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An individual tree model of forest dynamics was used to examine the environmental and ecological factors controlling forest vegetation patterns in upland boreal forests of North America. Basic life history traits that characterized the regeneration, growth, and death of individual trees were combined with species-specific responses to important environmental factors. This model simulated forest structure and vegetation patterns in conifer, hardwood, and mixed conifer-hardwood forests and woodlands in several bioclimatic sub-regions of the North American boreal forest zone. Model testing identified the processes and parameters required to understand the ecology of upland boreal forests and weaknesses in our current understanding of these processes. These factors included climate, solar radiation, soil moisture, soil temperature and permafrost, the forest floor organic layer, nutrient availability, forest fires, and insect outbreaks. Model testing also identified which of these factors were important in each bioclimatic sub-region.  相似文献   

Brotons  Lluís  Mönkkönen  Mikko  Huhta  Esa  Nikula  Ari  Rajasärkkä  Ari 《Landscape Ecology》2003,18(4):377-393
Old-growth forest birds in Fennoscandia have sharply declined in numbers during the last decades apparently due to commercial forest harvesting and fragmentation of old-growth forests. Conservation measures have led to the establishment of a forest reserve network to assure the persistence of forest birds at a regional scale. However, little is known about the effects of landscape structure within and around the reserves on the distribution of old-growth forest birds. We used a hierarchical approach to address the questions of how landscape structure and composition within forest reserves, landscape composition of surrounding areas and reserve location affect the abundance of resident, old-growth forest birds in the Northern Finnish forest reserve network. The positive role of particular landscape features on bird distribution indicates that both the proportion of old-growth forests and the structure of boreal landscape mosaic has an important role in determining the distribution of these birds. The landscape composition surrounding the reserves proved to be only a weak predictor in species distribution models, which argues against the primary role of the surrounding matrix in determining species distribution within forest reserves. Reserves located near the Russian border showed a higher abundance of old-growth birds than more western ones. Once east-west gradients in overall landscape composition had been accounted for, however, reserves did not differ significantly in the number of species present. These results suggest that landscape gradients, rather than ecological processes such as the presence of source areas located along the border with Russia, are the main determinant of the distribution of old-growth forest birds in the Finnish reserve network. We propose that to enhance regional persistence of old-growth forest birds, conservation efforts should be primarily directed towards the protection and enhancement of forest habitat quality and natural heterogeneity of landscapes within targeted areas. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Six species of resident birds were censused in patches of deciduous forest within a coniferous forest landscape in south central Sweden. Here, the forests have been subjected to active forestry for a long time, but with recently increased intensity. Although the forest cover is more or less continuous in this landscape, mature deciduous forest is now a rare element compared with the untouched forest.All censused patches were similar with regards to size, proportion and amount of deciduous trees, but were either isolated in the coniferous forest (isolated patches) or near to other deciduous patches (aggregated patches). We concentrated on six species of resident birds, with moderate area requirements, that are tied to deciduous forest and whose ecology is well-known. The Nuthatch and the Marsh tit, which both show strict year-round territoriality and have a restricted dispersal phase, were significantly more likely to be found in aggregated than in isolated patches. No effect was found for the Great tit and the Blue tit, which are less territorial outside the breeding season and have a longer dispersal phase. Moreover, the Great tit is less specialized on deciduous forest than the other species. Also, the Long-tailed tit was negatively affected by isolation, which may be due to restricted dispersal and to larger area requirements of this flock-territorial species. The Hazel grouse, finally, was not affected, but this larger bird probably uses the forest in a different way from the smaller species.Our study clearly shows that fragmentation of one type of forest (deciduous) within another can have serious detrimental effects on forest-living species and raises important issues for forest management practices and conservation within a forest landscape.  相似文献   

Timber harvesting affects both composition and structure of the landscape and has important consequences for organisms using forest habitats. A timber harvest allocation model was constructed that allows the input of specific rules to allocate forest stands for clearcutting to generate landscape patterns reflecting the look and feel of managed landscapes. Various harvest strategies were simulated on four 237 km2 study areas in Indiana, USA. For each study area, the model was applied to simulate 80 years of management activity. The resulting landscape spatial patterns were quantified using a suite of landscape pattern metrics and plotted as a function of mean harvest size and total area of forest harvested per decade to produce response surfaces. When the mean clearcut size was 1 ha, the area of forest interior remaining on the landscape was dramatically reduced and the amount of forest edge on the landscape increased dramatically. The potential consequences of the patterns produced by the model were assessed for a generalized neotropical migrant forest bird using a GIS model that generates maps showing the spatial distribution of the relative vulnerability of forest birds to brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds. The model incorporates the location and relative quality of cowbird feeding sites, and the relation between parasitism rates and distance of forest from edge. The response surface relating mean harvest size and total area harvested to the mean value of vulnerability to cowbird brood parasitism had a shape similar to the response surfaces showing forest edge. The results of our study suggest that it is more difficult to maintain large contiguous blocks of undisturbed forest interior when harvests are small and dispersed, especially when producing high timber volumes is a management goal. The application of the cowbird model to landscapes managed under different strategies could help managers in deciding where harvest activity will produce the least negative impact on breeding forest birds.  相似文献   

This paper investigates two fundamental questions in landscape ecology: what influence does landscape context, or the composition of the matrix, have on an animals’ response to landscape structure, and how does this relationship extrapolate between landscapes? We investigate how the distribution of North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) in the boreal mixedwood forest is influenced by anthropogenically (forest harvest) and naturally (forest fire) derived landscape structure. We studied the presence and absence of red squirrels over two years in three landscape types: one managed for timber harvest, one recently burned by wildfire, and a third unburned unmanaged landscape. Landscape composition and configuration, measured at several spatial scales, predicted red squirrel’s distribution in all three landscapes, but the significant landscape variables changed across spatial scales, across time, and across landscapes. These findings emphasize the variability in landscape structure/animal distribution relationships, and enforce the need to link pattern-finding studies, such as this one, with searches for the mechanisms behind the observed pattern.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of edges effects in ecological systems, the causes and consequences of animal responses to habitat edges are largely unknown. We used three years of live-trapping and measures of the plant community around trap stations to explore the responses of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus), and short-tailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda) to forest-field edges in upstate New York. We found that capture probabilities of voles were highest in grass- and forb-dominated micro-habitats and in old-field zones distant from the forest edge. In contrast, capture probabilities of white-footed mice were highest in shrub-dominated microhabitats and in zones near the forest edge. Short-tailed shrews did not show strong micro- or macrohabitat associations. The responses by voles, the competitive dominant in our system, to variation along forest-field edges were more consistent across years than were those of the competitively inferior, white-footed mouse. Mice were less likely to use the old-field interiors when vole density was high than when it was low, suggesting competitive displacement of mice by voles. Finally, we found good agreement between the spatial activity patterns of mice and voles in old-fields and their impacts on patterns of survival of tree seeds and seedlings in concurrent studies. These results suggest that a dynamic interaction exists between the plant and animal communities along forest edges.  相似文献   

Models to predict the breeding distribution of three species of birds in north-east England are described. The models use readily available data from the ornithological literature on the habitat preferences and life-history characteristics of the birds, together with satellite (land cover) and physiographic data. These data are linked via Bayesian decision-rules, and model predictions calculated at the landscape scale using a raster-based geographic Information System. Log-linear regressions of the predicted suitability of the landscape for the birds with observed sets of nest records were statistically significant for all three species. The robustness of the models to the effects of nonindependence of predictor (habitat) variables on Bayesian predictions was investigated using a perturbation method, which gave minor improvements to the accuracy of the predictions. The value of this modelling approach as a method of utilising published autoecological data to predict the landscape distribution of birds is discussed.  相似文献   

Forestry practices associated with the industrial era (since ~1900) have altered the natural disturbance regimes and greatly impacted the world’s forests. We quantified twentieth century logging patterns and regional scale consequences in three sub-boreal forest landscapes of Eastern Canada (117,000, 49,400 and 92,300 ha), comparing forestry maps depicting age and forest cover types for early industrial (1930) and present-day (2000) conditions. Results were similar for the three landscapes, indicating large-scale forest change during the twentieth century. In 1930, previous logging activities had been concentrated in the lowlands and along the main hydrographical network, as compared to a more even distribution over the landscapes in 2000, reflecting a decreasing influence of the environmental constraints on forest harvesting. In 1930, old-aged forests (>100 years) accounted for more than 75% of the unlogged areas of the three landscapes, as compared to less than 15% for the present-day conditions. Logging practices have thus inverted the stand age distribution of the landscapes that are currently dominated by young and regenerating stands. The 1930 forest cover types showed a clear relationship with elevation, with conifers located in the lowlands and mixed and deciduous stands restricted to the upper slopes. Between 1930 and 2000, 58–64% of the conifer areas transformed to mixed and deciduous forests, such that no clear altitudinal relationships remained in 2000. We conclude that twentieth century logging practices have strongly altered the preindustrial vegetation patterns in our study area, to the point that ecosystem-based management strategies should be developed to restore conifer dominance, altitudinal gradients, as well as the irregular structure inspired from old forest stands.  相似文献   

We address effects of large-scale forestry on landscape structure and the structure and composition of boreal bird communities in North Sweden. Specifically, we ask: after controlling for the effect of patch size, forest age and tree species composition, is there any residual effect attributable to the reduction in area of old forest? Pairs of landscape blocks (25 by 25 km) were selected to maximize area difference in human-induced disturbance, clear-cut as opposed to semi-natural old forest. Median distance to natural edge (wetlands, open water) from randomly selected points in forest was 250 and 200 m in high and low impact landscapes, respectively, indicating a high degree of ‘natural’ fragmentation of the pristine boreal landscape in the area. By contrast, median distance to clear-cut in uncut forest was 750 and 100 m, respectively. Clear-cuts in high impact landscapes were disproportionally more common in areas with contiguous forest land than in areas with spatially disjunct forest, implicating that forestry increases natural fragmentation of the landscape by subdividing larger forest tracts. Point counts along forestry roads showed that species richness and relative abundance of forest birds were higher in landscapes with low forestry impact. These differences can partly be explained by differences in age composition of forest and composition of tree species. After controlling for patch size, forest age and tree species composition, a significant effect of forestry impact remained for Sibirian species and the Tree pipitAnthus trivialis. Our results thus imply that this group of species and the Tree pipit may be sensitive to forest fragmentation. In contrast to previous Finnish studies, we found relatively small negative effects on relative abundance of species hypothesized to be negatively affected by large-scale clear-cutting forestry. However, our picture of the present does not contradict results from Finnish long-term population studies. Five factors may account for this: 1) clear-cut areas are not permanently transformed into other land use types, 2) planted forests are not completely inhabitable for species preferring older forest, 3) the majority of species in the regional pool are habitat generalists, 4) the region studied is still extensively covered with semi-natural forest, and 5) our study area is relatively close to contiguous boreal forest in Russia, a potential source area for taiga species.  相似文献   

At Naringal in south-western Victoria, Australia, clearing of the original forest environment has created an agricultural landscape dominated by grazed pastures of introduced grasses. Remnant forest vegetation is re-stricted to small patches of less than 100 ha in size, that are loosely linked by narrow forested strips along road reserves and creeks. Six native and two introduced species of small terrestrial mammal (< 2 kg) occur within this environment. The native mammals, being dependent upon forest vegetation, were less tolerant to forest fragmentation than were the introduced species that also persist in farmland and farm buildings. The native mammals displayed an increasing frequency of occurrence in successively larger size-classes of forest patches. Those species with the greatest body-weight were the most vulnerable to habitat loss. All species of small mammal occurred in narrow habitat corridors of forest vegetation on roadsides. The resident status, seasonal variation in relative abundance, patterns of reproduction, and movements of each species were monitored in two habitat corridors during a 25-month trapping study. The corridors were found to facilitate continuity between otherwise-isolated populations of small mammals in this locality in two ways: firstly, by providing a pathway for the dispersal of single animals between patches; and secondly, by enabling gene flow through populations resident within the corridors. The small size of forest remnants at Naringal, and the vulnerability of species with low population sizes, emphasize the importance of preserving a mosaic of numerous habitat patches that together will support regional populations of sufficient size for longer-term persistence. The continuity between remnant habitats that is provided by a network of habitat corridors is an essential, and critical, component of this conservation strategy.  相似文献   

Patch modeling can be used to scale-up processes to portray landscape-level dynamics. Via direct extrapolation, a heterogeneous landscape is divided into its constituent patches; dynamics are simulated on each representative patch and are weighted and aggregated to formulate the higher level response. Further extrapolation may be attained by coarsening the resolution of or lumping environmental data (e.g., climatic, edaphic, hydrologic, topographic) used to delimit a patch.Forest patterns at the southern boreal/northern hardwood transition zone are often defined by soil heterogeneity, determined primarily by the extent and duration of soil saturation. To determine how landscape-level dynamics predicted from direct extrapolation compare when coarsening soil parameters, we simulated forest dynamics for soil series representing a range of drainage classes from east- central Maine. Responses were aggregated according to the distribution of soil associations comprising a 600 ha area based on local- (1:12,000), county- (1:120,000) and state- (1:250,000) scale soil maps. At the patch level, simulated aboveground biomass accumulated more slowly in poorer draining soils. Different soil series yielded different communities comprised of species with various tolerances for soil saturation. When aggregated, removal of waterlogging caused a 20–60% increase in biomass accumulation during the first 50 years of simulation. However, this early successional increase and the maximum level of biomass accumulation over a 200 year period varied by as much as 40% depending on the geospatial data. This marked discrepancy suggests caution when extrapolating with forest patch models by coarsening parameters and demonstrates how rules used to rescale environmental data need to be evaluated for consistency.  相似文献   

Lateral migrations of river meanders create transient, spatially transgressive edges where the advancing cutbank edge encroaches upon interior floodplain forest communities. This spatial movement of edge toward the forest interior should initiate directional changes in species composition within a forest plot as it is affected by a changing microclimate and hydrological regime. We found that cutbank edge and forest interior sites in an Iowa floodplain contained markedly different plant assemblages. Species commonly associated with later stages of succession dominated interior sites while cutbank edge sites favored secondary, successional species. Assuming that the cutbank edge sites once contained vegetation similar to that surveyed in the floodplain interior, the observed changes in community structure accompanying channel migration are suggestive of retrograde succession, or retrogression. To link cutbank erosional processes with retrogressional processes, we modified a computer simulation model already in use for floodplain environments. We incorporated the changing edge effects and compared model projections with the data collected from the field sites using detrended correspondence analysis. Without changes, the simulation projected a site compositionally similar to the sampled interior forest. When the changes were initiated, the simulated site progressively took on compositional characteristics similar to the riparian edge sites. Because we included only those forcing functions that would be initiated by cutbank erosion, the model supports the hypothesis that the spatially progressive edge effect results in a directional change in forest community composition analogous to retrogression. Our results demonstrate an interesting linkage between successional and fluvial-geomorphic processes and indicate that site dynamics may be controlled differently in landscapes where sites are progressively created and destroyed than where recurrent disturbances affect the same site.  相似文献   

Habitat configuration has important implications for the persistence of faunal and floral populations at a variety of spatial scales. Forest harvesting alters habitat configurations. However, measuring and predicting such alterations remains challenging, in part because previously developed metrics of habitat configuration are often not statistically independent of habitat amount. Thus, their ability to measure independent effects of habitat configurations and habitat amount on ecosystem components such as wildlife populations has been limited. Here, we evaluate habitat configuration based on newly developed metrics that are independent of habitat amount but do not depend on regression residuals of abundance and configuration relationships on any population of landscapes. We use these new metrics to measure and predict changes in habitat configuration following forest harvesting in the boreal forest of Alberta, Canada. Our findings clearly demonstrate changes in habitat configuration resulting from forest harvesting can be predicted precisely with information about initial habitat patch structure and harvesting patterns. Because forest harvesting has significant implications for habitat configuration, accurately predicting these changes is critical for determining if forest harvesting strategies are sustainable for ecosystem components and processes. This study provides a set of novel, robust metrics for tracking landscape-scale changes in habitat configuration in harvested boreal forests.  相似文献   



Primates are an important component of biodiversity in tropical regions. However, many studies on the effects of habitat change on primates ignore the relative influence of landscape composition and configuration.


This study addresses the question: how important are landscape-scale forest area and composition relative to patch-scale (1–1080 ha) and site-scale (transect of 1 km) habitat variables for the occupancy and abundance of four primate species in the Colombian Llanos.


Using a randomly stratified survey design, 81 fragments were surveyed for primate occupancy and abundance. We used zero-inflated models to test the relative influence of landscape-scale, patch-scale and site-scale variables on occupancy and abundance for each species. A 95% confidence set of models was constructed using the cumulative Akaike weight for each model and the relative importance of each set of variables calculated for each primate species.


Occupancy was determined by a combination of site-scale, patch-scale and landscape-scale variables but this varied substantially among the primate species.


Our study highlights the importance of managing primates at a range of scales that considers the relative importance of site-, patch- and landscape-scale variables.

Recent studies have shown that barrier effects exist even in relatively vagile species such as forest songbirds. The objectives of this study were to determine whether a 560 × 100 m riparian buffer strip of mature forest was used as a movement corridor by forest songbirds and, if so, to what extent corridor effects persisted as woody vegetation regenerated in the adjacent clearcut. Over a 4-yr period, juvenile movement rates decreased in the riparian buffer strip and increased in the regenerating clearcut. Adult movement rates increased in the riparian buffer strip in the first year after logging, then gradually decreased, while still increasing in the regenerating clearcut. However, both juvenile and adult movement rates were higher in the buffer strip than in an undisturbed control site. Results suggest that most adults we captured held territories in the vicinity of the net lanes,and that most of the juveniles captured were dispersing away from their natal territory. Four years after harvest, juvenile movement rates were higher in the regenerating clearcut than in the riparian buffer strip, but several species had not yet been captured or detected in the regeneration. Our results suggest that the use of the riparian buffer strip as a movement corridor decreased with forest regeneration for both adults and juveniles. However, the buffer strip still acted as a movement corridor for the following species: Philadelphia and Red-eyed Vireos, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Ovenbird. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We conducted a multi-temporal spatial analysis of forest cover for a 9600 ha landscape in northern Wisconsin, U.S.A., using data from pre-European settlement (1860s), post-settlement (1931), and current (1989) periods. Using GIS we have shown forest landscape changes and trajectories that have been generally described in aggregate for the norther Great Lake States region. We created the pre-European settlement map from the witness tree data of the original federal General Land Office survey notes. The 1931 cover was produced from the Wisconsin Land Economic Inventory, and the 1989 cover map was based on color infrared photography. We used GIS to analyze 1) land area occupied by different forest types at different dates, 2) temporal transitions between dates and their driving proceses, and 3) successional trajectories with landforms and spatial associations of forest types. Over the 120 year period, forest cover has changed from a landscape dominated by old-growth hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and hardwood forests (Acer saccharum, Betula alleghaniensis) to largely second-growth hardwoods and conifers. The former dominant hemlock is largely eliminated from the landscape. From 1860 to 1931, large-scale disturbances associated with logging were the dominant processes on the landscape. Early successional forest types covered much of the landscape by the 1930s. From 1931 to 1989, succession was the dominant process driving forest transitions as forest types succeeded to a diverse group of upland hardwood and conifer forest types. If successional trajectories continue, a more homogeneous landscape may develop comprised of both a northern hardwood type dominated by sugar maple, and a boreal conifer/hardwood forest.  相似文献   

林内景观质量评价对林场的经营和管理有重要意义,而林分空间结构的研究对生态景观林景观质量有重要影响。以塞罕坝机械林场落叶松纯林与落叶松-白桦混交林为研究对象,选取了16张最具代表性的照片,采用美景度评价(SBE)法以美景度作为景观质量指标,通过探究林分空间结构对林分夏季近景的景观质量影响,进而为塞罕坝生态景观林夏季景观经营技术提供依据。结果表明:(1)林内垂直结构越完整,林下整齐度越高,人们的喜好频数越高,美景度越高。(2)林内透视距离与美景度值存在明显的二项式关系;林内透视距离高于1倍树高时,美景度值随透视距离增加而增加。(3)林分枝下高与株高比值和美景度值存在二项式关系,林分枝下高与株高比值在0.5~0.6之时,美景度值存在1个峰值,此时人们接受程度最高。人们对林内垂直结构、透视距离、林下整齐度、树干形态与枝下高等指标偏好程度为打造更美好的生态景观林提供科学指导,对林场的转型和森林景观旅游事业有促进作用。  相似文献   

Jansson  G.  Angelstam  P. 《Landscape Ecology》1999,14(3):283-290
We assessed the habitat patch occupancy of a deciduous-mixed forest specialist, the long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus), in a 1000 km2 conifer dominated landscape in relation to two landscape parameters, namely proportion and isolation of suitable habitat. Data from five consecutive spring seasons were used and within habitat variation controlled for. The occurrence of long-tailed tits was positively related to the amount of habitat within 1 km2 (p=0.0007) and negatively related to the distance between habitat patches (p<0.0001). When combined, the two variables explained >78% of the variation in local patch occupancy. There were distinct thresholds in these landscape variables for the probability of local long-tailed tit presence. In the model the probability increased from 0.1 to 0.8 when interpatch distance decreased from 500 to 100 m with 5% total habitat coverage. With a total proportion of 15% suitable habitat, the same probability jump occurred when interpatch distance changed from 900 to 500 m. The general importance of defined measurements and quantified threshold levels for species conservation and landscape management is discussed.  相似文献   

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