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秦岭细鳞鲑消化系统的形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用大体解剖和常规组织学方法对秦岭细鳞鲑消化系统的组织形态进行了系统观察。结果表明,秦岭细鳞鲑的消化道由口咽腔、食道、胃和肠等4部分组成,除口咽腔外,管壁由内向外分为黏膜、黏膜下层、肌层和浆膜。口咽腔宽大,上颌、犁骨及腭骨等处布有细齿,黏膜衬以复层扁平上皮,间有较多的黏液细胞和少量的杯状细胞及味蕾;食管粗而短,黏膜向管腔突出形成多个纵行皱襞,上皮由复层扁平上皮逐渐向单层柱状过渡,上皮细胞间可见到数量较多的粘液细胞和杯状细胞,食管腺不发达;胃体积较大,呈“U”形,包括贲门部、胃体和幽门部,胃体部小凹及胃底腺结构明显,肌层发达;胃与肠相接处有63-65个幽门盲囊,肠道粗短而略微盘曲,黏膜上皮为单层柱状,未见明显的肠腺。以上结果显示,秦岭细鳞鲑消化道组织结构与其肉食性功能密切相关。肝小叶界限不清;双列肝细胞围绕中央静脉呈放射状走行,肝细胞个体大、呈多边形,核呈圆形或卵圆形,1-2个。胰脏大部分环绕前肠边缘、呈细长条索状,另可见分散于幽门盲囊及胃周围的弥散部分;其外分泌部为管泡状腺,腺细胞呈锥体形,胰岛结构明显。  相似文献   

<正>双腔吸虫病是由矛形双腔吸虫和中华双腔吸虫等寄生于家畜肝脏的胆管和胆囊内所引起的疾病。1病原介绍矛形双腔吸虫的虫体扁平、透明,呈棕红色,肉眼可见内部器官表面光滑,前端尖细,后端较钝,呈矛状;体长5~15mm、宽1.5~2.5mm。腹吸盘大于口吸盘。睾丸两个,近圆形或稍分叶,前后排列或斜列于腹吸盘之后。睾丸后方偏右侧为卵巢和受精囊,卵黄腺呈小颗粒状,分布于虫体中部两侧。虫体后部为充满虫卵的曲折子宫。虫卵呈卵圆形或椭圆  相似文献   

通过探究中华竹鼠肝脏的显微组织结构与特征,为中华竹鼠的人工养殖以及野生保护提供理论依据。试验采用常规解剖方法、石蜡制片和H-E染色技术,在光镜下对中华竹鼠的肝脏进行组织学研究。结果表明:中华竹鼠肝脏分为被膜和实质两部分。被膜覆盖在肝脏表面,由外层较薄的结缔组织和内层的单层扁平细胞构成。实质内肝小叶分界不明显,小叶内无清晰肝细胞索状结构;肝血窦内存在枯否氏细胞;中央静脉大小不一,分布不均匀;肝细胞呈多边形,有1~2个胞核;门管区明显可见,且有丰富的淋巴丛;小叶间静脉大小差异较大,小叶间动脉大小形状与小叶间胆管相似,部分门管区两者都不易找到。  相似文献   

产蛋后期的鸡,经剖检观察,输卵管、卵巢、胃肠道浆膜面有大小不等灰白色的圆形病灶,卵巢上的病灶与卵巢有一个结缔组织的蒂连接,其他部位向器官表面突起,病灶表面光滑,有一层膜性结构,质地坚硬。镜检观察,病灶由不规则的腺管状结构组成,有些腺管有管腔,有些腺管没有管腔,细胞密集排列呈板状,因此确诊为输卵管腺癌。  相似文献   

双腔吸虫病是由矛形双腔吸虫和中华双腔吸虫等寄生于家畜肝脏的胆管和胆囊内所引起的疾病。该病在全国各地均有发生,尤其是我国东北、西北地区及内蒙古最为常见。虫体可寄生于绵羊、山羊、牛、鹿、骆驼、猪、马属动物、犬、兔、猴等,也偶见于人。本病主要危害反刍动物,牛、羊严重感染时甚至会导致死亡。1病原1.1矛形双腔吸虫虫体扁平、透明,呈棕红色,肉眼可见到内部器官;表面光滑,前端尖细,后端较钝,呈矛状;体长5~15m m、宽1.5~2.5m m。腹吸盘大于口吸盘。睾丸两个,近圆形或稍分叶,前后排列或斜列于腹吸盘之后。睾丸后方偏右侧为卵巢和受…  相似文献   

在生殖季节,雌鱼与雄鱼的主要区别是:雌鱼体色较浅;胸鳍较窄,胸鳍的硬刺外缘光滑,内缘呈锯齿状,齿较小;生殖孔红润,生殖孔大而钝圆;腹部膨大。雄鱼体色较深;胸鳍较宽,胸鳍硬刺外缘粗糙,内缘前端呈梳子状;生殖孔尖而扁平,腹部不膨大。(赛青)怀头鲶雌雄鉴别小窍门@赛青  相似文献   

V、排泄系统鳄蜥的排泄系统包括肾脏、输尿管、泄殖腔、几部分。一、肾脏鳄蜥肾脏为一对暗紫色的器官,位于体腔后部,着生于骨盆之上的背壁。整个肾脏为长扁平形,分为前后两叶,前叶较大呈扇形,后叶较细长,其外缘有横沟并将它分为四至五个小叶。在肾脏上面有一条淡黄色的长带(新鲜标本较明显)为肾上腺(即副肾腺)。二、输尿管左右肾脏的中央内缘各通出一条细管为输尿管,雌鳄蜥的输尿管开口干阴道的下  相似文献   

圆囊苔草叶片的形态解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用光学显微镜研究了圆囊苔草叶的形态结构。圆囊苔草叶基生,由叶鞘和叶片两部分组成,叶片扁平带状,平行脉序;上下表皮细胞垂周壁均呈不同程度的波浪状,外壁均有较薄的角质层和硅化乳突;正对主脉的上表皮有泡状细胞;上下表皮均有气孔器分布,并且上表皮气孔密度大于下表皮。等面叶,栅栏组织发达,叶肉细胞中有2种类型的异化细胞,相邻维管束之间有发达的气腔;叶脉稠密、维管束鞘2层,外层为较大薄壁细胞,内层为较小的厚壁细胞。由纤维组成的机械组织,成片存在于绝大多数叶脉的上下方。  相似文献   

本文采用石腊切片、HE染色法,对10只黄喉的消化器官进行了组织学观察.结果表明黄喉食管从前至后复层扁平上皮层渐薄,固有层中腺体增多,且有非常薄的角质层。肌胃中的砂囊腺分支多比家禽发达,十二指肠绒毛细而密,回肠的肠绒毛宽而短、全部肠道绒毛无分支现象。盲肠一对特别小,且管腔狭窄、壁厚、充满淋巴组织,肠腺很少。整段肠道从前至后其上皮中环状细胞和固有层中淋巴组织渐增,而肠腺却渐少。肝和胰的组织结构基本与家禽相似。  相似文献   

片形吸虫分肝片形吸虫和大片形吸虫 肝片形吸虫虫体背腹扁平,外观呈柳树叶片状,刚从胆管取出时呈棕红色(图-1),固定后变为灰白色。其大小随发育程度不同差别很大,一般成熟的虫体大小为21~41毫米&#215;9~14毫米,体表生有许多小棘。虫体前部较后部宽,前端呈短锥形,锥底突然变宽,呈双肩样突出。虫卵(图-2)呈椭圆形,金黄色,前端较窄,有1个不明显的卵盖,后端较钝。卵壳薄而透明,卵内充满卵黄细胞和1个胚细胞,虫卵大小为133~157微米&#215;74~91微米。  相似文献   

The macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the epididymis of the sexually mature Peromyscus winkelmanni (carleton) was examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. The epididymis was divided into three regions: caput, corpus and cauda. The epididymal duct was lined with columnar and cubic epithelium with stereocilia and covered by a muscular connective tissue sheath. Capillaries appear to penetrate directly into the epithelium from the underlying connective tissue in the initial segment. The epididymal epithelium presents four cell types: principal, basal, apical and clear cells. Based on morphological differences (height of epithelial cells, length of the stereocilia, luminal area, larger diameter and spermatic index), the epididymis of P. winkelmanni, presents seven zones. The stereocilia of the epididymal ducts of zones I, II, IV and V are thick and tall, while in zone III they are thin and short. The stereocilia in zone VI are thin, while in zone VII they are short but thick. The secretory products observed in the lumen of the epididymal ducts have vesicular, granular and fibrous form in the seven zones. This study contributes to an understanding of the morphofunctional features of the epididymis in sperm maturation in a species that shows seasonal reproductive activity.  相似文献   

Objective This study analyzed the morphology of the California sea lion globe to determine what features may contribute to their characteristic visual abilities. Procedure Globes from the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW) collection were examined from gross photographs and microscopic sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin, trichrome, smooth muscle actin, and alcian blue periodic acid–Schiff (PAS). Transmission electron microscopy of the cornea and iris was also performed. Clinical results There was a round, flattened area ventromedial to the axial cornea. The pupil was tear‐drop shaped. Pectinate ligaments were visible without magnification. The retina was holangiotic, containing numerous spoke‐like venules and arterioles. The tapetum was green encompassing the entire fundus. The optic nerve was unmyelinated. Histological results The sclera was thinnest equatorially and thickest at the limbus and posterior pole. Bowman’s layer was difficult to see by light microscopy but clear with transmission electron microscopy. The cornea had a thick epithelium, thin endothelium and Descemet’s membrane, and the stroma thinned axially. The dilator muscle was absent near the pupil, but enlarged and mingled with the sphincter muscle near the iris base. A large, wide ciliary cleft with prominent trabeculae and a single continuous pectinate ligament was present. The corneoscleral trabecular meshwork was discontinuous. A round lens attached to the ciliary body via direct attachment to ciliary processes and delicate zonular ligaments. There was a circumferential muscle at the base of the ciliary processes. A thick tapetum covered the entire fundus except peripherally. The retina was characterized by sparse, large ganglion cells.  相似文献   

Light microscopic sections of Epon-embedded bull penis were examined for nerve endings. Tissue was taken from the dorsal midline of the glans penis and from the free portion of the penis in 6 mature bulls. Genital end bulbs were identified in both regions of the penis and were located from 1 to 500 micron beneath the epithelium, with most end bulbs concentrated next to the epithelium in the glans penis. Occasionally, end bulbs were found within nerve trunks. Other encapsulated endings were not seen. Ultrastructural correlation of the light and electron microscopic appearance of spherical end bulbs and elongated end bulbs indicated that their structure was identical. Two to 6 neurites filled with mitochondria were surrounded by several layers of thin cytoplasmic lamellae. The lamellae were characterized by pinocytotic vesicles, microtubules, and a scant basal lamina. A capsule of differing thickness enclosed the end bulbs. Fewer capsular layers surrounded more superficially located end bulbs. Near the epithelium, there were gaps in the capsule. Nonmyelinated fibers were seen within end bulbs and between end bulbs and the epithelium.  相似文献   

Histology of the tongue, including apex, root and body, in four adult Caspian miniature horses was examined. Serial sections with 6 mum thickness were stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome and studied under light microscope. The tongue was covered by stratified squamous epithelium. It was thick and keratinized bearing numerous lingual papillae on the dorsum, mostly filiform with a very fine keratinized thread projecting above the surface and bending backward. The fungiform papillae were sparsely scattered among the filiform papillae and covered with keratinized squamous epithelium. Few taste buds were detected on it. The two very large vallate papillae were detected on the dorsum, just rostral to the root, which were covered with stratified squamous epithelium with relatively high amounts of taste buds in the epithelium of the surrounding grooves. The foliate papillae were present near the palatoglossal arch and had a few taste buds. The epithelium covering the ventral surface of the tongue was thin and keratinized. The lingual muscle core consisted of transverse, longitudinal and perpendicular bundles of skeletal muscle fibres. Clusters of minor salivary glands were present between the muscle fibres and lamia propria. Most of the lingual glands were mucous and most of the gustatory ones were serous type. The mid-dorsal special structure of the tongue (dorsal lingual cartilage) contained sparse skeletal muscle fibres and was rich in white adipose tissue. Hyaline cartilage, routinely observed in this structure in the horses, was not detected in Caspian miniature horse.  相似文献   

The present study represents the first comprehensive investigation of the glandular chambers of the placenta of the bitch. We examined the glandular chambers by SEM, TEM, ultrahistochemical and lectinhistochemical methods. The glandular epithelium is a high columnar epithelium with club-shaped apical protrusions bearing short microvilli. The epithelium forms extensive folds which fill up most of the lumen of the glandular chambers. Proceeding to the placental labyrinth, the glandular chambers are covered by the tips of the chorionic tufts. The trophoblast and the glandular epithelium are separated by a thick layer of secretions. The ultrastructure cytology of the columnar epithelium is characterized by several Golgi complexes and abundant apical-located mucus vesicles with a positive dialysed iron reaction. Lectin histochemistry reveals in general a strong reaction of these mucus vesicles with all lectins used. The mucus in the lumen of the glandular chamber reacts strongly with WGA. NeuWGA, LPA and ConA. The trophoblastic villi projecting into the lumen of the glandular chambers are covered by a pseudostratified epithelium consisting of a flat basal layer and a superficial columnar one. Its cytoplasm is filled with large fusing vacuoles containing longish screw-shaped structures. No morphological equivalent of absorption is found. According to the ultrastructure of the trophoblast, the significance of the mucus in the glandular chambers in stopping the invasive growth of the trophoblast is discussed.  相似文献   

The light and scanning electron microscopic structure of the filiform lingual papillae was studied in five adult porcupine (three males and two females). The tongue was characterised by a round tip, a rostral median sulcus and a deep lingual fossa which was situated just rostral to a prominent inter-molar eminence corresponding to a torus linguae. The filiform papillae were curved, enclosed a large connective tissue core and were separated by wide inter-papillary zones covered by a thick epithelium. Most filiform papillae had a cylindrical shape, but the rostral and central parts of the tongue contained a number of flat, comb-shaped papillae with rounded tips.  相似文献   

Horses commonly suffer from respiratory diseases associated with excess secretions in the airway lumen, some of which are presumably derived from airway mucous glands. However, these structures have been little investigated in the horse. Accordingly, we describe here the number, distribution and size of equine tracheal mucous glands, and compare the data with similar information for other mammalian species. Two types of gland acini were present. In the thick connective tissue, up to 400 microm beneath the epithelium, gland acini were grouped in thin sheets that, in cross-section, averaged 20 microm thick and were up to 4.0 mm in length. However, it is probable that most sheets had maximal diameters much less than 4.0 mm. Between 400 to 900 microm below the epithelium, the connective tissue was much more diffuse, and glands were larger and more globular. Gland volume in the ventral portion was approximately 1.7 microl/cm2 of mucosal surface, and approximately 1.1 microl/cm2 in the dorsal portion. Glands were somewhat more abundant between, rather than over, the cartilaginous rings, but the difference between the 2 locations was not marked. Mucous gland openings were small (20 microm diameter) and very unevenly distributed, generally occurring about 100 microm apart in longitudinal rows of about 5. Average frequency of openings in the ventral portions of 3 tracheas was approximately 1.0/mm2 of mucosal surface. The volume of individual glands was therefore approximately 17 nl. Although the frequency of gland openings in the horse trachea is similar to that for the tracheas of other large mammalian species, horse tracheal gland volume was only about 15% that of the other species. Therefore, the excess 'mucous' secretions seen in equine recurrent airway obstruction and other respiratory diseases are unlikely to be caused by comparatively high levels of airway mucous gland secretion. Instead, they may be caused mainly by hyperplasia of the mucus-producing cells of the surface epithelium or by vascular transudation.  相似文献   

A 5 year-old, intact female Yorkshire terrier was referred for dysuria and dyschezia. The radiographic and ultrasound examination showed a round shaped mass caudal to the urinary bladder that contained anechoic fluid within the thin walls. During surgery, the cyst was noted to be attached to the outer wall of the vagina, not connected to the vaginal lumen. Cystic fluid was removed and the cystic wall was resected. Then the remaining cystic wall was omentalized to prevent a recurrence.Histological examination confirmed that the cyst was of Wolffian duct origin. In this case, a large Gartner duct cyst causing urological problems was diagnosed and removed by surgical resection.  相似文献   

The structure of amniotic plaques and adjacent epithelium of full term ewes of the Karagouniko breed were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microcopy. The amniotic plaques appeared as cauliflower-like structures mainly trifurcate or as single papillae. The wall of their stems possessed numerous foldings and round openings. Of interest to note was the abundant vascularization observed in sections of the amniotic plaques. The adjacent amniotic epithelium to the plaques revealed a heterogenous surface which was composed of cells of various forms.  相似文献   

泰山螭霖鱼肠道的显微和超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用光镜和扫描电镜技术 ,对泰山螭霖鱼 (Varicorhinusmacrolepis)的肠道进行了观察。结果表明 :泰山螭霖鱼无胃 ,食管之后是肠道 ,起始端膨大呈球状。肠道由前肠、中肠和后肠组成 ,肠管直径由前肠到后肠逐渐变小。各段肠壁均分为粘膜、肌层和浆膜 3层。粘膜上皮由柱状细胞和杯状细胞组成 ,肌层分内环行和外纵行 2层。粘膜向肠腔内突出形成许多粘膜褶 ,有的呈指状、杵状 ,有的有分支。由前肠到后肠 ,粘膜褶由高变低 ,数量逐渐减少 ;杯状细胞数目由多变少 ;肌层逐渐变薄。扫描电镜下 ,肠道的粘膜褶大体上呈纵向锯齿状 ,并且粘膜褶上还有次级皱褶。柱状上皮细胞表面多呈圆形 ,前肠、中肠柱状上皮细胞轮廓和界限清楚 ,常呈隆起状 ,而后肠上皮细胞表面较平坦。前肠柱状上皮细胞游离面的微绒毛长而密 ,后肠的短而稀疏。前肠的杯状细胞常常有较大的分泌孔 ,周围有分泌物 ,粘膜表面有粗大的分泌颗粒 ;后肠杯状细胞的分泌孔较小 ,粘膜表面有较多细小分泌颗粒。  相似文献   

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