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The ability of four commercial preparations of Oenococcus oeni lactic acid bacteria (EQ 54, Lalvin OSU, Uvaferm Alpha, and Lalvin 31) to hydrolyze wine aroma precursors was evaluated by measuring the concentration of free and bound aroma compounds at the end of malolactic fermentation carried out in model wines containing a mixture of glycosides extracted from Muscat wine. At pH 3.4 there was a decrease in glycosylated compounds matched by a concomitant increase in free forms in all starter cultures tested. When malolactic fermentation was carried out at pH 3.2, a significant decrease in the ability to hydrolyze aroma precursors was observed for two of the cultures tested (Uvaferm Alpha and Lalvin 31). Large differences in the extent of hydrolysis and in the specificity of this activity toward specific aroma precursors were observed and appeared to be related to the chemical structure of the aglycon as well as to individual characteristics of each starter culture. The amounts of glycosylated aroma compounds released during malolactic fermentation suggest that O. oeni can alter the sensory characteristics of wine through the hydrolysis of aroma precursors.  相似文献   

The changes in the nonanthocyanin phenolic composition during red wine malolactic fermentation carried out spontaneously and by four different starter cultures of the species Oenococcus oeni and Lactobacillus plantarum were examined to determine whether differences in nonanthocyanin polyphenolic compounds could be attributed to the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strain that performs this important step of the wine-making process. The polyphenolic compounds were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detection and HPLC with electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry detection. The malolactic cultures selected for this study were indigenous wine LAB strains from the A.O.C. Rioja (Spain). Results showed different malolactic behaviors in relation to wine phenolic compositions for O. oeni and L. plantarum, and also, a diversity was found within each group. The hydroxycinnamic acids and their derivatives, the flavonols and their glycosides, the flavanol monomers and oligomers, and trans-resveratrol and its glucoside were the main compounds modified by the different LAB. The wild LAB population exerted a greater impact in the wine content of some of these phenolic compounds than the inoculated selected monocultures of this study.  相似文献   

The effects of malolactic fermentation (MLF) on the concentration of volatile compounds released by yeasts during the production of red wine were investigated by inoculation with four commercial starters of Oenococcus oeni. Volatile compounds in wine at the end of MLF were extracted, analyzed by GC-MS and GC, and compared with those extracted form a noninoculated reference sample. Several esters known to play a role in the aroma profile of red wine, such as C4-C8 ethyl fatty acid esters and 3-methylbutyl acetate, were found to increase with MLF, and their final concentration was dependent on the bacterial starter employed for the induction of MLF. The overall increase of ethyl fatty acid esters was generally larger than the one observed for acetate esters. Ethyl lactate, 3-hydroxybutanoate, 2-phenylethanol, methionol, and gamma-butyrolactone were also increased by bacterial metabolism. The impact of MLF on other volatiles or red wine, including several higher alcohols, fatty acids, and nitrogen compounds, was generally negligible.  相似文献   

Under traditional wine-making conditions, this work examines the beta-glycosidic activity of Oenococcus oeni on glycosylated aroma compounds of Tannat wines during malolactic fermentation (MLF) by comparing the changes on selected aglycones liberated. MLF diminished the content of all the glycosylated compounds. The level of the free aroma components was slightly modified by the action of the malolactic fermentation so that the cleavage of the glycosidic linkage by the beta-glycosidic activity of O. oeni did not appear to increase significatively the aglycone contents. The consequences of further chemical rearrangements of the algycones under wine conditions were explored using synthesized glycoconjugates on synthetic medium. Bacteria could also be responsible for the cleavage of aroma glycosylated compounds, being the aglycone adsorbed on polysaccharides or peptidoglycans and was released into the external medium. This hypothesis was studied through the evaluation of a stable arrangement of aroma compounds with polysaccharides produced by lactic acid bacteria. A possible retaining of free-made aroma compounds into the whole cells of O. oeni was also investigated through cell culture analysis. Through the results obtained, we assume stable linkage of aroma compounds with bacterial polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus plantarum VTT E-78076 (E76) and Pediococcus pentosaceus VTT E-90390 (E390) starter cultures were added to the steeping water of normal malting barley in order to balance the microbial community and to enhance malt processability. In this study, we also investigated the effects of lactic acid-acidified MRS-spent medium (MRS-LA) on malting performance. Malting trials with five different two-row barley varieties were carried out in 25 kg pilot scale. The starter cultures promoted yeast growth during malting and restricted the growth of harmful bacteria and Fusarium fungi. Furthermore, they had positive effects on malt characteristics. Reduction in wort viscosity and beta-glucan content and enhanced xylanase and microbial beta-glucanase activities were observed. Starter cultures notably improved lautering performance. Some of the beneficial effects were due to the lactic acid and low pH, as similar effects were obtained with MRS-LA. Starter cultures offer a tool for tailoring of malt properties.  相似文献   

The effect of processing, with and without fermentation, upon the nutritional composition of pickled garlic was evaluated. On a dry basis, the fermented product had a higher content of riboflavin, alpha-tocopherol, and most individual amino acids but a lower thiamin level than the unfermented product. Ascorbic acid was totally lost during processing. The chemical scores for the unfermented and fermented product were 88 and 108%, respectively, with the limiting amino acid being leucine. Water blanching (90 degrees C for 4 min) affected only the ascorbic acid content, whereas fermentation significantly affected the contents of thiamin, ascorbic acid, and alpha-tocopherol, as well as glutamic acid and arginine. For each processing type, the effect of the preservation method and storage time on vitamins and amino acid composition was also analyzed. In the case of the fermented product, usage of the corresponding fermentation brine plus refrigerated storage was also assayed as the packing/preservation method and was found to give the best result from a nutritional standpoint.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the volatile oil from roots of Bergenia ligulalta was analyzed by GC-MS. A total of 97 compounds were identified. (+)-(6S)-Parasorbic acid (1) (47.45%), isovaleric acid (6.25%), 1,8-cineole (4.24%), (Z)-asarone (3.50%), and terpinen-4-ol (2.96%) were the most prominent constituents. (+)-(6S)-Parasorbic acid (1) was isolated and characterized by spectroscopic data. This is the first report of the existence of (+)-(6S)-parasorbic acid in the saxifrage family. The volatile oil and the isolated compound were tested against Drosophila melanogaster . The results obtained showed that the volatile oil from roots could be considered as natural insecticidal effect agents.  相似文献   

The basic composition (moisture, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, crude fat, ash, nitrogen, and protein) and amino acid contents were determined in the cultivated mushrooms Agaricus bisporus/white, Agaricus bisporus/brown, Lentinula edodes, and Pleurotus ostreatus. In addition, nitrogen-to-protein conversion factors were calculated for each species by dividing the sums of amino acid residues with total (Kjeldahl) nitrogen contents. The dry matter contents of mushrooms varied from 7.7% to 8.4%. The dry matter of mushrooms contained large amounts of carbohydrates, from 4.5 (A. bisporus/white) to 5.8 g/100 g fresh weight (L. edodes). L. edodes proved to be an especially good source of dietary fiber (3.3 g/100 g fresh weight); the other mushrooms contained 1.5-2.4 g/100 g fresh weight. Crude fat, ash, and protein (based on amino acid analysis) contents of the mushrooms varied 0.31-0.35, 0.49-0.78, and 1.8-2.09 g/100 g fresh weight, respectively. Mushrooms proved to be good sources of almost all essential amino acids when compared with common vegetables. The mean nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor analyzed in the present study was 4.7 +/- 0.21. When using this factor, a very good estimation of protein contents could be obtained for the main species of mushrooms cultivated in Finland.  相似文献   

盆栽试验结果表明 ,施钼和缺钼时 ,氮肥对冬小麦的增产率分别为 319.9%和 174.0% ;冬小麦子粒中蛋白氮、清蛋白氮、醇溶蛋白氮含量 ,面粉蛋白质氨基酸总量及其氨基酸组分的含量以及谷氨酸、脯氨酸的比例等随氮肥水平提高而增加 ;但冬小麦面粉中游离天门冬氨酸和苏氨酸的含量和比例降低 ,游离氨基酸含量在缺钼时提高了 38.3% ,施钼时则下降了 37.1%。在高、低氮肥水平下施钼 ,冬小麦子粒中蛋白质含量没有明显影响 ,但分子量小的蛋白质含量及其占总量的比例下降 ,清蛋白比例分别下降 14.5、6.6个百分点 ;而大分子量蛋白质含量和比例均提高。在不同施氮水平下缺钼冬小麦子粒中游离氨基酸含量比施钼分别高 48.0%和 15.26% ,且亲水性氨基酸比例增加。缺钼冬小麦子粒中低分子量蛋白质、游离氨基酸以及亲水性氨基酸的增加 ,可能是诱发缺钼冬小麦子粒低休眠度以及出现收获前萌芽的重要原因。  相似文献   

Mineral nutrient and amino acid composition of twelve varieties of soybean grown in an alluvial soil under tropical climate of Assam, India, were studied. On a dry weight basis, Ca and K contents were between 0.35 to 0.46% and 1.66 to 2.11%, respectively, which were relatively high compared with those in temperate varieties. Protein content of the soybeans varied between 40 to 48%. SL‐96 showed the highest amounts of K, Zn, Mn, and B; DS‐37 contained the maximum total amino acids and protein. On the basis of nutrient contents, SL‐96 and DS‐37 are recommended for cultivation in Assam.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight organic substances (LMWOS) in soil and soil solution include mainly amino acids, carboxylic acids, and carbohydrates. Due to their high bioavailability they play a crucial role in the cycles of C and nutrients in soils. The variety of soil processes that involve LMWOS requires identifying their composition to elucidate reactions and transformations. In most studies, LMWOS are extracted under artificial conditions, e.g. batch experiments, which may overestimate the actual concentrations. This study measures the composition of carbohydrates and amino acids in solution of a Haplic Luvisol leached in a column experiment. A combined system for simultaneous leaching and blowout of CO2 was used to estimate LMWOS decomposition. 14C-labeled glucose was added as a highly sensitive tracer to control the efficiency of the LMWOS extraction by leaching and to estimate LMWOS decomposition during leaching. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), optimized for soil extracts, was used to analyze LMWOS composition. For HPLC optimization, different preparations of leached solutions (filtration vs. centrifugation, and drying vs. no-drying) were compared. For sugar determination, drying had no influence on the solution concentrations. In contrast, amino acid concentrations significantly decreased by drying LMWOS eluted substances. Combining the HPLC identification of eluted substances with 14C tracer application revealed that about 5% of the glucose could be leached unchanged within 786 min (13.1 h), whereas about 84% remained in the soil, 9% were decomposed to CO2, and 2% were transformed to other LMWOS and recovered in the soil solution. The total amino acid concentration (TAC) in soil solution was about 8.2 μmol l−1, dominated by alanine (14.4% of TAC), glycine (13.4%), glutamic acid (9.9%), serine (9.4%), and leucine (9.3%). The total carbohydrate concentration was about 2.4 μM, dominated by glucose (29.9%), glucuronic acid (26.8%), and galacturonic acid (17.3%). Ratios of hexoses to pentoses, amino sugars glucosamine to galactosamine, and neutral sugars to uronic acids were determined. All three parameters pointed to the dominant influence of plants as the source of LMWOS in the leached soil solution. Within the small contribution of microorganisms, bacteria dominated over fungi. These used biomarker ratios as well as LMWOS concentrations differed widely from the ones obtained with conventional batch extraction. More research is necessary to evaluate the application of these biomarkers to soil solutions.  相似文献   

Duck eggs were pickled in alkali for 20 days to prepare Pidan. The extent of the degradation of compositional amino acids, the formation of lysinoalanine (LAL) in Pidan, and the relationship between the formation of LAL and the racemization values of D-serine and D-aspartic acid in Pidan albumen during the pickling period were investigated. Results showed that the remaining percentages of Cys, Arg, Lys, Ser, and Thr in albumen were much lower than that of the corresponding amino acid in yolk. The formation of LAL in albumen in the first stage was due to the speedy increase in the pH and the abundant formation of dehydroalanine (DHA) from cysteine. However, the formation of LAL in the later pickling period was related much more to the alkali-treating time than to the pH factor. Among the amino acids, cysteine was observed to be the most sensitive to alkaline and contributed mostly to the formation of LAL throughout the pickling period.  相似文献   

This study was performed to discover bifidobacteria isolated from human intestines that optimally convert linoleic acid (LA) to conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and to optimize the culture conditions of milk fermentation. One hundred and fifty neonatal bifidobacteria were screened for CLA-producing ability, and Bifidobacterium breve LMC 017 was selected as it showed about 90% conversion of free LA in MRS broth. The selected strain showed resistance at 0.5% LA in microaerophillic conditions. When monolinolein (LA 90%) was used as a substrate for CLA production, the conversion rate was lower compared to free LA, but the growth rate was unaffected during the milk fermentation. There was no significant difference in CLA production between aerobic and anaerobic conditions, and little decline in CLA was shown after the maximal CLA level had been reached. CLA production increased by 80% with 24 h of incubation in milk containing additional skim milk (5%), where the proteins may have facilitated the production of CLA by enhancing the interaction of substrate with the bacteria. CLA production did not decline after 9 h of fermentation and an additional 12 weeks of storage with other commercial starters. This demonstrates the possibility of using this strain as a costarter in the production of CLA-enriched yogurt.  相似文献   

乳酸菌复合系和植物乳杆菌提高柳枝稷青贮效果   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
该文旨在探讨接种乳酸菌复合系SGL和植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)对柳枝稷青贮效果的影响。以营养生长阶段的柳枝稷为原料,分别接种1 OD600/kg 鲜质量的SGL和Lactobacillus Plantarum,以不接菌的处理作为对照。在发酵第3、10、20和30天开罐取样进行检测分析发酵饲料品质,通过短期人工瘤胃技术测定体外瘤胃发酵参数的变化,并运用高通量测序技术分析原料和青贮料的细菌多样性。结果表明:接种乳酸菌复合系SGL和Lactobacillus Plantarum均能有效抑制Enterobacter和Clostridium,使Lactobacillus成为控制发酵的优势菌,加快青贮过程中pH值的下降速率,提高柳枝稷青贮饲料品质,并提高柳枝稷青贮料的瘤胃发酵效果,复合菌系SGL比纯培养的Lactobacillus Plantarum的效果更突出。  相似文献   

Studies of the amino acids distribution in plants subjected to nutrient regimes are limited. The present study investigated the effect of NO3‐N and FeSO4‐Fe regimes on chlorophyll and total amino acids composition of tomato and wheat plants. Also the distribution of 17 amino acids between the different plant parts was studied. Increasing the NO3‐N level up to 200 mg kg‐1 greatly increased the total amino acids content of tomato plants. The total amino acids content of wheat plants continued to increase with addition of NO3‐N up to 400 mg kg‐1. The response of chlorophyll content to NO3‐N supply was highly dependent on Fe level both in tomato and wheat plants. The interaction between NO3‐N and FeSO4‐Fe had a great effect on the total amino acids content and distribution. Iron increased the translocation of proline from roots to leaves. The overall amino acids contents of leaves was higher than that of stems or roots.  相似文献   

A comparison of lipid content and fatty acid (FA) composition between Tuber fermentation mycelia and natural fruiting bodies indicates that the lipid content in Tuber fermentation mycelia is higher than that in fruiting bodies. Unsaturated FAs (particularly linoleic acid and oleic acid) were the predominant constituents in total FAs in both Tuber fermentation mycelia and fruiting bodies. A total of 23 FAs, including arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic, and γ-linolenic acids, were first identified in the Tuber species. A hierarchical clustering analysis showed that the FA profile of fermentation mycelia was quite similar, regardless of Tuber species. However, the FA profile of the fruiting bodies was significantly influenced by its species and habitat environments. Interestingly, the FA profile of the Tuber indicum and Tuber aestivum fruiting bodies was nearly identical to that of the Tuber fermentation mycelia, which partially confirms the similarity between the Tuber fermentation mycelia and the fruiting bodies.  相似文献   

采用田间试验方法,以普通水溶肥料(18-10-26)为对照,研究了添加氨基酸发酵尾液后水溶肥料对设施番茄产量、果实品质和土壤肥力的影响。结果表明,施用添加氨基酸发酵尾液的水溶肥料可显著提高番茄产量,改善果实品质;与普通水溶肥料相比,平均增产幅度达9%以上,果实可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、Vc含量和糖酸比分别提高14.61%~19.28%、10.15%~16.54%、16.32%~17.73%和35.38%~36.01%,可滴定酸度含量降低7.84%~16.00%。添加氨基酸发酵尾液的水溶肥料能提高土壤全氮、有效磷和微生物生物量碳含量以及蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶和脲酶等功能性酶活性;与普通水溶肥料相比,土壤全氮含量增加4.32%~6.79%,土壤有效磷含量提高1.88%~5.73%,土壤微生物生物量碳含量提高27.77%~36.23%,土壤蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶和脲酶活性分别提高34.46%~38.39%、10.59%~16.47%和10.74%~22.15%。可见,氨基酸发酵尾液对水溶肥料具有良好的改性增效作用,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

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