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烟草霜霉病卵孢子提取方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 烟草霜霉病[Peronospora hyoscyami de Bary f.sp.tabacina(Adam) Skalicky]是危害烟草的毁灭性病害。本世纪六十年代以来,烟草霜霉病在世界各不同地理气候区域的流行和高度适应性,是对我国烟草生产的极大威胁。1992年以来,烟草霜霉病成为我国一类检疫性病害,迄今,有关烟草霜霉病的大量研究,多集中于病原孢囊孢子,而对病原卵孢子的研究报道则甚少。由于病原卵孢子所具有的特殊抗逆性以及其在远地传播中的重要作用,在进口烟叶中急需研究解决一种有效可行的检验方法。传统的用乳酸酚透明烟叶组织检查卵孢子方法的最大缺点是破坏了卵孢子活性,影响检验结果的判定。本文报道了根据卵孢子存在于叶组织内部的特点,采用不同的试验方法,比较从叶组织内分离和提取卵孢子的效果,从而寻求一种有效的、可行的烟草霜霉病卵孢子检验方法。  相似文献   

白菜霜霉病菌(Peronospora parasitica)卵孢子是主要的越冬器官,但有关病菌卵孢子形成及其生活力的报导并不多见。根据在沈阳田间调查的结果,1958年在田间采集秋白菜霜霉病病叶时发现病斑内含有大量的病菌卵孢子,1961年又见到同样的情况,这两年都是沈阳地区白菜霜霉病的流行年。为进一步了解这些情况,于1962年秋季对病菌卵孢子在田间的形成时期作了较系统的调查。  相似文献   

烟草病害防治技术烟草病菌宁●嘉智科技专栏吡效隆嘉智系列烟草在种植过程中常发生各种病害 ,如 :炭疽病、黑茎病、立枯病、根黑腐病、白粉病、赤星病、蛙眼病、霜霉病、灰霉病、穿孔病等 ,严重影响了烟叶的产量和品质 ,经烟农带来损失。为此 ,应广大烟叶种植户的要求 ,嘉智研究所针对以上病症 ,经多次试验 ,成功开发出一种高科技产品———烟草病菌宁。本品是烟草专用的高效广谱杀菌剂 ,具有保护和治疗双重作用。除对以上病害有很好的防治效果外 ,还对烟草青枯病、野火病、花叶病等有较好的防效 ,并具有促进烟叶生长 ,改善品质 ,提高等级 ,…  相似文献   

烟草黑胫病是由烟草疫霉菌引起的一种毁灭性土传真菌病害。常年在烟草种植区发生,该病菌容易对化学药剂产生抗药性,在防治上比较困难。针对烟草黑胫病的发生特点,结合烟叶生产实践,介绍烟草黑胫病防治技术,供生产上参考。  相似文献   

大豆疫病卵孢子萌发的显微观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
大豆疫病PhytophthorasojaeKaufmann&Gerdemann作为典型的土传真菌病害,随病土远距离传播的卵孢子是病菌扩散的主要来源。国内外许多专家都认为该病不能种传,周肇蕙和严进发现:通过人工接种大豆疫霉可以得到有卵孢子的病种子,认为该病可以种传[1~2],但种子中卵孢子的活性测定仍未解决。在大豆种子上产生卵孢子的大豆霜霉Peronosporamanshurica(Naoum)syd.ex.Gaum.与疫霉卵孢子形态很难区分,而卵孢子的萌发国内详细报道甚少,JimeneB等人曾报道过用土壤提取液…  相似文献   

陈善铭 《植物保护》1964,2(5):225-226
烟草霜霉病引入欧洲以后,很快地大传播大流行,这是近年来植物病害流行学上的一件重大事例,也是植物检疫史上一件重大事例,从其中我们可以吸取不少经验教训,以健全我们的植物检疫工作。 一 欧洲烟草霜霉病的大爆发及其传入的途径。烟草霜霉病在欧洲大爆发,开始于1960年,首先在5月发现于德国巴登,7月发展至法国阿尔萨斯,毁灭了当地的烟作;此后即向四面蔓延,至10月已传至法国地中海沿岸、意大利的罗马、南斯拉夫、波兰、捷克、匈牙利、罗马尼亚及苏联部分地区。整个欧洲所受的损失据估计为28,500公吨干烟叶,其中法国的损失即达10,000公吨。1960年  相似文献   

烟草霜霉病 Peronospora tabacinaAdam,是我国重要对外植物检疫对象。50年代末欧洲严重发生烟草霜霉病以来,我国防止这一病害传入的主要措施,是禁止同欧洲国家之间烟叶贸易。为了详细了解欧洲烟草霜霉病的发生与防治情况,1988年5月24日至8月24日,我们在希腊考察期间,重点查阅了1958~1988年《世界烟草科技大会通报》(以下简称Coresta Bull)约120期有关烟草霜霉病的资料。现结合考察实际,综述如下:  相似文献   

李德福 《植物检疫》2001,15(2):90-93
高粱霜霉病Peronosclerosporasorghi(Weston&Uppal)C .G .Shaw是我国对外检疫一类危险性病害玉米霜霉病(Peronosclerosporaspp .)其中的 1个种。玉米霜霉病有 7个种侵染玉米 ,P .sorghi是其中分布最广危害最重的 1个种。本文描述了高粱霜霉病 (以下简称SDM )症状和病原菌生物学特性 ,对病原菌的分生孢子、孢子梗和卵孢子等形态上的检测方法进行研究 ,并探讨应用PCR技术检测高粱霜霉病和玉米霜霉病。1 国内外研究概况SDM最早在印度发现。 1 90 7年Butle…  相似文献   

应中国烟草总公司邀请,美国北卡罗来纳州立大学植物病理学教授C.F.Main博士1988年10月17~22日在山东举办了烟草霜霉病专题讲座。 Main教授介绍了烟草霜霉病在美国的发生为害情况、症状、病原菌形态、生物学特性以及病害的损失估计等情况。他认为此病的传播方式主要是分生孢子通过气流远距离传播的。从病区移栽烟苗也是一条传播途径。  相似文献   

甜菜霜霉病研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甜菜霜霉病菌以卵孢子在病种子和病残体上越冬,也可以卵孢子或菌丝在窖藏母根上越冬,翌年卵孢子萌发或母根中菌丝生长产生孢子囊作为初侵染源。该菌远距离传播主要靠带菌种子或母根。潮湿冷凉环境下易发生甜菜霜霉病,过量施用氮肥,栽培密度过大,造成田间郁蔽有利病害发生。应用75%百菌清可湿性粉剂、58%甲霜灵锰锌和40%增效瑞毒霉粉剂,采用叶面喷雾或喷雾与拌种相结合对该病均有较好防效。  相似文献   

作者于1980年3~4月和7~8月间,在青海省天峻县和门源县草甸草原牧场进行了新杀鼠剂大隆杀灭我国西北草原主要害鼠—高原鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)、中华鼢鼠(Myospalax fontanieri kukunoriensis)的试验研究。大隆对鼠兔的LD_(50)为0.1380mg/kg(0.1192~0.1568mg/kg),对鼢鼠的LD_(50)为0.4388mg/kg(0.2742~0.7022mg/kg)。 0.015%、0.030%和0.060%三种浓度大隆毒饵对鼠兔的现场灭效均达90%以上。一系列试验证明,大隆对草原害鼠的毒力强,使用浓度低,适口性好,无明显的耐药性,对天敌的危害性小。作者认为大隆可以应用于草原灭鼠,并可能有较好的前景。  相似文献   

The toxicity of three second-generation rodenticides to Barn Owls (Tyto alba Scop.) has been investigated. Brodifacoum, difenacoum and flocoumafen were separately fed to owls over a period of 15 days via rodenticide-fed mice to simulate the potential route of exposure in the wild. The owls survived a cumulative dose of each rodenticide of at least 1.9 mg kg?1 owl body weight over 15 days. This is equivalent to the consumption of two 25 g mice with a rodenticide residue of 1 mg kg?1 each day for 15 days. Residue analysis confirmed that the liver is the organ which retains the largest residue of ingested rodenticide.  相似文献   

在旱秧田、水秧田、旱直播田和水直播田的试验中,播前施用五氯酚钠,每公顷5—20公斤,除草效果不够良好。但在插秧本田的试验中,插前每公顷施用五氯酚钠15—30公厅对防除稗草(Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv.)和球穗莎草(Cyperus globosus All.)的效果极为良好。以在插秧前一天,每公顷施用30公斤效果最好,对稗草和球穗莎草的防除效果分别达到92.7%和79.6%。插后处理,每公顷施用五氯酚钠15公斤,效果也较好。另外的试验,观察了五氯酚钠不同剂型:颗粒剂、混土、溶液等的防除效果。防除稗草用颗粒剂和混土处理要优于溶液处理;防除球穗莎草则以溶液处理为最好。各处理对水稻均无药害,所有用五氧酚钠处理区的产量均高于不除草区,但较两次人工除草的为低。本文讨论了在秧田和直播田用五氯酚钠防除稗草效果较差的原因。  相似文献   

Widespread use of warfarin, and other multiple-dose anticoagulants, selected populations of warfarin-resistant rodents in the UK and in other countries. The effectiveness of rodent control was dramatically reduced when the resistant animals formed a large proportion of a population. The second-generation anticoagulants were developed to overcome these practical control problems with warfarin and were considered to be effective rodenticides against warfarin-resistant populations. In the UK, however, difenacoum showed reduced efficacy for controlling an established warfarin-resistant Rattus norvegicus population covering a substantial area of farmland in southern England. Continued use of difenacoum selected for difenacoum-resistant animals, so that the rodenticide is now ineffective for controlling rats in three counties. Brodifacoum was subsequently used to control some infestations and there is evidence that these treatments selected for animals with an increased level of resistance to brodifacoum. Anticoagulant resistance in Mus domesticus is less of a practical problem because of the availability of non-anticoagulant rodenticides for the control of this species. There is evidence, however, of bromadiolone resistance in M. domesticus trapped on farms in the UK. Recent investigations of the mechanism of anticoagulant resistance in R. norvegicus have indicated that vitamin K3 (menadione) is an antidote to anticoagulants in resistant animals. This form of the vitamin is included as a dietary supplement in poultry and pig food and would aid the survival, and therefore increase the selection, of resistant animals when anticoagulants are used exclusively.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法测定稻田样品中喹啉铜残留   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用高效液相色谱仪,建立了喹啉铜在稻田水、稻田土壤、水稻植株、稻秆、谷壳和糙米中残留量的检测方法。稻田水、水稻植株、稻秆、谷壳和糙米用乙腈和1 mol/L的盐酸提取,土壤用乙腈和2 mol/L的氢氧化钠提取。稻田水无需净化,其余样品用正己烷和乙腈净化后,采用带有紫外检测器的高效液相色谱仪测定,流动相为V(磷酸盐缓冲液)∶V(乙腈)=60∶40,流速0.8 m L/min,紫外检测波长为250 nm。结果表明:在0.05~5 mg/L范围内,喹啉铜质量浓度与其相对应的色谱峰面积之间呈良好的线性关系,线性方程为y=231.55x-15.064,决定系数(R2)为0.998 5,达极显著水平。在0.05~1 mg/kg添加水平下,稻田水、稻田土壤、水稻植株、稻秆、谷壳和糙米中喹啉铜的平均回收率在83%~103%之间,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=5)在1.5%~6.6%之间。该方法的前处理过程较简单,且准确度、精密度和灵敏度均符合农药残留分析的技术要求。  相似文献   


Field trials were conducted to control rodent pests of wheat crop by improving bait acceptability through taste enhancers (additives). Egg shell, egg yolk, yeast, minced meat, sheep blood and chicken blood were mixed 2% by weight individually in a bait base of broken rice and wheat flour. Brodifacoum and bromadiolone bait with egg shell additive ranked first, and egg yolk second, in preference over other additive poison baits and poison bait without additive. Poison baiting yielded 93.3% and 86.7% reduction in rodent population with brodifacoum and bromadiolone (0.005% each), respectively. Three baitings, at tillering, flowering and maturity stage of the crop, gave 91.0% tiller damage reduction with brodifacoum and 86.0% with bromadiolone as compared to control (untreated). It is concluded that three poison baitings containing egg shell additive should be initiated at tillering stage followed by flowering and maturity of the wheat crop for increased yield.  相似文献   

为明确田间水稻白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horváth)和褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(St?l)的主要寄生性天敌索线虫科线虫的寄生动态及防控效果,于2013—2015年在湖南省长沙市宁乡市通过田间调查和线虫罩笼法研究了索线虫科线虫对白背飞虱和褐飞虱的寄生动态以及优势种长沙多索线虫Agamermis changshaensis Bao,Luo et Luo对褐飞虱的防控效果。结果表明,在长沙市,索线虫科线虫寄生白背飞虱始见期为6月底至7月初,1个月后出现高峰期,基本与白背飞虱发生高峰期同步;对褐飞虱寄生高峰期早稻多发生在7月中下旬,而晚稻在8月底至9月中旬。索线虫科线虫对白背飞虱雌虫、高龄若虫和雄虫最高寄生率分别为16.95%、14.81%和7.69%;而对褐飞虱雌虫、高龄若虫和雄虫最高寄生率分别为43.33%、20.93%和11.63%。2014年和2015年罩笼盆栽试验结果表明,处理后45 d长沙多索线虫对褐飞虱的防控效果分别为36.11%和33.19%。研究结果表明长沙多索线虫可以作为水稻稻飞虱绿色防控的一种重要辅助性措施。  相似文献   

依据土壤水动力学理论,基于室内一维土柱入渗试验,选用稻壳、玉米秸秆、河沙3种材料作为添加物,分别将添加物以不同掺量与土壤均匀混合对苏打盐碱土进行入渗试验,从累计入渗量、入渗速率、湿润锋运移距离等方面研究苏打盐碱土在不同添加物及不同掺量下水分的入渗特性。结果表明:对照组土壤入渗量为3 mm·d~(-1),混掺1%稻壳、玉米秸秆时土壤入渗量分别为7.08、7.37 mm·d~(-1),混掺3%稻壳、玉米秸秆时土壤入渗量分别为18.9、23.07 mm·d~(-1),混掺5%稻壳、玉米秸秆时土壤入渗量分别为21.17、28.5 mm·d~(-1)。对照组土壤稳定入渗速率为0.04 mm·h~(-1),混掺1%、3%、5%稻壳土壤稳定入渗速率分别为0.17、0.55、0.60 mm·h~(-1),混掺1%、3%、5%玉米秸秆土壤稳定入渗速率分别为0.25、0.70、1.00 mm·h~(-1),混掺25%、40%、55%河沙土壤稳定入渗速率为0.08、0.09、0.10 mm·h~(-1)。对照组土壤湿润锋运移距离为4.9 cm,混掺1%、3%、5%稻壳土壤湿润锋运移距离分别为10.1、30、38.3 cm,混掺1%、3%、5%玉米秸秆土壤湿润锋运移距离分别为11.6、32、47 cm,混掺25%、40%、55%河沙土壤湿润锋运移距离分别为6.5、7.8、9 cm。混掺5%玉米秸秆可以大幅度增加土壤累计入渗量,提高水分入渗速率,浸润范围可以到达作物根系。因此选用5%玉米秸秆掺量与土壤混掺,可提升吉林西部苏打盐碱土入渗效果,有利于综合提高土壤水分入渗和保水性能。  相似文献   

Large losses in grain yields due to weed competition were found in studies conducted in irrigated dry seeded rice at Gezira Research Station, Sudan. These losses could exceed 50%. Weed competition lowered panicle number per unit area by 37%, number of filled grains per panicle by 13%, and weight of 1000 grains by 4%. Tillering was the critical growth phase most affected by weed competition. Grain yields were increased as number of hand weedings increased. The best yield (4.1 t/ha) was obtained from 3–4 weedings carried out at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after rice emergence. Oxadiazon (0.5 kg/ha) gave good residual weed control of the dominant weed species, Phyllanthus niruri L., Leucas urticifolia L., Heliotropium F.W.Andr. and Echinochloa colona (L.) Link, for 6–7 weeks. The combination with continuous flooding from 6 weeks after rice emergence gave excellent weed control during the entire season, and comparable or even better yields than frequently weeded rice.  相似文献   

Unrestricted weed growth resulted in serious yield losses (60–75%) in rice (Oryza saliva L.). Hand-weeding once at 2 weeks after crop emergence was ineffective, but weeding at 2 and 2 weeks after crop emergence brought yield losses down to 20%. Pre-emergence application of bifenox and oxadiazon (12 l) and post-emergence application of molinate + propanil gave crop yields comparable to that of the clean weeded control (91–129%). Grain yields obtained with pre-emergence application of oxadiazon (25 EC) and post-emergence applications of propanil, bentazone + propanil, and bifenox alone or as a tank mix with propanil or bentazone were considerably less than those obtained from the clean weeded plots. Bifenox, oxadiazon (12 l) and propanil + molinate gave adequate and persistent weed control (72–97%), and did not damage rice. Oxadiazon (25 EC) gave good weed control but resulted in a serious stand reduction. Post-emergence application of propanil, propanil + bentazone bifenox alone or as a tank mix with propanil or bentazone had no adverse effect on crop stand, but gave poor control of grasses (0–40%).  相似文献   

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