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S. P. Singh    J. A. Gutierrez    C. A. Urrea    A. Molina  C. Cajiao 《Plant Breeding》1992,109(4):320-328
Two populations of common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., were used to make three independent location-specific selections at Palmira, Quilichao, and Popayán, Colombia. Also, three across-location selections were made by alternating generations between Palmira and Popayan, between Quilichao and Popayán, and among Palmira, Quilichao, and Popayán. The seven highest yielding lines selected from each environment and population along with 14 parents and two checks were evaluated for seed yield, seed weight, maturity, and reaction to an-thracnose, angular leaf spot, and common bacterial blight. Mean squares due to evaluation and selection environments, selected lines, and their interactions were significant for all traits. Mean yields of selected lines were higher than the mean of parents in both populations. Among location-specific selections, lines yielded higher at their respective selection site. Moreover, selections made at Popayán were higher yielding than those made at Quilichao or Palmira when tested across locations and years. Use of Popayán, a relatively wetter and cooler site, either alone or in combination with other locations resulted in higher yield, higher seed weight, and higher resistance to anthracnose. On the average, location-specific selections were lower yielding than the across-location selections. Among across-location selections, those selected between Palmira and Popayán were the highest yielding in both populations. Selections at Palmira and across all three locations resulted in greater stability.  相似文献   

Genetic variance, heritability, and expected response from selection arc useful in devising alternative methods and criteria of: selection. The objectives of this study were to estimate these for seed yield and its components from 200 F2: populations involving 80 cultivars and lines of mostly small-seeded dry bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) of habits growth I, II, and III of Middle-American origin. All cultivars and lines were crossed in eight sets of ten parents each in a Design II mating system. The F2 populations, without parents, were evaluated in the field in a replicates-in-sets design at two locations in Colombia in 1983. Estimates of additive genetic variance were significant for yield, pods/m2, seeds/pod, and seed weight. Interaction with environments was also significant. Values for nonadditive genetic variance were not significant for either yield or yield components. The estimates of narrow sense heritability, based on the F2 population mean and unbiased by genotype x environment interaction, were 0.21 ± 0.13 for yield. 20 ± 0.13 for pods/m2, 0.57 ± 0.13 for seeds/pod, and 0.74 ± 0.15 for seed weight. The expected direct response from selection of the top 20 % of F2 populations for yield per se would result in a 4.30 % increase in yield with a correlated response of 0.21 % in seed weight. In contrast, the expected gain from direct selection for seed weight would result in a 11.76 % increase in seed weight with a, correlated gain of 0.28 % for yield. Direct selection for pods/m2 would decrease yield, seeds/pod and seed weight, while direct selection for seeds/pod would reduce pods/m2 and seed weight but increase seed yield by 0.37 %. Data on yield from replicated trials in the early segregating generations could be utilized for identification and selection of promising crosses and families or lines with crosses for dry bean yield improvement.  相似文献   

菜豆普通细菌性疫病是世界上危害普通菜豆生产的最严重的病害之一。龙芸豆5号是我国黑龙江省的主栽品种,对菜豆普通细菌性疫病表现出良好的抗性。为定位来源于龙芸豆5号的抗性基因,本研究构建了包含785个单株的F2分离群体。基于该群体构建了一张包含206个SSR标记,总长度1648.42 c M,标记间平均遗传距离8.00 c M的遗传图谱。图谱包含12个连锁群,各连锁群平均长度137.37 c M,连锁群上标记数量3~35个。结合温室表型鉴定结果,采用QTL Ici Mapping v4.0软件的完备区间作图法进行QTL定位和效应估计。接种14 d后在Pv06染色体上检测到一个抗病QTL。该位点位于标记p6s249与p6s183之间,加性效应值为0.44,说明增效基因来源于龙芸豆5号,LOD值为5.93,表型贡献率为4.61%,该抗病QTL的效应值相对较低,将在培育稳定持久的抗菜豆普通细菌性疫病的品种中发挥作用。最后,对抗性基因紧密连锁的11对SSR引物与菜豆普通细菌性疫病抗性的关联分析表明,SSR标记p6s249与菜豆普通细菌性疫病抗性极显著关联(P0.001),该标记可用于抗病分子育种。  相似文献   

Estimates of N2 fixation in segregating populations of bean plants based on 15N-isotope methods are technically demanding and expensive; therefore, indirect measures based on related traits including total seed N were used to select for improved N2 fixation and yield. In 1985, six populations of F2-derived F3 families resulting from six parental lines crossed to a common tester were grown in field trials on a low-N soil. In 1986, 25 selected half-sib families and two populations of full-sib F4 families were grown under similar conditions. Parents and a non-nodulating soybean line were included both years. Narrow sense (HNS) heritability estimates based on parent-offspring regressions ranged from 0.57 for total seed N to 0.39 for shoot biomass in one population, but were near zero for all measured traits in a second population. Among the criteria used to identify parental lines with superior potential for producing progenies with high total seed N, testcross population means combined with estimates of realized heritability were the most reliable. Selection of the best F3 families for total seed N resulted in F4 families with increased total seed N and higher seed yields, while seed protein percentage was unchanged. When plants are grown on low-N soils, selection for total seed N offers a useful alternative to selection for increased N2 fixation based on 15N-isotopic or total-N-difference method.  相似文献   

普通菜豆抗旱生理特性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用盆栽试验,以抗旱性较好的品种跃进豆、260205和敏感品种奶花芸豆为试材,设置干旱和正常供水2种处理,测定产量、产量构成因素及相关生理生化指标,分析干旱胁迫下参试品种各性状及生理指标的变化及对干旱胁迫的生理响应。结果表明,干旱处理36 d,跃进豆和260205的根干重为总生物量的20.2%和20.6%,荚干重为总生物量的30.0% 和28.9%,而奶花芸豆的根干重和荚干重仅为总生物量的10.6%和17.1%,光合产物向根系和籽粒的有效分配与普通菜豆抗旱性关系密切;跃进豆在干旱胁迫后期的水分利用效率较对照增加 230.5%,而奶花芸豆的增幅仅为84.3%,较高的水分利用效率有利于CO2的有效扩散和高效固定;其他生理特性分析表明,抗氧化酶与光呼吸共同作用有效降低了膜脂过氧化程度,减少了叶片的损伤;脯氨酸和可溶性糖是普通菜豆主要的渗透调节物质,能够较好地保持自身叶片的水分平衡。普通菜豆抗旱性是多种生理调节机制协同作用的结果,主要包括形态调节、气孔调节、渗透调节以及抗氧化能力的调节等。  相似文献   

The quantity of N2 fixed in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a quantitatively inherited trait that shows sufficient genetic variability for improvement through breeding, but there is little information on gain from selection for 15N-determined N2 fixation ability. The objective was to determine whether intrapopulation recombination and selection could be used to improve N2 fixation. Four agronomically acceptable lines were selected, based on their acetylene reduction-determined N2 fixation ability, from an inbred backcross (IB) line population created from a cross between the high N2-fixing donor parent ‘Puebla 152’ and a commercial, low N2-fixing recurrent parent ‘Sanilac’. These four IB lines were intercrossed, advanced to the F3, and the six resulting F3 populations with 25 F3 families per population were evaluated for N2 fixation in a low-N field using 15N-depleted (NH4)2SO4. The six F3 population means differed significantly and were superior to ‘Sanilac’ for N2 fixation ability and yield, indicating significant improvement over ‘Sanilac’. Four F3 population means were similar to ‘Puebla 152’, indicating selection advance towards high N2 fixation while retaining favorable agronomic characteristics. Fifty percent of the F3 families were superior to ‘Sanilac’ for N2 fixation and one family exceeded ‘Puebla 152’, indicating that intrapopulation recombination produced improvement of 15N-determined N2 fixation.  相似文献   

The effect of bean common mosaic virus on yield, yield components, and seed protein content was studied in tour bean cultivars and their F1 hybrids. The results of this experiment showed 3 significant decrease for yield in diseased plants; the 100 seed weight was also significantly reduced in one of the diseased varieties. The percentage of protein was increased m virus-diseased plants: this increase was due to non-protein nitrogen. Usually, the percentage of heterosis in virus-diseased F1 hybrid of two susceptible varieties was decreased while in F1 hybrids of “susceptible × resistant” varieties it was increased. This study shows the danger of drawing conclusions in quantitative genetic studies then dealing with both diseased and healthy plants.  相似文献   

Two double-cross populations were used to evaluate the efficiency of independent, alternate, and simultaneous selection practiced from the F2 to F8 for resistance to anthracnose and angular leaf spot of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Seven resistant and high-yielding lines were selected from each of the four environments used during this study. These lines and the seven parents involved in two populations were evaluated in an 8 × 8 lattice design with three replications in two cropping seasons. Pathogen inoculum was used to create the three test environments: anthracnose alone, angular leaf spot alone, and anthracnose and angular leaf spot together. All entries were also evaluated in a fourth, disease-free environment. Selection for resistance to anthracnose and angular leaf spot was effective in both populations. Mean disease scores of all selected lines for anthracnose were lower than that of angular leaf spot irrespective of selection environment. Among the three stress environments, yields were higher in the anthracnose environment. However, lines selected alternately for anthracnose and angular leaf spot were usually higher yielding, and the highest yielding line in both populations originated from this selection environment. The mean yield of selected lines was higher and the highest yielding line originated from the population involving a parent (G 1805) belonging to the Mexican highland race ‘Jalisco’. Positive association existed between seed yield of protected and pathogen-inoculated environments. No association was found between resistance to anthracnose and angular leaf spot.  相似文献   

小麦种质资源抗旱性鉴定评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
培育抗旱节水小麦品种是保障我国粮食安全的重要途径之一, 优异抗旱种质资源筛选及抗旱性评价方法的研究对于提高抗旱育种效率具有关键作用。本研究采用反复干旱法和田间直接鉴定法分别鉴定323份小麦种质苗期和成株期的抗旱性。结果表明, 随着干旱次数的增加幼苗存活率逐渐下降, 而其变异系数和广义遗传力增加。成株期单株产量抗旱系数与综合抗旱性度量值D显著正相关(R 2 = 0.609), 采用综合抗旱性度量值D有利于区分干旱对不同种质产量的影响力。苗期反复干旱存活率(DS)与单株产量的抗旱系数及综合抗旱性度量值D均无显著相关。基于反复干旱存活率筛选得到28份苗期强抗旱种质, 基于单株产量抗旱系数和综合抗旱性度量值D分别得到25和30份成株期强抗旱种质, 其中, 9份种质用2种评价方法均表现强抗旱; 21份种质在苗期和成株期均表现抗旱或强抗旱。本研究为小麦抗旱性评价方法及抗旱亲本的合理选择提供理论指导和信息支撑。  相似文献   

A generic agricultural drought index, called Agricultural Reference Index for Drought (ARID), was designed recently to quantify water stress for use in predicting crop yield loss from drought. This study evaluated ARID in terms of its ability to predict crop yields. Daily historical weather data and yields of cotton, maize, peanut and soybean were obtained for several locations and years in the south‐eastern USA. Daily values of ARID were computed for each location and converted to monthly average values. Using regression analyses of crop yields vs. monthly ARID values during the crop growing season, ARID‐yield relationships were developed for each crop. The ability of ARID to predict yield loss from drought was evaluated using the root mean square error (RMSE), the Willmott index and the modelling efficiency (ME). The ARID‐based yield models predicted relative yields with the RMSE values of 0.144, 0.087, 0.089 and 0.142 (kg ha?1 yield per kg ha?1 potential yield); the Willmott index values of 0.70, 0.92, 0.86 and 0.79; and the ME values of 0.33, 0.73, 0.60 and 0.49 for cotton, maize, peanut and soybean, respectively. These values indicated that the ARID‐based yield models can predict the yield loss from drought for these crops with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is grown in regions where water deficits during reproductive development significantly reduce yield. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association of specific phenological and physiological traits with drought resistance in common bean. Five genotypes were grown under and near a rain shelter in 1988, and an additional 16 progeny lines were included in 1990. Drought stress determined by the drought intensity index was severe (0.78) in 1988 and more moderate (0.63) in 1990. Water stress reduced the expression of most traits with the exception of days to flower and leaf moisture retention capacity. Seed yield among genotypes was reduced from 22 to 71% due to drought. Yield under stress was correlated with yield under nonstress in 1990 and negatively correlated with the drought susceptibility index in 1988. Yield components which exhibited the largest differential genotypic responses to stress were pod and seed number, whereas seed size was more stable. Genotypic variation was detected in all the partitioning indexes, chiefly harvest index and relative sink strength, and the heritability estimates for these traits were high. The limited genetic variability observed among water relations traits and their role in water conservation would restrict their potential use in the selection for drought resistance in common bean. The differential correlations between phenological, biomass and partitioning traits and the indexes for yield and drought susceptibility would suggest that the most effective approach in breeding for drought resistance in common bean would be based first on selection for high geometric yield followed by selection among the high-yielding individuals for low to moderate levels of the drought susceptibility index. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To elucidate genotypic differences expressed through the grain yield of drought-stressed wheat, 21 commercial varieties and advanced lines were evaluated in the field under a range of soil water levels to induce varying degrees of drought stress. This paper presents data on grain yield and yield-based indices to indicate drought tolerance and drought susceptibility. AZS-4 was identified as drought tolerant and AZS-17 and ‘Pavon’ as drought susceptible. High gram yield under stress can be explained in terms of high yield potential, thus grain yield proved to be the best indicator of drought tolerance.  相似文献   

不同生育时期干旱胁迫对马铃薯生理生化指标的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究不同生育时期干旱胁迫下马铃薯相关生理生化指标的变化,以期探讨干旱胁迫下马铃薯抗旱的生理机制。选取生产上推广的‘冀张薯8号’和‘夏波蒂’两个马铃薯品种,在旱棚内分区栽培。不同生育时期进行干旱处理,测定马铃薯超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)、脯氨酸(Pro)的含量变化。结果表明,各生育时期干旱胁迫下,马铃薯MDA、Pro含量均增加,而SOD活性下降。花期干旱胁迫对马铃薯的生理生化指标影响最大;抗性强的品种MDA、脯氨酸含量增加的幅度较小,SOD的活力较高,而抗旱性弱的品种则相反。抗旱性强的品种在生理生化指标上具有抗旱的调节机制。  相似文献   

干旱是目前影响玉米产量最重要的非生物胁迫因子。为了加快玉米耐旱性研究,提高育种效率,本研究归纳了近年来国内外玉米耐旱性研究现状将其总结为玉米耐旱性鉴定方法、遗传研究、品种选育以及耐旱性功能基因研究。对目前研究中存在的问题,如尚未有统一标准耐旱性鉴定体系、缺乏耐旱种质资源以及耐旱机理研究尚浅等进行了分析,并针对每个问题提出其解决对策,这为玉米耐旱性深入研究提供有力信息。  相似文献   

PEG胁迫方法评价棉花幼苗耐旱性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
分别选用8个陆地棉、2个海岛棉、2个亚洲棉品种作为材料进行耐旱水平试验,以PEG6000作为水分胁迫剂,对棉花种子萌发期、芽期、子叶期和真叶期材料分别进行处理,得出了耐旱水平变化曲线,结果验证棉花耐旱性鉴定关键时期应在3~6片真叶幼苗.用不同浓度PEG6000对具有3~6片真叶的棉花幼苗进行12 h连续处理后,统计其成活率.研究表明:PEG6000溶液浓度为17%(W/V)时,棉花幼苗的成活率与田间旱棚鉴定结果有较高的一致性.此方法简单、快速,易操作,基本可用于棉花品种的耐旱性评价与鉴定工作,并将为棉花耐旱分子生物学研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

Remotely sensed infrared canopy temperatures provide an efficient method for rapid, non-destructive monitoring of whole-plant response to water stress. Field studies were conducted in 1992 and 1993 to evaluate the potential for using canopy temperatures to screen for drought tolerance in wheat. In both years, 12 spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes were grown under two irrigation levels (well-watered and moisture-stressed) imposed between tillering and anthesis with a line-source sprinkler irrigation system. Canopy temperature measurements were taken in well-watered and moisture-stressed plots between 1330 and 1430 h (MDT) on five clear days in 1992 and seven clear days in 1993 during the late vegetative and early reproductive growth periods following closure of the plant canopy. Genotypes exhibited differences in mean canopy temperatures across the two irrigation levels and two years. Klasic consistently had the highest canopy temperature under moisture-stressed conditions, while Bannock and Pondera had the lowest. Bannock, Yecora Rojo and Klasic had the warmest canopies under well-watered conditions, while Vandal, Amidon and Rick had the coolest. Plot-to-plot variation in canopy temperature under water stress conditions was evident for differences in grain yield. Significant correlations between canopy temperature and yield under moisture-stress conditions and drought susceptibility index values indicated the potential for screening wheat genotypes for drought response.  相似文献   

植物抗旱相关功能基因研究进展   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
综述了影响植物抗旱性的各相关功能基因的研究进展及其在抗旱基因工程上的应用现状。干旱是影响植物正常生长发育的一个最重要的逆境因子。人们对植物的抗旱性进行了多层次研究,并从各种生物中鉴别和定位了几十种与提高抗旱性相关的基因,为从分子水平上研究植物的抗旱性奠定了基础。近年来,人们发现了更多的抗旱基因,对已知抗旱基因也有了更深入的研究,并成功转化了多种不同类型的植物,提高了其抗旱能力。  相似文献   

薛新平  薄伟  王松  康红梅  王晋 《种子》2022,(1):49-55
以8种鸢尾属植物为试验材料,采用盆栽自然持续控水,设置0 d(田间持水量的80%~85%)、7 d(田间持水量的70%~75%)、14 d(田间持水量的60%~65%)、21 d(田间持水量的40%~45%)和28 d(田间持水量的20%~25%)等5个干旱处理,基于主成分分析结合隶属函数值对参试鸢尾进行抗旱性综合评价。结果表明,与对照相比,处理28 d时多数鸢尾的叶长、叶鲜重和干重均有不同程度减少,且叶鲜重下降显著。土壤干旱对鸢尾生长指标影响表现为:叶鲜重、叶长、叶干重;干旱胁迫下,不同抗旱指标所反映鸢尾属植物的抗旱性结果不同,且部分指标之间呈显著相关;抗旱性综合评价结果表明,扁竹花、德国鸢尾、蝴蝶花抗旱能力较强。细胞膜透性(CMP)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性可作为鸢尾属植物抗旱性的重要筛选指标。研究表明,当土壤含水量为田间持水量的60%~65%时,抗旱能力较强的扁竹花、德国鸢尾和蝴蝶花生理状况较好。因此,3种鸢尾在园林应用时可将灌水量控制在田间持水量的60%~65%,以达到节水栽培的目的。  相似文献   

S. P. Singh 《Plant Breeding》1995,114(3):269-271
The objective of this study was to compare the seed yield, seed weight, and maturity of random lines derived from two contrasting populations of common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.): Middle American (TR 7790) and Andean × Middle American (TR 7791). TR 7790 involved crosses between common-bean races of Middle American origin only (Mesoamerica and Durango), whereas TR 7791 involved crosses between races of Middle American and Andean origin (Mesoamerica and Nueva Granada). A total of 85 random lines from each of these two double-cross, interracial populations, a bulk sample of both populations, and all parents were evaluated in a replications-in-set design in eight environments in Colombia between 1991 and 1993. The mean yields of parents, population bulk, and lines from TR 7790 were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those of TR 7791. Six lines in TR 7790 and nine lines in TR 7791 yielded significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the mean of their parents. Four lines from TR 7790 out-yielded the highest-yielding line from TR 7791. Moreover, while three lines from TR 7790 out-yielded its best parent, none of the lines from TR 7791 out-yielded its highest yielding parent. Thus, substantial yield gains should be expected from interracial populations within the Middle American group of common beans, whereas selection for higher seed yield from Andean × Middle American populations would seem problematic.  相似文献   

吕品  于海峰  侯建华 《作物学报》2018,44(3):385-396
干旱是造成向日葵减产的最主要因素之一。利用综合性状优良的自交系K55作为轮回亲本与抗旱自交系K58杂交构建回交导入系, 在干旱条件下进行单株产量筛选, 得到45个BC3F2抗旱定向选择导入系。通过全基因组SSR及SNP标记扫描, 以方差分析和基于遗传搭车原理的卡方检验对呼和浩特市及武川县两点、两种水分条件下的5个产量性状进行QTL检测。方差分析检测到的QTL根据不同环境下的表达情况分为三类, 第一类在两种水分条件下稳定表达, 包括武川的4个百粒重QTL及呼和浩特的2个单株产量QTL、3个单株实粒数QTL, 这些QTL可能对向日葵抗旱性有直接贡献; 第二类受干旱胁迫表达, 包括呼和浩特的30个和武川的27个; 第三类仅在正常供水条件下被检测到, 包括呼和浩特的38个和武川的64个。卡方检验检测到极显著位点274个。用两种方法共检测到一致性位点14个, 可能是与向日葵抗旱性相关的关键位点。本研究结果可为向日葵高效抗旱分子育种奠定基础并提供相关材料。  相似文献   

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