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以尕海-则岔国家级自然保护区的紫果云杉群落为研究对象,应用群落调查法,调查分析了群落中各层的物种组成及物种多样性。结果表明:(1)尕海-则岔国家级自然保护区紫果云杉群落内共有植物82种,隶属于41科60属,以菊科(Asteraceae)、蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)植物为主;(2)群落内各层丰富度指数(S)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson优势度指数(D)以及Pielou均匀度指数(E)总体为灌木层>草本层>乔木层,随海拔的升高,乔木层、草本层的各项多样性指数随海拔升高呈先升后降的单峰曲线规律,灌木层物种多样性指数随海拔升高呈单调下降曲线变化规律;(3)海拔与乔木层、灌木层的各项多样性指数间呈现负相关关系,与草本层的物种丰富度指数(S)呈负相关关系,与草本层的其它指数间呈正相关关系。综合研究得出:尕海-则岔自然保护区紫果云杉群落物种多样性受海拔影响较大。  相似文献   

李娟 《甘肃林业》2012,(6):46-46
金秋十月,初霜微降。因为一次采访任务,随记者团一行驱车赶往则岔。去往则岔的路上,蓝天纯粹得似乎可以掐出水来,白云细腻如锦绣一般。举目四望,一条公路蜿蜒至天边,辽阔的草原一片金黄,数不清的牛羊悠然闲适,在漫无边际的小山坡上踱着步,不时有一座座帐篷从眼中掠过。此情此景,美如一幅浓墨重彩的油嘲。我在心里暗暗晾奇——原以为时值深秋,这里便再也没有什么好景可寻,如今看来,秋日的碌曲,竞别有一番韵味。于是在心里便生出许多期待来,即将到达的则岔,到底是何情何景呢?  相似文献   

尕海——则岔国家级自然保护区的湿地资源及评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在甘肃尕海———则岔湿地资调查的基础上 ,分析了湿地的种类及数量 ,对湿地资源进行了评价 ,找出了当前面临的威胁 ,提出了湿地保护的建议  相似文献   

甘肃尕海──则岔自然保护区鳞翅目经济昆虫初步调查   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
首次报道了甘肃尕海—则岔保护区有经济昆虫珍稀蝶类资源68种、蛾类3种。依据地形、地貌以及蝶类垂直分布情况将蝶类资源分为洮河则岔峡谷区、尕海高原湿润地区和西倾山高山草甸区三个产区,并提出了珍稀蝶类资源保护及开发利用措施。  相似文献   

尕海-则岔自然保护区地处甘肃省碌曲县境内,位于青藏高原、黄土高原和陇南山地交汇处,地跨黄河和长江两大水系,也是黄河最大支流洮河的发源地之一和长江水系白龙江的发源地。总面积为2474.31平方公里,其中林业用地394.8平方公里、草场1897平方公里、湿地300平方公里。是1998年国务  相似文献   

针叶树苗圃病害调查与主要病害发生规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文调查了针叶树苗期病害的种类和苗期病害的发生规律,结果表明针叶树苗期病害有8种,其中侵染性病害有6种,生理性病害有2种。猝倒病是针叶树苗期主要的病害,表现为3种症状类型。日灼型猝倒是气象性病害的主要形式,由丝核菌Rhizoctonia和镰刀菌Fusarium引起的生物猝倒型和立枯型病害是针叶树育苗的主要病害,其发生与育苗地所处的环境、营养土基质有关,同时提出了对针叶树苗期病害防治的对策。  相似文献   

2007年6月,作者在甘肃尕海—则岔自然保护区发现一个黑冠山雀Parus rubidiventris的洞穴巢址并对繁殖行为作了记录。巢址位于云杉树基下,大小27 cm×11 cm、巢深17 cm。巢材由苔藓、草茎须根、羊毛、云杉叶等组成。黑冠山雀育雏频率1次/1.5 min,食物为膜翅目、鳞翅目昆虫。此外,还发现育雏结束后亲鸟有清除巢内异物行为。  相似文献   

甘肃尕海则岔自然保护区建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对尕海则岔国家级自然保护区建设的现状研究、分析,提出尕海则岔自然保护区在现阶段建设过程中存在的主要问题,并有针对性地提出改进的对策及建议.  相似文献   

甘肃省尕海—则岔自然保护区鳞翅目经济昆虫初步调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
首次报道了甘尕海-则岔我有经济昆虫珍稀蝶类资源68种,蛾类3种。依据地形,地貌以及蝶类垂直分布情况将蝶类资源分为洮河则岔峡谷区,尕高原湿润地区和西倾山高山草甸区三个产区,并提出了珍稀蝶类资源保护及开发利用措施。  相似文献   

针叶树描叶枯病的防治李长观针叶树苗叶枯病也叫赤枯病,是由真菌中的尾泡菌引起的。这种病菌对1-3年生幼苗危害特别严重。此病一旦发生,轻者使苗木萎缩不长,重者则苗木大面积死亡。此病从7月中旬开始发生,8月为盛期,10月以后逐渐停止。病害常成块状发生。土质...  相似文献   

Breakdown and macroinvertebrate colonization of conifer needles (Cryptomeria japonica) and deciduous broadleaves (Euptelea polyandra) were investigated using litter bags in two study sites in streams flowing through a conifer plantation of C. japonica in Shikoku, southwestern Japan (one site with conifer canopy and another with mixed conifer and broadleaved canopy). Breakdown rates and macroinvertebrate densities were compared between litter species (conifer needle vs broadleaf) and between the two sites (conifer vs mixed canopy) to determine (1) whether breakdown rate of broadleaves is higher than conifer needles, (2) whether macroinvertebrates prefer broadleaves to conifer needles, and (3) whether the difference in riparian canopy is reflected in macroinvertebrate abundance. The results indicated that breakdown rates of broadleaves were higher than those of conifer needles, suggesting poorer quality of the latter as food for macroinvertebrates. Differences in macroinvertebrate density between needles and broadleaves were generally consistent with those in breakdown rates: broadleaves tended to have higher densities than needles, suggesting that conifer needles were not preferred by macroinvertebrates. However, total macroinvertebrate density in the conifer site was not significantly different from that in the mixed site, although the dominant shredder taxon differed (conifer site: gammarids; mixed site: lepidostomatids). Although conifer needles are low-quality food for macroinvertebrates, this may offer some advantages. Conifer needles remain on the streambed for longer periods owing to their lower breakdown rates, being a constantly available resource. In addition, accumulations of conifer litter may effectively trap and retain particulate organic matter.  相似文献   

针叶树是芬兰、瑞典、挪威、美国、加拿大等欧美国家主要的商品林树种。容器苗是针叶树重要的育苗类型。与裸根苗比较,容器苗具有育苗周期更短、造林季节可延长、苗木适应性更广、苗木质量更一致的优点。因此,容器育苗成为精准林业发展的必然趋势。为了借鉴欧美容器育苗的技术方法,提高我国容器苗的质量,为我国针叶树容器苗发展提供参考,文中主要从4个方面综述了欧美国家检测与提高苗木质量的方法,即列举了针叶树常用的苗木质量检测指标,总结了育苗容器与育苗基质的改良进展,介绍了养分、水分、光照与温度等培养条件的优化手段,简要概述了容器苗病虫害防控的进展,提出了我国相关树种容器苗生产的启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

Experiments with fungi causing damping off. II. Infections of conifer seedlings of different provenances with one or more damping-off fungi and Triclioderma viride Pers. ex Fr. Provenances of native conifer seedlings show varying susceptibility to the agents of damping-off. Following infections with damping-off fungi together with Tricboderma viride increased disease symptoms often appeared. Thus the antagonist seemingly increases the susceptibility of the treated seedlings.  相似文献   

Broadcast weeding of naturally regenerating paper birch (Betula papyrifera) to improve performance of conifer crop trees is common in forest plantations in British Columbia, Canada, but such treatments are costly, reduce biodiversity and may increase disease. To investigate whether alternative treatments can enhance conifer performance with minimal loss of other ecosystem services, we examined effects of selective removal of paper birch in two interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) plantations on Douglas-fir growth and survival, and cover and height of residual birch and the understorey plant community. Douglas-fir-centred birch-free patches of varying radius (0–2.5?m) were created by single and repeated manual cutting and Triclopyr® application. The “threshold brushing radius,” defined as the birch removal radius at which Douglas-fir performance was optimized was 2.0?m at the more productive site and 1.5?m at the less productive one. Armillaria root disease, the major Douglas-fir mortality agent, spiked in the 1.0?m radius manual cutting treatment at one location. The greatest reductions in birch and understory plant abundance occurred following the most intensive treatments. Selective brushing treatments are an effective alternative to broadcast removal of paper birch for increasing conifer performance, and have less impact on the plant community.  相似文献   


Fungal root pathogens are widespread and may cause substantial seedling losses in conifer nurseries. Furthermore, poor seedling survival and growth on reforestation sites results in reduced forest regeneration. Use of microbial inoculants for disease control and plant growth promotion has become an important endeavour. A microbial culture collection of 500 strains was assessed for biological control of fungal root pathogens and/or plant growth promotion of conifer seedlings. Seven of these strains showed significant suppres-sive effects on various soil-bome fungal pathogens. On Douglas fir, two strains, RAL3 and 64-3, reduced disease caused by Fusariumby. 7-42% in repeated growth room assays. The same strains significantly increased healthy stand of white spruce seedlings inoculated with Fusariumand Pythiumin a conifer nursery, and increased the survival of bare-root white spruce seedlings planted on a reforestation site by 19-23%. Both strains also significantly increased new root and total plant dry weights. Strain RAL3 in commercial formulation maintained a viable population of about log 8-9 cfu/ml for over a year when stored at 5°C. Strain survival on seed varied with conifer species. No decreases in bacterial populations were observed on seeds of jack pine or Douglas fir after 37 to 44 days storage at 5°C, but decreases were observed on seeds of white spruce and Scots pine. This study has provided candidate beneficial microbial inocu-lants which offer promise for development of commercial inoculants for the forestry industry.  相似文献   

In 1996, plant and carabid beetle communities were examined in a semi-natural oak woodland (Derryclare Wood) and compared with communities of a nearby mature conifer plantation and a plantation clearfelled in 1994. At each site, 10 quadrats (2 m×2 m) and 10 pitfall traps were used to sample the ground vegetation and carabid beetle communities, respectively. Forty-one plant species were recorded in the oak woodland while 38 species were found in the clearfelled site and 19 species in the conifer plantation. The median plant-species richness per quadrat was significantly greater (p<0.01) in the oak woodland (16.5) than in the other two sites and the clearfelled site (11) was significantly more species-rich (p<0.02) than the conifer plantation (6.5). A total of 21 carabid species (895 individuals) were captured, with 74.5, 13.9 and 11.6% of individuals being caught at the oak woodland, clearfelled site and conifer plantation, respectively. The median number of carabid species per pitfall trap was significantly greater (p<0.01) in the oak woodland (6) than in the clearfelled site (3.5) and conifer plantation (2). In addition, median species richness per pitfall trap was significantly higher in the clearfelled site than in the conifer plantation at p<0.02. Median diversity per pitfall trap was also significantly less in the conifer plantation (1.19) than in the oak woodland (2.43, p<0.01) and clearfelled site (1.55, p<0.05). While the Sorenson similarity index for both vegetation and carabids shows that the conifer plantation and the clearfelled site were most similar in species composition; nevertheless, the clearfelled site has demonstrated signs of increasing species richness only 2 years after clearfelling. It is concluded that while semi-natural woodlands support a greater range of species than conifer plantations, clearfelled areas which are not replanted can enhance species richness within commercial conifer plantations.  相似文献   

苗木猝倒病及研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苗木猝倒病是1种危害针叶树和阔叶树发芽种子和幼苗的病害,能引起幼嫩组织的腐烂、萎蔫和种苗死亡。笔者就苗木猝倒病的分布和寄主、病原、症状、病害发展、管理和最新研究进展进行了描述。  相似文献   

树木的引种驯化是增加林木种质资源的一种传统育种方法。山东省有记载的针叶树引种历史应追溯到19世纪末至20世纪初,在20世纪50年代和70年代分别出现两个引种高峰期,分别占引种种质的26.5%和21.5%。山东有计划的科学引种针叶树种约30个,其中银杏科1个属1个种,19份种质;松科5个属39份种质;杉科4个属5份种质;柏科3个属3个种质,共计66份种质,其中松科种质占总引种种质59.09%,而松属种质占松科种质79.49%。从1978~2006年省林业厅鉴定或获奖的项目中针叶树遗传改良占4.77%,审(认)定品种占总数量5.22%。建议:(1)强化针叶树引种驯化策略;(2)明确引种驯化程序、标准和关键技术;引种驯化与种质创新相结合;(3)重视乡土树种驯化及开发。本文对针叶树引种驯化与遗传改良进行了评价。  相似文献   

松科针叶植物单位叶片鲜重光合速率的测定方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
松科针叶植物的叶面积不易估算,其单位面积叶片光合速率的测定过程繁琐且不准确,而用单位鲜重叶片的光合速率表示松科针叶植物的光合强度具有简单、快速、准确等优点,测定结果也更符合针叶光合作用的实际情况。本文介绍了单位鲜重叶片光合速率的测定及计算方法,为松科植物光合研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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