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鸡传染性病毒性腺胃炎是以腺胃肿大、腺胃乳头出血溃疡为主要特征的传染病,该病多发生于雏鸡,主要表现为生长停滞和消瘦,剖捡可见特征性腺胃炎变化胸腺和法氏囊萎缩,胰腺坏死。本文就该病的流行病学,病理变化,临床症状,鉴别诊断及防治措施做了叙述,为养殖户有效诊断和防治鸡传染性腺胃炎提供参考。  相似文献   

鸡传染性病毒性腺胃炎是一种以腺胃肿大、腺胃乳头出血溃疡为主要特征的传染病,该病多发生于雏鸡,主要表现为生长停滞和消瘦,剖检除较常见的腺胃炎变化外,还可见胸腺和法氏囊萎缩,胰腺坏死。该病的临床症状、病理变化表现不尽相同,病原众说不一。文章就该病的病原学、流行病学、病理变化、临床症状以及鉴别诊断做了综述。  相似文献   

自1994年以来,在我国江苏、山东等地先后流行一种以腺胃肿胀、腺胃乳头溃疡为特征的传染病,现已蔓延至全国许多养鸡地区。本病多发生于雏鸡,主要表现生长停滞、羽毛生长不良和消瘦;剖检除较常见的腺胃炎变化外,还可见胸腺、法氏囊萎缩,胰腺坏死。常因继发感染而造成大批死亡。由于病因复杂,故该病有“鸡腺胃型传染性支气管炎”、“鸡传染性腺胃炎”、“鸡病毒性腺胃炎”等多种称呼。  相似文献   

鸡传染性法氏囊炎是由传染性法氏囊病毒引起的主要危害雏鸡的一种急性高度接触性传染病,发病率高、病程短,法氏囊、肾脏的病理变化,腿肌和胸肌出血,腺胃和肌胃交界处条状出血是特征性病理变化。雏鸡感染后,可导致免疫抑制,并可诱发多种疾病或使多种疫苗免疫失败。  相似文献   

鸡腺胃炎是指以腺胃肿大和腺胃炎症为特征的疾病。主要特征包括鸡体苍白,生长迟缓,饲料转化率低、粪便中有未消化或消化不良的饲料(一般称为过料)。剖检病变以腺胃肿胀、溃疡、肌胃角质层糜烂、脾脏、胸腺、法氏囊萎缩为特征。  相似文献   

试验采用疑似鸡传染性腺胃炎病鸡的腺胃组织匀浆,经除菌处理后人工接种健康雏鸡,并进行了系统的动态病理学观察。结果表明:人工感染病例和自然病例的病理变化基本相同,其主要眼观病理变化为腺胃显著肿大、出血,小肠充血、出血;主要组织学变化为腺胃黏膜充血、出血、炎性水肿和浅层坏死,小肠黏膜急性炎症变化,肝脏、肾脏等实质细胞变性以致局灶性坏死,胸腺及法氏囊等淋巴组织萎缩。从自然病例和人工感染病例腺胃中均可分离到传染性支气管炎病毒。因此,可以认为传染性支气管炎病毒是鸡传染性腺胃炎的一种病原。  相似文献   

<正>传染性法氏囊病又称传染性腔上囊炎,是由传染性法氏囊病病毒引起的主要危害雏鸡的一种急性高度接触性传染病。发病率高,病程短。法氏囊、肾脏的病理变化,腿肌和胸肌出血、腺胃和肌胃交界处条状出血是具有特征性的病理变化。幼鸡感染后,可导致免疫抑制,并可诱发各种疫病或使各种疫苗免疫失败。  相似文献   

鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)广西分离株GX-YL5通过滴鼻点眼人工感染14日龄健康非免疫雏鸡,对接毒后1、3、5、7、10、14、21、28、35和42 d试验鸡的气管、肺脏、肾脏、胸腺、腺胃、盲肠扁桃体和肝脏等组织及泄殖腔棉拭子进行IBV的反转录巢式PCR检测,同时对接毒后不同时间的气管、肺脏、肾脏、胸腺、腺胃、法氏囊、脾脏和肝脏进行组织病理学观察。结果表明接毒后的3~21 d,气管、肺脏、肾脏、胸腺、腺胃、盲肠扁桃体和肝脏的病毒检测均为阳性,接毒后42 d肾脏和气管检测结果仍为阳性;接毒后3~42 d泄殖腔棉拭子检测结果为阳性。组织病理学观察见到气管黏液,气管和细支气管纤毛脱落,炎症细胞浸润,肺充血,淋巴细胞浸润,肾脏间质性肾炎以及法氏囊水肿。研究结果表明,GX-YL5株对雏鸡具有广泛的组织嗜性,主要脏器带毒时间21 d或更长,泄殖腔排毒持续至少39 d。  相似文献   

<正>鸡腺肌胃炎是以腺胃肿大、肌胃糜烂为主要特征的传染性疾病。肌胃和腺胃是鸡的主要消化器官,当二者出现病变时,鸡的消化功能减退,饲料不能被完全消化吸收,其粪便中携带未消化的饲料颗粒,饲料转化率低。各品种、年龄的鸡一年四季均可发病(季节交替时发病率高些),雏鸡发病率最高,成年鸡多呈隐性感染。鸡腺肌胃炎以预防为主,治疗为辅,预防应禁止饲喂霉变饲料,不长期饲喂单一饲料,并应加强清洁消毒,做好饲养环境管理。  相似文献   

<正>家禽传染性腺胃炎是一种以生长不良、消瘦、整齐度差等临床症状以及腺胃肿大或腺胃乳头扁平甚至消失,腺胃黏膜出血溃疡、脱落,鸡内金和肌胃黏膜面火山口样溃疡、肌胃糜烂为主要特征的流行病,临床上以蛋雏鸡、肉雏鸡和青年鸡多发,其次为肉用公鸡和杂交肉鸡,但鸭腺胃肿大的病例鲜有报道。近日笔者接诊了1例麻鸭腺胃肿大病例,用中西药治疗后效果良好,现报告如下。  相似文献   

Proventriculitis in broiler chickens: effects of immunosuppression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proventriculitis in broilers causes carcass condemnation when swollen proventriculi tear during evisceration. The cause of this proventriculitis is unknown, but several infectious agents have been associated with it. One such agent, infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), has been implicated as a cause of proventriculitis, but a direct effect of this virus on the proventriculus has not been proven. The role of IBDV in proventriculitis may be indirect as a result of its ability to cause immunosuppression. The objective of this study was to understand how immunosuppression affects the incidence of proventriculitis in broiler chickens. Immunosuppression was induced in commercial and specific-pathogen-free broiler chickens using chemicals (cyclophosphamide and cyclosporin) or virus (IBDV). All groups were then exposed to a proventricular homogenate produced from diseased birds. At 7 and 14 days postinoculation, the incidence of proventriculitis in these groups was compared to that produced by homogenate exposure in immunocompetent broilers. All birds exposed to the proventricular homogenate from diseased birds developed proventriculitis. Cyclophosphamide and IBDV, both B cell suppressors, did not significantly affect the incidence or characteristics of the proventriculitis observed, although they did have an effect on the size of the proventriculus at 7 days postinoculation. Chickens immunosuppressed with cyclosporin, a T cell suppressor, developed more severe lesions and had a higher incidence of proventriculitis. These findings indicate that both B and T cells are involved in the immune response against proventriculitis, but cell-mediated immunity appears to have a more important role in controlling the disease. IBDV affects both humoral and cellular immunity in the chicken, so although under experimental conditions it didn't have a major effect on proventriculitis, it may explain why control of IBDV in the field seems to reduce the incidence of proventriculitis.  相似文献   

Broiler chickens with transmissible proventriculitis have severe lymphocytic infiltration of the proventricular glands. The distribution of T cells and B cells in these infiltrates was studied histopathologically, and their identity was confirmed immunohistochemically (CD3, CD4, CD8, and B cells). To reproduce this disease, 1-day-old commercial boilers were orally gavaged with homogenized proventriculi from broilers with proventriculitis. Resulting lesions were examined at both acute (7 days postinoculation [i]) and chronic (14 and 21 dpi) time points. Lymphocytic infiltrates in the proventricular glands and the mucosal lamina propria were present at all time points and were most prominent and demarcated at 14 dpi. T and B lymphocytes were present during acute and chronic proventriculitis, but their distribution varied within the glands. Lymphocytic infiltrates in the proventricular glands and in the lamina propria were predominantly CD3+T cells, and most of these were also CD8+. B cells and CD4+ T cells formed aggregates in chronic proventriculitis. Thus, both cell-mediated and humoral immune responses are induced during transmissible proventriculitis, and the cell-mediated immune response is morphologically greater.  相似文献   

鸡传染性腺胃炎是以鸡生长阻滞、腺胃肿大、腺胃乳头出血和溃疡等为主要特征的传染病,多发于雏鸡,以蛋用雏鸡发病较多,近年来,肉鸡发病也有逐渐增多的趋势,给养鸡业带来严重的经济损失。鸡传染性腺胃炎病原复杂,病因众说纷纭,目前尚无定论。为使广大禽病研究者更快速的认识本病,本文就国内外对该病有关的主要病原学的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

从表现腺胃炎的病鸡中分离到1株网状内皮增生症病毒   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
从表现传染性腺胃炎的病鸡中分离到 1 株病毒。该病毒呈球形,真径 80~100 nm ,有囊膜。将病料接种于鸡胚成纤维细胞,分别用单克隆抗体免疫荧光试验、酶联免疫吸附试验,证明该病毒为网状内皮组织增生症病毒。用细胞培养物接种于 1 日龄健康鸡,复制出与临床完全相同的症状。  相似文献   

鸡传染性腺胃炎是一种由多种原因引起的鸡腺胃综合征,主要以鸡的生长缓慢或阻滞、腺胃肿大充血、腺胃乳头出血、溃疡甚至糜烂为特征的传染性疾病。鸡传染性腺胃炎的病原较复杂,可能主要有禽网状内皮组织增殖病病毒、冠状病毒、鸡痘病毒及霉菌毒素等构成。一般认为该病的发生由病毒、霉菌及细菌等多种因素协同作用。由于病因尚无定论,加之该病防制困难,给养禽业造成了重大的经济损失。文章就鸡传染性腺胃炎几个主要的发病原因进行分析和叙述。  相似文献   

表现腺胃炎的蛋用型鸡J亚群-白血病病毒的分离与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从表现腺胃炎的尼克珊瑚粉商品代蛋鸡中分离到J亚群-白血病病毒(ALV-J)。将病料或鸡白细胞接种于CEF,培养12 d,分别采用单克隆抗体间接免疫荧光试验检测,结果10只鸡中有9只鸡分离到ALV-J,其中有4只鸡还存在与禽网状内皮增生病病毒(REV)的共感染。通过PCR扩增gp85基因,与已发表的20株ALV-J进行同源性比较。结果表明,与来自白羽肉鸡的HPRS103的同源性为97.8%,而与来自蛋用型鸡的SD07LK1株的同源性为93.0%。本研究发现,在某些仅仅发生腺胃炎的鸡也可能普遍存在ALV-J感染,再次显示了腺胃炎病料中病毒感染的多样性。ALV-J可能成为致腺胃炎的病原之一,但其致病作用有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens were inoculated with several different concentrations of chicken anemia agent (CAA) by the intra-abdominal, intratracheal, or oral routes. Based on lowered hematocrit values, the birds were most susceptible to CAA introduced by the intra-abdominal route. When SPF chickens were infected with infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) at 1 day of age, they remained susceptible to CAA up to at least 21 days, whereas birds inoculated with CAA alone were susceptible only at 1 day of age. Infectious bursal disease virus introduced at 1 day of age also increased the susceptibility of birds to contact infection with CAA and resulted in increased mortality rates in CAA inoculates. The response of SPF birds to CAA infection varied following exposure at 1 day of age to two different strains of IBDV (STC and Variant-E). Chicken anemia agent contacts and inoculates infected with the Variant-E strain were affected 1 week earlier by CAA than by STC inoculates, as evidenced by depressed hematocrits. However, the total number of birds affected was similar for both the Variant-E and STC-inoculated chickens. Commercial broiler chickens inoculated at 1, 7, 10, and 14 days of age by non-parenteral routes with CAA or a combination of CAA and IBDV had mean hematocrits that were lower than controls. Several CAA-inoculated birds were considered anemic, with hematocrit values of 25 or less, while uninoculated birds remained within normal ranges.  相似文献   

Transmissible viral proventriculitis (TVP) was experimentally reproduced in 2-wk-old specific-pathogen-free chickens and commercial broiler chickens by eyedrop inoculation of adenovirus-like virus (AdLV), isolate R1 1/3. No clinical signs and no weight gain depression were observed in chickens inoculated with AdLV (R11/3); however, gross and microscopic lesions characteristic of TVP were present in proventriculi of inoculated chickens. Proventriculi of AdLV (R11/3)-inoculated chickens were markedly enlarged, compared with sham-inoculated controls, by day 7 postinoculation (PI). Microscopic lesions in proventriculi of inoculated chickens were detected beginning on day 3 PI and consisted of degeneration and necrosis of glandular epithelium, ductal epithelial hyperplasia, replacement of glandular epithelium with ductal epithelium, and diffuse interstitial lymphoid infiltration; no microscopic lesions were observed in other tissues. AdLV (R11/3) antigens were detected in proventriculi by immunohistochemistry on days 3-10 PI in inoculated SPF chickens and days 3-21 PI in inoculated commercial broiler chickens; no viral antigens were detected in other tissues. AdLV (R11/3) was reisolated from proventriculi of inoculated SPF and commercial broiler chickens on days 5 and 7 PI. No virus, viral antigens, or lesions were detected in proventriculi collected from sham-inoculated chickens. These findings indicate an etiologic role for AdLV (R11/3) in TVP.  相似文献   

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