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The dielectric response of charge carriers in disordered materials results from the process of fractal time and the conductance of the fractal structure. The medium metamorphism coal is one kind of structural disordered materials . So, electric polarization feature of coal has been further studied by using fractal geometry theory of time. The result shows that electric polarization property of coal in direct current electric field has fractal characteristic. The relation between b constant of polarization and fractal time dimension is:D t=kb, and the constant k may be relevant to metamorphism degree of coal.  相似文献   

A raseach has been done on the possibility of producing nitriochumic acid fromweathered coal of Nantong,Sichuan,oxidised by nithic acid.The optimun reacting conditions,whichare found through the way of orthogonal experiment,are suggested as follows:concentration ofHON3 35%,rate of HON3 to coal 3.5,reacting take 15 min,and reaction temperature 369 K. Thecomposition of product is Wf 2. 91 %;Ag 14.06%;HAg 78.28%;Ng 1.62%.  相似文献   

The amorphous structure characteristics of coal and their variation regularity are discussed.The pore structure features and models of coal have been reviewed in detail.  相似文献   

In the light of ultimate analysis data and density of specific gravity liquid, we put forward a formula to calculate the real density of vitrinite, and get a relatively exact computational formula of condensation ring index. The molar fraction of carbon atom ( x C ) could be used to describe the metamorphic degree of coal. Relationship between the macromolecular structure and the probability of coal outburst has been discussed.  相似文献   

The measurement of in-site crustal stresses are carried out in Yan Shi Tai coal mine.The outburst-proneness of 6# coal seam are studied with five indexes. Based on the strength testing of coal,the strength criterion is set up. The energy criterion is put forward in the light of engineering practice.According to the "three criteria" mechanical model,the prediction of danger zone of coal burst of 6# coal seam in this mine is carried out.  相似文献   

安太堡露天煤矿排土场景观结构及其分形研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将平朔安太堡露天煤矿复垦区的5个排土场按照植被覆盖和地形划分为8个基本景观类型,包括耕地、草地、草灌混交、灌木混交、乔草混交、乔灌混交、新造复垦地和退化地,总计496个斑块。利用3S技术和分形理论对景观结构进行了分析,并讨论了景观特性及其变化的分形性质。结果表明:分维数的大小反映了景观斑块面积、斑块数量和平均斑块面积等因素的相互作用,反映了排土场内景观斑块的不规则程度和复杂程度;乔灌混交地和灌木混交地保持着较高的分维数,新造复垦地和草地的分维数较低,其它景观类型的分维数则差别不大;植被景观受多种因子的影响,在南排土场、西排土场受地表物质组成和地形的影响为主,其多样性指数较高,在内排土场、西排扩大区受植被类型的影响为主;草灌混交地的景观多样性远高于其它现有的复垦植被区,但其景观优势度则保持在较低水平上。南排、西排及西排扩大区的景观过程以控制水土流失、增加植被覆盖为主,内排则着重发展兼顾经济、生态和社会多种效益的生态农业和高效农业。  相似文献   

对中国石蒜种子的解剖学结构和组成成分进行了研究。结果表明:中国石蒜的种子含水量较高,有顽拗型种子的特征;胚乳丰富,含有较多的可溶性糖和淀粉,可为种子的后期发育提供物质基础。胚呈棒状,位于胚乳中央,由胚根、胚芽、胚轴和子叶组成;子叶占绝大部分比例,胚轴极度缩短,结构不明显。  相似文献   

The firm governing is a structure with a board as its core, and its goal is to guard the interests and rights of the shareholders and related people thru supervising the management under the condition of firm's ownership and management separation. So, it is very important to know what the board structure is and whether it can work properly. Thru constructing board model and conducting theoretical and empirical analysis, in this paper, a best model of the board including the shareholders, managers and outsiders is proposed. In order to improve the efficiency of the board, attention should be paid to the following: composition of the board, separation of board director and general manager and the incentive scheme to outside board members.  相似文献   

To avoid equilibrium potential shifts in polarization curve test, based on anodic polarization current method, the critical polarization current density of steel corrosion was given as well as the corresponding empirical formula of corrosion current density. Reasonable explanation to equilibrium potential shifts was given by studying polarization curves characteristic of rebar in concrete before and after corrosion. The results show that anodic polarization current method can effectively distinguish steel corrosion, and the critical polarization current density is 0.2 μA/cm 2.  相似文献   

In this paper, the total input earthquake energy and influencing effects for shear type,shear-bending type, bending type aseismic structures of the single freedom system and multiple freedom elastic-plastic system are analyzed by synthesizing various effects and employing the timehistory analysis method. Based on the analysis results, the total input earthquake energy spectrum is presented.The simplified methods for analyzing the total input energy of multiple freedom elastic-plastic systems are proposed to provide some basis for developing aseismic structure design method and Double-Failure Criteria.  相似文献   

The transformation characteristics of the controller based on a fiber-recirculating delay line in which the twisting-fiber device is introduced are analyzed by the useof coupled-mode and matrix optics theory,the Jones matrix representing this controller is obtained,and the effect of twisting fiber ori the polarizdtion characteristics of this controller is analyzedtheoretictically.  相似文献   

The authors discusss exciton energies in a thin film with d thickness and influence of the edge polarization upon the excitons.The polarization is described as interaction between electron(hole) and its image charge.It is found that the interaction decreases the exciton energies to some extent and the influence of the interaction upon the films possessing different dielectric constants and with different thickness are different.  相似文献   

It is very important to mine safe exploitation, gas drawing and predict of coal and gas outburst that adsorption characteristics of coal to gas in geophysical field are studied. Adsorption and desorption characteristics of coal to gas in geophysical field have been reviewed in detail, then it is obtained that adsorption characteristics of coal to gas in electromagnetic field should be further studied . Adsorption and desorption characteristics of coal to methane in alternating electric field (AEF) have been studied mainly. Adsorption characteristics of three coal samples in AEF have been studied by means of Volume Method. The result shows that chemical properties and matter constituent of coal surface are no changed , adsorption and desorption of the coal samples in AEF well accord with Langmuir equation and two constants empirical formula, and because coal potential energy is increased and coal temperature is raised caused by Joule heat effect , adsorption ability of coal is decreased, and the desorption process is slowed down in AEF.  相似文献   

Based on inevitability analysis of Tuyere coal and Raceway coke combustion numerical simulation, this paper retrospects previous study and summarizes two phase turbulent flow numerical model of pulverized coal and air, pyrogenation and radiation transmit-heat numerical model of pulverized coal volatile ash, combustion energy equation of coke grain. The authors put forward a new idea of boundary condition using CCD technique.  相似文献   

In this paper,the stability problems of coal and rock mass exerted by horizontaland vertical forces are studied with the help of the method of catastrophic theory. The expression ofthe total potential energy function for this system is derived. This system can be described by thecusp catastrophe model. The bifurcation set which makes this system to loss its stability in the hori-zontal and vertical force control space is obtained. At the same time ,the process of Sudden statechange of coal and rock due to the changes of horizontal and vertical forces is discussed.  相似文献   

在北疆气候生态条件下,以杂交棉品种新陆早43号和鲁棉研24号为材料,采用育苗移栽稀植,研究杂交棉稀植条件下冠层结构、光合特性及与产量的关系.结果表明:与直播棉相比,移栽稀植条件下叶面积指数较低、冠层开度和透光率偏高,群体漏光损失严重,群体光合速率和干物质质量显著降低,但叶枝成铃的比例显著增加,且棉株生育进程有所提前,霜...  相似文献   

甘蓝田节肢动物群落结构研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在田间系统调查基础上研究了合肥郊区甘蓝田节肢动物群落结构。调查共记录节肢动物21种,其中害虫10种,天敌11种。害虫主要优势种为菜青虫和菜蚜为优势种;捕食性天敌主要优势种为中华跃蛛、草间小黑蛛。害虫优势种菜青虫主要分布于甘蓝心叶和内层叶反面,而菜蚜分布较广。捕食性天敌优势种中华跃蛛、草间小黑蛛主要分布于甘蓝外层叶反面。群落多样性在时间过程中较稳定,影响群落多样性的主要因素是群落均匀度。  相似文献   

赵琦  唐崇钦  匡廷云 《作物学报》1996,22(5):560-564
叶片叶绿素荧光动力学参数证明,与两亲相比,玉米杂交种叶绿体类囊体膜的PSⅡ还原侧有较大的PQ电荷库(CA/F(?)),可以加快两个光系统间的非循环电子传递速率,有利于光合膜的能态化(△F_y/F_(?)和△F_y/T),调节有效的光合磷酸化。同时.杂交种具有较大的光合单位(T_(12))。这些都有利于光能吸收和提高光能转化效率及光合作用速率。整体叶片光合强度的测定结果支持了上述分析。  相似文献   

早稻旱育秧形态、组织结构和生理特性   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
卢向阳  彭丽莎 《作物学报》1997,23(3):360-369
本文分析了杂交早稻威优48-2旰育秧和湿润育秧若干形态,组织结构和生理特性差异,讨论了旱育对秧苗根系和根系活力的影响以及南方早稻旱育高产栽培技术的增机制。结果表明:与湿润育秧比较,旱育秧地上部矮壮,分蘖和叶片表皮毛增多,气孔开度增大,叶脉变薄,气腔变小;根系发达,总根数、白根数、根干重、根毛和根系吸收面积增大;根尖和叶肉细胞体积变小,排列更紧密,原生质浓度增高;要系POD和PAL活性显著增强;但根  相似文献   

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