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Blood indicators are used as a tool to diagnose metabolic disorders. The present work was conducted to study the relationships among blood indicators of lipomobilization and hepatic function in high-yielding dairy cows. Two groups of Holstein cows were studied: 27 early lactation cows and 14 mid lactation cows from four different herds with similar husbandry characteristics in Galicia, Spain. Blood samples were obtained to measure beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), triglycerides (TG), and the activity of aspartate transaminase (AST) and gamma-glutamyl transferase. Cows in early lactation had higher levels of BHB and NEFA than mid lactation cows. High lipomobilization (NEFA > 400 µmol/L) was detected in 67% and 7% of early lactation and mid lactation cows, respectively, while subclinical ketosis (BHB > 1.2 mmol/L) was detected in 41% and 28% of the early lactation and lactation cows, respectively. TG concentrations were low in all cows suffering subclinical ketosis and in 61% of the cows with high lipomobilization. During early lactation, 30% of cows suffered hepatic lipidosis as detected by levels of AST. Compromised hepatic function was observed in early lactation cows as shown by lower concentrations of glucose, total protein, and urea.  相似文献   


In dairy cows, overfeeding during the dry period leads to overcondition at calving and to depression of appetite after calving. As a consequence, at calving overconditioned high‐producing dairy cows inevitably go into a more severe negative energy balance (NEB) postpartum than cows that have a normal appetite. During the period of NEB, the energy requirements of the cow are satisfied by lipolysis and proteolysis. Lipolysis results in an increased concentration of non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) in the blood. In the liver, these NEFA are predominantly esterified to triacylglycerols (TAG) that are secreted in very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). In early lactation in cows with a severe NEB, the capacity of the liver to maintain the export of the TAG in the form of VLDL in balance with the hepatic TAG production is not always adequate. As a result, the excess amount of TAG accumulates in the liver, leading to fatty infiltration of the liver (hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver). The NEB and/or fatty liver postpartum are frequently associated with postparturient problems. In general, a severe NEB induces changes in biochemical, endocrinological, and metabolic pathways that are responsible for production, maintenance of health, and reproduction of the postparturient dairy cow. These changes include a decrease in blood glucose and insulin concentrations, and an increase in blood NEFA concentrations. High NEFA concentrations caused by intensive lipolysis are accompanied by impairment of the immune system, making the cows more vulnerable to infections. Metabolic diseases such as ketosis, milk fever, and displaced abomasum are related to overcondition at calving. The changes in biochemical, endocrinological, and metabolic pathways are associated with delay of the first visible signs of oestrus, an increase in the interval from calving to first ovulation, a decrease in conception rate, and a prolonged calving interval. It is possible that the increased blood NEFA concentration directly impairs ovarian function.  相似文献   


AIM: To evaluate the macromineral status of field cases of dairy cows surgically treated for left abomasal displacement (LDA), with concurrent fatty liver of different severity, and compare this for animals that died or recovered.

METHODS: Sixty-eight Holstein dairy cows with LDA and 110 control cows, from 28 farms, were used in the study. Blood samples and liver biopsies were obtained during standing surgery for correction of LDA, and from control cows. The concentration of macrominerals in serum, and of total lipids (tLPD) and triglycerides (TG) in liver were determined. Liver was examined histologically, and classified for its severity of fatty liver. Cows with LDA were grouped according to severity of fatty liver. Cows in Groups 1 to 3 recovered, whereas those in Group 4 died within 4 weeks of surgery. Group 1=mild (n=4) or moderate (n=6 cows, n=4 heifers) fatty liver, Group 2 = moderate to severe fatty liver (n=13), Group 3=severe fatty liver (n=15 cows, n=5 heifers), Group 4 = severe fatty liver (n=17 cows, n=4 heifers).

RESULTS: The concentration of macrominerals in serum was affected by the concurrence of fatty liver and LDA; Ca, K and Mg were significantly (p<0.05) lower in animals that died than those that survived. For cows with severe fatty liver, concentrations of tLD and TG were higher in the animals that died compared with those that recovered (p<0.01). Cows with LDA and severe fatty liver that died were earlier in lactation (median days in milk (DIM) 13 days) compared with the other cows with LDA (median DIM 21–26 days) (p<0.05); they were also significantly older (median 6 years old) than cows in the other groups (median 4 or 5 years old) (p–0.05).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Concentrations of macrominerals in serum were influenced by the concurrence of LDA and fatty liver. Animals with low concentrations of Ca, K and Mg had a guarded prognosis. The concentration of K should always be evaluated in cows with LDA and concurrent fatty liver when providing a prognosis. Most cows with severe fatty liver were detected in the first 4 weeks of lactation, but older animals and those that had more recently calved had a worse prognosis.  相似文献   

In the present study, 42 multiparous Holstein cows were used to investigate the relationship between fat accumulation in the liver and dry matter intake, milk yield and blood metabolites. Based on the percentage of fat in the liver cell at 2 weeks post‐parturition, the cows were classified into three groups. These groups were: (i) less than 10% of fat (normal group, n = 29); (ii) 10–20% of fat (mild group, n = 6); and (iii) more than 20% of fat (moderate group, n = 7). The bodyweight of the moderate group was high (771 kg) before calving. The sufficiency rates of total digestible nutrients (TDN) were remarkably decreased (approximately 65%) in early lactation. The milk fat yield and milk fat composition of the moderate group were higher (P < 0.05) than the other groups at 1 and 2 weeks post‐parturition. It was suggested that non‐esterified fatty acids (NEFA) mobilized from adipose tissues was directly used by the mammary gland for synthesis of milk fat. The percentage of bromsulfalein (BSP) retention of the moderate group was high (21.1%) at 30 min, and it showed that the BSP clearance function was significantly decreased. The concentrations of NEFA, β‐hydroxybutyric acid and glucose were appropriate indicators of energy status; however, aspartate aminotransferase, γ‐glutamyl transpeptidase and total bilirubin were not sensitive indicators of a moderate fatty liver. Thus, high‐yielding cows that calve in an overweight condition are more likely to develop excessive fat accumulation in the liver because of great mobilization from adipose tissues post‐parturition. In cows with a moderately fatty liver, a decrease in TDN sufficiency rates, an increase of milk fat yield and a reduction of liver function were observed in early lactation. The increase of serum NEFA and milk fat composition resulting from mobilization of adipose tissues helped to diagnose moderate fatty liver.  相似文献   

The effects of sodium borate (100 mg/kg body weight, p.o., 15 days) from a month before expected calving until a month after calving were evaluated in dairy cows susceptible to fatty liver. Cows received either sodium borate (n = 13) or no treatment (n = 10). All cows had mild fatty livers and increased plasma triglycerides and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) concentrations at the beginning of the experiment. The control group of cows developed significant fatty liver after calving, and 2 of them had severe fatty liver associated with clinical and biochemical abnormalities. There were no clinicopathological signs related to sodium borate administration. Serum triglycerides and VLDL concentrations before calving decreased significantly at calving and after calving in controls, and they were within the normal range only after calving. There were significant alterations during the experiment in some hematological and chemical variables between groups, within period, but they were within the normal range. Unlike treated cows, serum triglycerides and VLDL concentrations correlated with liver fat content after calving in untreated cows. Our results document that sodium borate decreases the degree of fatty liver in dairy cows during early lactation.  相似文献   

将年龄、胎次相同,年产奶量大于5000kg的围产期健康奶牛30头随机分为3组,每组10头。按照中国奶牛饲养标准(2000),低能组饲喂减少20%日粮(能量摄入80%组),对照组饲喂标准日粮(能量摄入100%组),高能组饲喂增加20%日粮(能量摄入120%组),试验从产前14天开始至产后28天结束,产后各组奶牛均饲喂标准日粮。采用半定量RTPCR方法检测了不同能量摄入对围产期奶牛脂肪组织胰岛素受体(InsR)mRNA丰度的影响。结果表明:各组脂肪InsRmRNA相对表达量从产前14天至产后28天均呈现先升高后降低的趋势,产后14天达到最大值,且产后高于产前;低能组产前InsRmRNA相对表达量低于高能组和正常组,产后1天至产后28天高于高能组和正常组,产后14天显著高于高能组(P<0.01)。可见,干乳期低能饲喂奶牛,产后脂肪InsRmRNA表达增加,提示产前适当降低能量摄入水平,有利于胰岛素抑制泌乳初期脂肪动员作用的发挥。  相似文献   

The objective of this trial was to investigate the influences of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA ) and vitamin E (Vit. E) and their interactions on fatty acid composition and vitamins in milk (α‐tocopherol, retinol and β‐carotene) as well as on α‐tocopherol in blood of pluriparous cows from week 6 ante partum until week 10 post‐partum (p.p.). We assigned 59 pluriparous German Holstein cows to four treatment groups with the treatment factors CLA and Vit. E at two levels in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Milk fatty acid composition and milk vitamins were analysed on lactation days 7 and 28. α‐tocopherol in blood serum was analysed on days ?42, ?7, 1, 7, 14, 28 and 70 relative to parturition. Milk concentration of α‐tocopherol was influenced by Vit. E (p  < .001) and CLA (p  = .034). Percentage of cis ‐9, trans ‐11 CLA in total milk fat was influenced by treatment with CLA (p  < .001), while for percentage of trans‐ 10, cis ‐12 CLA an interaction between treatment and day (p  = .019), driven by an increase in both CLA groups from day 7 to day 28, was found. Serum ratios of α‐tocopherol to cholesterol were influenced by Vit. E (p  < .001). Results suggest that treatment with CLA during late pregnancy and early lactation is suitable to enhance the proportion of trans‐ 10, cis ‐12 CLA in milk and thereby influencing nutritional properties. As treatment with Vit. E did not have an impact on milk fatty acid composition, it might be possible to increase the antioxidative capacity of the dairy cow without affecting milk properties. Consequently, combined treatment with CLA and Vit. E might elicit synergistic effects on the cow and milk quality by increasing the proportion of CLA in milk fat as well as the excretion of Vit. E and the Vit. E levels in serum.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that long‐term intake of a diet contaminated with deoxynivalenol (DON) and differing in the proportion of concentrate might affect hepatocellular integrity and function as well as biomarkers of systemic inflammation in lactating dairy cows. In Period 1 (11 weeks), 26 lactating German Holstein cows (13 primiparous and 13 pluriparous, 31 days in milk, 522 kg body weight, on average) were divided into two groups and fed diets (50% concentrate) with (MYC,= 12; on average 5.3 mg DON/kg DM) or without (CON,= 14) DON contaminations. In Period 2 (16 weeks), each group was further divided into two groups to test whether elevated concentrate proportion as additional burden might enhance the toxicity of DON. The cows in MYC60 (= 6; 4.6 mg DON/kg DM) and CON60 (= 7) received the diet with 60% concentrate, while cows in MYC30 (= 6; 4.4 mg DON/kg DM) and CON30 (= 7) received the diet with 30% concentrate. Blood samples were taken in biweekly intervals for activities of aspartate amino transferase (AST), glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) and gamma‐glutamyl transferase as well as for concentration of total bilirubin and haptoglobin. Biopsies from liver were collected in week 27 for morphological analyses. No DON effect was found for the variables assessed in blood. The diet with 60% concentrate led to higher activities of AST and GLDH in Period 2. No morphological change was found by both light and electron microscopic analyses of liver samples. Results indicated that long‐term intake of DON‐contaminated diet over 27 weeks led to neither relevant damages of hepatocytes nor systemic inflammatory responses in lactating dairy cows, even if the dietary concentrate proportion was increased to 60%.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨日粮中添加富含鞣酸的柿子皮对泌乳期奶牛饲料利用、产奶和抗氧化状态的影响.试验将平均体重为(348.85±8.98)kg、泌乳量为(7.20±0.56)kg/d的8头奶牛随机分为2组,每组4个重复,每个重复1头奶牛.对照组饲喂玉米-米糠-菜粕型日粮,处理组在日粮中添加10%柿子皮(鞣酸含量为1.2?mg/k...  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) has been identified as a novel hormonal factor involved in the regulation of metabolic adaptations during energy deprivation. The present study aimed to investigate the expression of the FGF21 gene in the liver of dairy cows during the transition from pregnancy to lactation. Therefore, the relative mRNA abundance of FGF21 in liver biopsy samples of 20 dairy cows in late pregnancy (3 weeks pre‐partum) and early lactation (1, 5, 14 weeks post‐partum) was determined. It was observed that hepatic mRNA abundance of FGF21 at 1 week post‐partum was dramatically increased (110‐fold) compared to 3 weeks pre‐partum (p < 0.001). With progress of lactation, mRNA concentration of FGF21 was declining; nevertheless, mRNA abundance at 5 and 14 weeks post‐partum remained 25‐ and 10‐fold increased compared to 3 weeks pre‐partum (p < 0.001). Using a gene array technique, it was found that many genes involved in fatty acid oxidation, gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis were up‐regulated during early lactation compared to late pregnancy. Moreover, there were positive linear correlations between hepatic mRNA concentration of FGF21 and mRNA concentrations of genes involved in ketogenesis as well as carnitine synthesis and carnitine uptake at various time‐points during lactation, indicating that FGF21 could play a role in ketogenesis and carnitine metabolism in the liver of dairy cows (p < 0.05). In overall, the present study shows that expression of the FGF21 gene is strongly up‐regulated during the transition period. It is assumed that the up‐regulation of FGF21 might play an important role in the adaptation of liver metabolism during early lactation in dairy cows such as in other species.  相似文献   

Thirty‐six Holstein‐Friesian crossbred lactating dairy cows were used to determine the effects of linseed oil supplementation on performance and milk fatty acid (FA) profile. Three treatments were as follows: basal diet (56:44 Roughage:concentrate [R:C] ratio, dry matter basis) supplemented with 500 g of palm oil as control (PO), 500 g mixture (1:1, w/w) of palm oil and linseed oil (POLSO) and 500 g of linseed oil (LSO). The LSO supplementation had no effects on total dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield and milk composition. Compared to control cows, cows supplemented with LSO increased milk concentrations of cis‐9,trans‐11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and n‐3 FA (P < 0.05), particularly C18:3n‐3, C20:5n‐3 and C22:6n‐3. Feeding LSO reduced concentrations of milk short‐ and medium‐chain saturated fatty acids (P < 0.05) while it increased concentration of milk unsaturated fatty acids (P < 0.05). Milk proportions of n‐3 FA increased, whereas n‐6/n‐3 ratio decreased in the LSO as compared with the control (P < 0.05). In conclusion, supplementing dairy cows' diet based on corn silage with LSO at 500 g/day could improve the nutritional value of milk with potential health‐beneficial FA without detrimental effect on milk composition or cow's performance.  相似文献   

The milking of Salers cows requires the presence of the calf. The removal of the calf would simplify the milking routine, but it could also modify the milk yield and the milk and cheese composition. Therefore, the aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of calf presence during milking during sampling period (winter or grazing periods), on dairy performance, milk fatty acid (FA) composition, lipolysis and cheese yield and composition. Nine and 8 Salers lactating cows were milked in the presence (CP) or absence (CA) of their calves respectively. During winter, the cows were fed a hay‐based diet and then they only grazed a grassland pasture. Calf presence during milking increased milk yield and milk 16:0 concentration and decreased milk fat content and milk total odd‐ and branched‐chain FA (OBCFA) concentrations. Calf presence only increased initial lipolysis in milk collected during the winter season. Milk from CP cows compared to CA cows resulted in a lower cheese yield and ripened cheeses with lower fat content. Milk from the grazing season had lower saturated medium‐chain FA and OBCFA concentrations and higher 18:0, cis‐9‐18:1, trans‐11‐18:1 and cis‐9, trans‐11‐CLA concentrations than that from the winter season. Initial milk lipolysis was higher in the winter than in the grazing season. These variations could be due to seasonal changes in the basal diet. Furthermore, the effect of calf presence during milking on milk fat composition was lower than that on dairy performance, cheese yield and composition. Removing the calf during the milking of Salers cows seems feasible without a decrease in milked milk, and with a positive effect on cheese yield and fat content, under the condition that we are able to select cows having the capacity to be milked easily without the calf.  相似文献   

Feeding unsaturated oils to lactating dairy cows impair ruminal biohydrogenation (BH) of unsaturated fatty acids (USFA) and increase ruminal outflow of BH intermediates such as trans‐10, cis‐12 CLA that are considered to be potent inhibitors of milk fat synthesis. Supplementing lactating dairy cow’s rations containing plant origin oils with monensin and/or vitamin E may minimise the formation of trans‐10 isomers in the rumen, thereby preventing milk fat depression. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the effects of monensin and vitamin E supplementation in the diets of lactating dairy cows containing whole cottonseed, as the main source of FA on feed intake, milk production and composition, milk fatty acid profile, efficiency of nitrogen (N) utilisation, efficiency of net energy (NE) utilisation and nutrients digestibilities. Four multiparous Holstein lactating dairy cows (86 ± 41 days in milk) were assigned to a balanced 4 × 4 Latin square design. Each experimental period lasted 21 days with a 14 days of treatment adaptation and a 7 days of data collection. The control diet was a total mixed ration (TMR) consisted of 430 g/kg forage and 570 g/kg of a concentrate mixture on dry matter (DM) basis. Cows were randomly assigned to one of the four dietary treatments including control diet (C), control diet supplemented with 150 mg of vitamin E/kg of DM (E), control diet supplemented with 24 mg of monensin/kg of DM (M) and control diet supplemented with 150 mg of vitamin E and 24 mg of monensin/kg of DM (EM). Dry matter intake (DMI) ranged from 19.1 to 19.5 kg/d and was similar among the dietary treatments. Dietary supplementation with vitamin E or monensin had no effect on milk production, milk fat, protein and lactose concentrations, efficiency of utilisation of nitrogen and net energy for lactation (NEL). Digestibility of DM, organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP) and ether extract (EE) was not affected by the dietary treatments. Digestibility of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) was higher in cows fed with the M and EM diets in relation to those fed the C and E diets. The concentrations of C4:0, C6:0, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, C15:0, trans‐10‐16:1, cis‐9‐16:1, 17:0, 18:0, trans‐11‐18:1, cis‐9‐18:1, cis‐9, trans‐11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), trans‐10, cis‐12 CLA, and 18:3n‐3 FA in milk fat were not affected by the dietary supplementations. While feeding the M diet tended to decrease milk fat concentration of C16:0, the milk fat concentration of C18:2n‐6 FA tended to be increased. Dietary supplementation with vitamin E or monensin had no effect on milk fat concentrations of saturated, unsaturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, short chain and long chain FA, but feeding the M diet numerically decreased milk fat concentration of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). The results showed that vitamin E and/or monensin supplementations did not improve milk fat content and did not minimise the formation of trans‐10 FA isomers in the rumen when whole cottonseed was included in the diet as the main source of fatty acids.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of a dietary pantothenic acid (PA) supplementation on duodenal nutrient flows, blood and milk variables and especially on duodenal PA flows and PA concentrations in blood and milk German Holstein cows, equipped with cannulas in the dorsal sac of the rumen and in the proximal duodenum were used. In the first experiment of the study two dry and six lactating cows received a diet with a forage to concentrate (F:C) ratio of 34:66 (high concentrate, HC), whereas in the second experiment a diet with a F:C ratio of 66:34 (high forage, HF) was fed to four dry and five lactating cows. The cows received both rations with or without 1 g PA/day. By supplementing PA to the HC ration, the molar percentage of acetic acid increased, whereas the concentration of total short chain fatty acids, the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis in the rumen and the serum glucose levels, decreased. With the HF ration the PA decreased the molar percentage of propionic acid and increased the amount of ruminally fermented organic matter. Furthermore, PA supplementation only increased the duodenal PA flow with the HF ration, while the serum and milk PA concentrations and milk PA yields were not affected. Based on the results of the present study, a rumen-unprotected supplementation of PA makes no sense.  相似文献   

The amount of monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) is intimately related to adipose softness, melting point (MP) and flavor in beef. Stearoyl‐CoA desaturase (SCD) is a main gene involved in MUFA synthesis. Mature adipose tends to be highly saturated, whereas immature or maturing adipose is highly unsaturated when chronologically based, so the degree of non‐saturation can be an index of adipose maturity. In this study, three different adipose tissues (coelomic (CL), perirenal (PR), and subcutaneous (SC)) from three beef breeds with differing slaughter ages (Japanese Black (29.5 months), Holstein (20.1 month), and F1 crossbreed (25.6 months)) were examined to: (i) determine adipose maturity level as indexed by MUFA %; and (ii) determine SCD and other lipogenic gene messenger RNA (mRNA) expression levels in relation to unsaturated fatty acid content. Fatty acid composition was significantly different between adipose tissues (P < 0.05). MUFA amount was high in the following order: SC > CL > PR. This pattern corresponded to SCD mRNA expression profile showing higher expression in SC than CL and PR. However, Japanese black cattle are an exception with CL adipose containing similar UFA % as SC adipose, yet having the lowest SCD mRNA expression level among all adipose tissues tested. Therefore, SCD mRNA expression and MUFA % appear to be directly related; however, differences in SCD mRNA expression among three adipose tissues may reflect differences in the fat development characteristics affected by chronological age of the cattle breeds.  相似文献   

经给34头围产期奶牛口服烟酸和胆碱,试图预防和治疗脂肝病,同时监测受试牛血浆中某些相关生化指标和孕酮含量的变化。结果发现,和对照组比,试验组牛血浆中血糖浓度显著升高的同时,游离脂肪酸,谷草转氨酶和β-羟丁酸脱氢酶的含量显著降低;而白蛋白,总蛋白和镁的含量与对照组比,没有差异。烟酸和胆碱预防组牛中有30%发生轻度到中度脂肪肝;对照组牛中有5%发生轻度到重度脂肪肝。在产后5周内,治疗组的脂肪肝患牛恢复  相似文献   

We evaluated the lactation performance, liver lipid content and plasma metabolites indicating the energy balance of dairy cows supplemented with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) pre‐ and post‐partum (PP) vs. only PP. A total of 60 cows were divided into three groups (n = 20). Daily diet of cows was supplemented with 14 g of CLA (7 g cis‐9, trans‐11 and 7 g trans‐10, cis‐12 isomers) from week 3 before the expected date of calving (group CLA1), or from the day of calving (group CLA2) until 77–91 days PP. Control cows were fed an isocaloric, isonitrogenous and isolipidic diet without CLA. Between week 3 and week 6 PP, the milk yield of cows in both CLA‐treated groups was approximately 4.5 kg higher (p < 0.05) than in control. Milk fat concentrations decreased from week 3 and were lower in both CLA groups than in control (p < 0.01). Body condition score loss was lower (p < 0.05) in the CLA1 than in the control group on week 5 PP. By week 11 PP, the body condition of both CLA1 and CLA2 groups exceeded that of control. Plasma non‐esterified fatty acid was lower in CLA1 compared to CLA2 and control during the early PP period (p < 0.05), while this difference faded away by the late PP period. Beta‐hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) increased rapidly in all groups following calving. In CLA1 group, it began to decrease sooner than in CLA2 and control. The prevalence of subclinical ketosis (BHBA > 1.2 mm ) was lower in CLA1 group than in CLA2 and control (p < 0.05). Liver biopsy analyses showed that CLA1 treatment decreased (p < 0.05) the total lipid content of liver compared to control at week 5 after calving. Our results show that CLA supplementation is more efficient in alleviating body mass mobilization and decreasing the incidence of subclinical ketosis when applied as early as 3 weeks before calving than started feeding after calving.  相似文献   

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