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塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘天气特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中气象站2007—2011年的地面(10 m)风速、风向和沙尘天气等气象要素,分析沙漠腹地的沙尘天气特征。结果表明:1塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘频率和强风频率年、月分布具有较好的一致性,沙尘天气具有明显的季节性,春、夏季占全部沙尘频次的88.3%,冬季仅占总数的2.3%。2春、夏季沙尘天气的高发时段为12:00—00:00;20:00发生频次最多,分别占春、夏季沙尘频次的12.7%和10.8%,秋季和冬季沙尘天气高发时段为14:00—21:00。3出现沙尘天气时,风向主要集中在E、ENE、N和NNE 4个方向。4沙漠腹地临界起沙风速ut5%为4~5 m·s-1,一般地表的临界起沙风速ut50%为5~6 m·s-1;5从NfDO分布来看,春、夏两季要明显高于秋冬季节,其中4月最大,为0.284。因此,沙漠腹地春、夏季易发生沙尘天气。  相似文献   

宁夏大风日数气候变化及其对沙尘天气的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文利用宁夏23个气象台站1961—2004年共44a的大风日数、沙尘暴日数、扬沙日数资料,统计分析了宁夏大风日数的空间分布和时间分布特征,结果表明:近44a来宁夏存在2个大风中心———北部的惠农和东部的麻黄山,西南部的隆德大风日数最少,春季是宁夏各站大风日数最多的季节;20世纪60、70年代是宁夏大风日数明显偏多期,80、90年代是偏少期,21世纪初期比20世纪80、90年代略有增加;大风日数气候倾向率16个站为负值,7个站为正值;大武口———石炭井一带、麻黄山、兴仁、泾源是大风日出现的沙尘暴次数占其沙尘暴出现总次数的百分率高值区,陶乐———盐池一带、中卫是低值区,且大风中心区与沙尘暴频发区不重合;惠农、麻黄山是大风日出现的扬沙次数占扬沙出现总次数的百分率高值区,陶乐、永宁、盐池、中卫是低值区;年平均大风日数、年大风日出现沙尘暴次数及扬沙次数均呈减少趋势,时间曲线变化趋势也相同。  相似文献   

古尔班通古特沙漠植被覆盖变化及其对沙尘天气的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1981~2003年逐月NOAA/AVHRR NDVI时间序列数据,分析了古尔班通古特沙漠荒漠植被覆盖的动态变化及其对沙漠南缘绿洲沙尘天气的影响。结果表明:近23年来古尔班通古特沙漠覆盖面积总体上呈现增加趋势,植被覆盖程度较高的区域分布在沙漠中部和西部,同时,这里也是23年来植被覆盖程度显著增加的区域;春、夏季植被覆盖与沙尘天气日数之间均呈现负相关关系,其中,夏季植被覆盖程度与沙尘天气日数之间的负相关最为显著。这说明在古尔班通古特沙漠植被覆盖程度与其南缘绿洲沙尘日数间存在负耦合关系,植被覆盖是影响沙尘天气发生及其强度的因子之一。  相似文献   

承德地区沙尘天气的气候成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1991-2010年承德地区9个气象站的气象数据采用统计分析和相关分析的方法,将承德地区沙尘天气(包括浮尘、扬沙和沙尘暴)的年、季特征与气候因子(包括降水量、气温、风速以及大风日数)作了详细的相关分析。结果表明:降水量增多可以在一定程度上抑制沙尘天气的发生频次。在温度偏高、降水量偏少、风速较大且大风日数较多的年份和月份,沙尘天气较多。风要素是影响沙尘天气的最为直接且最优的相关因子,风速的大小、大风日数的增减直接关系到沙尘天气频数的变化。从整体上看该地区气候因子对沙尘天气的相关性影响从强到弱依次是大风日数、风速、降水量和气温。因此沙尘天气的短期预测要抓住本地的敏感气候因子。  相似文献   

根据北京地区资料分析了沙尘的年代变化、月变化,春季是沙尘天气的高发期并以浮尘和扬沙为主。造成沙尘天气的冷空气主要有三条路径,它与蒙古气旋、冷锋、高空急流等大尺度天气系统紧密相连。  相似文献   

区域性沙尘天气预警系统的开发与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了目前国内外沙尘天气监测及预警的研究现状,进而阐述了区域性沙尘天气预警系统设计的目标及意义、系统设计方案、系统结构与功能,介绍了环北京地区沙尘天气预警系统与内蒙古地区沙尘天气预警系统两个应用实例,最后讨论了预警系统后期待完善的设计思路及目标。  相似文献   

为研究塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘颗粒的微观形貌及其矿物、元素组成,应用扫描电镜能谱技术(SEM/EDX)对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中观测站2012年5月采集的PM10样品进行了识别和分析。统计622个单颗粒高分辨电镜图像及能谱的结果表明:塔克拉玛干沙漠大气PM10主要来源于地壳矿物。其中,矿物组成主要是石英、粘土矿物、方解石、岩盐,特别是岩盐含量高达14.5%,石英、方解石、石膏、岩盐单体矿物相对含量较高,但大部分都以矿物集合体的形式存在,与其它人为源颗粒物的混合主要是外混合。不同天气类型下,其矿物组成差异明显,重矿物(岩盐等)主要来源于强风就地扬起或携带的较粗颗粒。  相似文献   

2010年3月我国沙尘天气的若干特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙尘天气是一种非常严重的灾害性天气现象,给工农业生产、交通运输、居民生活和空气质量带来不利影响。2010年3月我国共出现了6次沙尘天气过程,次数比近10年同期(4.2次)偏多,其中强沙尘暴天气过程1次、沙尘暴天气过程3次、扬沙天气过程2次,具有发生时段集中、首发时间偏晚、影响范围广泛等特征。分析表明:在气候变化和沙尘源...  相似文献   

近45年内蒙古乌审旗气候变化对沙尘天气的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1961-2005年内蒙古乌审旗气象台站的地面观测资料,分析气候年代际变化特征,探讨气候变化对沙尘天气的可能影响。结果表明:近45年来,乌审旗年平均气温以0.48℃/10 a的趋势变暖,近5年气温比20世纪60年代升高了1.8℃,1961-1996年为偏冷时段,1996-2005年为偏暖时段。降水量以15.15 mm/10 a的趋势减少,20世纪60年代至21世纪经历了一个"少、多、少、多"的年代际变化过程。降水量变化分4个多雨时段和4个少雨时段。年大风日数以3.53 d/10 a的趋势减少,20世纪60年代是大风天气的频发期,近5年大风日数较60年代减少了197 d。年沙尘天气日数以14.96 d/10 a的趋势减少,20世纪60-70年代是沙尘天气的频发期,近5年较20世纪60-70年代减少了624.5 d;从季节变化来看,沙尘天气多的季节大风也多,气温回升快,降水量偏少;不同年代气候要素的不同组合对沙尘天气的影响有所差异,春季沙尘日数与同期大风日数的正相关较显著,与同期的气温和前一年夏季降水也显现出较好的负相关关系,夏季降水对第2年沙尘天气的预报有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

黄阁  盛永 《干旱区研究》2008,25(4):600-605
以1971-2005年辽宁60个站沙尘天气资料为基础,从年代际变化、季节变化、空间分布特点等方面对浮尘、扬沙、沙尘暴、沙尘天气综合影响程度进行了统计分析。结果表明:辽宁的沙尘天气年代际变化明显,且多发生在春季(4月最多),沙尘天气主要在3月下旬到4月下旬出现在沈阳西北部、阜新以及朝阳北部地区。结合辽宁的气候、空间特点,从沙源、大风、不稳定层结3方面分析了辽宁沙尘天气的形成以及时空分布不均的原因,简要介绍了辽宁防沙的措施、效果以及辽宁省气象台沙尘暴短期预报方法。  相似文献   

Tazhong is the hinterland and a sandstorm high-frequency area of the Taklimakan Desert. However, little is known about the detailed time-series of aeolian sand transport in this area. An experiment to study the sand-dust horizontal flux of near-surface was carried out in Tazhong from January to December 2009. By measuring the sand-dust horizontal flux throughout sixteen sand-dust weather processes with a 200-cm tall Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE) sampler tower, we quantitatively analyzed the vertical variation of the sand-dust horizontal flux. And the total sand-dust horizontal flux of different time-series that passed through a section of 100 cm in width and 200 cm in height was estimated combining the data of saltation movement continuously recorded by piezoelectric saltation sensors (Sensit). The results indicated that, in the surface layer ranging from 0-200 cm, the intensity of sand-dust horizontal flux decreased with the increase of the height, and the physical quantities obeyed power function well. The total sand-dust horizontal flux of the sixteen sand-dust weather processes that passed through a section of 100 cm in width and 200 cm in height was about 2,144.9 kg, the maximum of one sand-dust weather event was about 396.3 kg, and the annual total sand-dust horizontal flux was about 3,903.2 kg. The high levels of aeolian sand transport occurred during daytime, especially from 13:00 to 16:00 in the afternoon. We try to develop a new method for estimation of the detailed time-series of aeolian sand transport.  相似文献   

Understanding the characteristics of the structure of desert atmospheric boundary layer and its land surface process is of great importance to the simulations of regional weather and climate.To investigate the atmospheric boundary layer structure and its forming mechanism of Taklimakan Desert,and to improve the accuracy and precision of regional weather and climate simulations,we carried out a GPS radiosonde observation experiment in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert from 25 June to 3 July,2015.Utilizing the densely observed sounding data,we analyzed the vertical structures of daytime convective boundary layer and nighttime stable boundary layer in summer over this region,and also discussed the impacts of sand-dust and precipitation events on the desert atmospheric boundary layer structure.In summer,the convective boundary layer in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert developed profoundly and its maximum height could achieve 4,000 m;the stable boundary layer at nighttime was about 400–800-m thick and the residual mixing layer above it could achieve a thickness over 3,000 m.Sand-dust weather would damage the structures of nighttime stable boundary layer and daytime convective boundary layer,and the dust particle swarm can weak the solar radiation absorbed by the ground surface and further restrain the strong development of convective boundary layer in the daytime.Severe convective precipitation process can change the heat from the ground surface to the atmosphere in a very short time,and similarly can damage the structure of desert atmospheric boundary layer remarkably.Moreover,the height of atmospheric boundary layer was very low when raining.Our study verified the phenomenon that the atmospheric boundary layer with supernormal thickness exists over Taklimakan Desert in summer,which could provide a reference and scientific bases for the regional numerical models to better represent the desert atmospheric boundary layer structure.  相似文献   

Although scientists have performed many studies on crescent (barchan) dunes in the Taklimakan Desert,few studies reported the changes in grain size at different development stages of crescent dunes.In order to evaluate the changing trends of surface sediment grain size with dune development,we investigated the grain size characteristics at four developmental stages (oval sand pile,shield dune,incipient crescent dune and mature crescent dune) of crescent dunes by measuring the morphology of sand dune and observing the near-surface wind regime.The dunes have developed in a wide inter-dune corridor between high compound longitudinal ridges in China's Taklimakan Desert.The surface sediments at four developmental stages of the crescent dunes were primarily composed of fine sands,followed by very fine and medium sands.Mean grain sizes ranged from 2.8 to 3.1 φ,with a unimodal distribution.The sands were moderately well-sorted,their distribution varied from platykurtic to very platykurtic,and symmetrical or skewed towards the fine particles.From oval sand piles through shield and incipient crescent dunes to mature crescent dunes,incipient grain size gradually increased,particles became finer,sorting became better,kurtosis and skewness increased.Grain sizes on the surface layer became coarser upwards from the toe of the windward slope and then became finer towards the bottom of the leeward slope.We found that the coarsest particles at different positions at the four developmental stages were different.The coarsest particles were distributed at the top of the oval sand piles and shield dunes,versus at the middle of the windward slope of the incipient and mature crescent dunes.Correlations between the mean grain size and other grain size parameters showed that as mean grain size became finer,sorting became better and kurtosis became wider,but skewness changed only slightly.In addition,grain size variation in the surface sediments correlated with the movement speed of the dunes in the study area.In the open ground among tall-complex longitudinal ridges in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert where aeolian environment is characterized by comparatively strong wind and unsaturated sand flow,faster dune movement corresponded to coarser grain size.  相似文献   

Fan YANG 《干旱区科学》2017,9(4):568-579
Knowledge of soil respiration and the influencing factors in desert ecosystems is essential to understanding carbon dynamics and responses of biotic and abiotic processes in soils to climate change. In this study, soil respiration rate(R_s) for three land-cover types(shifting sandy land, sandy land with straw checkerboard barriers, and shelter forest land) in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert was measured in May 2015 using an automated soil CO_2 flux system. The effects of soil temperature(T_s) and soil water content(W_s) on R_s were also analyzed. The results showed that R_s values in shifting sandy land, sandy land with straw checkerboard barriers, and shelter forest land were all low and exhibited obvious diurnal fluctuations. The establishment of straw checkerboard barriers in sandy land had no significant effect on R_s, while the establishment of shelterbelts significantly increased R_s. Shifting sandy land and sandy land with straw checkerboard barriers were carbon sinks at night and early morning and were carbon sources in the daytime, while shelter forest land always acted as a carbon source during the whole day. The synergistic effect of T_s and W_s could better explain the diurnal dynamics in R_s than single factor. In shifting sandy land and sandy land with straw checkerboard barriers, W_s was identified as a limiting factor influencing the diurnal dynamics of R_s. Furthermore, a relatively strong hysteresis loop existed between R_s and T_s. In contrast, in shelter forest land, R_s was significantly influenced by T_s, and a relatively weaker hysteresis loop existed between R_s and W_s.  相似文献   

作者运用多种手段,研究了塔克拉玛干沙漠沙的矿物成分、化学成分,沙物质中角门石的化学组成和石英氧同位素组分。查明了塔克拉玛干沙漠沙在物质成分上表现出的地域性差异,以及不同产出类型沙的相互关系。  相似文献   

根据塔克拉玛干沙漠北缘荒漠过渡带哈德、肖塘2个试验点的风、温梯度观测数据,利用风速比法计算了中性大气层结、无风沙运动条件的空气动力学粗糙度[WTBX](z0),并分析探讨z0[WTBZ]与下垫面状况、大气稳定度及风速的相互关系。结果表明:哈德、肖塘中性条件下z0的取值范围分别为 1.81×10-11~1.20×10-3 m,1.00×10-11~1.65×10-3 m,平均值为2.70×10-5 m 和6.05×10-5 m,与平坦沙面的值较为接近;z0随下垫面性质变化明显;空气动力学粗糙度总体上随着理查逊数(Ri)增大而变大,但又呈现出一定的离散程度;空气动力学粗糙度与2 m高度风速呈显著的负指数关系;大气稳定度对空气动力学粗糙度的影响作用有待于进一步确定。   相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地一次强降水天气分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
何清  向鸣 《干旱区研究》1998,15(1):15-20
1988年7月下旬塔克拉玛干沙漠地满西异井测站出现了一次强降水天气,日降水量达28.6mm证实了在大尺度环流背景下,中小尺度天气系统的影响及午后局地对流发展旺盛时,沙漠腹地同样也能出现强度较大的降水天气。  相似文献   

通过野外采样和室外萌发的方法,研究了塔克拉玛干沙漠公路沿线6种立地类型的土壤种子库特点.其主要结论:①所有立地类型的土壤种子库密度都很小.立地类型I,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,V,Ⅵ的土壤种子库密度分别为:(46.20±4.45)粒/m2,(27.50±5.58)粒/m2,(15.00±3.37)粒/m2,(6.52±0.87)/m2,(10.00±2.42)粒/m2和(50.00±5.50)粒/m2.②所有立地类型土壤种子库中所出现的物种数量都很少.③所有立地类型土壤种子库中出现的物种生活型,一年生草本并不占优势.④在塔克拉玛干沙漠空间分布上,沙漠南缘和北缘的土壤种子库密度和物种多样性较大,而中部的密度和物种多样性较小.  相似文献   

参考作物蒸散量计算方法在极端干旱区的适用性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
参考作物蒸散量不同计算方法在极端干旱的塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地的适用性鲜有研究。依据塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地收集的2005-2010年的气象资料,以Penman Monteith为标准,运用8种参考作物蒸散量不同计算方法,探讨在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地的适用性及计算结果的差异性。结果表明:在极端干旱的塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地,Penman1948、FAO24-Penman、Irmark Allen、Makkink、Priestley Taylar计算结果偏小,而FAO Penman修正法计算结果偏大,仅Kimberley Penman和Hargreave与Penman Monteith的计算结果没有显著差异。 以2004年3-12月气象资料检验Penman1948、FAO24-Penman、Irmark Allen、Makkink、FAO Penman修正法和Priestley Tayla修正公式,计算结果与Penman Monteith月偏差仍然较大。偏差较大的原因是3种Penman计算方法均采用了不同的风速修正方法,由风速引起的空气动力项所占的参考作物蒸散量月贡献率不同,而Irmark Allen、Priestley Taylar和Makkink 3种方法仅考虑了辐射项,忽略了空气动力项。因此,这6种计算方法在极端干旱的塔克拉玛干沙漠不适用,仅有Kimberley Penman和Hargreave可以适用。  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠植被的生态学性质和持续发展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
塔克拉玛干沙漠生态环境十分亚酷,植物多样性的组成有限。大多数植物的生存与一定的浅层地下水相联系,是一些中生、盐生和耐盐的种类,典型的沙生和旱生植物不多,由它们所形成的大多数植物群落也是中生性的。其分布格局明显受沙漠中水分状况的支配,表现为隐域分布性质。其中,荒漠河岸林的兴衰和更新,与荒漠河流水文特征适应,使其种群得以持续繁衍,保证了这一古老的第三纪落叶阔叶林,在沙漠中各大河流沿岸整体上的相对稳定性  相似文献   

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