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Three screening tests {(newly developed, six recombinant secretory proteins based 'cocktail ELISA', in-house robust 'indigenous ELISA' based on semi-purified protoplasmic antigens and tissue microscopy were evaluated with 'Gold standard', histo-pathology for the diagnosis of Johne's disease in goats and buffaloes. Serum and tissues {mesenteric lymph nodes and intestines) were driven from farmer's goats (n = 77) and buffaloes (n = 40) slaughtered for harvesting meat and farm goats (n = 77), died and necropsied. Twenty seven (35%) goats and 23 (57.5%) buffaloes were positive in all the four tests. Of 134 tissues screened by histo-pathology, 79.8% MLN and 76.8%, intestines, were positive for MAP infection. In tissue microscopy, 55.2 and 52.3%, goats and buffaloes were positive, respectively. Of 117 sera screened by i_ELISA, 58.4 and 70.0%, goats and buffaloes were positive, respectively. Whereas, c_ELISA detected 55.8 and 62.5%, goats and buffaloes, positives, respectively. Twelve tissues (70.5%) of goats necropsied were positive, both in tissue microscopy and histo-pathology. Most significant gross findings were serous atrophy of the fat and mild to moderate, diffuse thickening of terminal ileum, especially at ileo-caecal junction with or without transverse / longitudinal corrugations. In histo-pathology grade III and IV lesions were significantly low as compared to grade I and II. Of the four tests used for screening 268 samples, histo-pathology was most sensitive (78.3%), followed by i_ELISA (62.3%), c_ELISA (58.9%) and tissue microscopy (58.9%). Between two ELISA tests, c_ELISA using six recombinants secretory proteins, had higher specificity as compared to i_ELISA.  相似文献   

Gastric Helicobacter spp. have been described in a wide range of animal species, including dogs, cats, primates, swine, cattle and rodents. However, in lagomorphs--more specifically rabbits--gastric Helicobacter infections have never been reported. Biopsy specimens were collected from different stomach regions of 23 rabbits, including 10 pet rabbits, 10 industrial animals and 3 research animals. These were subjected to a PCR assay for the detection of Helicobacter DNA. Identification up to the species level was based on 16S rRNA sequence analysis and a recently developed multiplex PCR. Seven rabbits (four pet, one research animal and two industrial animals) tested positive in the Helicobacter genus-specific PCR in the stomach, with the corpus being predominantly positive. H. felis and H. salomonis, hitherto presumed to be naturally hosted by cats and dogs, were detected in three animals and one animal, respectively. One of these animals had been completely devoid of any form of contact with cats or dogs. A H. pullorum/H. rappini-like organism (96% 16S rDNA sequence similarity) was found in an industrially held rabbit. The helicobacters of the two remaining rabbits could not be identified up to the species level. To conclude, this is the first report on the occurrence of Helicobacter spp. in the stomach of rabbits. In view of the fact that H. felis and H. salomonis are put forward as having zoonotic potential, further research is necessary to investigate the implications of these findings not only for the rabbit but also for human health.  相似文献   

为研究‘三月李’授粉对‘芙蓉李’果实品质的影响,采用‘三月李’花粉对‘芙蓉李’进行授粉,以自然授粉作为对照,分析二者果实大小、可溶性固形物含量和花色苷含量的差异。结果表明: ‘三月李’授粉可显著提高 ‘芙蓉李’果实大小,单果重提高60%以上。‘三月李’授粉对可溶性固形物和花色苷含量的影响较小。授粉品种果实大小与母本果实单果重之间无正相关关系。  相似文献   

‘穿’越动物@韦廷湖!黑龙江  相似文献   

New epidemics of respiratory disease have caused 29.6 morbidity and 6.4% mortality in camels in the Somalia region of Ethiopia. The major clinical signs observed were fever of 40–41.5°C, depression, cough, loss of appetite and a watery nasal discharge that became mucopurulent at a later stage. Finally, the camel became recumbent and extended its neck straight along the ground. Some of the animals died within 8–9 days. The major post-mortem lesions were hydrothorax, adhesion of the lung to the thorax, red and grey hepatization, emphysema, hydropericardium and fibrinous pericarditis. A treatment trial indicated that oxytetracycline was more effective than a combination of penicillin and streptomycin, the results showing a significant difference (p>0.05) between the treated and control groups. The bacteria isolated from lung, thoracic fluid and whole blood were Pasteurella haemolytica. Further studies on the epidemiology of this disease, the identification of the serotypes involved, and the demonstration of any primary viral initiating agent are recommended to allow the development of preventive methods.  相似文献   

‘六五’期间,我国在各大城市远近郊区县建立七十五个商品猪基地县。‘七五’期间,国家本着‘服务城市,活跃市场,富裕农民,出口创汇’的方针,在一些条件成熟的地区,拟继续建立一百五十个商品瘦肉猪基地县,规模为年  相似文献   

本研究以地被菊(Chrysanthemum morifolium)两个品种‘紫妍’和‘纽9722’带腋芽的无菌茎段为外植体,在基本培养基中添加不同浓度的6-BA和NAA诱导叶片分化、茎段增殖以及继代生根,进行两个品种的再生体系建立。结果表明,利用2%NaClO对‘紫妍’和‘纽9722’适宜消毒时间分别为6、8min;诱导‘紫妍’叶片不定芽再生的最适培养基是MS+6-BA 2.0mg·L-1+NAA 1.0mg·L-1,愈伤组织诱导率为100%,分化率为92.22%,出芽数为7.60;‘纽9722’叶片不定芽再生的最适培养基是MS+6-BA 2.0mg·L-1+NAA 0.5mg·L-1,愈伤组织诱导率为100%,但分化率仅为45.59%;‘纽9722’茎段增殖的最适培养基是MS+6-BA 2.0 mg·L-1+NAA 0.5mg·L-1,增殖系数高达10.05;‘紫妍’生根的最适培养基是1/2 MS+NAA 0.2 mg·L-1,生根率为100%,生根系数为15.50;‘纽9722’生根的最适培养基为1/2 MS+NAA 0.3mg·L-1,生根率为100%,生根系数为14.87,移栽成活率均为100%。  相似文献   

以红皮红肉的‘银龙’和红皮白肉的‘白玉龙’等品种为试材,对其植物学性状、开花结果习性、果实经济性状、丰产性与经济效益及栽培技术进行观察总结。结果表明两个品种的综合性状表现良好,较耐盐碱,经济效益显著,具有很好的推广价值。  相似文献   

本试验分别以当地主栽早熟梨品种‘翠冠’和中熟梨品种‘黄花’为对照,在福建省建宁县建立区试园,对引进的梨早熟梨新品种‘新玉’、中熟梨新品种‘晚翠’进行区试适应性试验,结果表明:‘新玉’果实成熟于7月5-8日,单果重317.8g,极显著大于‘翠冠’,外观综合评价优于‘翠冠’;果汁、风味、类型、可溶性固形物含量与‘翠冠’均无明显差异,品质综合评价均为上,作为早熟梨品种具有较大市场空间,但易感叶部果病害,早期落叶发生程度较重,持续丰产性较差,宜在海拔较高与管理技术明区域发展种植。‘晚翠’单果重达378.9g,极显著大于‘黄花’,外观综合评价与当地主栽中熟梨品种‘黄花’相当;果汁特多,果肉松脆,风味甜,品质综合评价为上,优于‘黄花’,且树势强壮,成枝力较高,中、长果枝结果能力和果台副梢连续结果能力均强,并较抗叶部病害,不易发生发生早期落叶现象,早果性与持续丰产性好,可在‘黄花’梨产区可作为更新换代品种加于推广种植。  相似文献   

Diseases caused by lymphoid leukosis virus (LLV), a retrovirus, take a long time after infection to develop and have a wide variety of pathological manifestations. This long latent period is characteristic of persistent virus infections. Disease produced by LLV infection and its underlying mechanisms is compared with persistent infections caused by other retroviruses in birds and mammals of veterinary importance. The diseases considered for comparison are those caused by reticuloendotheliosis, feline leukaemia, bovine leukosis and equine infectious anaemia viruses. There are significant changes in the immunological status in all diseases caused by these viruses. LLV infections follow this trend with, in manifestations of neoplastic disease, a perturbation of the normal switch that occurs from IgM to IgG synthesis. There are also indications of other immunological disturbances.Factors other than immunological disturbances may contribute to the length of time after infection required for the many forms of LLV infection to appear. Such additional factors may include the operation of biological clocks, such as the arrival of sexual maturity, and also the very nature of retroviruses. These factors, like the immunological changes, play major roles in the maintenance and progression of persistent retrovirus infections.Abbreviations ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone - AEV avian erythroblastosis virus - AMV avian myeloblastosis virus - BLV bovine leukaemia virus - CAV chicken anaemia virus - EBL enzootic bovine leukaemia - EIAV equine infectious anaemia virus - env envelope gene - FeLV feline leukaemia virus - FeSV feline sarcoma virus - FOCMA feline oncovirus membrane-associated antigen; gag, group antigen gene - HTLV human T-cell leukaemia virus - LLV lymphoid leukosis virus - L/S leukosis/sarcoma - LTR long terminal repeat - MAV myeloblastosis-associated virus - MDV Marek disease virus - MuLV mouse leukaemia virus - ORF open reading frame; pol, polymerase gene - REV reticuloendotheliosis virus - RIF resistance-inducing factor - RSV Rous sarcoma virus  相似文献   

‘冰糖红菠萝’属赏食兼用型菠萝品种。本文对其植物学特征、物候期、生长结果习性、主要经济性状等进行了观察和比较分析,总结出一套适应海南气候的‘冰糖红菠萝’配套栽培技术。‘冰糖红菠萝’平均单果质量1.4 kg,可溶性固形物含量高达22.0%。该品种在海南种植表现好,风味清甜,肉质爽脆,赏食兼用特性佳,具有良好的经济效益和推广应用价值,是采摘果园、旅游景区、共享农庄和家庭盆栽的理想品种。  相似文献   

‘Mega’豌豆是一个新的半无叶栽培品种。中等高度,直立生长。花紫色,种皮黄褐色,适宜做牧草。其栽培方式为单播或与谷物混播。在新西兰南部(Southland)和坎特百里区(Canterbury)以及美国俄勒冈州(Oregen)所进行的牧草试验中,其牧草干物质产量均高。‘Mega’豌豆所具有的生长习性和成熟期使其特别适合与饲用燕麦及大麦混播。  相似文献   

泡核桃新品种‘紫桂’是泡核桃种群(J.sigillata)实生选育选出的泡核桃新品种。‘紫桂’坚果近圆球形,三径为3.46cm×3.29cm×2.9cm;坚果先端钝尖,底部圆,缝合线隆起,结合紧密,壳面浅麻点较多;平均单果重12.51g,仁重6.7g,壳厚1.0mm,内褶壁不发达,横隔膜膜质,易取整仁,出仁率53.57%,内种皮呈淡紫色。仁饱满,肉质细腻,食味纯香不涩,品质佳;脂肪含量69.7%,蛋白质含量24.6%。2018年12月通过云南省林木品种审定委员会认定并命名。  相似文献   



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