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Environmental pollution, animal diseases, and food scandals have marked the agricultural sector in the Netherlands and elsewhere in the 1990s. The sector was high on the political and societal agenda and plans were developed to redesign the sector into a more sustainable direction. Generally, monitoring of the agricultural sector is done by means of quantitative indicators to measure social, ecological, and economic performance. To give more attention to the normative character of sustainable development, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality requested for a participatory approach to evaluate Dutch agriculture, which was characterized by stakeholder workshops, dialogue, and learning. This article describes and reflects on this approach, using the Fourth Generation Evaluation framework developed by Guba and Lincoln (Fourth generation evaluation, 1989). Although there are several improvements to be made, the evaluation approach was successful in the way that it gave insight into perceptions, visions, and ambitions of agricultural stakeholders with regard to sustainability. It also encouraged learning about ways to make the agricultural sector more sustainable. And it contributed to the development of a monitoring approach that is complementary to the quantitative, indicator-based, evaluation approach that is generally used and that can be used every few years to see how perceptions and ambitions of stakeholders have developed.  相似文献   

社会稳定风险评估是针对项目实施可能引发的矛盾纠纷和潜在风险进行先期预测、先期研判,实现科学决策、民主决策、依法决策,预防和化解社会矛盾.新疆利用世界银行贷款可持续发展农业项目涉及区域较大、人口较多,项目的实施是否引起较大社会稳定问题将直接影响到项目实施的成功与否.本文通过项目建设风险调查,确定项目建设风险点,在对各风险点发生的可能性和影响程度进行评估的基础上综合确定项目社会稳定风险等级,并提出防范和化解措施.  相似文献   

从我国近几年农产品的生产、流通和消费的实际情况出发,深化可持续农业发展认识的重要方面之一是要确立植保经济的地位,树立可持续植保观念。当今世界各国选择的植保模式有很大差异,但可持续植保模式应充分体现植保经济思想,要在动态中追求保护农业生态环境和提高农业经济效益的双重目标。要实现这一目标关键是政府重视;加速建立植保经济可持续发展的实施体系;加强植保科学研究和提高农民的素质。  相似文献   

针对我国农业生产的现状 ,论述了农作物育种与可持续农业的关系 ,提出发展我国可持续农业的几点对策。  相似文献   

论述了持续农业的发展历程、内容、概念和特点,比较了持续农业和现代常规农业的区别,在此基础上对持续农业下植物保护的内容、任务做了详细分析,指出持续植保是农业可持续发展的根本保证。  相似文献   

生态农业与农业可持续发展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文分析了生态家业与农可持续发展的关系。从生态农业的实践历程论证了生态农业是农业可持续发展的重要途径。提出了生态农业发展重点及方向。  相似文献   

本文论述了现代集约持续农业的内涵及所包涵的具体内容;提出了发展现代集约持续农业,必须集约利用农业资源,保护与改善生态环境,建立以产权管理为核心的资源资产管理体制,提高农业资源的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

Communication cannot be overlooked as a component of sustainable agriculture; theoretical perspectives from communication science, such as coorientation and information systems analysis, can suggest ways to help improve the chances for sustainability, as can attention to specific types of communication. Communicationabout sustainable agriculture, which creates political-economic and social environments that promote development of sustainable systems, must more clearly define sustainability and what is to be sustained and must help producers and the public “think agroecologically.” Communicationof sustainable agriculture, which creates and disseminates information about how to farm and consume sustainably, must expand the standards for what constitues valid information by increasing farmer participation in production research and easing farmer access to media to disseminate on-farm trial findings.  相似文献   

Scholars have recognized the importance of local and indigenousknowledge in less industrialized countries. Few studies havebeen done on the diversity of knowledge communities in moreindustrialized countries, however, because of researcherassumptions about the spatial and temporal dimensions of localand scientific knowledge. A distinguishing feature of knowledgecommunities is the way that time and space are perceived. Thesedifferences are reflected in farmers' decision-making.Depending on farmers' knowledge orientations, they may utilizequite different criteria to determine the reliability andapplicability of new information. Advocates of sustainableagriculture, and proponents of on-farm research will benefit byrecognizing the diverse ways that farmers know and understandtheir farming systems in both less and more industrializedcountries.  相似文献   

Farmers have always played a key role in developing and testing agricultural technology. Scientist initiated agricultural research models and methods that explicitly include the participation of farmers principally have been developed and implemented in the Third World. Recently, these strategies have begun to receive attention in the US sustainable agriculture research community. This paper presents a case study where scientists collaborated with farmers in developing, implementing, and revising research in peach insect pest management in sustainable agroecosystems in California. A theoretical framework constructed from emerging epistemological and philosophical premises is used to point out the imperative of including participatory strategies in US sustainable agriculture. Methods drawn from Rapid Rural Appraisal were adapted to fit the local circumstances of working within intensive peach production systems and with a US farmer or ganization, California Clean Growers Association, in developing a research agenda. Farmer-scientist participation continued throughout the research implementation phases via individual and group meetings. A mid-project workshop provided a forum where farmers had explicit decision-making power over the course of the research project. Selected natural science research results are presented to illustrate the value of merging farmers' and scientists' knowledge in achieving relevant and scientifically interesting information. It is argued that the adoption and innovation of participatory research strategies in US sustainable agriculture will require confronting philosophical and methodological issues at individual and institutional levels.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the institutional requirements for sustainable agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa. It examines the situation from the perspective of both the recipient and the donor of aid and identifies the institutional conditions under which Official Development Assistance (ODA) — a major source of funding for agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa — can become more effective in promoting sustainable development. Agriculture represents the major employment sector in the region (as high as 75 to 80 percent in some countries). However, this high labor force contribution has not been translated into productivity for the sector. Also, bilateral and multilateral development agencies represent a major source of capital and technology for the region's development. Today, Sub-Saharan Africa is the largest recipient of official development assistance in the world, larger on a percentage and per capita basis than any other Third World region. Yet, the region has made only modest progress socioeconomically, compared to other developing regions and is now more dependent on food aid than ever. This raises an issue as to whether conventional technology transfer schemes are adequate in meeting the development needs of the region. Consequently, this study argues the following: that the present framework informing agricultural technology transfer to the region has been ineffective because environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, agricultural self-reliance (including domestic food security), and social equity have not been the central goals of programs.  相似文献   

我们在分析西部地区农业生产现状的基础上,认为智能化信息技术是实现西部地区农业可持续发展的一条捷径,特别是专家系统对提高农民科技文化素质、解决农业科技人员短缺等具有重要作用。在本文中提出了西部地区发展智能化农业信息技术的工作重点,例如研制开发实用性强、适应性广的专家系统;强化农业信息意识、逐步推进信息网络建设;选建一批智能化农业应用示范基地等。同时,西部地区在智能化农业发展过程中要因地制宜,逐步推进。  相似文献   

节水灌溉与农业可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干旱缺水是新世纪面临的三大问题之一。本文通过对我国农业灌溉现状的调查及存在问题的分析,阐述节水灌溉的意义,主张建立节水型社会、提高水资源承载能力,促进农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

Large-scale crop monocultures facilitate the proliferation and increasing prevalence of diseases and pest insects. Many studies highlight the impacts of plant diversification upon pathogens, and the population dynamics of insects and beneficial organism in agricultural ecosystems. These studies provide evidence that habitat manipulation techniques such as intercropping, relay, and rotation can significantly improve disease and pest management. This review introduces the concept of crop diversity, considers recent insights and mechanisms underlying crop diversity, and discusses its potential for improving sustainable agricultural practices. Recently, the phytobiomes resulting from increased crop diversity are increasingly recognized for their contribution to disease and pest control. Further, understanding the interactions between pathogens or pests with their host phytobiome may lead to novel options for the prevention of pests. Recent advances in the agricultural systems include:(i) a better understanding of the mechanisms of interactions between crop species and genotypes;(ii) ecological progress including a better understanding of the context-dependency of those interactions; and(iii) the role of microtopographic variation in agricultural systems for priming basal resistance to multiple pests and pathogens by intercropped crops. We also highlight recent progress in China and the potential options for habitat management and design that enhance the ecological role of biodiversity in agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Sustainable food production to feed the growing population in Africa remains a major challenge. Africa has 64% of the global arable land but produces less than 10% of its food locally due to its inherently low soil nutrient concentrations. Poor soil fertility and a lack of fertilizer use are the major constraints to increasing crop yields in Africa. On average only about 8.8 kg NPK fertilizer is applied per hectare by African smallholder farmers. There is therefore considerable potential for increasing food production through sustainable intensification of the cropping systems. The low crop yields in Africa are also partly due to limited farmer access to modern agronomic techniques, including improved crop varieties, a lack of financial resources, and the absence of mechanisms for dissemination of information to smallholders. This study analyzed the Science and Technology Backyards (STBs) model and investigated its use for the transformation of agriculture in Africa. Some key lessons for sustainable crop intensification in Africa can be found from analysis of the STB model which is well established in China. These include (1) scientist-farmer engagement to develop adaptive and innovative technology for sustainable crop production, (2) dissemination of technology by empowering smallholders, especially leading farmers, and (3) the development of an open platform for multiple resource involvement rather than relying on a single mechanism. This review evaluates the benefits of the STB model used in China for adoption to increase agricultural productivity in Africa, with a perspective on sustainable crop intensification on the continent.  相似文献   

随着农村青壮年的外出打工,驻守在家的老幼妇孺由于精力体力等影响没有把自家的田土全部利用起来,使得大量田土被荒废,加上文化水平的限制,在现代农业可持续发展面前显得非常脆弱。空巢村对现代农业可持续发展影响深远,加强空巢村治理在现代农业可持续发展中的作用和地位重大。通过对湖南省5县样本空巢村进行了调研,了解了其现代农业可持续发展的脉络。只有对制约现代农业可持续发展的空巢村进行有效解锁,方可实现现代农业可持续发展,具体解锁路径有强化村官管理,杜绝村官空巢;重视农村教育,培育新型农民;提高农民组织化程度,大力实施培优工程;加强农机研发,促进农技转化;调整产业结构,增加就业机会;大力发展生态农业,探索生态农业模式;加大资金投入,改善公共产品结构;用活土地政策,发挥土地效应等。  相似文献   

城市化区域农业的多功能性与可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着城市化进程的加快,经济社会发达地区普遍出现了资源短缺、环境恶化等生态危机.就其农业而言,不仅在国民经济中的比重较低,发展空间萎缩,而且农业环境污染严重,负面功能逐渐突出.为推动经济发达的城市化地区可持续发展,非常需要保持农业的适度发展,因为农业具有不可替代的生态服务功能,对城市可持续发展有强大的推动作用.保持发达地区农业可持续发展的策略是维持农业生态系统的健康,以及采取科学的、生态的农业环境、资源和技术管理手段.  相似文献   

阐述了福建滩涂开发利用的历史沿革及对农业生产的影响,新中国成立后福建滩涂围垦所取得的成绩及对农业发展的促进作用,提出科学开发利用滩涂资源的方向和对实现现代农业可持续发展的意义。  相似文献   

巴西的农业与可持续发展(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2 0 0 1年 12月 30日至 2 0 0 2年 1月 19日 ,参加了国家科学技术部组织的“农业资源可持续利用技术与发展模式”培训班赴巴西进行了考察培训。在巴西期间听取了中国驻巴西大使馆科技参赞关于巴西农业科技发展现状的介绍和巴西圣保罗大学农学院、甘比纳斯大学有关教授的专题讲座 ,实地考察了PIRACICABA、巴西利亚、CAMPINAS市的两个农场和农业发展联合体 ,走访了巴西农业部驻圣保罗代表处和CARREFOUR集团总部 ;对巴西的农业发展现状、农业资源可持续利用、农业科技发展概况及农业科技政策等方面进行了较深入的了解。巴西农业发展的经验 ,对我国农业可持续发展具有很强的借鉴意义  相似文献   

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