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Growth chamber experiments were conducted in order to study the absorption, translocation and activity of glyphosate when applied to roots with aqueous solution avoiding any glyphosate–substrate interaction. Corn seedlings at the first leaf stage were set up in individual graduated cylinders containing different solutions of 14C-glyphosate (0–30 mg ae kg−1). After 26 h of root exposure, plants were transferred to fresh nutrient solution and grown for the next 5 days. After harvest, plants were separated into seed, root, mesocotyle, coleoptile, cotyledon, first leaf and all new leaves (apex), and quantified 14C radioactivity contained in each part. Glyphosate uptake was only 11% of the theoretical mass flow into the plant. The amount of glyphosate translocated from roots was positively correlated with plant uptake ( P  < 0.01). Total plant fresh weight presented a logistic response to glyphosate amounts, including a growth stimulant effect (hormesis), when plants absorbed less than 0.6 µg. The treated plants presented a normal pattern of glyphosate allocation, with the apex the principal sink, accumulating more than 38% of mobilized glyphosate. When corn plants absorbed more than 0.6 µg they showed a decrease in growth. The relatively high glyphosate quantities allocated in the new leaves showed the relevance of the symplastic pathway in the translocation process for root absorbed glyphosate.  相似文献   

Metabolic effects in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) seedlings after root exposure to sublethal concentrations of glyphosate were examined in order to evaluate the possibilities of using a response pattern in plants as a measure of exposure to glyphosate through the growth media, more sensitive than the well-known biomarker shikimate. Rapeseed seedlings were grown in hydroponic nutrient solutions containing varying sublethal concentrations of glyphosate (1–50 μM). After 9 days of glyphosate exposure, the shoots of the seedlings were analysed with respect to the effects on selected metabolites downstream from the primary affected metabolite shikimate, which accumulated linearly in response to glyphosate exposure (from 0 to ∼126 μmol/g DW). The selected metabolites analysed, comprising the free amino acids, and the glucosinolates derived therefrom, showed complex patterns in response to glyphosate exposure. Most noteworthy was though that they responded at the lowest concentrations of exposure to glyphosate (1 μM), where no visual effects, decrease in shoot DW or shikimate could be detected, indicating that a biomarker response more sensitive than that of shikimate can be established for plants exposed to glyphosate.  相似文献   


Presently, there is an intensive search for fungal endophytes to be used in agriculture for the protection and condition improvement of plants and in medicine. We screened for the presence of endophytes in raspberry, which occurs naturally in the Bia?owie?a Forest. The fungal isolates representative of each morphotype were analysed using the molecular markers ITS1 and ITS2. In total, we found 34 taxa of endophytic fungi. The majority were potential pathogens. As many as 27 taxa were found in the leaves of mature plants. No fungi could be isolated from the surface sterilized seeds obtained from these plants. Seedlings were grown from the seeds deposited in the soil seed bank in the Bia?owie?a Geobotanical Station of the University of Warsaw in Bia?owie?a. 8 taxa of endophytic fungi were found in seedlings. It could be due to a possibility of seed infection with these endophytes in soil conditions.


The study showed significant differences in percent collar rot disease incidence in groundnut varieties grown in non-infested soil (T1), challenged with pathogen – Aspergillus niger (T2), and pathogen + Trichoderma viride 60 (T3) treatments. Total phenols revealed a significantly higher content in tolerant varieties (J-11, GG-2) of groundnut compared with moderately susceptible (GAUG-10, GG-13) and susceptible (GG-20) varieties. The phenol content accumulated at a higher rate (193%) in GG-20, followed by GG-2 (146%) and J-11 (107%) varieties during disease development stages. HPLC analysis detected six major phenolics, viz., hydroquinone, gallic, chlorogenic, ferulic, salicylic and cinnamic acids. Among six peaks, hydroquinone was found highest in GG-2 at 3 days in T3. Gallic and salicylic acids increased up to 9 days, while ferulic acid continued to induce up to 15 days in tolerant varieties (J-11, GG-2) of Trichoderma-treated (T3) seedlings. A correlation study indicated that Trichoderma treatment induced five phenolics – except gallic acid – with a higher level of significance in a susceptible variety to reduce disease incidence compared with tolerant varieties. Results demonstrate the T. viride 60 mediated systemic induction of phenolics for biologic control and their probable role in protecting groundnut against A. niger infection.  相似文献   

Patteras of seed dispersal and seedling recruit ment of Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. were compared in abandoned and cultivated fields in Argentina. In both the abandoned and cultivated plots, the greatest concentration of seed fell below, or only a short distance, from the parent plants. A maize combine harvester greatly increased the distance of dispersal of a small part of the seed population. The availability of seed for dispersal, the direction and velocity of wind and the combine harvester were important factors determining the temporal and spatial patterns of seed distribution. The ratio of recruited seedlings to seeds shed was only 1% under the parent plant, but increased to about 100% at a distance of 1.25 m. Soil tilling, which is required for seedling recruitment, and seed density were important factors in determining seedling density as the distance from the parent plants increased. The rate of seedling recruitment was higher in areas where most of the seeds were dispersed late in the season than in those where dispersal occurred early. Dispersion des graines, distribution et reprise des plantules de Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Les schémas de dispersion des graines et de reprise des plantules de Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. ont été comparés dans des champs abandonnés et d'autres cultivés en Argentine. Tant dans les parcelles abandonnées que cultivées, la plus grande concentration de graines tombe sous ou seulement à une faible distance des plantes parentes. Une moisonneuse à maïí a grandement augmenté la distance de dispersion d'une petite partie de la population grainière. La disponibilité des graines pour la dispersion, la direction et la vitesse du vent, et la moissonneuse ont été d'importants facteurs de détermination pour les schémas de distribution spatiale et temporaire. Le ratio de reprise de plantule était seulement de 1% sous les plantes parentes mais augmentait jusqu'à près de 100%à une distance de 1, 25 m. Le travail du sol, qui est nécessaire pour la reprise des plantules, et la densité grainière étaient d'importants facteurs dans la détermination de la densité des plantules quand la distance des plantes parentes augmente. Le taux de reprise des plantules était plus élevé dans les zones où la majorité des graines était dispersée tard en saison que dans celles où la dispersion avait eu lieu tôt. Ausbreitung der Samen sowie Verbreitung und Entwicklung der Keimpflanzen von Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Ausbreitung der Samen und Entwicklung der Keimpflanzen von Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. wurden in Argentinien auf brachliegenden und kultivierten Feldern untersucht. In beiden Situationen fanden sich die größten Samendichten unter oder nahe der Mutterpflanzen. Mit einem Mais-Mähdrescher wurde ein kleiner Teil der Samenpopulation erheblich ausgebreitet. Die Verfügbarkeit von Samen für die Ausbreitung, die Windrichtung und-geschwindigkeit und der Mähdrusch waren wichtige Faktoren für das zeitliche und räumliche Verbreitungsmuster, Unter den Mutterpflanzen keimten die Samen nur zu 1%, aber 1,25 m entfemt zu fast 100%. Bodenbearbeitung und Samendichte bestimmten die Keimpflanzendichte mit zunehmender Entfernung von der Mutterpflanze erheblich. Die Entwichlungsrate spät ansgebreiteter Samen war höher als die früh ausgebreiteter.  相似文献   

Competiton between seedlings of gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L cv. Grasslands Nui) was studied in a replacement series experiment under glasshouse conditions. Without cutting, the shoot growth of gorse in monoculture exceeded that of ryegrass over 22 weeks but was reduced more by competition from ryegrass than the grass growth was reduced by competition from gorse. The root system of gorse was small compared with that of ryegrass and was further reduced by competition. Cutting three times at 2 or 4 cm reduced the total growth of both species and gorse was affected more than ryegrass. With grass, however, the ‘growth between succeeding cuts declined faster than that of gorse and in the final harvest period, gorse in monoculture oulyielded ryegrass. The relative crowding coefficients of gorse were low compared with those of ryegrass and their products consistently exceeded 1.0. The results are discussed in relation to lirmiting seedling establishment of gorse in the field.  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to define the conditions under which seeds and seedlings of Agropyron repens and Agrostis gigantea may start infestations in cereal crops. When seedlings were planted early or late in spring wheat and spring barley, most growth of shoots and rhizomes was produced by Agropyron planted early in wheat. Late planting halved the amount of shoot growth and severely inhibited rhizome formation. In winter wheat given a moderate or zero amount of nitrogen fertilizer in spring, growth of the weed seedlings was slow. Rhizomes were not produced during the time the crop was growing but only after harvest. Agrostis made more growth than Agropyron in most treatments throughout most of the experiment. Late planting decreased growth more than in the spring cereals. Nitrogen fertilizer, although it had little effect on the amount of growth made by winter wheat, increased the growth of the early-planted seedlings but decreased that of the late-planted ones of both weed species. When planted into plots given nitrogen, more seedlings of both species died after late than after early planting. Clearly, the amount of growth and rhizome produced by seedlings of these two species will depend on the type of cereal, the time of emergence of the seedlings in relation to the cereal, and on other factors affecting the relative vigour of cereal and weed. Evidently, where the weed seedlings emerge early in weakly or moderately competitive cereal crops or when growth is unchecked in the cereal stubble, seedlings could give rise to infestations.  相似文献   

Metabolic effects in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) seedlings after root exposure to sublethal concentrations of glyphosate were examined in order to evaluate the possibilities of using a response pattern in plants as a measure of exposure to glyphosate through the growth media, more sensitive than the well-known biomarker shikimate. Rapeseed seedlings were grown in hydroponic nutrient solutions containing varying sublethal concentrations of glyphosate (1-50 μM). After 9 days of glyphosate exposure, the shoots of the seedlings were analysed with respect to the effects on selected metabolites downstream from the primary affected metabolite shikimate, which accumulated linearly in response to glyphosate exposure (from 0 to ∼126 μmol/g DW). The selected metabolites analysed, comprising the free amino acids, and the glucosinolates derived therefrom, showed complex patterns in response to glyphosate exposure. Most noteworthy was though that they responded at the lowest concentrations of exposure to glyphosate (1 μM), where no visual effects, decrease in shoot DW or shikimate could be detected, indicating that a biomarker response more sensitive than that of shikimate can be established for plants exposed to glyphosate.  相似文献   

Foliar application of the phenoxy-acid herbicide, mecoprop, at four times normal field rate, caused decreases in root and shoot growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The shoot relative growth rate (RGR) was affected before that of the roots but subsequently the root RGR was significantly decreased. The roots of plants affected by mecoprop produced large numbers of short swollen laterals but the root system as a whole gradually recovered. Mecoprop treatment was associated with an immediate and lasting decrease in photo-synthetic 14CO2 fixation. After a pulse of 14CO2 in the light, the proportion of carbon moving to the roots in treated plants was always decreased but after a 24-h chase the proportion moving to the roots was initially decreased (2 days after spraying), then increased (9 days after spraying), but later became the same (17 days after spraying) as the water sprayed controls. Possible mechanisms involved with these mecoprop induced changes are discussed. Effets de l'herbicide mécoprop sur le développement végétatif et la répartition de produits photosynthétiques dans des plantules de blé (Triticum aestivum L.) Le mécoprop, acide phénoxypropionique, en application foliaire à quatre fois la dose conseillée, a amené une baisse dans la croissance des racines et des pousses du blé (Triticum aestivum L.). Le taux de croissance relative (RGR) des pousses a témoigné des effets plus tôt que les racines mais ultérieurement le RGR des racines a baissé de façon significative. Les racines des plantes touchées par le mécoprop ont produit de nombreuses ramifications courtes et renflées, mais le système racinaire s'est remis peu à peu. Les traitements au mécoprop sont associés à une baisse immédiate et prolongée dans la fixation du 14CO2 photosynthétique. A la suite d'un marquage au 14CO2à la lumière, la proportion de carbone qui s'acheminait vers les racines des plantes traitées a toujours fait voir une baisse mais au bout d'un intervalle de 24 h, la proportion qui s'acheminait vers les racines a d'abord diminué (2 jours après la pulvérisation) pour augmenter ensuite (9 jours après la pulvérisation). Plus tard (17 jours après la pulvérisation) cette proportion était semblable à celle des témoins ne recevant que de l'eau. Les mécanismea éventuellement enjeu dans ces changements provoqués par le mécoprop sont discutés. Wirkung von Mecoprop auf das Wachstum und die Verteilung von Assimilaten bei Jungpflanzen des Weizens (Triticum aestivum L.) Die Blattapplikation von Mecoprop in der 4 fachen Normaldosierung führte zu einer Abnahme des Wurzel-und Sprosswachstums des Weizens. Zunächst war das Wachstum des Sprosses, aber später auch das der Wurzeln herabgesetzt. Die Seitenwurzeln waren verkürzt und verdickt, aber nach und nach fand das Wurzelsystem zum normalen Wuchs zurück. Nach der Behandlung nahm die 1414C02-Assimilation für einige Zeit ab. 9 Tage nach der Behandlung nahm der Transport von Assimilaten in die Wurzeln wieder zu, so dass er 17 Tage nach der Behandlung dieselbe Höhe wie bei den Kontrollpflanzen erreichte. Der mögliche Mechanismus der von Mecoprop herbeigeführten Veränderungen wird diskutiert.  相似文献   

NaCl和Na2CO3对枸杞的胁迫效应   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
对5个月苗龄的枸杞幼苗用0.3%~0.9%的中性盐NaCl和碱性盐Na2CO3处理,以观察枸杞幼苗对盐碱的耐受程度.结果表明枸杞耐Na2CO3的最高浓度为0.3%,而耐NaCl的最高浓度为0.9%.在两种盐胁迫下,相对生长率、O2(-*)、 H2O2、 MDA含量以及质膜透性的变化趋势基本相似.但是,在Na2CO3胁迫下,相对生长率明显下降,O2(-*)、 H2O2、 MDA含量上升加剧,质膜透性也明显增加.叶绿素和可溶性蛋白含量明显下降;可溶性糖和淀粉含量出现明显下降趋势.而在NaCl胁迫下,叶片可溶性糖含量出现先降后升的趋势,根中的淀粉含量也出现缓慢上升的趋势,并且二者差异显著(P<0.05),由此说明枸杞对盐的耐受力高于碱.  相似文献   

NaCl和Na_2CO_3对枸杞的胁迫效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对5个月苗龄的枸杞幼苗用0.3%~0.9%的中性盐NaCl和碱性盐Na2CO3处理,以观察枸杞幼苗对盐碱的耐受程度。结果表明:枸杞耐Na2CO3的最高浓度为0.3%,而耐NaCl的最高浓度为0.9%。在两种盐胁迫下,相对生长率、O2-·、H2O2、MDA含量以及质膜透性的变化趋势基本相似。但是,在Na2CO3胁迫下,相对生长率明显下降,O2-·、H2O2、MDA含量上升加剧,质膜透性也明显增加。叶绿素和可溶性蛋白含量明显下降;可溶性糖和淀粉含量出现明显下降趋势。而在NaCl胁迫下,叶片可溶性糖含量出现先降后升的趋势,根中的淀粉含量也出现缓慢上升的趋势,并且二者差异显著(P<0.05),由此说明枸杞对盐的耐受力高于碱。  相似文献   

We have studied the reaction of Picea abies seedlings to infection with Pythium. The highly virulent species Pythium ultimum and the less virulent species Pythium irregulare germinated on the root and hypocotyl surface, formed appressoria and penetrated through the stomata as well as through the epidermis. No major differences in the growth of both fungal species were observed during the early events of colonization. The less virulent species formed about 25% more appressoria suggesting that the fungus experienced difficulties with penetration. Differences were observed in the response of the host plant to infection. Autofluorescence, possibly related to deposition of lignin or lignin-like materials increased more in cortical and endodermal tissue colonized with the highly virulent P. ultimum than with the less virulent P. irregulare. Chitinase activity was highest in the tissues most extensively colonized by the fungus. In addition, a systemic increase of chitinase activity was also detected. Interestingly, chitinase activity increased systemically in cotyledons which were never in contact with the pathogen, indicating the translocation of a systemic signal. Salicylic acid was also detected in spruce seedlings; its level increased in roots during infection with the less virulent P. irregulare.  相似文献   

Growth chamber studies were conducted to investigate the effects of alachor (2-choloro-2′,6′-diethyl-N- (methoxymethyl) acetanilide) on emerging seedlings of maize (Zea mays L.) planted 2.5 and 8.0 cm deep in a Plano silt loam soil. Alachlor was localized in the shoot zone, in the root zone, and in the shoot and root zones. Four days after emergence, seedlings were harvested and total shoot and root lengths used as measures of herbicidal effectiveness. The herbicide applied at a rate of 2.5 kg/ha caused a severe reduction in seedling height when placed in the shoot zone of seeds planted at the shallow depth. This injury was prevented when seeds were planted at the deeper level. When alachlor was placed in the root zone, there was no inhibition of shoot growth. When both shoot and root zones were exposed to the herbicide, severe growth inhibition again occurred. Roots were less sensitive to alachlor. A simple technique involving use of sand and activated charcoal barriers to effectively separate the shoot and root zones is described.  相似文献   

P.C. LOLAS 《Weed Research》1994,34(3):205-209
In field tests conducted on oriental and flue-cured tobacco, six herbicides were evaluated for their effect on broomrape (Orobanche ramosa L.) control and on tobacco growth, yield and chemical composition. Imazaquin+pendi-methalin (1:6) at 0.09+0.55 kg a.i. ha?1 soil in corporated before transplanting controlled broomrape effectively only in 1990 and signifi cantly reduced tobacco yield. Glyphosate (as Roundup 360 ga.e.1?1 and Armada (90 ga.e.l?1) and sulfosate, each at 0.2+0.3 kg a.e. ha?1 and imazaquinat 0.07+0.1 kg a.i. ha?1 foliar applied at 40 days and 60 days after transplanting gave excellent control of broomrape, with no adverse effect on tobacco growth or yield; however, the 9% formulation of glyphosate was damaging. Maleic hydrazide gave moderate to good (up to 80%) control of broomrape. Reducing sugars in flue-cured tobacco and nicotine in both oriental and flue-cured tobacco were higher where a her bicide was used. Des herbicides pour lutter contre Orobanche ramosa L. dans le tabac (Nicotiana tabacum L). Dans des expérimentations au champ conduites sur du tabac oriental et ‘flue cured’, six herbicides ont étéévalués pour leur effet sur Orobanche ramosa L. ainsi que sur la croissance, le rendement et la composition chimique du tabac. Le mélange imazaquin+pendiméthalin (1:6 à 0.09+0.55 kg ha?1, incorporé avant le repiquage, n'a permis de détruire l'orobanche qu'en 1990 et réduisait de manière significative le rendement du tabac. Le glyphosate (Roundup, 360 m.a. 1?1 et Armada, 90 g m.a. l?1) et le sulfosate chacun aux doses 0.2+0.3 kg m.a. ha?1 et l'imazaquin 0.07+0.1 kg m.a. ha?1 appliqués en post-levée 40 et 60 jours après le repiquage donnaient d'excellents résultats contre l'orobanche, sans effet sur la croissance du tabac et sur son rendement, si l'on excepte la formulation de giyphosate 9%. L'hydrazide maléique donnait des résultats moyens à bons (jusqu'à 80% d'efficacité). Les teneurs en sucres réducteurs chez le tabac ‘flue cured’ et en nicotine chez les tabacs ‘flue cured’ et oriental étaient plus élevées lorsqu'un herbicide avait été utilisé. Herbizide zur Bekämpfung von Orobanche ramosa L. in Tabak (Nicotiana tabacum L.) In Freilandversuchen wurden in Orient- und Vir-gin-Tabak 6 Herbizide hinsichtlich der Bekämpfung der Sommerwurz Orobanche ramosa sowie des Wachstums, des Ertrags und der chemischen Zusammensetzung des Tabaks geprüft. Mit einer Mischung von Imazaquin mit Pendimethalin zu 0,09+0,55 kg AS ha?1, vor dem Pflanzen in den Boden eingearbeitet, konnte die Sommerwurz nur 1990 wirkungsvoll bekämpft werden, aber der Tabakertrag wurde signifikant reduziert. Glyphosat (als Roundup [360 g AS 1?1] und als Armada [90 g AS 1?1) mit Sulfosat zu 0,2+0,3 kg AS ha?1 und Imazaquin zu 0,07 sowie 0,1 kg AS ha?1, 40 bzw. 60 Tage nach dem Pflanzen angewandt, wirkten hervorragend, ohne Wuchs und Ertrag des Tabaks zu beeinträchtigen, ausgenommen bei der 9% igen Glyphosatformulierung. Mit Maleinhydazid ließ sich die Sommerwurz befriedigend bis gut (bis zu 80 %) bekämpfen. Der Gehalt an reduzierenden Zuckern im Virgin-Tabak und Nikotin in beiden Tabaken war erhöht, wenn ein Herbizid angewandt worden war.  相似文献   

木豆在干热河谷退化山地的生态适应性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000年木豆(Cajanus cajan(L.)Millspaugh)引入云南省元谋干热河谷地区,观测其物候特征、生长适应性、抗旱适应性、抗光热适应性等植物学指标,以了解其对干热退化山地的整体生态适应性.结果表明,木豆能适应干热河谷的退化山地生长环境,其生长势优于原产地,表现出明显的速生性;木豆的抗光热能力较强,能适应于热河谷的不同光照及高温环境,但温度高于37℃,则光合作用停止;木豆的抗旱能力较强,能够通过不同的生理适应性度过旱季,完成其生长周期.木豆适应于干热河谷的生态环境,利用价值较大,是干热河谷退化山地治理与开发的优选灌木.  相似文献   

Fresh seed of Canduuts nutans ssp nutans showed innate dormancy. Stimulation of germination by white or red light was reversed by far-red. The light requirement could be substituted tn large measure by gibberellic acid, potassium nitrate or by removal, cutting or pricking of the seed coat. These factors, singly or in combination, may influence germination in the field Optimal temperature for germination was found to coincide with autumn and spring conditions on the tablelands of New South Wales An increase in germination under conditions of low osmolie stress indicated that the taxa was adapted to wet mierosites. The relative growth role of young seedlings (2–5 weeks) in a controlled environment was not saturated by irradiance up to 30% of maximum daylight. Older seedlings (5–10 weeks) displayed highest relative growth rates and net assimilation rates between 15 and 20% of full daylight. The compensation point was estimated at 7 Wm?2 (1.7%) and control through competition for light is thought possible. Recherches biologiques sur Carduus nutans (L.) ssp. nutans. l. Germination et besoins en lumière des plantules Des semences fraîches de Carduus nutans ssp nutans ont montré une dormance naturelle. La stimulation de la germination par la lumiere blanche ou rouge a été inversée par l'infra-rouge. Le besoin de lumière peut ètre, dans une large mesure, remplacé par l'acide gibbèrellique. le nitrate de potassium ou l'enlèvement. l'incision ou la piqûre de l'enveloppe dc la semence. Ces faeteurs. isolement ouencombinaison peuvent influencer la germination au champ. Il a été constate que la température optimale pour la germination coïncidait avec les conditions climatiques de l'automne et du printemps dans les plateaux de la Nouvelle Gallesdu Sud. Un aceroissement de la germination dans des conditions de faible pression osmotique a montre que les taxa étaient ada ptés à des microstations hum ides. Le laux de croissance relatif des jeunes planlules (de 2 a 5 semaines) dans un environnement conlrôlé n'a pas été perlurbé par uue irradiation allant jusquà 30% de la lumière maximale du jour Des plantules plus agees (de 5 à 10 semaines) ont montré des tauxde croissance relatifset des taux neisd'assimlation plus élevés avec 15 a 20% de la lumière maximale du jour Le point de compensation a été estiméà 7 Wm?2 (1.7%) et la lutie liée à la compétition pour la lumière est envisagé comme possible. Untersuchungen zur Biotogie von Carduus nulans (L.) ssp. nuians. I. Keimung und Lichtanspruch der Sämlinge Frische Samen von Carduus nutans ssp. nutans besassen eine endogene Dormanz Die Slimulierung der Keimung durch weisses oder rotes Licht, wurde durch Lichl im fernen Rot aufgehoben, Der Lichtanspruch konnie zu einem grosscn Teil durch Cibberellinsäure, Kaliumnitrat oder durch Entfernen, Schneiden oder Anstechen der Samenschale ersetzt werden. Diese Einflussgrössen können enlweder einzeln oder gemeinsam die Keimung unter natürlichen Bedingungcn becinflussen Die optimale Keimtemperatur stimmt mil den auf dem Plateau von Neu Südwales herrschenden Herbst- und Frühjahrsbedingungen überetn. Die bessere Keimung unter gcringer osmotischer Belastung deutet darauf hin, dass diese Taxa an feuchte Slellen angepasst sind. Eine Belichtung, entsprechend 30% des maximalen Tageslichts, reichte für das Wachstum von 2–5 Wochen alten Pflänzchen. die unter kontrollierten Bedingungen gehalten wurden, nichl ganz a us, Ältere Pflänzchen (5–10 Wochen) batten ihre höchsten Wachstums- uns Assimilationsraten zwischen 15 und 20% des vollen Tageslichts. Der Kompensationspunkt durfie bei 7 Wm?2 (1,7%) liegen. und eine Bekämpfung durch Konkurrenz urn Licht crscheinl möglich.  相似文献   

The phytotoxicity of glyphosate(N-(phosphonomethyl glycine) to seedlings of white mustard (Sinapis alba) cultivated indoors was studied. Yellowing and wrinkling of leaves was observed, necrotic spots appeared and the elongation of the seedlings was significantly reduced at doses 0–49 kg ai/ha and above. Only when sprayed at 4–97 kg ai/ha was the effect of glyphosate 100% lethal (5–7 days after spraying) At the highest concentration of herbicide a marked decrease in chlorophyll content was found but with 0–49 kg ai/ha the chlorophyll content was found to be higher than that in the leaves of control plants. Two and fourteen days after spraying with glyphosate and the commercial product samples of leaf and stem were harvested for electron microscopy. Cellular defects in the leaves ranging from slight swelling to complete disruption of the chloroplasts were detected at the two highest herbicide doses 48 h after spraying. These defects were intensified with time und in addition other sub-morphological changes occurred: decrease in starch grain content, an increase in the number of dictyosomes and mitochondria, disruption of tonoplasts and increase of plastoglobuli In the more central parts of stem segments the commercial product resulted in greater cellular effects than did glyphosate. It is suggested that the differences may be due to the surfactant.  相似文献   

The effects of soyabean Glycine max (L.) Merr. row width, date of planting and year on threshold levels of jimsonweed (Datura stramonium L.) and on jimsonweed seed production were examined over 3 years. Natural infestations of jimsonweed were employed and densities were determined at 3 weeks after planting and also at soyabean harvest. Date of planting affected emergence of both soyabean and jimsonweed seedlings, whereas row width affected weed seedling mortality. Percentage soyabean yield losses attributable to jimsonweed, over all treatments, were greater in the 2 years with above-average rainfall than in the one dry year. Slopes of regression equations and estimates of threshold densities varied significantly among years and between initial and final density counts. The number of jimsonweed seed capsules produced per plant and the number of seeds per capsule declined with jimsonweed density, but the mean number of seeds produced per m2 remained fairly constant over a wide density range. Jimsonweed seed production did not decline significantly until well below the threshold densities determined for soyabean yields. Les facteurs du seuil de nuisibilité et de la production de graines chez Datura stramonium L. dans les cultures de soja (Glycine max. (L.) Merr.) L'influence de l'écartement des rangs de soja, Glycine max (L) Merr., de la date de semis, et de l'année, sur le seuil de nuisibilité et la production de graines chez le Datura stramonium L., a étéétudiée durant 3 années. Les études ont été effectuées sur des infestations naturelles de datura, dont les densités ont été déterminées 3 semaines après le semis ainsi qu'à la récolte. La date du semis influence à la fois la levée du soja et celle du datura, alors que l'écartement des rangs influe sur la mortalité des graines de l'adventice. Dans tous les traitements, les pertes de rendement attribuables au datura ont été plus importantes durant les 2 années où les précipitations on été supérieures à la moyenne que durant une année sèche. Les pentes des équations de régression et les estimations de seuils de nuisibilité variaient d'une manière significative selon les années et entre les comptages initiaux et finaux. Le nombre de capsules par plane et le nombre de graines par capsule diminuaient avec la densité des datura, mais le nombre moyen de graines produites par m2 est resté assez constant dans une large gamme de densité. La production de graines de datura n'a décliné significativement que pour une densité de plantes située bien en dessous du seuil de nuisibilitéà l'égard des rendements du soja. Faktoren, welche die Schädigungsschwelle und Samenproduktion von Stechapfel (Datura Stramonium L.) in Sojabohnen (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) beeinflussen Während drei Jahren wurde in Sojabohnen der Einfluss von Reihendistanz und Saatzeitpunkt auf die Schädigungsschwelle und Samenproduktion von Stechapfel (Datura stramonium L.) untersucht. Diese Studie basierte auf den natürlichen Stechapfelpopulationen; die Zählungen der Populationsdichten erfolgten drei Wochen nach der Sojasaat und bei der Ernte. Der Saattermin beeinflusste das Auflaufen der Sojabohnen und der Stechapfelsämlinge, während die Reihendistanz die Mortalität der Unkrautsämlinge veränderte. Die Steigung der Regressionsgeraden und die Schätzungen der schädigenden Populationsdichte variierten signifikant in den einzelnen Jahren und zwischen der ersten und letzten Zählung. Die Anzahl der von den Stechapfelindividuen produzierten Samenkapseln pro Pflanze und Samenmenge pro Kapsel nahm mit zunehmender Populationsdichte ab; die pro m2 gebildete Samenzahl blieb jedoch über einen weiten Bereich verschiedener Populationsdichten relativ konstant. Die von der Stechapfelpopulation produzierte Samenmenge nahm bis weit unter die für die Sojabohen schädigende Populationsschwelle nicht signifikant ab.  相似文献   

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