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This report describes the successful treatment of pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade in a 10‐year‐old Hanoverian gelding. Pericarditis and pericardial effusion are uncommon conditions in horses. Although many potential causes for the effusion have been described most cases are classified as idiopathic. The most valuable diagnostic procedure for the detection of pericardial effusion is echocardiography. Pericardiocentesis and drainage of the fluid were carried out in this case. At one year follow‐up there were no clinical signs of recurrence and the horse has returned to his previous level of athletic performance.  相似文献   

Lymphoma is a relatively uncommon neoplasm in the horse; however, it is considered the most common neoplasia of the equine haemolymphatic system. Limited reports of adnexal lymphoma have been documented in the literature, with no known reports of recurrence nearly a decade after mass excision. The objective is to describe a case of recurrent adnexal lymphoma in a 20-year-old Quarter Horse gelding presented to the Ophthalmology service at the University of Florida Veterinary Hospital (UFVH) for evaluation of a solitary subconjunctival mass of the right eye (OD). A focal, pink, fleshy mass associated with the dorsomedial bulbar conjunctiva was noted. An excisional biopsy was performed. Histopathology revealed lymphoma with clean margins. The client declined staging and further therapy at the initial visit. Approximately 8 years later, the horse began to exhibit intermittent mild to moderate diffuse swelling of the conjunctiva OD. Six months after onset, the swelling worsened acutely and was accompanied by severe swelling of the left conjunctiva (OS). The horse then returned to UFVH and was diagnosed with diffuse, bilateral conjunctival lymphoma. Humane euthanasia was elected. T cell lymphoma was confirmed with immunohistochemistry performed post-mortem. At necropsy, neoplastic tissue was observed throughout the adnexal and ocular tissues of both eyes and in the submandibular lymph nodes. Adnexal lymphoma is an uncommon neoplasm in the horse. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first documentation of a nodular adnexal lymphoma that involved an 8-year period without recurrence followed by development of diffuse, bilateral disease. Typically, surgical excision of the nodular form of lymphoma involving the extraocular tissues yields an improved prognosis compared with the diffuse form of the disease. Further investigation is necessary to determine if nodular forms of adnexal lymphoma represent early stages of diffuse extraocular or systemic disease.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old thoroughbred gelding was presented with a history of blepharospasm and opacity in the OS of 1 weeks' duration. Ophthalmic examination findings were consistent with acute uveitis in the OS, and traditional treatment was initiated with systemic antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, topical mydriatics, and corticosteroids. During the total treatment period of 4 weeks response to treatment was weak and the horse developed further problems such as cellulitis of the right hind limb with fever and eventually weight loss and dependent edema. Blood work was indicative of liver disease. Abdominal sonography revealed severe splenomegaly and slight hepatomegaly, and a liver biopsy confirmed malignant T-cell lymphoma. The horse was euthanized due to deteriorating general condition and subsequently underwent postmortem examination. Necropsy and histologic examination revealed a multicentric lymphoma with involvement of spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes, and OU.
The findings in this case demonstrate that the differential diagnosis of intraocular and systemic lymphoma should be considered in any horse presenting with anterior uveitis, especially when uveitis is unresponsive to treatment and when additional systemic signs of illness such as lethargy, fever, weight loss, or dependent edema arise.
Cytological examination of aqueous humor may provide a rapid diagnosis of intraocular lymphoma in eyes with clinical uveitis.  相似文献   

A 21‐year‐old pony gelding presented for a 5 week history of diarrhoea, inappetance, progressive weight loss and lethargy. Differential diagnoses for chronic diarrhoea and weight loss in horses include: chronic salmonellosis, sand enteropathy, enterolith, parasitism (strongylosis, cyathostomiasis), NSAID induced ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease (granulomatous, lymphocytic‐plasmacytic or eosinophilic enterocolitis), gastrointestinal neoplasia (lymphosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma), antibiotic associated clostridial overgrowth, altered diet or bacterial fermentation, peritonitis, Strongylus vulgaris induced arteriopathy (now quite rare) and abdominal mass or abscess. In this gelding, ante mortem diagnosis of CD3+ intestinal large granular lymphoma was made via cytology of abdominal fluid and immunohistochemistry of a rectal muscle biopsy. This report details the clinical, cytological and immunophenotypic findings of a case of large granular lymphoma in a horse.  相似文献   

We report a case of primary cardiac lymphoma in a cat, causing pericardial effusion. A 13-year-old castrated male Himalayan cat was evaluated for chronic weight loss and radiographic finding of cardiomegaly. Pericardial effusion and a heart mass were detected via echocardiography. Pericardiocentesis and ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate of the heart mass were performed under sedation. Antemortem diagnosis of cardiac lymphoma was made based on cytology of pericardial fluid. Based on physical examination, laboratory tests and abdominal radiographs, primary cardiac lymphoma was established as the presumptive clinical diagnosis. Treatment with chemotherapeutic agents was initiated.  相似文献   

This is a case of coccidioidomycosis in a dog, examined for vomiting and labored breathing. Physical examination and thoracic and abdominal imaging revealed pleural and peritoneal effusions, both of which exhibited neutrophilic inflammation with a substantial eosinophilic component. The dog had positive IgM and IgG coccidioidomycosis titers at initial evaluation. The eosinophilic component of the inflammation was attributed to coccidioidomycosis. The dog underwent approximately 6 months of fluconazole treatment, with both effusions and clinical signs improving after 6 weeks. Three months after cessation of antifungal treatment, the dog developed a mid-diaphyseal lytic and proliferative lesion in the left radius caused by Coccidioides spp. This case illustrates the importance of consideration of coccidioidomycosis when an eosinophilic cavitary effusion is present in dogs that live in or have traveled to endemic regions.  相似文献   

A 7‐year‐old, 153.0‐kg American Miniature mare presented for evaluation of keratoconjunctivitis of the right eye (OD). A superior palpebral conjunctival mass and stromal keratitis were diagnosed. The incisional biopsy diagnosis was a presumptive corneal hemangiosarcoma. Transpalpebral enucleation was performed, and histopathologic evaluation confirmed angiosarcoma of the conjunctiva, cornea, and extraocular muscles. The horse developed progressive epistaxis and orbital swelling following surgery. A systemic workup was performed 3 months after enucleation, revealing regrowth within the orbit and marked cranial cervical lymphomegaly, suggestive of metastasis. Humane euthanasia was performed, and necropsy confirmed a locally invasive periorbital tumor with metastasis to the submandibular tissue, submandibular lymph node, and thoracic inlet. Histopathologic evaluation of necropsy specimens revealed polygonal to spindle neoplastic cells lining neoplastic vascular channels lacking erythrocytes. Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic cells labeled strongly positive for PROX‐1, vimentin, CD‐31, VEGF, weakly positive for factor VIII‐related antigen, and negative for collagen IV. Based on the clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical features of this tumor, a primary ocular lymphangiosarcoma with metastasis was diagnosed.  相似文献   

A one‐year‐old, Thoroughbred colt presented for evaluation due to a one month history of fever of unknown origin and progressive weight loss. On initial presentation, the horse was febrile and showed signs localised to the respiratory tract. These included bilaterally increased bronchovesicular sounds and a moderate, diffuse interstitial pattern on thoracic radiographs. A transtracheal wash yielded mucopurulent debris, culture of which grew small numbers of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Aspergillus spp. The horse was discharged with a diagnosis of bronchointerstitial pneumonia and placed on antibiotic therapy. Ten days after initial presentation, he developed abdominal pain that was unresponsive to on‐farm treatment. The horse was febrile, displayed increased respiratory rate and effort, and showed moderate signs of abdominal pain. On rectal examination, a firm, 8–10 cm mass was palpated on midline. The colt was admitted to the hospital and scheduled for exploratory laparotomy, but died a short time later before surgery could be performed. This report describes the clinical, diagnostic and histopathological findings of a case of alimentary lymphoma in a yearling colt.  相似文献   

A 19-year-old Quarter Horse gelding was evaluated for respiratory distress and a rapidly enlarging retropharyngeal mass. Initial evaluation revealed severe respiratory distress, and a large, firm mass, visibly appreciable as 12 × 12 cm, in the left retropharyngeal and perilaryngeal region, with surrounding left and right retropharyngeal swelling. No significant abnormalities were present on complete blood count and serum biochemistry analyses. Endoscopy revealed severe pharyngeal collapse restricting airflow without gross abnormalities of the pharyngeal mucosa other than inflammation and irritation. A multilobular retropharyngeal mass, diffusely heterogeneous in echogenicity, was present adjacent to, but not occluding, the carotid artery as assessed by ultrasonography. Initial needle aspirate suggested lymphoma. Tissue biopsy and histopathology confirmed a round cell tumour. A temporary tracheotomy was performed to provide respiratory relief, and the horse was managed on oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications while awaiting histopathological results. The decision was made to humanely euthanise the horse after biopsy results indicated lymphoma. Definitive diagnosis of T cell rich, large B cell lymphoma was made by combination of cytology, immunohistochemistry and molecular clonality PCR (PARR) testing. Lymphoma should be considered in horses with focal masses of the retropharyngeal region. Although treatment was not pursued, PARR testing was successful in this case and may be helpful for accurate characterisation of lymphoma in horses to more precisely determine prognosis and the most effective treatment plans, as it has been in human patients and small animals.  相似文献   

Abstract: A 14‐year‐old spayed American Paint mare was evaluated for mild colic, anorexia, pyrexia, and pancytopenia. Physical examination revealed mild tachycardia, tachypnea, and pale mucous membranes. Serial laboratory analyses revealed progressive pancytopenia, hyperfibrinogenemia, and hyperglobulinemia. A few large atypical cells were observed in peripheral blood smears. Results of tests for equine infectious anemia and antipenicillin antibody were negative. Serum protein electrophoresis indicated a polyclonal gammopathy. Smears of bone marrow aspirates contained hypercellular particles, but cell lines could not be identified because the cells were karyolytic, with pale basophilic smudged nuclei and lack of cellular detail. A diagnosis of bone marrow necrosis was made. Treatment consisted of antimicrobials, nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs, and corticosteroids. The pyrexia resolved; however, the pancytopenia progressively worsened and petechiation and epistaxis developed. The horse was humanely euthanized. Postmortem examination revealed a diffuse round cell neoplasm infiltrating the kidneys, spleen, lymph nodes, lungs, and bone marrow. Immunophenotyping results (CD3+, CD79α−) indicated the neoplastic cells were of T‐cell lineage. Infiltration of lymphoma cells into the bone marrow appeared to have resulted in severe myelophthisis and bone marrow necrosis. Bone marrow necrosis has been associated previously with lymphoma in humans and dogs. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of lymphoma resulting in bone marrow necrosis in a horse.  相似文献   

Malignant lymphoma B‐cell type is the most common canine haematopoietic malignancy. Changes in intestinal microbiota have been implicated in few types of cancer in humans. The aim of this prospective and case‐control study was to determine differences in faecal microbiota between healthy control dogs and dogs with multicentric lymphoma. Twelve dogs affected by multicentric, B‐cell, stage III‐IV lymphoma, and 21 healthy dogs were enrolled in the study. For each dog, faecal samples were analysed by Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA genes and quantitative PCR (qPCR) for selected bacterial groups. Alpha diversity was significant lower in lymphoma dogs. Principal coordinate analysis plots showed different microbial clustering (P = .001) and linear discriminant analysis effect size revealed 28 differentially abundant bacterial groups in lymphoma and control dogs. The qPCR analysis showed significant lower abundance of Faecalibacterium spp. (q < .001), Fusobacterium spp. (q = .032), and Turicibacter spp. (q = .043) in dogs with lymphoma compared with control dogs. On the contrary, Streptococcus spp. was significantly higher in dogs with lymphoma (q = .041). The dysbiosis index was significantly higher (P < .0001) in dogs with lymphoma. In conclusion, both sequencing and qPCR analyses provided a global overview of faecal microbial communities and showed significant differences in the microbial communities of dogs presenting with multicentric lymphoma compared with healthy control dogs.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old, spayed female German Shepherd dog was admitted to hospital with marked generalised lymphadenomegaly and splenomegaly. A stage Va B-cell multicentric lymphoma was diagnosed on clinical, cytological (lymph node, bone marrow), histological-immunohistochemical (lymph node excision) and imaging grounds. Since no satisfactory remission was achieved using a multi-drug chemotherapy protocol that included cyclophosphamide, vincristine, cytosine arabinoside, prednisolone, and subsequently supplemented by L-asparaginase, it was replaced by another protocol combining vincristine, L-asparaginase, prednisolone, cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin. Soon after the third weekly session of the second protocol, the clinical status of the animal deteriorated suddenly and severely, with a bleeding tendency, jaundice, hyperuricaemia, hyperphosphataemia, azotaemia, hyperbilirubinaemia and, presumptive disseminated intravascular coagulation. There was also complete regression of lymphadenomegaly. This report emphasises the clinicopathological features and the diagnostic peculiarities of the acute tumour lysis syndrome, which occurs uncommonly in dogs.  相似文献   

A 10-month-old Thoroughbred filly was presented with a 2-month history of recurrent fever and pleural effusion. Major clinical findings were pyrexia and congested mucous membranes. Clinical pathology tests revealed an erythrocytosis, hyperfibrinogenaemia and hyperglobulinaemia. Pleural fluid was seen on ultrasonographic examination of the thorax and analysis of a thoracocentesis sample indicated a lymphocytic, modified transudate. A transtracheal aspirate was normal. The erythrocytosis persisted despite IV fluid therapy. Arterial blood gas analysis and bone marrow aspirate were normal. These findings were indicative of secondary inappropriate erythrocytosis. Ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen showed a large encapsulated heterogeneous mass in the left lobe of the liver. Histopathological evaluation of a biopsy of the mass was indicative of a hepatic carcinoma. The filly was euthanased and necropsy confirmed the presence of a hepatic tumour with no evidence of systemic metastasis. Further histopathological evaluation confirmed the tumour to be an embryonal macrotrabecular epithelial-type hepatoblastoma, a type of hepatoblastoma that has not previously been reported in a horse.  相似文献   

An 18 h old Quarter Horse filly, while being treated for diarrhoea, was evaluated for a distended abdomen and electrolyte abnormalities. Peritoneal and pleural fluid was detected by ultrasound and a presumptive diagnosis of a ruptured bladder was made. Intravenous fluid therapy was instituted to correct the electrolyte abnormalities prior to surgical repair of the bladder tear. Anaesthetic complications included hypoxaemia and decreased compliance secondary to the pleural effusion; therefore, a thoracocentesis was performed. Analysis of the pleural fluid revealed a pleural fluid to serum creatinine ratio of >1.0, indicative of urinothorax. The filly recovered from anaesthesia and was discharged on systemic antimicrobials. Urinothorax should be considered in cases of uroperitoneum with concurrent pleural effusion. Early detection may decrease patient morbidity and anaesthetic complications.  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old German Warmblood gelding was referred to the Equine Department of the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, Switzerland, for an iris mass OD, lethargy, intermittent fever, and coughing. Ophthalmic examination revealed a 7 × 9 mm raised, fleshy, whitish to pinkish, vascularized iris mass at the 2 o`clock position OD. Fundic examination showed multifocal round, brown to black, slightly raised lesions with indistinct margins and a surrounding hyperreflective zone OU. Physical examination revealed a temperature of 39.2 °C, sinus tachycardia, preputial and ventral edema, and an enlarged right mandibular lymph node. Results of a complete blood count and plasma biochemical profile showed mild anemia, leukocytosis, and thrombocytopenia. Severe splenopathy, moderate splenomegaly, and severe pulmonary pathology with nodules and large areas of consolidated lung parenchyma were observed on abdominal ultrasound and thoracic radiographs, respectively. Fine needle aspirates of the enlarged mandibular lymph node showed malignant epithelial neoplastic cells. The horse was euthanized because of the poor prognosis and subsequently underwent postmortem examination. Macroscopic necropsy and histopathology revealed an adenocarcinoma of suspected pulmonary origin with involvement of eyes, heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, diaphragm, skeletal muscles, mandibular, pulmonary, and internal iliac lymph nodes. Metastatic adenocarcinoma should be considered as a differential diagnosis in horses with iris masses, multifocal chorioretinal infiltrates, and clinical signs that conform to a paraneoplastic syndrome.  相似文献   

An 11‐year‐old Warmblood gelding was presented for inspiratory stridor and dysphagia. Based on history and clinical examination, a solitary mass localised in the oropharynx was suspected. Due to its inaccessibility and defensive behaviour of the horse, it was difficult to visualise this mass either by upper airway endoscopy or by oral examination and the conventional imaging methods (radiology and ultrasound) provided only limited information. Fine needle aspiration cytology was suggestive of lymphoma, but the exact localisation and the extent of tissue infiltration of the tumour could only be defined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI has proved to be a very useful diagnostic tool in equine lameness investigation and, as this case illustrates, it has considerable diagnostic potential for soft tissue examination of the equine head.  相似文献   

A 21‐year‐old New Forest pony presented for evaluation of lethargy and colic. Transcutaneous abdominal ultrasonography revealed a cavitary, thick walled, mass‐like lesion that appeared continuous with the small intestine. The thick walls of the mass‐like lesion were of heterogeneous echogenicity with hyperechoic foci extending from the hyperechoic luminal surface to within the wall and there was loss of normal wall layering. These findings were confirmed grossly at exploratory celiotomy and histopathological examination of affected tissues confirmed lymphoma. The ultrasound findings facilitated a preoperative presumptive diagnosis that allowed informed decision‐making and aided case management.  相似文献   

Lymphoma is the most common haematopoietic malignancy in dogs and it has been associated with hypercoagulability and subsequent thromboembolism. The objectives of this study were to serially characterize the haemostatic status of dogs with multicentric lymphoma. Thromboelastography, thrombin–antithrombin complex concentration and routine haematology and coagulation panels were measured. Twenty‐seven dogs were included in the study and 15 completed the study in remission. At presentation, 81% (22/27) of dogs with multicentric lymphoma had altered haemostatic profiles consistent with hypercoagulability. Laboratory evidence of hypercoagulability did not resolve during treatment or for up to 1 month following attainment of clinical remission. Accelerated rate of clot formation at the time of chemotherapeutic protocol completion was associated with decreased survival time. We concluded that dogs with multicentric lymphoma were frequently hypercoagulable from presentation through 4 weeks after the completion of chemotherapy. Increased angle and shortened K in dogs that have successfully completed their chemotherapeutic protocol may be associated with shorter survival times.  相似文献   

This case report describes the diagnosis and treatment of an aryepiglottic tumour in a 19-year-old Paint gelding. Diagnostic work-up included physical examination, endoscopic evaluation of the upper airway, and histopathology of the mass following removal. Treatment consisted of surgical excision of the aryepiglottic mass under endoscopic guidance followed by a 100 Gy dose of radiation delivered with strontium-90 plesiotherapy to the surgical bed at 72 h post-operatively. The radiation applicator was passed through the left nostril and the application area was confirmed via endoscopic evaluation. Histopathology, including immunohistochemistry, confirmed that the aryepiglottic tumour was T cell lymphoma. Recheck examination, including physical examination and upper airway endoscopy, was performed 1, 3 and 6 months following treatment and local recurrence was not observed. Local control with minimal morbidity can be achieved with surgical excision of equine lymphoma followed by strontium-90 plesiotherapy.  相似文献   

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