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An economic assessment of twin births in British dairy herds.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of twinning on the subsequent health, production and reproductive performance of dairy cattle was studied by analysing the data derived from 19,755 calvings which occurred during three years on 37 farms. The data formed part of the database of a veterinary practice operating the DAISY dairy cow recording scheme for its dairy farmer clients. The average twinning rate was 2.5 per cent. For first calf heifers the rate was 0.9 per cent, and the rate increased with increasing parity to over 5 per cent for cows calving for their sixth and subsequent lactations. Although they produced more milk than their contemporaries, twin-bearing cows suffered an increased incidence of retained placenta and vulval discharges and their calving to conception interval was extended by 33 days. Furthermore, 35 per cent of these cows were culled compared with 21 per cent of their contemporaries. The benefit of having more calves for sale was reduced owing to 15 per cent of them being born dead. It is calculated that producing twins resulted in an average loss of income of 74 pounds/cow, a deficit of 15 per cent compared with cows having single calves.  相似文献   

Data derived from 340 dairy herds, mainly in southern England, between April 1998 and March 1999, showed that the average total culling rate was 22.1 per cent, with 5.6 per cent for infertility, 3.6 per cent for mastitis, 1.7 per cent for lameness, 2.0 per cent for poor milk yield, 3.7 per cent for age and 5.5 per cent for miscellaneous reasons which included death. The average annual rate of assisted calvings was 8.7 per cent, of injury 0.9 per cent, digestive disease 1.3 per cent ketosis 0.4 per cent, hypomagnesaemia 0.7 per cent, hypocalcaemia 5.3 per cent, mastitis 36.6 per cent, and lameness 23.7 per cent. There was a significant association (P<0.001) between higher rates of mastitis in cows housed in straw yards as opposed to cubicles and also between higher rates of lameness in cows housed in cubicles as opposed to yards (P<0.015). However, there were farms with low rates of mastitis in cows kept in straw yards and low rates of lameness in cows kept in cubicles. Larger herds tended to have more problems with lameness and higher bulk milk somatic cell counts (BMSCC). There was a positive association between BMSCC and mastitis rate.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to document mortality reasons and risk factors for mortality in dairy calves in the northeast of Iran. This was a prospective cohort study of calves born on ten commercial dairy herds from 21 March 2009 to 20 March 2010. A total of 4097 live calves were followed for 90 days after birth. For each calf details of sex, parity of the dam, type of parturition and season of birth were recorded. The interval (in days) from the date of birth to the date of death and the reason for death was recorded for those calves that died before 90 days of age. A Cox proportional hazards model, including a frailty term to account for unmeasured herd-level effects was developed to quantify the effect of factors associated with time to death. Two hundred and sixty-six (6.5%, 95% CI: 5.8-7.3%) of the 4097 live-born calves died or were euthanised before 90 days of age. The most important reasons for death were digestive tract disorders (58% of all deaths, 95% CI: 52-64%) followed by respiratory diseases (13% of all deaths, 95% CI: 9-17%). Calves exposed to dystocia at birth had 2.09 (95% CI: 1.49-2.92) times the daily hazard of death compared with calves born from a normal calving. The daily hazard of death for calves born in the summer was 1.93 (95% CI: 1.41-2.64) times greater than the hazard for those calves born in the autumn. Inclusion of the herd-level frailty term had a significant effect on hazard estimates indicating that the study herds were heterogeneous in the distribution of unmeasured herd-level factors influencing calf survival. Our results show that diarrhoea is the most important cause of calf mortality in dairy herds in this area of Iran and that environmental and management factors affect calf mortality rate.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of Giardia infections in dairy calves and to compare Giardia and Cryptosporidium infections in calves of different ages. Fresh fecal samples were collected from 386 male and female Holstein calves (newborn to 24 wk) in 20 dairies located in the lower Fraser river valley area of British Columbia. Giardia intestinalis, Cryptosporidium parvum, and Cryptosporidium muris were enumerated in each sample after concentration by sucrose gradient centrifugation and immunofluorescent staining. Giardia was identified at all farm locations. The overall prevalence of Giardia in calves was 73% with a geometric mean cyst count of 1180 cysts per gram of feces (CI, 41 to 5014). Cryptosporidium parvum and C. muris were identified in 80% and 40% of the farms, respectively. The prevalence of C. parvum was 59%, and the geometric mean for oocysts was 457 oocysts per gram of feces (CI, 18 to 160). The prevalence of C. muris was only 2% and the mean oocyst counts were 54 oocysts per gram of feces. Giardiasis was not age dependent, and approximately 80% of the calves from 2 to 24 wk were infected. In contrast, C. parvum infections were predominant in calves 2 to 4 wk, while C. muris was demonstrated in calves older than 4 wk. Fourty-seven percent of calves with diarrhea had high numbers of Giardia cysts in their feces. Giardia infections are highly prevalent in dairy calves and should be considered in animals with diarrhea or failure to thrive.  相似文献   

An observational study of Corynebacterium bovis was conducted in 74 Ontario dairy herds. The levels of infection with C. bovis were 19.9, 36.2 and 85.6% at the quarter, cow and herd level, respectively. Teat disinfection was found to be the variable best able to distinguish between herds with a high or low C. bovis quarter infection rate. Mean total milk somatic cell counts for 1103 quarters and 107 cows infected with only C. bovis ranged between 150,000 and 200,000/mL and were significantly higher than for uninfected quarters or cows. The rate of infection with mastitis pathogens was not significantly different in quarters previously colonized with only C. bovis compared to previously uninfected quarters.  相似文献   

Data derived over four years from 434 dairy herds in 1998/99 to 244 in 2001/02 revealed average disposal rates of 22.6 per cent per year, half of which were for poor fertility, mastitis and lameness. The quartile of herds with the lowest disposal rates sold an average of 11.5 per cent annually and the quartile with the highest rates sold 35.5 per cent. Average annual disease rates over the four years were as follows: for assisted calving 7.8 per cent, for digestive disease 1.2 per cent, for ketosis 0.5 per cent, for hypomagnesaemia 0.5 per cent, for hypocalcaemia 5.0 per cent and for injuries 0.8 per cent. The incidence of mastitis increased from 36.0 to 43.3 per cent of cows per year. The incidence of lameness decreased from 23.3 per cent in 1998/99 to 20.7 per cent in 2000/01 but increased to 21.9 per cent in 2001/02. Data received from the same 219 farms during the first three years showed no effective differences from the full set of data for each of the three years. The lowest annual incidences of mastitis and lameness on individual farms were below 7 per cent and 2.5 per cent, respectively. In general, housing cows in cubicles was associated with a greater risk of lameness, and housing them in straw yards with a greater risk of mastitis. However, some of the lowest rates of lameness were recorded in cubicle-housed cows and some of the lowest rates of mastitis were recorded in cows housed in yards. Larger herds were not associated, in general, with higher rates of mastitis.  相似文献   

All the cattle in 14 dairy herds in England were tested for Neospora caninum-specific antibodies with a commercial ELISA. Three of the herds had had sporadic abortions, eight had had endemic abortions and three had had epidemic abortions associated with N caninum before the study. Of 4295 cattle tested, 17.1 per cent were seropositive and the herd-specific prevalence ranged from 7.3 per cent to 44.8 per cent. No significant effect of either herd size (P = 0.988), endemic (P = 0.869) or epidemic (P = 0.138) patterns of abortion on herd-specific prevalence was found by using logistic regression analysis. There was no evidence in any herd of a significant increase in prevalence with age; the prevalence in seven-to 12-month-old cattle was not significantly different (P > 0.400) from the prevalence in older cattle, except that there was a significantly lower prevalence (P = 0.017) in 13-to 24-month-old cattle. The results of this study are consistent with vertical transmission being the major route of N caninum transmission in these herds.  相似文献   

Integrated control of bovine virus diarrhoea virus, bovine herpesvirus-1, Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo subtype hardjobovis, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, and Salmonella dublin in dairy herds may provide economic benefits superior to those obtained by sequential disease control, because, among other things, it allows optimization of voluntary culling. However, in practice there are no adequate instruments to establish priorities in voluntary culling. Therefore, in this study the priorities in decision-making for voluntary culling of infected cattle, as indicated by more than 300 cattle veterinarians, were analysed. Based on our results and supplementary considerations, the priorities for voluntary culling in the Netherlands can be ranked as: 1st. cull S. dublin carriers, 2nd. cull persistently infected BVDV carriers, 3rd. cull paratuberculosis faecal culture positive cattle and their last offspring, 4th. cull, in paratuberculosis infected herds, paratuberculosis ELISA positive cattle and their last offspring and cull, in low prevalence herds, BHV1 gE-positive cattle, and 5th. cull leptospirosis seropositive cattle. Since this ranking was based on one case study only, other priorities may prevail in other herds.  相似文献   

Incidence of clinical mastitis in a cohort of British dairy herds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three-year survey to determine the incidence of clinical mastitis and the associated bacteria in dairy herds in England and Wales is described. Escherichia coli was the predominant organism in each year. Streptococcus uberis and Staphylococcus aureus were important for part for each year. The annual incidence of mastitis declined from 54.6 cases per 100 cows in 1980 to 41.2 in 1982. The incidence increased with age and declined with increasing herd size. The culling rate due solely to mastitis was 3 per cent. Strep uberis was the pathogen most frequently isolated from clinical cases which occurred in the dry period. Thirty per cent of all cases recurred at least once and staphylococcal cases exhibited the highest frequency of recurrence.  相似文献   

The objective of this epidemiological study was to identify risk factors for Neospora caninum-related abortions in Ontario Holstein dairy herds. A total of 88 herds, consisting of 5080 cattle, and utilizing Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) services, were divided into three groups. Case (n = 30) and first control (n = 31) herds were selected from 1998 and 1999 fetal abortion submissions to the Animal Health Laboratory, University of Guelph, that were histopathologically positive or negative, respectively, for N. caninum. A second control group (n = 27) was selected from multiple sources of herds sampled within the previous 4 years that had a low seroprevalence (<7%) to N. caninum. Between May and December 1999, all available cows on all farms, in parity one or greater, were blood sampled. The sera were then analyzed for antibody to N. caninum using a kinetic ELISA. A survey administered at the time of sampling recorded information on housing, animal species present, manure management, reproduction, biosecurity practices, wildlife observations, peri-parturient cow management, herd disease history and nutrition. Production and other herd parameters were obtained from DHI records. Logistic regression indicated that the following parameters were positively associated with a N. caninum abortion in a herd: the N. caninum herd seroprevalence (OR = 1.1), the total number of dogs on a farm (OR = 2.8), the frequency that dogs were observed defecating in mangers (OR = 2.8), the number of horses on a farm (OR = 3.1), the observed annual rate of retained fetal membranes (OR = 1.2) and the observed annual rate of cows returning to estrus after pregnancy confirmation (OR = 1.2). Factors negatively associated were the frequency of stray cats and wild canids observed on a farm (OR = 0.4 and OR = 0.7, respectively) and the housing of heifers on loafing packs (a housing pen divided into feed manger, scrape alley and bedded pack areas, OR = 0.1).  相似文献   

Monitoring and testing dairy herds for metabolic disease.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Clinical impressions of metabolic disease problems in dairy herds can be corroborated with herd-based metabolic testing. Ruminal pH should be evaluated in herds showing clinical signs associated with SARA (lame cows, thin cows, high herd removals or death loss across all stages of lactation, or milk fat depression). Testing a herd for the prevalence of SCK via blood BHB sampling in early lactation is useful in almost any dairy herd, and particularly if the herd is experiencing a high incidence of displaced abomasum or high removal rates of early lactation cows. If cows are experiencing SCK within the first 3 weeks of lactation, then consider NEFA testing of the prefresh cows to corroborate prefresh negative energy balance. Finally, monitoring cows on the day of calving for parturient hypocalcemia can provide early detection of diet-induced problems in calcium homeostasis. If hypocalcemia problems are present despite supplementing anionic salts before calving, then it may be helpful to evaluate mean urinary pH of a group of the prefresh cows. Quantitative testing strategies based on statistical analyses can be used to establish minimum sample sizes and interpretation guidelines for all of these tests.  相似文献   

Mycoplasmal bovine mastitis is potentially a highly contagious disease that can cause severe economic problems in affected herds. The purchase of replacement heifers and cows are frequently the origin of mycoplasmal mastitis outbreaks in previously Mycoplasma-free herds. Purchased cows and heifers should be quarantined and tested for mycoplasmal mastitis before admission to the regular herd. Detection of Mycoplasma-infected cows by culture of milk is straightforward, although there are problems of sensitivity for its detection in milk samples that are inherent to the nature of the disease and laboratory procedures. After detection of infected cows, the best way to protect the herd is to culture all cows in the herd, cows with clinical mastitis, and all heifers and cows after calving and before entering the milking herd. Control of mycoplasmal mastitis requires test and culling from the herd of Mycoplasma-positive cows if possible. When a large number of cows are infected, strict segregation with adequate management is an option; however, animals in this group should never re-enter the Mycoplama-free herd. The functioning of the milking equipment and milking procedures should be evaluated carefully and any flaws corrected. There is no treatment for mycoplasmal mastitis, and vaccination has not proven to be efficacious to prevent, decrease the incidence, or ameliorate the clinical signs of mycoplasmal mastitis. Waste milk should not be fed to calves without pasteurization. M bovis may cause several other pathologies in animals of different ages on a farm, including pneumonia, arthritis, and ear infections. The survival of mycoplasmas in different farm microenvironments needs to be further investigated for its impact on the epidemiology of the disease.  相似文献   

Fecal samples from calves on 78 randomly selected Holstein dairy farms in southwestern Ontario were screened for Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni/coli, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, rotavirus and coronavirus. Based on the observed prevalence, 22% of farms had calves infected with Salmonella, 13% with Campylobacter jejuni/coli, 41% with enteropathogenic E. coli, 19% with rotavirus and 5% with coronavirus. These estimates can be modified, using a method developed by Mullen and Prost (1983) for the World Health Organization, to account for the nature of the laboratory test used. If the test is assumed to have no false positives (that is, if an organism is detected it must be there), then the observed prevalence estimates seen on this study may greatly underestimate the true prevalence of infected premises. The use of nipple feeders for calves was associated with an increased probability of farms having calves shedding detectable fecal levels of Salmonella, E. coli, or one of the two viruses. The use of group pens was associated with an increased odds of finding C. jejuni. Calves with diarrhea on these farms tended to have increased odds of shedding rotavirus, and E. coli with the K99 antigen. However, at the farm level, none of the organisms was associated with above median levels of morbidity. Farms positive for one or other of the viruses had increased odds of experiencing calf mortality relative to virus-negative farms, and farms positive for C. jejuni/coli had decreased odds of mortality.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Some of the highest genetic merit sires have been shown to harbour recessive mutations affecting fertility, which may spread rapidly in the population through AI. These disorders may result in abortion and decline in pregnancy per insemination in cows. This study was carried out on 240 Holstein‐Friesian cows and 15 mummified foetuses. Blood and tissue samples were collected from the cows and mummified foetuses, respectively, for DNA extraction. Allele‐specific PCR was designed for the detection of the cows and foetuses carrying the nonsense mutation (C/T) in apoptosis peptide activating factor 1 gene (APAF1). The mutant allele frequency of the APAF1 in carrier cows and mummified foetuses was calculated. Milk samples were taken from the carrier and non‐carrier cows for progesterone assay. The allele‐specific PCR reaction efficiently distinguished the C/T mutation in APAF1. Of 240 cows, seven cows (2.9%) were diagnosed to carry one copy of the mutant allele of APAF1. However, the carrier frequency was 33.3% in mummified foetuses (five of 15). The mutant allele frequency was 0.02 and 0.17 in the cows and mummified foetuses, respectively. Concentrations of progesterone did not differ between cows with APAF1 mutation and non‐carrier cows during 45 days post‐insemination. This study provided allele‐specific PCR for the detection of APAF1 mutation in cows. Moreover, it reports the carrier and mutant allele frequencies of APAF1 in dairy cows and mummified foetuses in Japan.  相似文献   

The course of vesicular stomatitis in cattle was investigated in 2 dairy herds (A and B) located in the southern San Joaquin Valley of California. Cattle were examined and specimens were obtained for virus isolation and for serologic survey for one year after an epizootic in December 1982. All 33 lactating cows selected for study had oral lesions, but only 19 (58%) were drooling or frothing around the mouth. Lesions on feet and teats were not observed. The healing time (longer than has been reported previously) for oral lesions ranged from 34 to 59 days. The mean serum neutralizing antibody titer for all cows tested in both herds 21 days after clinical signs were first observed was greater than 1:512. The mean titer decreased in the first 11 months after the epizootic, but remained greater than 1:128, and then increased during December 1983. Vesicular stomatitis virus/New Jersey strain was not isolated from 239 blood samples, 235 swab specimens of oral cavities, 38 swab specimens of oral epithelium, 206 urine specimens, or 232 fecal specimens collected from cows; however, it was isolated from tongue epithelium of 3 cows at 1, 4, and 21 days after signs of frothing were first noticed. For 20 lactating cows brought into dairy A during the epizootic, a mean time of 8.9 days elapsed between time of entry and appearance of clinical signs of vesicular stomatitis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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