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为解决原有旧抽油杆检测技术存在的弊端,本文提出了抽油杆检测技术的改进方法。改进后的旧抽油杆检测,采用了全封闭式直燃加热技术,降低了能耗,提高了清洗质量;采用了新型的常温清洗工艺,降低了设备故障,提高了生产效率;实现了全自动卸扣技术,提高了检测能力,消除了安全隐患;采用了通过式全自动杆体探伤工艺,提高了设备稳定性和修复水平;增加了全自动杆头清洗装置,提高了生产效率,降低了劳动强度。  相似文献   

“风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到。”倏忽间。又一年过去了。 在过去的一年里,中国奶业克服了饲料和原材料涨价、行业效益下滑的困难。锻炼了队伍。整合了牛群,提高了素质,增加了持续发展的潜力:见证了“南京宣言”的郑重承诺,整饬了乳制品市场秩序,宣扬了诚信经营理念,营造了公平竞争环境:有力反击了“牛奶有害论”,澄清了一度混淆的视听,  相似文献   

<正>笔者最近走访了很多经销商,发现了很多问题,如地级经销商抱怨:很多以前合作的厂家都离自己而去了,批发不好做了,低价位、常规、大路货不好卖了。二级店都直接跟厂家合作了,市场被下面的县镇级经销商瓜分了,自己的份额越来越少了;县镇级经销商抱怨:销量越来越少了,费用却越来越高了,厂家任务越来越高了,一些曾经忠实的养殖场、  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,人类的进步,我们已经进入了信息技术时代。多媒体的运用,促进了语文教学:激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生的朗读能力,培养了学生的观察能力,突破了教材中的重难点,提高了课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

我公司通过对锅炉排渣余热如何利用进行研究,对锅炉的除渣系统进行了改造,采用了滚筒式冷渣器取代了原有的人工除渣方式,采用皮带输送方式,将冷却后的炉渣输送至渣场,此举不仅回收了锅炉排渣的大量余热,稳定了锅炉的燃烧提高了锅炉的效率,并且降低了员工的劳动强度和危险系数,改善了工作环境,取得了显著的经济效益.  相似文献   

近几年来,蛋鸡规模养殖污染问题成为制约产业健康发展的瓶颈。本文介绍了在蛋鸡养殖场中应用履带式清粪技术,取得了良好的效果:解决了鸡场的污染问题,提高了蛋鸡的生产性能,增加了鸡场的收入,提高了生产标准化程度,减少了民事纠纷,从而从源头预防了污染和削减了排放量,使粪污实现资源化、减量化、无害化。  相似文献   

1肉牛直线育肥的优点 一是缩短了生产周期,较好地提高了出栏率。二是改善了肉质,满足了市场对高档牛肉的需求。三是降低了饲养成本,提高了肉牛生产的经济效益。四是增加了草场的载畜量,可获得较高的生态效益。  相似文献   

1.选错朋友是错误,选错敌人是更坏的错误,选错偶像是最坏的错误。选错了朋友是可怕的,因为可能会被所谓的“朋友”欺骗。选错了敌人是更可怕的,因为选错了敌人就等于选错了产业、选错了市场、选错了自己的核心定位。还有一种比选错朋友和选错敌人都可怕的,那就是选错了偶像。因为选错了偶像就等于选错了方向;方向错了,跑快的反而点儿背。[第一段]  相似文献   

近年来,在省委、省政府的统一领导下,各级政府切实加强了对动物防疫工作的领导,强化了政府行为,强化了政治责任,强化了依法治疫意识;业务部门加强了技术指导,完善了以养殖小区建设为主的规范性动物防疫管理制度,加强了动物防疫体系和基础设施的建设,使我省的动物疫病得到了较好地控制,促进了畜牧业的健康发展,保障了人民的生命安全。但是,在对全省多个县、乡(镇)防疫工作进行深入调查过程中,我们也发现了动物防疫工作中存在的一些问题,有待妥善解决。  相似文献   

关江 《饲料广角》2006,(21):38-39
过年,对于饲料企业的营销部门来说是又喜又忧的事情。过年是一年工作作总结的时候,销售了多少产品?盈利的主推产品增加多少?网络增加了多少?市场份额增加了多少?盈利了多少?得向自己的老板报告喜讯了,辛苦了一年,奔波了一年,得数着沉甸甸的奖金回家和老婆孩子过快乐年了……  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实中央和省市改革决策部署,进一步深化农牧村经营体制改革,稳步推进我县草原确权承包登记颁证工作有序开展,有效调动农牧民群众自我管理、相互监督、合理利用、保护草原的积极性,促进草原畜牧业持续稳定、健康发展。根据农业部《关于开展草原确权承包登记试点的通知》和甘肃省农牧厅《关于印发甘肃省草原确权承包登记试点工作实施方案的通知》要求,将肃南县确定为甘肃省草原确权承包登记试点县。开展草原确权承包登记工作以来,我县创新工作方式方法,稳步推进各项工作顺利开展,取得了显著成效。笔者参与了草原确权承包登记各项工作,归纳总结了工作经验和取得的成效,与各位同行分享。  相似文献   

探究四种蔷薇科果树扦插后插穗的形态变化和内含物质变化,初步揭示四种果树扦插生根机制。以恐龙蛋、红富士苹果、云南红皮梨和大樱桃四种蔷薇科果树代表品种的一年生硬枝为插穗,扦插后定期观察插穗形态变化,记录插穗生根情况,取样测定插穗内源激素含量和氧化酶活性。对插穗形态观察发现,四种蔷薇科果树愈伤组织出现时间不一致,恐龙蛋插穗最早出现愈伤组织;扦插后60 d统计时,恐龙蛋插穗愈伤率为50.67 %,极显著(P<0.01)高于其他三种果树的愈伤率;恐龙蛋生根率为18.67 %,生根类型为愈伤组织生根,而其余三种果树插穗在观察期间未形成不定根。扦插后恐龙蛋插穗IAA含量、IAA/ABA和IAA/ZR比值呈升高-降低-升高变化趋势,而其余三种果树插穗呈升高-降低变化趋势;四种果树插穗ABA和ZR含量均呈升高-降低-升高变化趋势,GA3含量整体呈下降变化趋势(恐龙蛋插穗后期GA3含量有升高);IAAO和PPO活性均呈升高-降低变化趋势,POD活性整体呈升高变化趋势。综合相关性分析结果表明:四种蔷薇科果树中恐龙蛋更适合扦插繁殖,插穗生根需要低含量的ABA和ZR,高含量的IAA和GA3,高活性的IAAO和PPO调控IAA含量,使得IAA/ABA和IAA/ZR比值增大,促进插穗生根。  相似文献   

Electronmicroscopical studies of transudation between blood capillaries and lymph capillaries in the lymphobulbus of the phallus of the cockerel (Gallus domesticus) The blood capillaries of the lymphobulbus cloacae may be divided into circulatory and transudation capillaries and may be distinguished from one another and from the lymph capillaries by ten criteria. The specific structure of the wall of these capillaries permits transudation of lymph from the blood-vascular to the lymphatic system. The lymph passes through the pores and fenestrae of the transudation capillaries into the interstitium and from here by two routes into the lymphobulbus. One route is intracellular-vesicular, and the other is intercellular (between the endothelial cells of the lymph capillaries). The contraction of the striated M. sphincter cloacae during erection of the phallus presses the lymph through the ductus lymphaticus bulbospongiosus cloacae into the corpus cavernosum of the phallus. There is a relationship between the structure and functional stages of the lymphobulbus and age, and between the former and the levels of the steroid sex hormones.  相似文献   

内蒙古二狼山白山羊遗传性甲状腺肿杂合子的测交试验,以及其纯合子甲状腺组织中T_3、T_4免疫组化定量、半定量和定位分析结果表明,本病属常染色体单基因隐性遗传病;其纯合子羔羊甲状腺明显肿大(P<0.01),甲状腺组织高度增生,T_3、T_4含量明显降低(P<0.01);T_3、T_4主要定位于滤泡腔胶质和滤泡上皮细胞滤泡腔缘的胞浆中,且着色强弱不一.T_3、T_4的半定量与定量分析之间呈密切的直线相关关系.讨论了二狼山白山羊甲状腺肿大的原因、结果,以及T_3、T_4的定位与甲状腺上皮细胞功能的关系.  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区是我国重要的畜产品生产基地。改革开放以来,内蒙古畜牧业生产能力得到大幅度提高,实现了历史性跨越式的持续稳定发展。通过总结分析内蒙古畜牧业生产经营体制、机制的改革及采取的一些重大发展措施,得出了内蒙古畜牧业改革发展的启示:建立适应社会主义初级阶段的生产经营体制是畜牧业持续发展的根本;转变生产经营方式是畜牧业持续发展的基础;推进经营制度不断改革创新是畜牧业持续发展的动力;有效提高科技含量是畜牧业持续发展的支撑;坚持草原生态保护和建设是畜牧业持续发展的保障。  相似文献   

Thirteen anomalous calves with clefts of the face were morphologically examined, and craniofacial skeletons were studied in detail. According to the type and site of the cleft, four groups could be distinguished: median cleft lip and jaw (CLJ); median cleft lip, jaw, and palate (CLJP); lateral CLJ; and cleft palate (CP), including unilateral and bilateral type. Craniofacial skeletal abnormalities were observed in several bones at the roof, wall, and floor of the nasal cavity and at the boundary portion between the nasal and cranial cavities. Fissure formation at the cranial sutures, partial absence of the nasal process of the incisive bone, and opening of the bony palate were characteristic changes in median CLJ and CLJP, lateral CLJ, and CP, respectively. Furthermore, various associated changes were recognized in the median and paramedian skeletal elements of the face and other organs. The morphological changes of craniofacial skeletons with various types of clefts of the face depended on the site and degree of the cleft formation and reflected developmental errors of the facial embryonic segments. These changes would suggest disorders of the correlated development of facial processes and of other fetal organs of the face. For these conditions, etiologically hereditary cases were negative.  相似文献   

The motion patterns of the neck and shoulders during the gallop stride were documented using high-speed cinematography. The gallop stride characteristics of 4 Quarter Horse fillies, approximately 30 months of age, were used as a model. Horses were housed and fed together and received the same amount and type of limited training; and were all ridden with the same tack and by the same person. Both sides of each horse were filmed simultaneously (243 frames/sec) while galloping individually along a 1.5-m-wide track. Kinematic variables describing 29 strides (mean velocity 13.1 m/sec, stride frequency 2.6 strides/sec, stride length 5.1 m) included linear and temporal measurements of the maximum and minimum heights of the wing of the atlas, spine of the scapula, shoulder joint and elbow joint; maximum and minimum angles with respect to the horizon of the neck, shoulder and arm segments; and maximum and minimum relative angles between the neck and shoulder, and shoulder and arm segments. Differences (P<.05) between the leading and trailing sides of the body were identified for 12 of a total of 27 spatial measurements reported for the neck, shoulder and arm, including minimum height of the scapula spine, maximum height of the scapula spine and elbow joint, maximum absolute angle of the shoulder segment, and minimum angle between neck and shoulder segments. Of 18 temporal measurements reported involving the neck, shoulder and arm, 14 differed (P<.05) between leading and trailing sides. Kinematic events describing the motion of the leading and trailing shoulder and arm segments were ordered and tabulated in the temporal sequence of the normal gallop stride. Results indicated that the motion patterns of the shoulder and arm segments were highly specific to the leading and trailing sides of the body in the equine gallop stride. The work required for vertical displacement of the center of mass in galloping was estimated to be approximately 98,500 J/km or 23.5 kcal/km; equivalent to approximately 6 percent of the total energy expenditure for galloping 1 km.  相似文献   

作者对家兔的假反刍行为、发生规律做了系统的观察试验。通过消化试验、盲肠结扎手术,在测定消化率的基础上,对假反刍行为的产生机制和盲肠营养功能,做了深入的探讨。并对不同蛋白质、纤维素营养水平的日粮和假反刍行为的相关性做了研究。对进一步揭示兔的消化生理特性和科学养育,既有理论意义也有实践价值。  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic examinations were performed on the solar aspect of the distal phalanx of 10 feet of five normal live horses (Group 1), 22 feet of seven normal cadavers (Group 2), and nine feet of five horses with pathology of the dorsal solar aspect of the distal phalanx (Group 3). Lateromedial radiographs of the distal phalanx were made in all groups, and in Group 2, digits were sagitally sectioned after imaging. The ultrasonographic and radiographic appearance of the sagittal solar aspect of the distal phalanx was described. Measurements of the distance between the sole and the distal tip of the distal phalanx (A), the solar aspect of the apex of the frog and the distal phalanx (B), and the body of the frog's surface and flexor surface of the distal sesamoid bone (C) were made ultrasonographically, radiographically, and on the sectioned cadaver specimens. There was no statistical difference between the radiographic, ultrasonographic, and direct cadaver measurements in A and C. In B, there was a statistical difference between the radiographic, ultrasonographic, and cadaver measurements-most likely as a result of the difference in trimming of the frog apex. Ultrasonographic and radiographic examination of the nine feet of the five horses in Group 3 were performed and the abnormalities described. Color flow and power Doppler ultrasonography were performed on the normal sagittal solar distal phalanx, on the impar distal sesamoidean ligament, and at the insertion of the deep digital flexor tendon on the facies flexoria of the distal phalanx. Power Doppler in these horses showed blood flow at 0.16-0.48 kHz at the tip of the distal phalanx and at 0.16 kHz at the deep digital flexor tendon insertion and in the impar distal sesamoidean ligament. Using color flow Doppler in normal horses mean blood flows ranged from 1.8 to 5.4 cm/s at the tip of the distal phalanx and 1.8-2.0 cm/s at the deep digital flexor tendon insertion and in the impar distal sesamoidean ligament.  相似文献   

Under the modern large-scale and intensive dairy farming production mode,the continuous supply of feed with high nutrition level is the material basis for maintaining the rapid growth and development of reserve cows and the high lactation performance of lactating cows.However,after the genetic quality reaches the "bottleneck period",although the milk yield of dairy cow can continue to maintain a certain high level with the continuous improvement of the nutrient concentration of feed and the increase of dry matter intake (DMI),the incidence of nutritional metabolic diseases of high-yield dairy cows also shows a rapid growth trend,especially ketosis caused by the negative energy balance in perinatal period,acidosis caused by high-precision diet and the increase of blood urea nitrogen caused by high-protein diet,negatively regulate the reproductive performance of dairy cows,resulting in inconspicuous postpartum estrus,decreased mating rate and conception rate of dairy cows,which directly affect the update speed of dairy cows production groups,the normal performance of high-quality cattle and the economic benefits of dairy farming.In this paper,the author introduced in detail the relevant research on the current situation and its mechanism influence of different nutritional metabolic diseases on the reproductive performance of dairy cows in recent years,and focused on analyzing the molecular mechanism of nutritional and metabolic diseases with high perinatal incidence such as ketosis,low blood calcium and moderate gastric acid,and put forward the prospect and thinking on the future research direction of nutritional and metabolic diseases and reproductive performance of high-yielding dairy cows,in order to provide some reference and theoretical basis for improving the reproductive efficiency of high-yielding dairy cows in large-scale pastures in China and the perinatal nutrition management level of dairy cows.  相似文献   

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