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密闭式蛋鸡舍又称无窗鸡舍,这种鸡舍保温性能好,四面无窗,舍内环境主要通过人工或仪器控制进行调节,造成舍内“人工小气候”。 1温度的控制与管理 1.1高温的控制与管理 1.1.1高温时的控制 密闭式鸡舍,舍内气候可以调整和控制,因此,对于生产的控制也有效。当然,人工控制舍内气候的成本较高,而且需要可靠的电力供应。  相似文献   

密闭式蛋鸡舍又称无窗鸡舍,这种鸡舍保温性能好,四面无窗,舍内环境主要通过人工或仪器控制进行调节,造成舍内“人工小气候”.  相似文献   

张泽樘  詹勋  吴银宝  罗庆斌 《中国家禽》2012,34(3):18-20,24
选择华南农业大学增城正大肉鸡发展中心的肉种鸡舍为研究对象,在夏季分别对该鸡舍的气温、气湿、风速等温热环境因子进行测定,用以评价该鸡舍采用的湿帘通风系统对鸡舍内温热环境因子的调节效果。结果表明,夏季采用湿帘通风系统的鸡舍平均舍温比舍外气温低3~4℃,相对湿度保持在80%左右;夏季采用湿帘通风系统可以有效地降低舍温,主要表现为前端降温效果明显,后部降温效果有所下降;中间比两侧的降温效果好。表明夏季采用湿帘通风系统对种鸡舍内的温热环境控制较好。  相似文献   

根据对采用湿帘蒸发降温系统蛋鸡舍夏季环境的测定结果。对照传统自然和风机通风之效果,讨论了在我国湿热的南方地区应用该系统中的几个问题.  相似文献   

随着饲料工业发展,饲料添加剂在我国得到了迅速地应用和推广,添加剂的种类在增加,其作用也不仅仅是促进生长,一些添加剂已成为促进营养物质消化吸收或保证动物营养生理功能正常发挥所必需的物质,成为全价饲粮中必不可少的组成部分.但是,有些饲料添加剂使用不当或过量也会对动物和人体健康及生态环境产生不良影响.  相似文献   

随着饲料工业发展,饲料添加剂在我国得到了迅速地应用和推广,添加剂的种类在增加,其作用也不仅仅是促进生长,一些添加剂已成为促进营养物质消化吸收或保证动物营养生理功能正常发挥所必需的物质,成为全价饲粮中必不可少的组成部分。但是,有些饲料添加剂使用不当或过量也会对动物和人体健康及生态环境产生不良影响。  相似文献   

中国入世以及动物性食品安全质量标准的不断提高,使传统的以疫苗接种、药物防治、环境消毒等为主要手段的疾病预防与控制体系受到严重挑战。特别是多种药物和疫苗的限制使用或禁用,使得肉鸡生产在处理疾病防治、控制药物残留、保障食品安全等诸多问题上顾此失彼。如何采取有效措施,阻止疾病防治过程中可能造成的活禽及其产品药物残留超标或被病原微生物污染是当前肉鸡生产急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

中国蛋鸡规模化和标准化鸡舍设计模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新的一年,峪禽"健康养殖"专栏以全新的面貌和大家如期见面。在2007第24期,峪禽"健康养殖"专家们给广大养殖户介绍了适合中国蛋鸡发展的规模化和标准化鸡舍建设原则。本期,他们将在此基础上给大家推荐适合中国蛋鸡发展状况的1.5万只以及5000只和2万只密闭式标准化蛋鸡舍设计方案,并以图文并茂的形式系统和全面的阐述具体的设计、施工和内部设备要求。  相似文献   

选用健康乌苏里幼公貉63只,随机分为7组(每组9只)。1~4组用以探讨适宜蛋白质水平,其蛋白质水平分别为31.54%、36.39%,40.37%和43.53%;5-7组用以探讨适宜能量水平,其能量水平分别为19589.78,21860.94和22600.04k J/kg。试验分育成前期和冬毛生长期两个阶段进行,饲喂同一营养水平的日粮。结果表明,育成前期饲喂蛋白质水平为36.39%的日粮,可获得理想的体重、体长及经济效益。 冬毛生长期,日粮蛋白质水平在31.54%~43.53%范围内,对幼貉的体重和体长无显著影响。育成期以饲喂能量水平为21860.94~22600.04 k J/kg的日粮为宜。育成前期适宜的蛋能比为16.1~16.6,冬毛生长期为14.0~14.4。  相似文献   

导读:随着饲料工业发展,饲料添加剂在我国得到了迅速地应用和推广,添加剂的种类在增加,其作用也不仅仅是促进生长,一些添加剂已成为促进营养物质消化吸收或保证动物营养生理功能正常发挥所必需的物质,成为全价饲粮中必不可少的组成部分。但是,有些饲料添加剂使用不当或过量也会对动物和人体健康及生态环境产生不良影响。比如抗生素添加剂具有刺激动物生长、提高动物增重速率、改善动物对饲料的利用效率、防治畜禽疾病、保障动物健康生长等作用。但是,专家们认为长期食用有抗生素残留的食品,会降低人体的免疫力。由于抗生素的“三致”作用,易产生耐药性,并降低人体免疫力。因此,抗生素已被称为“人类健康的超级隐形杀手”。  相似文献   

生态环境(包括人们的生产生活)对动物生命活动及其致病因素的影响十分巨大而深远,而动物的生命活动及其致病因素对生态环境的影响亦直接而明显,两者相互关联、相互作用、互为一个整体。因此研究生态环境与动物医学之间的关系,对控制疫病、保护环境有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

我国动物疫病流行日趋复杂,而传统防控工作方式效率亟待提高。信息化能有效提高动物疫病防控管理工作效率,有利于对动物疫情的快速预警、反应、控制和溯源。本文介绍市级动物疫病防控信息化管理系统的功能设计,重点分析基础信息数据库、物资管理系统、动物疫病监测、疫情预警、疫情调查处置等功能模块,形成市级动物疫病防控大数据和网络化管理平台,实现动物防疫场点、人员、疫苗、物资和工作抽查等网络化管理,为动物疫病防控行政决策提供技术支持,切实提高基层防疫工作效率。  相似文献   

本文探讨蛋鸡水帘舍和半封闭舍内气温、气湿的分布规律及其对舍内粪便的影响,为不同类型蛋鸡舍粪便的管理提供依据.研究表明,水帘舍降温效果比半封闭舍理想,舍外平均气温为29.1℃时,半封闭舍内气温为28.1℃,水帘舍内为27.5C;半封闭舍内,粪便含水率升高方向与空气流动性减弱方向一致;水帘舍中,中间区域的粪便含水率明显高于风机端区域.水帘舍内蛋鸡粪便含水率比半封闭舍内高2.04%.产蛋初期和高峰期粪便含水率显著高于产蛋下降期(P<0.05),分别为77.33%、76.78%和72.11%.在3个产蛋阶段,水帘舍内蛋鸡粪便铜、锌、全磷含量均比半封闭舍低,分别低0.98 g/kg、18.44 g/kg、0.50 g/kg;在两种类型鸡舍中,产蛋下降期蛋鸡排泄的铜、锌、全磷均高于产蛋初期和产蛋高峰期.进入产蛋下降期后,不论在哪一类型鸡舍,全氮排泄量明显降低,粪便中的氨氮含量又比前两阶段明显升高,而且,水帘舍内粪便的氨氮含量显著高于半封闭舍.分析表明,蛋鸡舍类型不仅直接影响排泄后粪便的特性,同时影响养分在蛋鸡体内的代谢、吸收与排泄.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted on 1,002 reproductive records of 430 Jersey crossbred cattle, descended from 57 sires and 198 dams, maintained at the Eastern Regional Station of ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India to investigate the influence of direct genetic, maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effect on three most important reproductive traits viz., number of service per conception (NSPC), days open (DO) and calving interval (CI) of Jersey crossbred cattle. Six single-trait animal models (including or excluding maternal genetic or permanent environmental effects) were fitted to analyse these traits, and the best model was chosen after testing the significant increase in the log-likelihood values when additional parameters were added in the model. Direct heritability estimates for NSPC, DO and CI from the best model were 0.10, 0.14 and 0.20, respectively. The maternal permanent environmental (c2) effects on reproductive traits accounted for almost negligible fraction of the total phenotypic variance in this study. The maternal genetic effects (m2) also contributed very little (0%–3%) to the total phenotypic variance except for CI where it was important and accounted for 20% of phenotypic variance. A significantly large negative genetic correlation was observed between direct and maternal genetic effects for all traits, suggesting the presence of antagonistic relationship between dam's direct additive component and daughter's additive genetic component. Results suggest that both direct and maternal effects were important only for CI but not for other traits. Therefore, both direct additive effects and maternal genetic effect need to be considered for improving this trait by selection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To provide an integrated view of relationships between assessment of animal welfare. societal expectations regarding animal welfare standards, the need for regulation, and two ethical strategies for promoting animal welfare, emphasising farm animals. APPROACH: Ideas in relevant papers and key insights were outlined and illustrated, where appropriate, by New Zealand experience with different facets of the welfare management of farm animals. CONCLUSIONS: An animal's welfare is good when its nutritional, environmental, health, behavioural and mental needs are met. Compromise may occur in one or more of these areas and is assessed by scientifically-informed best judgement using parameters validated by directed research and objective analysis in clinical and practical settings. There is a wide range of perceptions of what constitutes good and bad welfare in society, so that animal welfare standards cannot be left to individual preferences to determine. Rather, the promotion of animal welfare is seen as requiring central regulation, but managed in a way that allows for adjustments based on new scientific knowledge of animals' needs and changing societal perceptions of what is acceptable and unacceptable treatment of animals. Concepts of 'minimal welfare', representing the threshold of cruelty, and 'acceptable welfare', representing higher, more acceptable standards than those that merely avoid cruelty, are outlined. They are relevant to economic analyses, which deal with determinants of animal welfare standards based on financial costs and the desire of the public to feel broadly comfortable about the treatment of the animals that are used to serve their needs. Ethical strategies for promoting animal welfare can be divided broadly into the 'gold standard' approach and the 'incremental improvement' approach. The first defines the ideal that is to be required in a particular situation and will accept nothing less than that ideal, whereas the second aims to improve welfare in a step-wise fashion by setting a series of achievable goals, seeing each small advance as worthwhile progress towards the same ideal. 'Incremental improvement' is preferred. This also has application in veterinary practice where the professional commitment to maintain good welfare standards may at times conflict with financial constraints experienced by clients.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to estimate daily N maintenance requirements (NMRs) and the genetic potential for daily N retention (NRmaxT) of pullets in growth phase. Three nitrogen balance trials were conducted, and a total of 48 Hy‐line W‐36 pullets were used in each trial in age periods (starter: 14–28, grower: 56–70 and developer: 98–112 days). The treatments consisted of six graded levels of nitrogen in the diets (L1 = 8, L2 = 16, L3 = 24, L4 = 32, L5 = 40 and L6 = 48 g N/kg of feed), formulated using the dilution technique. The regression analyses between nitrogen intake and nitrogen excretion were performed to fit the exponential function and to determine the NMR. The daily NMRs that were estimated at 294, 331 and 355 mg/BWkg0.67 for the initial, grower and developer periods, respectively, were applied for further calculation of NRmaxT as the threshold value of the function between N intake and daily N balance. The NRmaxT was estimated by a statistical procedure following several iteration steps by the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm until the sum of the squares of the residual was minimized. The NRmaxT was estimated at 3,200, 2,633 and 1,826 mg/BWkg0.67 for starter, grower and developer periods respectively. The determined model parameters were the precondition for modelling of the amino acid requirement based on an exponential N‐utilization model and depended on performance and dietary amino acid efficiency. This procedure will be further developed and applied in the subsequent study.  相似文献   

Animal welfare is being accorded an increasingly important role in today's civil society. Within the EU, this has been enshrined within the specific “Protocol on Protection and Welfare of Animals” annexed to the EC Treaty, obliging Member States and the EU Institutions to pay full regard to the welfare of animals when formulating and implementing Community legislation. There is a growing body of EU legislation on this issue, founded on sound scientific principles (including the role of EFSA in providing independent scientific advice), taking account of public concerns, stakeholder input and possible socio-economic implications. Recent CAP reforms also testify to animal welfare's growing stature in policy-making, with the introduction of the principle of cross-compliance regarding eligibility for direct payments and additional financial incentives for producers to achieve higher standards. Animal welfare is being increasingly perceived as an integral element of overall food quality, having important knock-on effects on animal health and food safety. On a worldwide level, the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) has embarked on an initiative to develop global animal welfare guidelines and standards mandated by 167 member countries and the issue remains on the agenda for future WTO negotiations. Consumers demand higher standards of animal protection and it is incumbent upon policy-makers and legislators to respond accordingly.  相似文献   

《家畜育种学》课程是动物生产学科重要的一门专业基础课程.近年来,由于生物技术、信息技术、计算机科学等领域的发展迅速以及在动物育种中的应用,动物育种领域又出现了不少新理论和新技术.为了使教学更好跟上家畜育种学及其相关领域发展的步伐,本文对我国《家畜育种学》教材中存在问题进行分析,并重点阐述了《家畜育种学》教材更新内容.  相似文献   

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