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Seed Potato Production in Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this research was to analyze the regional distribution and quality of potato seed production in Poland from 2007 to 2011. The research was based on 10,559 tuber samples taken for the official post-harvest inspection assessment of seed potato lots. A very detailed map of seed plantation locations in Poland was created at the municipality level. The greatest concentration of seed production was from the northern and southern parts of Pomorskie Province, where many seed potatoes were cultivated, and in the north of the Zachodniopomorskie Province, around the towns of Koszalin and Ko?obrzeg. In both provinces, cultivars which were highly susceptible to PVY were cultivated on nearly half of the area. Over time a clear increase in the production of elite material and a decrease in those certified as the lowest category, CB, were observed. The quality of seed potato material was poorest following the harvest in 2008, because of high levels of virus infection; 30 % of the seed lots were not certified. Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) was recorded occasionally and it is at present of no economic importance in Poland. The role of potato virus Y (PVY), increased, probably because of the growth in the share of foreign cultivars (mainly Dutch) which are more susceptible to PVY. There were also changes in the populations of PVY strains. The share of Polish cultivars in potato seed production decreased to 36.3 % in 2012.  相似文献   

Summary Since 1981 seed potatoes have been produced on a semi-commercial scale in Cyprus by single multiplication of imported class A stocks. The main virus in these locally produced seed potatoes was potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) which was detected in 369 of 658 seed crops examined, at an average incidence of ca 1.5% (range 0.1%–15%). Tuber infections were detected in 203 of 223 samples tested, at an average incidence of ca 6.8% (range 1–32%), indicating a considerable spread of the virus during local seed multiplication. Potato viruses Y, X and A, and alfalfa mosaic virus occurred at much lower incidence than PLRV. The effect of secondary PLRV infection on ware-potato yield was determined in the cultivars Spunta and Cara, each planted on two different dates. In all four cultivar-planting date combinations there was a very close negative correlation between yield and virus incidence. At 100% infection, losses in total yield varied from 46% (later planting of Cara) to 72% (earlier planting of Spunta). The threshold level of infection for significant losses was ca 10%.  相似文献   

Potato plays an important role in food security in Kenya but yields are low (<10 t/ha), and this is partly attributed to the lack of healthy planting material. This study is the first wide-scale survey to determine the occurrence and distribution of common potato pests and diseases in Kenyan seed (certified and quality declared) and ware crops. Potato crops growing on 101 farms in 21 districts were examined. Approximately 36% of plants in farmers’ fields sampled both during the long rains (main potato-growing season) and short rains seasons displayed virus-like disease symptoms. Six viruses (potato leafroll virus (PLRV), Potato virus A (PVA), potato virus M (PVM), potato virus S (PVS), potato virus X (PVX), and potato virus Y (PVY)) were detected using double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in potato samples. Sequencing of polymerase chain reaction products from PVY-infected plants revealed the presence of recombinant strains of PVY (NTN and Wilga). Four aphid species, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Aphis gossypii, Myzus persicae, and Aphis fabae, colonized potato in all districts, occurring in greater numbers west of the Great Rift Valley than to the east. There was a positive correlation between virus incidence and aphid numbers in the long rains (main) potato-growing season. PLRV, PVM, PVS, PVX, and PVY were detected in solanaceous weeds. Ralstonia solanacearum was detected in soils from 13 farms in 8 of the 18 districts surveyed. Approximately 38% of soil samples were infested with Meloidogyne spp. Phytophthora infestans isolates belonging to the US 1 and 2_A1 genotypes were identified. Although many economically important diseases are present in Kenya, the lower aphid incidence in districts east of the Great Rift Valley may indicate that these districts are more suitable for seed potato production.  相似文献   

Summary Attempts were made to grow seed potatoes in the Gilboa mountains and central Golan Heights both at ca 500 m altitude. The activity of winged aphids was low between May and September, the period suitable for growing seed potatoes. Potato virus X (PVX) and potato virus Y (PVY) were rare. The highest incidence of potato leaf roll (PLRV) was 17% at Gilboa and 5% at Nov (central Golan). In both areas, spindle sprout was a severe problem in progeny tubers and it was associated with a purple top syndrome, probably caused by a mycoplasma, that appeared during growth. Activity of the probable vector, the leafhopperHyalesthes obsoletus, ceases in the Golan after June. Delaying planting until the end of May or later reduced the incidence of purple top and spindle sprout to nil. Both were reduced by Temik treatment and by covering the plots with netting but not by treatments with Rogor and Croneton. All three chemicals reduced PLRV incidence. Therefore, delayed plantings and insecticides may reduce purple top, spindle sprout and PLRV. This work was partly supported by funds of BARD 339-80.  相似文献   

Viral diseases constitute a major constraint to high yield and high quality production of potato. Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and Potato virus Y (PVY) are among the most damaging potato viruses and are prevalent in most potato growing areas. In the present study, attempts were made to eliminate PLRV and PVY by three cryogenic protocols, i.e., encapsulation-dehydration, encapsulation-vitrification and droplet. Results showed that both PLRV and PVY could be efficiently eliminated by cryogenic treatments with 83–86% and 91–95% of frequencies of virus-free plantlets obtained for the former and latter, respectively. Frequencies of virus-free plantlets produced by cryogenic treatments were higher than those by meristem culture (56% for PLRV and 62% for PVY) and thermotherapy (50% for PLRV and 65% for PVY), and similar to those by thermotherapy followed by meristem culture (90% for PLRV and 93% for PVY). Survival (75–85%) and regrowth (83–89%) from cryo-treated shoot tips were higher than those from meristem culture (50–55%) and thermotherapy followed by meristem culture (40–50%), but similar to those from thermotherapy (80–87%). The morphology of the plantlets regenerated from cryo-treated shoot tips was similar to that of non-treated plantlets. Thus, cryotherapy would provide an alternative method for efficient elimination of potato viruses, and can be simultaneously used for long-term storage of potato germplasm and for production of virus-free plants.  相似文献   

Development of alternative serological techniques to ELISA for detection of potato viruses offers advantages for monitoring virus incidence and for seed potato certification systems. Several trials showed that multiplex tissue print immunoassay (TPIA) and dot blot immunoassay (DBIA) might represent fast, practical, and sensitive alternatives for the detection of: Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV), Potato virus S (PVS), Potato virus X (PVX) and Potato virus Y (PVY), from green and/or tuber tissues. In TPIA, the specific precipitation patterns in infected tissues of leaf petioles or stem cross sections, observed with each virus, allowed identification of the specific virus or mixed infections in a single multiplex assay. For detection of PVY in green tissues, DBIA was shown to be over 50 times more sensitive than ELISA. TPIA and ELISA from the tuber stem end or from eyes might be used for rapid detection of PVY and PVS in seed potato tubers without prior germination. PVS was evenly distributed in potato tuber tissue, while PVY was localized in the vascular tissue beneath the epidermis, with irregular distribution along the periphery of the potato tuber. For laboratories in developing countries lacking time and facilities for tests based on tuber germination, monitoring for PVS and PVY using TPIA in tuber tissue may be a suitable alternative to ELISA.  相似文献   

Increasing prevalence of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY) has been reported in seed and commercial potato production, resulting in the rejection of potatoes for certification and processing. Host plant resistance to PLRV and PVY and their primary vector, green peach aphid,Myzus persicae, could limit the spread of these viruses. Host plant resistance to PLRV, PVY, and green peach aphid has been identified in non-tuber-bearingSolanum etuberosum (PI 245939) and in its backcross 2 (BC2) progeny. Resistance to green peach aphid involved a reduction in fecundity and adult aphid size. In addition, one BC2 individual was identified as possessing a genetic factor that was detrimental to nymph survival. PVY resistance was identified in all five BC2 progenies evaluated in a field screening under intense virus pressure. PLRV resistance was identified in two of the five BC2 progeny. This resistance was stable in field and cage evaluations with large populations of viruliferous aphids. Based on the segregation of virus resistances in the BC2 , PVY and PLRV resistances appear to result from the action of independent genetic mechanisms that reduce the levels of primary and secondary virus infection. Two BC2 individuals, Etb 6-21-3 and Etb 6-21-5 were identified as having multiple resistances to PLRV, PVY, and green peach aphid derived fromS. etuberosum. This germplasm could prove useful to potato breeders in the development of virus-resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary A trial to grow seed potatoes in summer 1968 in the Golan Heights indicated that hardly any aphid transmission of potato virus Y (PVY) could be noticed. Normal plant growth and tuber formation were observed. The incidence of seed borne virus diseases in fields grown from local seed produced in the Golan Heights in 1970 was: PVY 0.1–0.3% in 2 out of 33 inspected fields, potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) 0.3–2% in 19 fields. In 1972 30 fields were inspected, PVY was observed in 3 fields at a level of 0.1–0.2% PLRV at a level of 1–4% in 28 fields. Alfalfa mosaic visus (AMV) and Stolbur were not observed. The result of post-harvest control in field plots planted with seed potatoes produced in the Golan Heights in 1969, 1970 and 1971 were: PVY very low infection, 0.2–0.7%, for the three years; PLRV, low percentage, 0.3–0.7%, in 1970 and 1971, while it increased in 1972 to 1.3–6%. AMV and Stolbur were not observed.
Zusammenfassung Die Felder auf den Golan-H?hen liegen 900 m ü. M. Die Temperatur ist tiefer als in den Ostgalil?ischen Bergen w?hrend des Sommers. Am 20. Mai 1968 wurden irische Pflanzkartoffeln der SorteUp-to-Date (anerkannt in Klasse A) in Merom Golan ausgepflanzt. In den Jahren 1969–1971 wurden im Mai Basispflanzen und Pflanzgut der Klasse A der SorteUp-to-Date an zwei verschiedenen Orten, Meron Golan und Ein Zivan, angebaut (Tabelle 2). In den Ergebnissen der Feldbesichtigungen, die 1969–71 2–3 mal in Juni/Juli durchge führt wurden, widerspiegelte sich ein offensichtliches Fehlen der Virus-Vektoren. Es wurde kaum eine Uebertragung des Kartoffelvirus Y (PVY) durch Blattl?use festgestellt mit einer Ausn?hme, n?mlich im September 1970, als eine verbreitete PVY-Infektion beobachtet wurde. Diese Parzellen unterstanden dem Seed Inspection Service, und der Ertrag wurde als zertifiziertes Pflanzgut verwendet. In den Jahren 1971–1972 wurden Muster von 100–200 Knollen in Pflanzgutgr?sse (40–100 g) zu verschiedenen Erntedaten entnommen und zu Untersuchungszwecken in einem insektensicheren Glashaus ausgepflanzt. Der durchschnittliche Virusbefall betrug 1971: PVY 1,3–2,6%, Kartoffel-Blattrollvirus (PLRV) 1,5–5,3%, Luzerne-Mosaikvirus (AMV) 6–12%, Stolbur 0–2% (Tabelle 2); 1972: PVY 1,3–2,5%. PLRV 0,5–4,6%, Stolbur war nicht vorhanden, AMV 2,5–4% (Tabelle 3). Pflanzgutmuster von den Golan-H?hen wurden 1970–72 in Versuchsparzellen angebaut. Der Virusbefall war wie folgt: PVY 0–0,7%, PLRV 0,3–6%, AMV 0–1% und Stolbur 0–0,5% (Tabelle 1). Vom Ertrag im Jahre 1970 wurden die Knollen in Pflanzgutgr?sse 1971 auf verschiedenen Feldern angebaut. Gem?ss dem Seed Inspection Service betrugen die Viruskheiten im Mittel: PVY 0,1–0,3% nur in 2 von 33 besichtigten Feldern; PLRV 0,3–2% in 19 Feldern, w?hrend das Virus in den andern 14 besichtigten Feldern nicht festgestellt wurde. 1972 wurden 30 Felder besichtigt, deren Pflanzgut im Sommer 1971 auf den Golan-H?hen erzeugt wurde. Befall mit Viruskrankheiten: PVY 0,1–0,2% in drei Feldern und keine Spur von PVY in den andern Feldern; PLRV 1–4% in 28 Feldern, und nur in 2 Feldern wurde kein sekund?res PLRV entdeckt. Die PLRV-Infektion ist also zunehmend h?ufiger aufgetreten und der Prozentsatz war h?her. Gelbscheckigkeit oder Calico infolge AMV oder Stolbur wurden in diesen 1971–1972 besichtigten Feldern nicht beobachtet. Die Ursache für diesen bedeutend geringeren Virusbefall auf den Feldern und den Kontrollparzellen, verglichen mit den Laboruntersuchungen, liegt in der Tatsache, dass eine betr?chtliche Zahl der AMV-infizierten Knollen nicht keimten oder unter Feldbedingungen nicht aufgingen. Pflanzen von PVY-infizierten Knollen neigen dazu, so früh aufzulaufen wie Pflanzen von gesunden Knollen; sie werden von ihren kr?ftigeren Nachbarn gedeckt und k?nnen daher den Augen des Anerkennungsexperten entgehen. Beurteilung von Pflanzkartoffeln von den Golan-H?hen. Im Frühling 1971 wurden Pflanzkartoffeln der SorteUp-to-Date von den Golan-H?hen im Vergleich met irischenUp-to-Date an neun verschiedenen Orten angebaut. An einem Ort war der Ertrag gleich, an vier Orten war er geringer und an den andern vier Orten h?her (Tabelle 6); w?hrend 1972 der Ertrag des Pflanzgutes von den Golan-H?hen gr?sser war mit dem gleichen Prozentsatz von grossen Knollen (über 60 g) (Tabelle 5). Die Pflanzkartoffeln von den Golan-H?hen verhalten sich wie Pflanzgut jüngerer Anbaustufen in bezug auf Auflaufen, Stengelzahl (Tabelle 4), Blühen und Knollenbildung.

Résumé Les hauteurs de Golan se trouvent à 900 m audessus du niveau de la mer. Durant l'été la température y est plus basse que dans les montagnes de l'est de la Galilée. Le 20 mai 1968, on a planté à Meron Golan des plants irlandais certifiés A de la variétéUp-to-Date. Au cours des années 1969–1971, on a planté en mai des plants de base et des plants de classe AUp-to-Date dans deux localités différentes: Meron Golan et Ein Zivan (tableau 2). L'absence saisonnière apparente de vecteurs se reflète dans les résultats d'inspection des champs, exécutées 2–3 fois en juin-juillet 1969–71, ce qui explique qu'on n'a pu obsevver réellement aucune transmission par aphides de virus Y (PVY) sauf une fois où l'on observé, en septembre 1970, une infection réalisée en cours de saison. Les parcelles étaient soumises au contr?le du Service d'inspection des plants, et la production utilisée comme plants de pomme de terre certifiés. Au cours des années 1971–72, on a planté, en vue de tests, des échantillons de 100–200 tubercules de calibre ‘plants” (40–100 g), dans un abri toilé à l'abri des pucerons, et récoltés à différentes dates. En 1971, on a observé les viroses suivantes: PVY 1,3–2,6%, enroulement (PLRV) 1,5–5,3%, alfalfa (AMV) 6–12%, stolbur 0–2% (tableau 2). En 1972, les manifestations de viroses ont été les suivantes: PVY 1,3–2,5%, PLRV 0,5–4,6%, le stolbur étant absent, AMV 2,5–4% (tableau 3). On a planté des échantillons de plants provenant des hauteurs de Golan dans des parcelles expérimentales au cours des années 1970 et 1971. On a noté les viroses suivantes: PVY 0–0,7%, PLRV 0,3–6%, AMV 0–1% et stolbur 0–0,5% (tableau 1). En 1971, on a planté dans différents champs des tubercules de calibre ‘plants’ provenant de la production totale de 1970, les moyennes des maladies virologiques, selon le service d'inspection des plants, furent les suivantes: PVY 0,1–0,3% dans deux champs seulement des 33 champs inspectés, PLRV 0,3–2% dans 19 champs tandis qu'on a identifié aucune virose dans les 14 champs restants. En 1972, on a inspecté trente champs plantés avec des plants produits sur les hauteurs de Golan au cours de l'été 1971. Les manifestations virologiques ont été les suivantes: PVY 0,1–2% dans trois champs et aucune trace de PVY dans les autres; PLRV 1–4% dans vingt-huit champs et aucune manifestation de PLRV issu des plants dans deux champs seulement. L'infection de PLRV est donc devenue plus fréquente et le pourcentage d'infections plus élevé. On n'a pas observé de ‘Yellow mosa?c’ ou ‘Calico’ d? au AMV, ni de stolbur dans ces champs inspectés en 1971–1972. La raison de l'incidence remarquablement basse de virus dans les champs et parcelles de contr?le, comparativement aux tests de laboratoire, tient au fait qu'un nombre considérable de tubercules infectés de AMV ne germent pas ou ne lèvent pas dans les conditions des champs. Les plantes provenant de tubercules infectés de PVY ont tendance à lever aussi t?t que les plantes saines mais sont recouvertes par les plantes voisines vigoureuses. Elles peuvent par conséquent échapper aux yeux des contr?leurs. Appréciation des plants de pomme de terre des hauteurs de Golan. Au printemps 1971, on a planté, dans neuf localités différentes, des plants provenant des hauteurs de Golan, en comparaison avec des plantsUp-to-Date de provenance irlandaise. Dans une localité, la production fut identique, dans quatre localités elle était inférieur et elle fut supérieure dans les quatre autres (tableau 6); par contre en 1972 la production des plants des hauteurs de Golan était plus élevée avec le même pourcentage de gros tubercules supérieurs à 60 g (tableau 5). Les plants des hauteurs de Golan se comportent comme des plants plus jeunes eu égard à la levée, le nombre de tiges (tableau 4), la floraison et la tubérisation.

Part of this paper was read at a session of the Virology Section at the 5th Triennial Conference of the EAPR (Norwich, September 1972).  相似文献   

Incidence of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY) was determined in seed potatoes (Solatium tuberosum) from Canada, Maine, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin used to plant the North Carolina crop in 1977, 1978 and 1979. Incidence of PLRV ranged from 0–5.2% (X = 0.57%) and for PVY from 0-5.6% (X = 0.62%) from all sources (112 seed lots). All PVY isolates (177) tested from potato caused a very mild veinbanding and mottling onNicotiana tabacum cultivars NC 95 and NC 2326. No serological difference was detected between these isolates and the common strain of PVY from tobacco in North Carolina. Essentially no spread of PVY occurred in three potato fields observed each year of the study.  相似文献   

Summary The infection pressure of two viruses, potato leafroll (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY), both common in seed potatoes grown in Cyprus, was determined in three experiments in 1982–83. Virus-free bait plants, of potato and four other species, were exposed weekly to field infection during the growing season (March–June), and then returned to an aphid-free glasshouse for symptom expression. Only tobacco plants produced clear symptoms enabling reliable assessment of PVY infection pressure. When assessed with ELISA or by tuber indexing, the potato plants were efficient baits for both viruses whose infection period commenced at emergence (mid March to early April) and ended within 6–7 weeks. The seasonal trend of aphid populations, determined with Moericke traps or 100-leaf counts, correspond to that of virus spread. Correlation and regression analysis of aphid and virus data implicated the alate form ofMyzus persicae as the principal vector of both viruses.  相似文献   

S. Marco 《Potato Research》1981,24(2):135-145
Summary Seed potatoes grown during winter in the Sinai Desert (Sharm el Sheik) yielded in autumn significantly more (17%) than commercial seed grown in spring. Seeds grown in winter in an agricultural area at Yotvata yielded similarly to the commercial controls. Almost no spread of PVY or PLRV was found at Sharm probably because of the very low alate population there, whereas at Yotvata the incidence of PLRV was over 40% probably as a consequence of a high aphid populations during the growing season. Alate populations were also observed in the Sinai Desert at A-tur, a completely arid area, and at Firan, an isolated oasis where agriculture is practised. At A-tur only a few alatae were trapped, but large numbers were found at Firan, especially starting in March, but not during winter the proposed season for growing seed potatoes. The possibility of growing high quality seed potatoes at Sharm is discussed. Contribution No 107, 1980 series, Volcani Center.  相似文献   

Volunteer potatoes were investigated as infection sources for potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and potato virus X (PVX) in a high elevation seed potato growing area of eastern Idaho. Population densities ofMyzus persicae were assessed. Percentage of PLRV and PVX infection of the volunteers and seed potato crops was determined, as well as density of volunteers and certain parameters of volunteer growth and reproduction. Volunteers apparently harbored no more PLRV than the potato crop from which they originated. But they were found to be an important reservoir of PVX with the infection increasing as much as 12.43% in one year. No aphids capable of transmitting PLRV were found although one species that can transmit potato virus Y was recorded. The mean density of volunteers varied from 0 to 84,880 stems/ha. The number of tubers remaining in the field after harvest and winter weather conditions appeared to be the only factors affecting volunteer density. Volunteer plants arising from seed pieces at an average depth of 6.1 cm were found to set an average of 2.1 new tubers per plant at an average depth of 4.0 cm. These results suggest that volunteer potatoes are a significant source of PVX infection in subsequent seed potato crops.  相似文献   

Potato virus Y (PVY) is the most important virus in North American seed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production. Planting virus-free minitubers in place of field-grown seed, which usually has a low PVY incidence, reduces initial PVY inoculum in the field. However, plants grown from minitubers are smaller and emerge later than those grown from conventional seed, which could make them more likely to become infected with PVY. We tested the effects of seed type of three potato cultivars (Dark Red Norland, Goldrush, and Red La Soda) on PVY incidence, tuber yield, and flowering time. The incidence of PVY in plants grown from minitubers did not differ from that of plants grown from conventional seed. Minituber-grown plants produced lower tuber yields than plants grown from conventional seed. Plants from minitubers also emerged and flowered later, but this did not increase their incidence of PVY. Cultivar-specific differences were observed in tuber yield and flowering times, suggesting that this variation may influence PVY incidence more than seed type.  相似文献   

Potato virus Y (PVY) infection is one of the greatest challenges to seed potato production in the United States. To determine how cultivar and seed type affect the development of systemic PVY infection, Russet Burbank and Russet Norkotah Colorado 3 cultivars were grown from two types of pre-nuclear seed (i.e., plantlets and minitubers) and Generation 3 (G3) tubers and challenged with PVY strain Wilga (PVYN-Wi). Systemic PVY infection was measured by assaying spread of virus from the inoculation site to upper non-inoculated leaves. The Burbank cultivar had a lower incidence of systemic PVY infection compared to the incidence of systemic PVY that developed in the Colorado 3 cultivar. Furthermore, Burbank plants grown from G3 tubers had a lower incidence of systemic PVY infection, as compared to Burbank plants grown from plantlets. Together our results indicate that both cultivar and seed type affect the development of systemic PVYN-Wi infections post-inoculation.  相似文献   

Potato plantlets initiated into tissue culture must be tested for numerous viruses prior to propagation for seed potato production. Ideally, one plantlet is tested for all pathogens of concern and, if found pathogen-free, this plantlet is propagated for production of seed potatoes. Commercially available ELISA kits are generally used for the pathogen tests, but the commercial kits have some limitations. For example, the protocols differ for different viruses, so multiple extractions must be completed, increasing the time and expense of testing. This is a significant problem with tissue culture plantlets, for which there is limited material available to test and an ever-increasing number of pathogens that must be tested for, including viruses in the potyvirus, carlavirus, potexvirus, luteovirus, pomovirus, tobravirus, tospovirus, alfamovirus, and tymovirus groups. We have optimized a non-radioactive nucleic acid hybridization (NASH) assay for the simultaneous detection of carlavirusPotato virus S (PVS), potexvirusPotato virus X (PVX) and potyvirusPotato virus Y (PVY) in potato tissue culture plantlets. This assay requires a single extraction from a small portion of a tissue culture plantlet for the detection of viruses from three different families.  相似文献   

Research plots were established in 1996 and 1997 at Klamath Falls and Hermiston, Oregon and Tulelake, California to determine: 1) the extent of seedborne PVY spread during the growing season; 2) effects of seedborne PVY on yield and grade of Russet Norkotah; and 3) the economic consequences of varying levels of seedborne PVY infections. A series of 5 treatments evaluated initial PVY infection levels of 1 to 60% in 1996 and 1 to 98% in 1997. Virus spread occurred earlier and was more extensive at Hermiston than at Klamath Falls or Tulelake. Plants derived from PVY-free seed were nearly 100% PVY infected at early senescence at Hermiston. Comparisons of potatoes grown from PVY-free seed versus potatoes grown from seed where initial PVY infection levels were 60% in 1996 and 100% in 1997 showed seedborne PVY infection at these levels reduced U.S. No. 1 yields by an average of 40% at Hermiston, 20% at Tulelake, and 12% at Klamath Falls. Predicted total yield losses were 0.19, 0.12, and 0.08 Mg ha?1 for each percent of PVY infection at HAREC, IREC, and KES, respectively. Reductions in gross crop value were estimated at 39, 26, and 14%, respectively, based on regression analyses.  相似文献   

Summary In Argentina, different areas are suitable for seed potato production: however, each has particular problems, mainly related to different pest and diseases. Tierra del Fuego Island is well isolated from traditional potato growing areas. Therefore, it was tested for its potential for seed production. The cultivars Achatt. Mailén INTA. Pampeana INTA and Spunta were grown in Río Grande, San Pablo and Ushuaia from 1991–1994. Nematode presence and aphid population dynamics were recorded. Average tuber yield ranged from 20.1–37.6 t ha−1. After three years PVY and PLRV remained low (0–1% for different cultivars and locations). Moreover, seed tubers obtained were physiologically young. Long days, early frosts and strong winds may limit tuber yield in some years. The island can be considered as an ecological “safe haven” and is very suitable to obtain healthy and physiologically adequate seed potatoes.  相似文献   

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