not achieved by haemagglutination (HA) of porcine erythrocytes, which in all cases were agglutinated by K88ab and K88ad, independent of the adhesive phenotype as determined by the brush border adhesion test. K88ac always gave negative HA results with porcine red cells. However, HA appeared to offer a method of differentiating between the K88 variants without monospecific antisera. K88ab agglutinated porcine, guinea pig and chicken erythrocytes; K88ac agglutinated only guinea pig red cells and K88ad produced haemagglutination with porcine and guinea pig erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The clinical and immunological response of ponies exposed to a bovine herpesvirus isolate and equine herpesvirus 1 were compared. Each virus was inoculated into two ponies by the intranasal route. One uninoculated pony was used with each group as a contact control. The four inoculated ponies developed a mild rhinitis with an increase in rectal temperature. Virus was recovered from nasal secretions collected from the four inoculated and one contact pony. All ponies developed a serum neutralizing antibody to each virus. The data show that the two viruses are similar.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of the causes of bovine and ovine abortion is difficult and frustrating and requires a systematic and thorough approach. Laboratory assistance is required in all cases. Herd and individual histories occasionally help, as does knowledge of the gestational age and autolytic condition of the fetus when aborted. Tissues from mummified fetuses should be cultured and examined by fluorescent antibody techniques for viruses. The placental tissue from mummified fetuses should be examined for fungi and lesions. Lung, liver, kidney, spleen, abomasal content, body cavity fluid or serum, and fetal placenta from all but completely mummified fetuses should be submitted to a diagnostic laboratory.  相似文献   

通过体内和体外试验研究牛MSTN蛋白与T-cap蛋白间的相互作用。构建pLEGFP-MSTN及pcDNA3.0-Flag-T-cap真核表达载体,共转染至293T细胞,利用免疫共沉淀技术检测两者间相互作用。再构建pGEX-4T-1-MSTN表达载体,经IPTG诱导表达并纯化GST-MSTN,将pcDNA3.0-Flag-T-cap载体转至293T细胞,通过GSTpull down检测两者间相互作用。利用各抗标签克隆抗体沉淀细胞裂解液,分别进行Western blotting检测,结果显示,体内和体外试验都可以检测到蛋白的表达。从而证实了MSTN与T-cap之间存在相互作用,本试验为在分子水平上为探索MSTN蛋白的新功能提供思路。  相似文献   

Changes in histamine, serotonin, cortisol and cortisol binding globulin (CBG) levels were observed in Anaplasma marginale-infected bovine calves. In addition, packed cell volume (PCV), platelet number and percentage parasitaemia were also recorded. The whole blood histamine and serotonin values rose significantly (P less than 0.01 and P less than 0.025, respectively) during the acute stage of Anaplasma infection. Higher serum cortisol and CBG levels (P less than 0.05) were observed in acute and carrier infections, respectively. A sharp drop in thrombocyte count (59%) and PCV (33%) was also noticed in clinical anaplasmosis. The results suggest that the higher levels of biogenic amines which are known to produce increased vasodilation, capillary permeability and tissue anoxia and hypercortisolaemia to protect animals from stress and cell damage may play a similar role in the pathogenesis of acute anaplasmosis.  相似文献   

牛、羊、人叠朊基因的克隆与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解我国哺乳动物叠朊基因Prnd的生物信息,本实验采用PCR方法克隆了秦川黄牛、甘肃土种绵羊和汉族人的Prnd,运用分子生物学软件对这些序列进行了分析比较。结果表明,获得的三种哺乳动物的Prnd均位于1个单一的外显子内,与GenBank登录的相应序列具有高度同源性。秦川黄牛与甘肃土种绵羊Prnd的同源性为96.8%,推导氨基酸序列同源性为93.3%。汉族人Prnd与秦川黄牛和甘肃土种绵羊Prod的同源性均为80%,推导的氨基酸序列同源性均为76.3%。氨基酸一级结构分析显示3种Prod编码的叠朊均由氨基端的信号肽、中间的成熟蛋白和羧基端的GPI锚结合区组成。二级结构预测表明,3种Prod编码的叠朊均由3个α-螺旋和2个β-片层组成。本研究获得的这3种主要哺乳动物的Prnd信息为一进步研究叠朊的结构与功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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