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杂草抗药性及其治理   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
杂草抗药性及其治理东北农业大学苏少泉一、抗药性现状与发展在化学农药中,除草剂是发展较晚的一类化合物,虽然早在1950年在甘蔗田就发现了铺散鸭跖草(Commelinadiffusa)对2,4-D的抗性生物型,其后又相继发现许多杂草对2,4-D、2,4,...  相似文献   

抗药性杂草及其治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对抗药性杂草的形成与发展、抗药性杂草的危害及其治理进行了论述。  相似文献   

水稻田除草剂的应用及杂草抗药性现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
稻田杂草是造成水稻减产的最大影响因素,化学除草技术已经成为杂草防除的重要手段。针对水稻田杂草开发了多种除草剂,形成了独特的稻田杂草化学防除体系。近年来,由于除草剂大量、高频率的不合理使用,稻田杂草抗药性呈明显上升趋势,稗草、雨久花、慈姑、耳叶水苋等稻田杂草的抗药性问题已较为严重。文章综述了我国水稻田主要除草剂的应用及稻田抗药性杂草的发生现状,并对几类代表性除草剂品种的抗药性机理进行了简要分析,提出了稻田抗性杂草的治理策略。  相似文献   

杂草抗药性研究概况   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

杂草抗药性机制的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杂草抗药性的形成,实际上是在除草剂作用下,杂草本身的生理生化遗传机制的改变。目前关于杂草形成抗药性的动因提出了不少假说,但是由于杂草和除草剂的种类繁多,作用机制各不相同,不可能全面概括其抗药性机制。现仅将收集到的有关材料作以下评述。  相似文献   

杂草抗药性研究进展   总被引:49,自引:3,他引:49  
 目前全球已有188种杂草(112种双子叶,76种单子叶)的324个生物型对19类化学除草剂产生了抗药性,几乎涵盖各类重要的除草剂。抗药性杂草已成为杂草治理和农业生产的严重威胁,由其引发的严重经济和安全问题倍受全球关注。研究证实,杂草体内除草剂作用位点发生改变、杂草代谢解毒能力增强、杂草的屏蔽作用或与作用位点的隔离作用是杂草对除草剂产生抗性的三大主要机制。杂草的抗药性机制相当复杂,同种杂草不仅对不同除草剂的抗药性机制不同,而且能以完全不同的抗药性机制对多种作用机制不同的除草剂产生抗药性,即交互抗性和多抗性。本文重点描述杂草对8大类重要除草剂的抗药性机制,杂草抗药性研究方法,以期为中国抗药性杂草研究和农田杂草科学治理提供参考和借鉴,并提出在杂草治理中必须汲取他人的经验教训,阐明了中国杂草抗药性研究应关注问题。  相似文献   

农田杂草抗药性及抗性作物的选育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
农田杂草抗药性及抗性作物的选育苏州大学生物系孙丙耀一、杂草抗药性问题的提出本世纪50年代初,英国学者曾预言,在一种除草剂长期、连续、单一使用多年后,杂草会产生对该除草剂的抗药性。美国学者Ryan于1970年首次公开报道欧洲千里光(Seneciovu...  相似文献   

国外控制和延缓杂草抗药性的对策与措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近10年来,抗除草剂的杂草生物型迅速增加,而且蔓延很快。目前已经明确获得抗药性的杂草生物型多达近100种,在某些国家和地区对农业生产已构成严重威胁。这就迫使杂草科学工作者不得不制定相应的对策和采取必要的控制和延缓杂草抗性产生的措施。  相似文献   

为探讨马铃薯种植过程中最佳的田间除草剂配方,以荷兰15为供试品种,筛选了6个除草剂配方,研究其对杂草施药后15d株防效、30d株防效和45d鲜重防效。结果表明:不同的除草剂配方均可以有效地控制田间杂草,增加田间产量,其中富薯(砜·喹·嗪草酮)处理与嗪酮·乙草胺+噻吩处理对田间杂草控制效果及增产效果最好。  相似文献   

杂草抗药性生物型的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
简述了抗药性杂草生物型现状及其发展动态,综述了杂草抗药性产生的原因和抗性机制的研究进展。  相似文献   

农田杂草对甲磺隆的抗性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 报道了1997~1998年两年间抗性观察圃施用除草剂甲磺隆后,杂草种类的变化,总趋势是杂草种类增多、多年生杂草上升。其中三叶鬼针草表现数量由少变多,植株高度随甲磺隆处理浓度加大而变矮的抗性变化现象。  相似文献   

While uniform broadcast application (BC) of soil-applied herbicides is the norm, advances in geospatial technologies have enabled the deployment of site-specific herbicide application (SS). Since there are several, largely-untested decision rules for SS herbicide use, the objective of this work was to evaluate crop/weed outcomes and isoxaflutole use for a number of BC and SS strategies. Field experiments were established where isoxaflutole dose response functions were quantified from early-season Zea mays (L.), Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench., and Abutilon theophrasti Medic. response data at multiple plots (64 in 1999; 62 in 2000) throughout a variable field. These data were then used to infer crop and weed outcomes from simulated application strategies. While BC and SS strategies that relied on the product label were similar in terms of total herbicide use, extent of crop tolerance, and A. theophrasti efficacy, the SS strategy resulted in a significant redistribution of herbicide. Using biologically effective doses (ED) resulted in the highest efficacy and herbicide use was highly species-dependent. By using a historical weed map of the field to guide herbicide application, herbicide use could be reduced some 20–48% when following the product label where seedlings were present, or >90% when using the ED for A. theophrasti. In order to maximize the potential agronomic benefits of SS, biological and spatial information of both the weed and soil should be taken into account.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

油菜抗除草剂性状的遗传及利用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以抗草甘膦油菜“Q3”和MICMS保持系“宁B6”、“宁B7”及恢复系“宁R1”、“宁R3”为亲本材料,配制杂交组合,研究抗性遗传。结果表明,油菜对草甘膦的抗性为显性性状,由1对基因控制,抗草甘膦基因在F_2和BC_1群体遵循孟德尔分离规律。因此,应用杂交、回交育种方法将CP_4 gox双价基因转育到油菜推广品种中是可行的。  相似文献   

广东农田杂草防控的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广东光温水热资源丰富,作物四季种植,杂草周年为害,已成为影响农作物生产的重要生物因子。目前,广东农田杂草防控主要依赖化学除草剂,在控制农田杂草危害和提高作物产量方面发挥了重要作用。但随着农业现代化进程的推进,杂草防控面临诸多挑战:化学除草剂的过量使用,导致杂草种群演替及抗药性问题突出,除草剂药害问题频发,防治成本增加的同时给农田生态环境带来巨大的压力;绿色防控技术储备不足,适应杂草防控的智能化和机械化手段不多,人才队伍总量不足等。针对上述问题,提出了以下相应对策:推进杂草群落动态和抗性监测预警工作;加强杂草抗性机理研究;研发推广除草剂药害诊断及防控技术;加强杂草绿色防控技术和精准除草技术研究;组建产学研联盟,增强协同创新能力;推进杂草统防统治及基层从业者培训。  相似文献   

A major concern of producers has always been how to reduce the amount of inputs required for crop production while maintaining or improving yields. One area of research addressing this issue is site-specific weed management (SSWM). The objective of this research was to evaluate the possibility of using SSWM herbicide applications to reduce overall production costs when site-specific weed populations are known. Weed populations of three soybean fields (B-East, B-South, B-North), located at the Black Belt Branch Experiment Station, Brooksville, MS, were estimated in 1998 and 1999. Sampling occurred July 8–9, 1998 (8 weeks after planting), and June 30–July 1, 1999 (6 WAP). An established 10 m × 10 m Universal Transmercator (UTM) grid coordinate system was used to divide the fields into 100 m2 cells, with the sample point located in the center of each cell. Optimal herbicide recommendations were obtained for each sample location within each field by subjecting the weed information to the Herbicide Application Decision Support System (HADSS). An average of the weed populations for the entire field was also subjected to HADSS to obtain an optimal recommendation for a broadcast application for comparison purposes. Data from 1998 resulted in 25% and 15% of the field not requiring a herbicide treatment for the B-North and B-South when compared to the whole-field recommendations to receive broadcast treatments. However, B-East received a no treatment recommendation for the whole-field analysis. The no treatment recommendation was attributed to the sicklepod population exceeding a level deemed economically controllable by HADSS. However, when SSWM recommendations were generated, 49% of the field received no treatment recommendation, while 51% resulted in a herbicide application as an economical choice. In 1999, glyphosate-resistant transgenic soybean was used, thereby increasing the POST herbicide treatment options available in HADSS. Herbicide treatment recommendations resulted in 100%, 56%, and 91% of the total area requiring herbicide treatments for B-East, B-North, and B-South, respectively. Comparing the projected net returns for each field can develop a better estimate of the value of SSWM. In 1998, data from the B-East resulted in a projected net return increase of $21.63 ha–1 over that of the broadcast application. Estimated net return increased $5.42 ha–1 at B-North, with simulated SSWM applications over broadcast applications, and $14.67 ha–1 increase at B-South. Net returns for 1999 resulted in only a $0.32 ha–1 increase by using SSWM for B-East, but a $21.00 and $13.56 ha–1 increase for B-North and B-South, respectively. The extra expenses of SSWM, such as sampling and technology costs, are not included in the net returns calculations and, when included, would reduce the difference between SSWM and conventional methods. This research has demonstrated the potential value of SSWM from an economic standpoint; environmental benefits through reductions in herbicide applications are also apparent.  相似文献   

大蒜田除草剂筛选研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了50%乙草胺乳油、33%施田补乳油(二甲戊乐灵)、20%盖杰乳油(二甲戊灵·乙氧氟草醚乳油)3种除草剂,以及33%施田补乳油和23.5%割地草乳油(乙氧氟草醚)混用防除大蒜田杂草效果,结果表明,33%施田补乳油2100mL/hm2与23.5%割地草乳油300mL/hm2配合使用对大蒜田秋季、早春禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草均有最明显的防除效果,且对大蒜无明显药害现象发生。  相似文献   

长江中下游地区主栽水稻品种对杂草的抑草性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择长江中下游地区主栽的水稻品种12个,通过盆钵试验对比各品种水稻对杂草的抑制效果,评价各品种对杂草的抑草能力,分析水稻生物量与水稻抑草能力间的关系.结果显示水稻对杂草的抑制效果总体上与水稻干物质积累量呈正相关,并初步筛选出在生产上具备推广潜力的抑草水稻品种天协6号和两优华6.  相似文献   

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